Trump campaign, RNC sue Nevada over plan to mail ballots to registered votes for November election

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Trump campaign, RNC sue Nevada over plan to mail ballots to registered votes for November election.

the increase in mail:"In the case of Nevada, they are going to be voting in a matter of weeks. And, you can't do that, I can't -- imagine the Post Office could do it, all of a sudden they are supposed to be dealing with millions of ballots."

In an interview on CNN Tuesday night, Sisolak said expanding mail-in voting like this is"totally safe." Five states conduct all elections almost entirely by mail. Like Nevada, California, Vermont and the District of Columbia are planning to send ballots to registered voters ahead of the general election. There isSigns direct people to the entrance of the Clark County Election Department, which is serving as both a primary election ballot drop-off point and an in-person voting center amid the coronavirus pandemic on June 9, 2020 in North Las Vegas.

Nevada conducted its June 9 statewide primary almost entirely by mail. But most voters in Nevada typically vote in person, and those living in the state's largest counties -- where nearly 90% of the state's population resides -- faced longs lines on Election Day because only three polling places were open in Clark County and only one was open in Washoe County.


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Can i vote in yo se mite?

Hey nut job. People deserve to vote.

He'll lose just like he's lost just about every lawsuit he's filed.

IsisGop Trump campaign, RNC sue Nevada over plan to let people vote.


The RNC doesn't have a leg to stand on after Trump encouraged Florida to do the very same thing.

Nevada is not prepared for mail-in ballots. I never even received my ballot in the mail for the primary, so I don’t feel confident this could work here. Come on—if we could shop, eat out, and go everywhere else that’s opened, we could go to the polls. Use absentee ballots.

Last year USPS estimated they delivered 2.5 billion letters and parcels 2019 holiday season. I am confident the Postal Service can deliver efficiently all the ballots it receives between now and November 3rd.

he should just hire Russian mail carriers then 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Drumpf and the RNC are attacking Americans and the Constitution. Interfering in States affairs. True patriots Resist tyranny.

So stupid.

A boy named Sue, yep Sue Trump, that’s his new name, well earned there Sue.

Looks yet another legal action Team Trump shall lose surely?

Stoop to any means to thwart the election and the blue surge.

Seem so odd that it's ok in Florida (run by DeSantis) and Nevada. Something smells awfully smelly here.

Someone should sue the RNC, for sueing Nevada over their mail in ballots plan... The RNC has become so anti American

Are you serious POTUS GOP GOPChairwoman? So much for democracy — which BTW has a lower case “d.”

Orange man campaign, RNC sue Nevada over plan to mail ballots to registered votes for November eating contest.

Trump should sign an executive order requiring voter id in a presidential election


I’m confused because 2 days ago he agreed Florida should do mail in ballot.

Trump / RNC really don't want people to vote.

noybsk2017 🙄


They have to commit fraud it's their only hope

Ridiculous waste of time should be spent fighting the virus!

Just in off the news wire. Trump believes Martians are trying to interfere with his reelection. Plans to build giant space wall over the country. Yes, even though it’s not real, this is how out of touch Trump is with the country. Time to vote out dangerous man.

The judge.

Trump and his gang in Washington needs to go in November.

Yet it’s fine in Florida?

Doesn't that State have it hard enough without Trump picking on it.

Trump is afraid people will actually vote.


He is an absolute disgrace, suing Nevada and people are dying everyday.

That is the only thing that Trump is an EXPERT in! He usually sends his Army of Lawyers! I made a mistake! Trump is also an EXPERT IN CHEATING, LYING, FRAUD and a LAUNDRY LIST OF CORRUPT ACTIONS!

Maybe, just maybe don't vote for the guy trying to actively stop Americans from voting?


Suing a state for practicing democracy. Now I've seen it all...until 6 hours from now.

We make them poor so they don’t have the resources to revolt. Then we take their ability to vote so they can’t revolt. Then we forbid peaceful protesting so they can’t revolt. Etc ad nauseum.

Why’s it so hard to simply request a ballot if you want to absentee vote? MAGA2020

As well he should.

boy they're really afraid of everyone voting

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