Trump blasts evangelical magazine after it calls him 'profoundly immoral,' seeks his removal

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump has added a new target to his Twitter criticism list, prominent evangelical magazine Christianity Today, after the magazine called for him to be removed from office for his “profoundly immoral” conduct.

"A far left magazine, or very 'progressive,' as some would call it, which has been doing poorly and hasn’t been involved with the Billy Graham family for many years, Christianity Today, knows nothing about reading a perfect transcript of a routine phone call and would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President," Trump"No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not...

Writing one day after the House voted to pass two articles of impeachment against Trump, Christianity Today Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli wrote that not only was Trump's conduct unconstitutional, but also"profoundly immoral.""Let's grant this to the president: The Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion," he wrote.

"But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents," he continued,"That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral."Sign Up


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Does NBC always report on what 'christianity today' writes or just when it fits their narrative?

Yo DirtyDonny they ain't wrong......CorruptGop

Funded by leftist.

“judge not lest ye be judged” Is only used against Christianity when it benefits you... CT judging Trump entirely different story...oh wait am I judging?

Finally, they see the emperor has no clothes...

Nah, He Will fit right in, traitors walk together.

With ministers and priests sexually abusing children the church should just shut up and stop playing politics and clean up its own mess. I don't believe there are any churches left to bother with.

How do we believe anything NBC reports!!! America knows the truth!

I can agree with President Trump. The separation of church and state is for this reason. This rag shouldn’t be publishing political articles.

The CT ceo speaks for himself not for the entire evangelical leaders in this nation.

Trump, without evangelical support, is just another number waiting for processing. TrumpImpeached RemoveTrump RICOTheTrumpCrimeFamily

My guess is that today was the first time Trump heard of this magazine.

God has spoken. HE appointed him to the highest position and Trump has rejected HIS offer. Watch God’s chastisement!

well good Happy to hear he's divorcing some Evangelicals like he divorced his former two Wives Let some air in between the two of them Get a fresh new religion in there A new group of SUCKERS to Manipulate Can we call him Religion-Bachelor yet? Lets pray for the current Suckers

I find it both surprising, and not surprising at the same time, that it took this long for anyone representing Evangelicals to point this out.

Did Christian Today just figure this out? He finally crossed the line in their opinion? How telling that for 3 years they didn't make a peep! Hypocrites.

Bravo Christianity Today! Bravo!

Can somebody shut NBC down for its immoral conduct?

He has always been profoundly immoral, since day one. I wonder what took the Evangelicals so long to call him out?

Listen carefully... QAnon SidneyPowell1: 'He knew where all the bodies were buried' Full:

Thin skinned baby.

Of course 🙄😂

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