Trump compares police brutality to golfers who ‘miss a 3-foot putt’

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump lamented how law enforcement officers are “under siege” in the United States amid new scrutiny of racial injustice in policing

Nevertheless, Trump proceeded Monday to say of police officers: “They choke just like in a golf tournament. They miss a 3-foot putt.”

“I’m saying people choke. People choke,” Trump responded. “And people are bad people. You have both. You have some bad people and you have — they choke.” “We must remember that the overwhelming majority of police officers in this country — and that’s the overwhelming majority — are noble, courageous, and honorable,” Trumpin his Republican National Convention acceptance speech last week. “We have to give law enforcement, our police, back their power.”


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On his mind, these are equal

If brutality is a choke, what is not choking?

MrMiniStroke is confused

Wow, is he suggesting that the cop who shot a man in the back 7 times, missed the mark? What a sick bastard our president is!

Gawd, you are FakeNews

That's not what he said ,quit lying to people nobody wants opinions

Maybe? Highly trained - can't miss - but they f-up . . .

So in Trumps world, police service personnel have the same nerves as a golfer whom freaks out and cannot regulate their breathing

Checked out never have I seen so much hate and hostility be cause I said I liked JFK and it was to bad what happened to Jacob. Y the anger y the hate none like I’ve ever seen before. What’s happening to people what’s happening to this country. May god be with us all.

Not exactly a complement to the trained constabulary.

Actually, we have seen the police transition from community based police to storm troopers. A physche where they feel everyone is guilty . Therefore, it does not matter if you are not guilty your guilty. This corelates with the training in Israeli military tactics.

realDonaldTrump ReelectTrump123 This is not a game of Gimme Golf à la Trump. More appropriate Trump analogy, police officers refuse to serve, claim “BoneSpurs”, show themselves appropriately rated 4F, Unfit to Serve.

He's obvious not serious about this topic!

Yeah. This miss the putt. What about the dead guy


What da fugg!!!!!

What a sick sick man.

I imagine Trump at Mar-a-Lago missing a 3’ putt and sinking into a depression for the day

I am a Professional Graphic Designer contact Me: IceCreamScoopTwo

Trump....… Like he's writing a Hallmark card when he speaks huh?

Seriously, why doesn’t his family get him some help.

Yes, he also said that the police have to act at a second's notice and that some cops are bad. MSMIsTheEnemyOfThePeople

Most people consider Trump a racist, a misogynist, a supreme grifter and a liar. But let’s not forget that he is really, above all else, an absolute moron.

What a comparison! Can't he think outside of the golf course?

Man. Camera. TV. Dead Person. Golf.

I know the feeling🙄

Gotta give it to Laura (shut up and dribble) Ingraham and sports. Miss Sporty Spice tries to get Scary Spice to let up on the chokehold by saying the media ... LI, you are the media; what are you saying?

Nope, they choke with the cops knee on their neck..

The thing is he likes the brutality. He thinks police are too restrained.

Notice how they missed the entire exchange and only quoted the start of it. Typical.

What the fvck would Bone-spurs Trump know about what happens to police on duty?

nice. killing another human is like missing a 3-foot putt

When he compared playing golf to cops shooting Black people, he nearly gave Laura Ingraham a stroke, and she jumped in to save him from himself, because that’s what “interviewers” are supposed to do.

I am way too high to understand this.

Because golf is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of racism and police brutality. TrumpChaos

this guy is sic!


Wonder what the pga thinks of that.

As if a putt is a life.

Just two more months

If only realDonaldTrump could put himself in other’s shoes...the lack in empathy from this man is appalling...

Yeah it's so terrible having to obey laws and stuff

Unless they're feds investigating his financial crimes.

Let's PLEASE not forget that this man ACTIVELY URGED police officers to 'not be so nice'. He literally begged them to be more brutal. Stop sugar coating how much this monster egged on the violence that's the reason for all this laudable protesting.

its called 'accountability' genius. You're confused with Palestine surrounded by walls with snipers, bombs falling from the sky, and a full blockaded of food/goods/medicine.

“under siege” = being exposed

Law enforcement isn’t “under siege.” Absurd. Under scrutiny. Under much deserved criticism. Under pressure to reform and improve.

Oh are we pretending that the Police isn't extremely demorilized and being taken advantage of by communist revolutionaries and thier champaign socialist politicians supporting them in Blue cities? Does Politico think the majority of Americans are pro-Maoist revolution? LMAO

Except that they aren't 🙄

I don't understand why anyone would conflate 'accountability' with 'under siege'.. but I have to remember who I'm dealing with here.

Pfsst. He is lying again. Even his evangelical supporters are starting to leave this guy.

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