Trump calls himself a 'wartime president' while dodging responsibility

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'What we see right now is a man who doesn't want to take responsibility despite calling himself and branding himself a 'wartime president',' says anniekarni. 'He wants these decisions to be on the plates of the governors.'


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anniekarni Wartime idiot.

anniekarni He has laid the pandemic right on the laps of the governors. No doubt about it.

anniekarni MSNBC, Fake news,always

anniekarni Trump is worthless!

anniekarni A Draft Dodger ...Period.

anniekarni Serious question. Are you an American? Do you care about Americans? Based on the hate, vitriol and negativity you constantly puke 🤮 I wonder? My grammy used to say: “if you cant say something nice, say nothing at all” Instead all you do is puke 🤮 political hate. Shame on you

anniekarni He needs to actually go to war to find out what the title means.

anniekarni Thank you POTUS for the job your doing in this unprecedented time!


anniekarni realDonaldTrump you are not a wartime president. realDonaldTrump is a clown and Americans are dying.

anniekarni Please stop airing his rally’s

anniekarni The only time the 'buck stops here' is when it lands in Trump's pockets.

anniekarni I wish reporters would ask him specific things in Constitution. Like what does he think general welfare of the US means or preservation of liberty? And may be required to get opinions of others means?

anniekarni China started the mess not President Trump!

anniekarni We the people stand with our Governor's, knowing the impeach president is incompetent unable to administer, unfit to serve, let's accept, move on, stay strong


anniekarni Put your *tu-tu * on 45 , nice tight rope walking ! That's the problem 45's duplicitous motives and the deceit used to corruptly achieve goals at any cost . TruthAndFacts

anniekarni MSNBC, another Hate Trump Day.

anniekarni Why do we have state and City governments if it’s not THEIR responsibility? Dodo bird!

anniekarni He is neither presidential or heroic. It is sad that so many of his victims love him. There's a syndrome for that. I wish there was a cure.

anniekarni I see a total d-bag.

anniekarni What we see right now is an imbecile

anniekarni Like this?

anniekarni He's more like a war crime!

anniekarni Thank god its a war without weapons for if it was he’d sell out to the highest bidder for his loyalties are self first!

anniekarni realDonaldTrump Doesn't Know how to lead!


anniekarni What I see is you dummy give him a way to talk. just cut him off and don't put him on tv. I promises you, he will change. If you don't hurt him he will never learn.

anniekarni realDonaldTrump is a FAKE and a CON MAN. Has been HIS ENTIRE LIFE. And every New Yorker with any brains in their head knows this! frankrichny

anniekarni Trump is an epic failure. Of the worst kind. November can not come soon enough. Stay at home. Turn off Fox News. Vote him out!

anniekarni He wants us to die. Is it not obvious he's under Putin directive? The Orange Creature wants an Oligarchy, and Putin is instructing him how...The GOP has been bought by Russian Oligarchs. Did you not get the *clue* when the several gop senators visited Russia on the 4th of July?

anniekarni This war time president should be tried as a war criminal.realDonaldTrump TrumpMassMurderer

anniekarni November cannot come soon enough. He’s a goner.

anniekarni 45 is s wartime COWARD

anniekarni America. Is going to war with Donald Trump as our fearless leader. This can't be possible. For one thing . Trump can't be trusted, he's a coward, irresponsible. chaotic, and doesn't get along with others. ROME IS BURNING!!

anniekarni It is all his fault..I'm so damn angry!

anniekarni Trump wants to be the glorious figurehead. He wants adoration and praise for the work the governors are doing. Anything negative is someone else’s fault.

anniekarni The constitution of the US is very simple to understand each state is given 100% autonomy. Each state elects a governor, senator, mayor and collects sales tax to fund & protect there state. Many states have to much fat and over spend rather than prepare for disaster & rainy days

anniekarni with his false information and conflicting answers he's hurting his followers just as much as the people he doesn't help.

anniekarni TrumpIsACompleteFailure TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER NewImpeachmentHearings

anniekarni What Horse S**t, Pure Horse S**t, President Trump is doing a Great Job in this time of Crisis. To all you detractors, 'Stick It In You Frigging Ear' or any other Dark Dank place.

anniekarni How the ’leader of the free world’ is such fragile person? Where is the spine? Why did you vote this man to be your leader?

anniekarni This is a situation he cannot win .He hates to lose , therefore he passes it off to the governor's , each individually as he alienates the Democratic ones that criticized this stupid president's lack of deciding what to do. That's a crime against humanity.

carol_33410 anniekarni Trump. Novartis. Racketeering. Please look at my thread. Someone above my paygrade needs to pick this up. It's glaringly obvious and out in the open.

anniekarni Who’s closer to citizens and their needs? Governors or the President?

anniekarni The Maga’s r still in their denial phase

anniekarni Wartime wus

anniekarni 👇👇👇👇👇

anniekarni MSNBC CBS NBC news you people may die at anytime as the virus is mutating over the weeks to come it is your responsibility to do ur part as everyone else has stepped up thank you govenor Newsom!!

anniekarni Why is the GOP so quiet about the crisis? What are they up too while we are focused on COVID-19? I don't trust them and they are being too quiet.

anniekarni Let him. Come election time he will lose because of his lack of leadership and Malignant Narcassistic behaviour. Let him dig his hole. Can’t spin his behavior or a virus

anniekarni The only war trump has ever taken part in is the war of 1812 Cheeseburgers

anniekarni He’s no “president” And the balls on Him, hold please, checks notes, scratch that, Madam Speaker still has His balls in Her purse! Never mind ...


anniekarni Draft dodging fakebonespur says what

anniekarni Do the Adderall addicted journalists have the attention span for a global pandemic?

anniekarni It's in the name: Govern-ors

anniekarni What does this article bring to the table? Any sort of help or just more of your opinions?

anniekarni 🙄

anniekarni Cowardly little pedo

anniekarni God Bless Trump. He is doing an FDR type job. Trump is Winston Churchill of DC.

anniekarni He is a coward.

anniekarni I call him irresponsable Disgraceful Disgusting !! Stop giving him time for his rally’s !! TrumpGenocide BoycottTrumpPressConferences DoctorsOnlyPressConferences

anniekarni It is not ducking responsibility, in the NEMS system for emergency response, it is the Governors right and duty to make the key decisions for their States.

anniekarni And I call myself a fighter pilot

anniekarni he ran from one Nam

Weaver_ScottA anniekarni Maybe it’s the bone spurs

anniekarni Education session: it’s the democratic system...... you can’t just switch to a communism system...... you don’t even understand the system you live in.....

anniekarni Yeah ok, President bone spurs

anniekarni Like General Custer

anniekarni 'I’ve never heard of a commander who complained about having too many tanks or who asked for a few artillery shells and not one too many. It’s high time we fought the virus the American way: with everything we’ve got.' James Baker -

anniekarni He’s a coward!

anniekarni Stop airing his daily briefs!


anniekarni Just shows how unfit he is 2b anything but a greedy bastard

anniekarni If he is a wartime president does that mean we can charge him with treason now?

anniekarni JA

anniekarni Yet realDonaldTrump confiscates their PPE orders then blames them for not having enough

anniekarni He is no “wartime president.” This is a man who DODGED THE DRAFT THREE TIMES! He’s never shown up for a war/battle in his life. And now he’s trying to dodge this COVID-19 war as well. America needs to BRING THE FIGHT TO HIM! His “heel spurs” won’t get him out of this fight!!!

anniekarni If you can’t beat them join them dumbasses trump 2020

anniekarni From CadetBoneSpurs to DrHellNo, let's just all admit that Trump is unqualified for anything but preening in front of a mirror.

beinggerric anniekarni This president has the audacity to call himself a wartime president! This man has fought no battles or shed no blood for his country. He can't even get us protected from a virus. In my opinion he should know his role, and shut his mouth!

anniekarni More like wartime deserter


anniekarni He only wants to take responsibility for good results that everyone likes and that give him high ratings.

anniekarni Plausible Deniability, it gives him a shot at blaming others when this is all over.

anniekarni TrumpResignNow

anniekarni It should be patently obvious by now that Trump is in the position he's in to help himself – not to help others. People in blue states will die needlessly, money will be made out of a crisis and all the while he'll continue to subvert and defile government to his own advantage.

anniekarni Stfu. We r sick and tired of the lies and hate

anniekarni AFFLUENZA hitlerlives

anniekarni I would pay to see Putin and Trump street fight in the vacant streets of NY.

anniekarni Now you want him to be a dictator 🤦🏻‍♀️

anniekarni Your message of hate MSDNC is old and trite.

anniekarni Fact Check. Trump was right.

anniekarni Like all bullies. Listened to him earlier this year, 'a Democrat hoax, like flue, maybe 15 deaths expected. Best of luck Americas.

anniekarni Apparently Annie doesnt know how our government works.


anniekarni Correct the thing is a disgrace, a coward with pretend bone spurs not fit to clean toilets

anniekarni Only in America can a draft dodging psychopath and mobster be elected to the oval office, be impeached and now claim to be a 'wartime president'. He should be arrested.

anniekarni Even Hudine would be jealous of how good Trump is as an ESCAPE ARTIST..

anniekarni He's a yellow belly

anniekarni realDonaldTrump is an Impeached President!

anniekarni To use a common talking point by Republicans during the Obama presidency, to which a totally disagreed with, Trump is “Leading From Behind”. To which I totally agree with.

anniekarni So the states have no responsibilities at all. Ridiculous!

anniekarni So sick of MSN anti Trump propaganda, you guys are pathetic, just the liberals campaign platform, not news.

anniekarni Wartime wus.

anniekarni What you see is a human being that's doing the best he can with what he has!! GOD FORBID IF BIDEN, HILLERY WERE IN THERE WE WOULD ALL BE DEAD!

anniekarni Yes, just like all great war time commander in chiefs he takes no responsibility, blames the troops (the states in this case) for not being prepared and claims he is doing fantastic!

anniekarni So that, when the time comes, he can throw them under the bus.

anniekarni Then Trump is GUILTY of multiple war crimes!

anniekarni Divide et impera

anniekarni So obviously passing the buck. He has ducked responsibility his entire wretched life.

anniekarni But why would the Governors do something about an event that was qualifies as a hoax by the President of the United States?

anniekarni Stop complaining already; you put him there knowing who he is; you keep on talking about him 24/7, repeating everything he says. You know that’s all he wants


anniekarni WorstResponder !!!

anniekarni Yeah G.I. Joe toys

CastonChris anniekarni Apparently the buck doesn't stop in the oval office...

anniekarni So now left wants him to be a dictator? So confusing.

anniekarni How did this happen to US ?

anniekarni Attacks will only intensify. You attack those who threaten you the most. Enjoy the show! Q

anniekarni You would just call him a dictator if he did.

anniekarni U will be better served covering LESS of Trump & bringing us EVERY LIVE update FROM governors, mayors, other officials AROUND the country. STOP with the 'guests' intoning the same nonsense. I got it re Covid do/donts. The WH is incompetent. NOW give me NEWS! CNN cnnbrk NBCNews

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