Trump campaign turns impeachment inquiry into fundraising bonanza

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump campaign turns impeachment inquiry into fundraising bonanza.

It didn't take long for President Donald Trump's reelection team to leap into action after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday night that House Democrats were moving forward with an impeachment inquiry -- Trump's campaign had been plotting for weeks how to counter such a move.

This latest effort by Trump's campaign, which appears more aggressive than the team's efforts centered around recent Democratic debates or even news related to Robert Mueller, shows the campaign's focus on pushing a narrative across multiple platforms -- and the importance of that narrative being impeachment, which could fire up the president's base.

"We've had that ready for weeks in case the Democrats were that dumb -- and they were," Trump communications director Tim Murtaugh told ABC News.


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Where’s the America we love ❤️ greedy billionaires looking out for each other

Its fake news ...he has not raised a dime since they started impeachment...

This is all Fake news...he has not raised money because of impeachment...

Trumpbots will eat it up and the money will flow


FYI.. This bozo has over $100M in Contribution/Bribes for his NON-Election Campaign. What you're all paying for will be his ATTY fees!! WAKE UP AMERICA! Why are you giving YOUR hard earned $ to a crook? Claimed Bankruptcy 4x's, Exceeded the 2yr funding for himself his 1st year!

And you Republicans fall for it every time. He knows how to make money just not to your benefits. This is how he’s done all his adult life. Use people and Banks. Never pays anyone back. Does chapter 13 and 15 sound familiar?

People who support and donate to him, will get what they deserve....SCAMMED

You get your money from the nra and Russia. They and Putin tell you how to build your DICTATORSHIP. Defacing US minted currency, what’s next?

Since 2016 all we have heard from the Dems is trump cheated/lied/broke the law and we are gonna prove it. You know what they've proven so far? That they are full of shit. Y'all our ancestors would look at this and say you're outta your mind to buy this crap.

Trump campaign turns impeachment inquiry into fundraising bonanza. 'And in chaos, there is profit'! - Lieutenant (junior grade) Nicholas Holden USN.

Nancy is helping to re-elect Trump and secure both houses with her fear of AOC

FISA warrants weren't good enough so the traitorous and treasonous CIA planted a spy in the White House to spy on Trump. Then coordinated with Schiff for brains and the MSM on a whistleblower report. End of story.

Americans are sick of the sick power-hungry liberals.



It’s all about the money! What a tool!

He turned a Wall he said Mexico would pay for into a fundraising bonanza so yeah.

Doesn’t matter how much money he raises, it won’t help him in prison.

Typical-it's always about sucking money with him. Except when he's servicing his master in the Kremlin.

He will win in a landslide in 2020! Thanks Democrats! 👍👍

It’s the tens of millions of people the Democrats and media are pissing off!

He is acting like a democrat!

And he is going to pocket as possible

You guys have GALL! I will be sending a BIG check to President TRUMP this week— thanks for reminding me that I must sacrifice to counteract CORRUPT MEDIA!

I can’t wait to see the uproar after he loses in 2020, then he will keep all this cash from these fundraisers.

doggerbank That's good...because the people who have 'bonanza' type $ are the ones he has given so much to over the past 2.5 years. I'm sure that 'campaign' fund raising is all about keeping their realDonaldTrump 'meal ticket' in place. Donate 'away' won't miss it.

The Ukrainians are busy tonight and hell has a spot for them

Billionaire have to protect themselves

Yes he did. Because people don't like it when you publish FakeNews like you did

Eres grande Donald Trump 👍👍👍

That's not surprising. Liars trust other mega liars. (Trump supporters)

Where did the money come from...

This is a sad day for America. Raising money to elect a president that possibly has abused his powers. Wait find out the truth.

Here’s his record on JUST the military: u/Victorvictor1 reddit Children of deployed US troops will no longer get automatic American citizenship if born overseas during deployment. This includes US troops posted abroad for years at a time (August 28, 2019)

People see the Democrat clowns for what they are.

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Love the Winning 😁

The unintended consequences of Democrats are always hilarious.

MAGA!!!! All the way!!!! Jump on board or get run over!

Good. Democrat treason is good for fundraising.


They should. Democrats are making a fool of themselves, starting with Schiff putting out false statements about what was said in the call.



It’s just proof that it’s his racism that they love. It doesn’t matter is he takes the Constitution and lights it on fire, as long as he remains a racist prick they’ll stand by him.

Liberals continue forward with impeachment are just handing us 4 more years...MAGA2020

If anybody supports tbis corrupt and characterless man. It shows what kind of people would do so. Same as him shameless

Well, the impeachment is all but Democrats' 2020 toolkit. Only thing is they don't know this thing can backfire big time and Biden is over.

Great job sir this latest “Thing” should solidify your next 4 years!!! 🤣🤣 MAGA 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Woo hoo! Landslide for Trump in 2920! The liberal loons just can’t help themselves any more.

Federal authorities have released this photo of the suspected whistleblower

Trump will win the election. We’re tired of the ridiculous democrats.

Only fools give there hard earned money to rich people so they can stay rich and not spend their money.

In American elections 5 million means nothing. That is a month of ads in a swing state.

Well, DUH! And everyone saw that coming. Including Pelosi.

American are so sick of Clinton's and Obama's BS. Now Americans can see how corrupt the democrats are! Total BS yet again or as usual from democrats. The little boy who yelled wolf story again and again and again and again.

The corrupt support the corrupt for fear of their corruption becoming visible.

is using the presidency to have someone do you personal bidding and then once again buy the presidency

Raise all the money you want but America’s security MUST and SHOULD come first

Yes. I received an urgent text in mostly caps saying the DEMOCRATS ARE GOING TO IMPEACH TRUMP!!!Then, said they would match 5x if you sent in money. Lmbo. I texted back that if they texted me again without my permission or consent, i would sue them. notmypresident impeachment

Little Hands Don getting bought & paid for by rich 'take care of me Don' friends.

Love it!! Lol

It’s like giving money to Charlie Manson after what he did but his charisma keeps the money coming. That’s how fucked up our country is.

More lying daily.

Have to wonder about his naive followers. 2020 can’t come soon enough 🇺🇸

His base disgusts me. They really don’t care about our country.

Because Trumptards don’t care about the constitution or our country!

Turning lemons into lemonade! Trump2020

Because Americans are not stupid. They see the truth despite the constant lies being fed to them by the MSM

He is doing a great job

Someone needs to keep an eye on that money, and I don’t mean from the Trump campaign.

That's fine. I love watching stupid rubes scammed out of their money one more time.


This will backfire on Dems just like Clinton impeachment did no Republicans.

Go Trump

Surprising absolutely no one. This is symptomatic of a corrupt electoral system. The more money pours into Trump’s coffers the longer and deeper the excision will have to be. Fascism in the 21st Century is funded the same as in the last: corporate boards and their sycophants.

When presented with dopes turn them into cash...

mikenyc1983 Demonrats don't learn. President Trump is several moves ahead. Pelosi really screwed up.


Such a lame news story. What did you think his supporters were going to do? You call them a cult and yet think they’re fair weather friends now? Thank SpeakerPelosi for leading the charge for those contributions.


Grifters. Thanks For defrauding your supporters. They deserve you!

why can't dems get over 2016...sad & pathetic

Exposing Biden’s corruption is the best part of the this impeachment nonsense.

Free market economics. People who make bad investments deserve to lose that money.

Trump has always been able to lawyer out of his crimes. The buck stops here.

Great job America! Let’s keep winning with Trump

Why does a millionaire need to crowdfund for lawyers?

The candle burns brightest just before it burns out.

And wait until you see what happens to groperJoeBiden CreepyUncleJoe

It worked for him too thanks Dems

ABC doesn’t mention the democrats campaign turning the shootings into a fundraising.


As if DNC doesn’t do the same thing. Save your hypocrisy

Hahah Liberals swing and miss again!!! No quid pro quo life facelift Pelosi said..... so hilarious.... liberal media is such a joke. Can you clowns ever get anything right? RUSSSSSIA was biggest American hoax ever... now the Ukraine thing.... uh oh Biden

Bail money

It always seems to come down to making money for Trump, he's just a greedy a wee man.

Another impeachable offense

Best President since Ronald Reagan. Thank you for loving America realDonaldTrump


Add it to his books ... ramen ain’t cheap

Only Trump would exploit any and every opportunity to rip people off


If his supporters like spending their money on his legal defense....have at it.

You ALL could leave this country, that's always an option!

lol nice!

The way the media is lying about him he deserves it. I swear sometimes it seems like the media is secretly supporting Trump by trying to undermine him in the most ham fisted ways possible.

I'm happy to donate to Trump. WalkAwayFromDemocratSocialists

Trump wins in a landslide 2020!!

I’m sure he has but where is the money coming from? Bet It’s all dark money!

Well that’s nice... paying 4 Protection behind bars does get quite expensive, indeed. Can’t blame trump 4 taking measures 2 secure his Cellulite Ass from unwanted intruders during those Group Showers. Of Course, he can always put up Don Jr for the highest bidder. Just a thought!

Porn stars are expensive, and fools have unlimited wealth.

Amazes me that so many people who claim to love our country, and call themselves patriots, would continue to support this obviously corrupt President.

Well is gonna need all that money to pay his lawyers fees to get out of prison.

No amount of money is going fix his words and actions. Those things are going to be there forever.

And why are we supposed to believe this?

And you tel me the guy is not intelligent?


Always sheep to be sheered.... always magamorons to be separated from their money

Another L for the dumb Dems

Good for them. They should. This whole made up bullshit is getting very old.

Only anti-Americans would support this stooge. BanThePACs!!!

Bail money bonanza

If a president doesn't care about there time in th WH, then he doesn't give a fck about us in this country!!

He turned the presidency into a campaign tour in the US dollar. Got rid of the estate tax for his real estate. Gave himself a tax break. Has been golfing 1/5 of his term. What’s new?!

“Philanthropy is the future of marketi-oh shit” davemeltzerWON

Good, just as we predicted. Trump is live and well. Trolling the Dems has been a good thing this far. The more the Dems are exposed the better.

Good now he and pence can afford cigarettes after a rough night of sex with cellblock H

'Self proclaimed billionaire' desperately needs donor money. Send everytihng you have.

le problème, c'est qu'il ne sera jamais évincé ! ils auront peur de lui, ils ont peur de donald trump ... il va se servir de cet impeachment pour mieux repasser en 2020.. certains américains sont tellement adulés par ce donald duck trump....

I can’t wait for his sycophants to go broke giving to his legal defense fund.

Once again Nancy pooped in her lunch box.

Typical clickbate.

stephmcmahon “philanthropy is tha future of marketi-“ FutureMeltzer CapitalCLYDE

Are there people who don't know that he's running for re election? Honestly, the angry mob of trump lovers already know how they are voting. Waste of money.

Good. Let the rich give their tax cut dollars back to Trump. Such stupid people.

Oh good. More commissions for parscale. Nothing like grifting off MAGA rubes.

'A fool and their money are soon parted.'

Trump will be like a fleeing dictator and take is campaign funds into exile.

Only two things Democrats are good at, is selling guns and raising money for Trump.

It’s a money grab!!

Does that include their triple matching?

But of course. To pay all his legal fees

People just love contributing to the destruction of their own well being

Gotta love a man who can always find a silver lining

Should he have waited for a shooting like SenKamalaHarris did?

The fundraising means shit!!!

You are all Suck in good

There are a lot of crazy Rich people !! who will do ANYTHING to block democrats !! Oh, but ... they’ll claim to be patriots !!!

Dems turn EVERYTHING into fundraisers. We, the American People, are tired of relentless attacks on our beloved POTUS

Anyone who supports this banktrumper does not believe in Democracy and separation of powers and or they are a bigot.

How surprising is this news it all relates to Trump in his reelection bid, he will do anything to win including destroying the frame work of Government established by the Founding Fathers.

Fund raising for his... legal team who are trying to pull him out of the swamp he dwells in like the snake he is. A real bozo bonanza.

I'm sure they will use that money to illegally buy votes somehow

I would expect no less his loyal supporters. As realDonaldTrump proudly said, he could shoot somebody in the middle of Time Square and not lose a single vote from his mindless minions.

So he got 10 donations from his rich “friends”?

Dems raised 3 time as much as trump did. Will u report that

Guaranteed re-election now. Thank you Democrats!!! 👍👊👏

He sure did. Ever since I signed up for my no-show Rally tickets, I’ve been getting these solicitations, and they’ve really ramped up the past 24 hours.

That'll show you who's the man.

Blood money

Now people are listening. Backing Trump!

If you want to give away your money to a millionaire so be it. He’ll be that much better off and you will be that much poorer.


How far up Trump's ass does a MAGAts head have to be to continue to donate money to the biggest con man and scam artist to ever be 'president'?

That's because sane Americans know this is all BS and the never-ending lies to remove him because they lost the election. We see what is happening. We aren't stupid. Yet the left and media keep trying to play us...and Trump then ends up playing them.

A fool and their money are soon separated.

We do love our President, very much!

All the money in the world will not help him this time. But go ahead and continue to throw your money away😂

Abki Baar, Trump Sarkar for sure 🤣🤣 HowdyModi effect 😂

Thank you SpeakerPelosi

So what if idiots part with their money foolishly? It isn't going to buy a vote from voters who detest him like me.

Absolutely..... God bless Trump.... America sees just how silly the DNC is ....

It’s to bad he won’t be able to use it ..

Sure. Question: when was the Ukrainians supposed to release the fake damaging information on Biden, was it before or after he wins the nomination?

donald knew about EVERYTHING that happened within his campaign in 2016. donald is in control of every aspect of his campaign. “He is the captain of the ship”. There are also clues about donald’s successful fundraising strategy. (12’45”).


That’s the 🧠💀🤡Follower’s at Their best thinking spree !

And the poor get poorer.

Haha! MAGA


I’m donating the pomade I didn’t use back in the 60’s when Sleepy Joe got all crazy with the chain on me.


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