Trump campaign raises $30 million in first quarter

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JUST IN: President Trump’s campaign has raked in $30,000,000 in the first quarter of 2019, amassing a record war chest and far outpacing the field of Democratic candidates heading into the 2020 race, according to the campaign. - NBCPolitics

Nicholas Kamm / AFP - Getty Images fileGet breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s campaign raked in $30 million in the first quarter of 2019 and had more than $40 million cash on hand, amassing a record war chest and far outpacing the field of Democratic candidates heading into the 2020 race, according to the campaign.

By comparison, former President Barack Obama had not announced his 2012 re-election plans until after the first quarter had passed in 2011. Over the first two years of the Trump administration, his campaign had brought in nearly $130 million, easily beating out any other sitting president at this stage.

Trump’s 2020 setup is far more traditional than his first presidential bid, when he even pledged to self-fund his run. “I don’t need anybody’s money. I’m using my own money. I’m not using the lobbyists. I’m not using donors. I don’t care. I’m really rich,” he said during his 2015 launch, after coming down the escalator at Trump Tower.

Aides attribute the huge first quarter haul, in part, to the end of the Mueller investigation and Attorney General Bill Barr’s four-page letter that stated the special counsel did not find a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials to influence the 2016 election.


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Does he lie about everything ?

What about his Tax returns?🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

SO what 'voter's are more important than money..

If Money were not so infused in politics and greed we would need to have what used to be a conversation about a platform. You know a plan HouseDemocrats SenateDems

Fake news

Russia putting up some good numbers for realDonaldTrump I see...

You all do realize he is a huge liar? Why does MSNBC regurgitate press releases without any journalism?

Democratic nominees collectively raised over $60 million. Once the Democratic nominee is decided, campaign funding will flow in his/her direction.

And how much of that will go directly into Trump's pocket? You know he's not going to spend a dime of his own money.

That is great news...Thank you! Looks like he’ll be winning next go around as well 🇺🇸😊🇺🇸

Was any from the NRA?


Donald Trump in the first quarter recorded 30 million dollars donated to his campaign, the people that donate must be the same people that donate to Jerry Falwell Jr and Benjamin Graham these people are just giving their money away.

If it comes from trump🤥🤥id double or triple check!

Haha, when they say 40 mil cash on hand, it's better known as the trump owned business revenue forecast

How much of it is dark money, corporate money?

How much is 30 million in Rubles?

The brainwashing by foxnews has been really successful. It’s pretty amazing really. brainwashing foxbrain idiocracy maga

I’m disappointed & sad so many continue to support realDonaldTrump. The biggest narcissist & someone who hates & encourages hate all the time.

We are one general election away from a minority rule dictatorship 😱

stella595959 What’s trump going to do the money he “rakes” in? No point in trying to tell people about himself. People already know his character or, lack of. Since he claims that elections are rigged, is he planning to use the money to buy votes?

In rubles I assume

How many rubles is that?

first, $30 million; now, $40 millon, & let's talk abt who is claiming responsibility for this money. trump campaign - way less than $30 million. RNC - probably way less than they're reporting. don't forget - nobody is auditing these numbers.


Trump lies all the time!

Not to worry, Trump is in a deep hole that money cannot fix. His base is slowly breaking ranks.

Don’t believing everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Payoff money for tax cuts to rich and corporations!

Money doesn’t buy least it didn’t before The Don.

Most of trump $40 million cash campaign fund comes from wealthy Americans and large corporations who donated a small portion of the massive tax windfall the Republicans gave them as an investment to guarantee that the GOP continues to take care of wealthy white America.

What a great way to launder money

Check that inauguration money! We know he did something illegal!


I guess those 40 big corporations have a lot to gain with Trump in power .

Not counting Russian and Saudi $

Is this True?

Anyone verifying the foreign donations?

Says Trumps ppl...🤔

It says it has that much .. probably lies like everything he says

Them Rubles got converted quick...

And who are the ”they’s” contributing?

Isn’t that special. Let’s hope enough educated people vote and take down this conman.

You can fool some of the people all the time.....

Yes and how much total have the Democratic presidential hopefuls raised in a few days. Much more than that.

Other than, '(His) campaign says,' what proof do you have of this assertion? As a 'news' organization, you people are pathetic.

In rubles!!!

Genuinely frightening. Although I tend to be skeptical of the words of a pathological liar with zero transparency.

Hmm wonder how much is in his secret slush fund ?

This is great!


Because elections have become all about the money!!!

And he will likely pocket most of it eventually.

More for him to steal

Well let's look at Republican vs. Democrat fundraising, because Trump is running unopposed, and there are several Democrats running. Democratic fundraising far surpasses that of trump. And when we get to the general election, donations will flow to a single candidate.

Let me guess, Americans have not had enough info that they still believe anything his campaign releases.

I to see the list of doners.

Um, is this leftovers from 2016 inauguration...? Is this private donors from say NRA and the like? What happened to his I’ll-pay-for-it-myself sentiment? WASTE OF CASH

Oligarchs have a lot of money. 🙄 🍊❤️🇷🇺

Well look out because there a cloud a coming and there’s a knight in with an armor of intelligence, pride and a warrior running for President that we hope He’s going to take you down.

How much came from MBS as payment for realDonaldTrump IvankaTrump jaredkushner helping cover up the butchering of an American resident.

Remember when they warned us Trump will destroy America within six months .. looks like this is what they were actually scared of.. Trump landslide 2020..

Why would you believe the accounting from the same guy who brought you Trump University and who hides his tax returns from the public?

Is the campaign paying for all of his rallies and Mar-A-Lago fundraisers?

The campaign with lieabeties.

NBCNews ok so let’s not worry about election and take care of issues now


This is the so called multi billionaire who was going to finance his own campaign and refuse to take money from others. He said that right from the first day he started campaigning.

How much of that has to be converted to Dollars from Rubles?

Which means Spewing Anal Yam and his spawn have spent $125M on themselves ...

They say so much. Aren’t they under investigation?

Used plenty of detergent did they ?

270. That the only number that counts.

BS smells very stinky on this

I am hoping this time they have a paper trail

1. Is it the truth? 2. How much of that was from corporations or foreign countries?

ImpeachTrumpNow ImpeachTrumpNow ImpeachTrumpNow

I hope NBCNews verified this because he would probably lie about this if he could.

I hope this doesn’t meant his ties get longer?

Meanwhile, my middle class taxes went UP under the trumptaxscam.

'They say'

He who raises the most money wins? What have webecome as a country? End Citizens United. Get money out of politics.

Choo choo!!!!

Whose money did he steal this time?

Why don’t you put it tiward your wall?

I don’t care. Money can’t buy you love.

Money Laundering


Sounds like fake news to me

That’s ludicrous. And they say elections can’t be bought!

Great! $30 million for the Trump Foundation because all of the networks give 45 free campaign and reruns of Tweet coverage!

By fund raising now thats against the law for the Trumps They are not allowed to do that for a year. Go take Mar a Largo

He had over $100 million not too long ago. Where’s the money?

So how much of this is straw donors and foreign countries.

the more the PRESS & talk about MONEY RAISED the more your CORRUPT POLITICS WILL CONTINUE... STOP talking about money & start talking about if candidates have strong platforms, are competent, have a good track record, etc. YOU MAKE IT ABOUT $ you end up with CORRUPT POLS

If they lie like he does, no worries.

considering the exaggeration and TrumpLies hurled out every day, not sure i buy it but then considering trump is russia and mercer candidate...

Where did he steal that money from? Probably from all that money he keeps moving around supposedly for the “wall”.

They’re going to have plenty of money, that’s for certain. The Democrats must run an aggressive campaign on the issues. They can’t afford to appeal to just reason; they will have to appeal to peoples’ emotions. That’s how trump won.

When you reported on Robert and Pete did you also use the phrase ‘says they raised’? Or did you just accept their numbers?

How much of that was foreign donations?

More money place in his own pocket. Trump supporters are gluttons for punishment and apparently stupidity

Hmm where to illegally spend this money? was the first thing that popped in to realDonaldTrump s head!

Wow I guess the wealthy corporations and pacs want to keep him in office

Wait till Biden announces.

America is lost.

GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS! Someone should be watching these fund’s disbursements bc big money donor’s donations have a way of disappearing into Trump’s pockets.

realDonaldTrump THANK YOU RUSSIA, right?

Big business contributing their tax cut. So once again trump betters himself financially.

He must be very grateful to all the small donors . 😂😂😂

Ok. Where did the 💵 💰 💵 come from... 🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🇰🇷

make it public

This reveals that the wealthiest people are his greatest admirers .

Will we see this when he releases his tax returns?

I thought he said he was going.tol use his own money

It’s easy to raise millions when you give 2 trillion in tax cuts to corporations & the wealthy.

Liars Liars show US the Taxes the report the grades then maybe trust can begin!

Yes right! I believe him because, this money is coming from his frenemies in Russia, & Saudia Arabia.The dictator killer countries

He’ll use it for his legal fees when he leaves office to fight the SDNY

All while flying around on the taxpayers dime. Personal campaign expenses should be paid for by the campaign not the citizenry!

Trump Train. Making America great again

If true....Trump can NOT be TRUSTED!!! If possibly true Democrats needs to step big time. DumpTrump2020

So he “says”

Why and who?

Seriously though, when President Trump is reelected in 2020 please behave like adults. No riots, protests, shrieking, crying, firebombing or assaulting Trump supporters.

More contributions to a lost cause...



Better check his wallet, he has probably skimmmed off half

Imagine what could happen to wages and infrastructure if they had half of what all politicians are raking in to influence their votes.

I don’t really care, do u?

They are liars! I don’t believe them!

That's a helluva lot more than Trump businesses have.

K great information

Still waiting to hear what happened to the inauguration money.

From Russia! His supporters are unemployed and sucking off the very government they wish would stay out of their life

He also says Wikileaks is “not his thing” so wouldn’t really believe anything he says until some documents are shown to see where it came from. Amazing he has all this cash on hand and Americans are literally struggling to live. But he “raked” it in?



Guess what: Trump doesn’t need other people’s money! Lesson learned 2016

So many unhinged liberals melting down. Sad


This is one time I actually hope he IS lying and that he has raised far less than that.

Payback from the rich boys who got massive tax cuts?

Hmmm I really can’t believe what they report, once a liar always a liar.

Guess those kids in cages were holding. BloodMoney no matter how you slice it.

We can’t trust anything Trump’s camp says.

He will spend most of it at his own businesses

That’s amazing! And when you couple that with the fact that he cheats on his taxes, he can pay off more mistresses. It’s a two-fer!!

Trump has to raise this kind of money to buy votes

Imagine how badly all the guys he gave that massive tax cut to, want him in office

It takes a billion dollars to win a presidential election. Been that way since Obama ran in 2008.

How much can they allocate for new ties?

All from the NRA and Russian oligarchs no doubt

Yes, from: -Russians -Chinese prostitution rings -Saudi Arabian Prince for payoff to support him over Khashoggi -Mafia -Trumptards who cashed in their pension checks to send $200 -Big banks & oil companies as thanks for the massive tax cut for the rich

Oh yes and a Federally investigated POTUS ....WE don't want that guy representing us. He's dirty and nasty and so are his friends. He's been ' in bed with Russia' and we don't want their 'SOCIAL DISEASES'. SO I'M BANNING DONALD TRUMP.🇺🇸

So the campaign should be paying every time he does one of those MAGA rallies, right? The jet fuel alone should put a good dent in that.

Making America a one way street will land all in sea

Trust me he is LYING! Nothing he says is true, why should we believe him now. Show U.S. the receipts.

All we want to know is where did they get the money and we demand to see the TAX RETURNS before he can move on with this campaign. Or NO CAMPAIGN. ;)🇺🇸

Well then he should use it to build his wall no?

He’s never stopped campaigning, and it’s all on the taxpayers’ dime. Why does he need all that extra cash?

Fake news.

no it doesnt.... we have like 2 dozen different candidates splitting money up... how can you compare the 2

Of course he does especially since the party froze out any other republican that even thought about running

Oh, so that's how realdonaldtrump uses rakes...and right into it's own TrumpCrimeSyndicate

They say that today when pressed they’ll say that number was a mistake they actually have less then half of that.

Team Trump has 2020 locked up already! MAGA 🇺🇸

good for them!! still going to lose, but - good for them!!

Let me guess... no one is allowed to see his campaign financials, right?

'They have money, we have people.'

To US People all the money that is pledged to become A President of US is taking Democracy to a new level People your are using your own money to put someone in charge of you When someone say I WANT to be your President MERIT come to mind You elect select one

And how much of that did realDonaldTrump steal-since he’s about the law and no agency can investigate-

Really, Laundered money doesn’t just buy real estate.

This is because Trump has rich friends/investors with very deep pockets. But you have to wonder just how much of this money Trump will pocket himself like with his inauguration.

Bragging about the bribe slush fund! If people had enough common sense, no matter if trump has the federal reserve, they will vote to better their living standards. How can trump debate about putting taxes up on the working majority and give the rich a give away!

In other words,the trumps are $60 million richer than they were before they fleeced their own campaign.

Any estimates on rubles and riyals?

As is the same with his taxes: prove it.


Trump has raised more in the quarter than your parties top two contenders combined. Did you mention that ?

The same sources that assured us that there was clear Russian collusion between Trump and Putin have also assured us that Alexandria Ocasio De La Cortez is submitting legislation to make Trump share his campaign money with Democratic presidential hopefuls and her GND. Stay tuned.

Cool. How much from American donors?

Russian Money

They ‘say’ lots of things

I see all those people and I no longer pity them. They'll all get what they deserve...

This is the real....

Ya, where is it going 🤔

What a waste!

He will spend that fast

Trump is constantly asking for money, so much for self funded...

Who's offshore account will that be filtered into?

He won't need much with all the free press you give him.

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