Trump Blames China For Acting Too Late In Coordinating U.S. Coronavirus Response

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

WASHINGTON—Lambasting the rival superpower for what he called “reckless” and “irresponsible” behavior, President Donald Trump publicly blamed China Monday for acting too late in coordinating the U.S. Covid-19 response. “China knew our nation was facing a deadly threat as early as January, and yet they did nothing to develop a plan we could use to slow the spread of the virus,” said Trump, noting thousands of American lives could have been saved if Chinese president Xi Jinping had only taken the threat seriously from the start and implemented a strategy to reduce the negative impact on the U.S. economy. “The Chinese government just kept waiting and waiting, sitting on their hands as the outbreak spread through the U.S. rather than leading our nation in the way it so desperately needed. States shouldn’t be left out to dry, putting together piecemeal pandemic responses. What else is a strong Communist Party for? And now they’re trying to cover it up, claiming the U.S. isn’t their responsibility.” At press time, Trump added the administration had obtained new intelligence suggesting the Chinese government had engineered coronavirus in a lab in Washington.


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The one thing Trump fears the most is the y

🎶🎵 The Blame Game Donnie! Donnie Donnie bo Bonnie, fe fi foe fonnie. Donnie

In 2018 he fired the viral group that would have found this before it would have become a pandemic..he ..he alone it the only president that failed to listen to the Obama prepared report on pandemics.. trump also fired the group that was in China nad 30 other countries.he OWNS IT

King of blame and lie.

I had to reread this twice because I didn’t think it was a joke. Still not entire sure this qualifies as satire...

Onion..........not as good as it used to be.

China did a disservice to America by not telling the American people how to prepare for this pandemic. It is all their fault for the death that are currently happening.

I thinkTrump reads the Onion, and then does what they say he’s done. Just like he diss with Fox News. The man can’t think for himself.

cameron_kasky And he is CORRECT. I also believe there more to this Covid-19 Corona Virus then it just starting in China. It happened so fast here in American and the way it spread. So, I think something else is at play.

Proof they are not ready to be a super power yet. If they had acted in time they could have sent more low priced TV's and electronics to help us through such a trying time.

corybarlog Say the man who gave all your supplies of PPE to China at the start of it all.

After blaming Obama. Now China and Obama have something in common- POTUS spittle with a serving of tripe smothered in drivel.

corybarlog Wait... When did the Onion start doing actual stories? Figured you couldn't compete with 2020 huh?

HEY MORON DON...You can blame but you cannot hide: USA 1 for COVID cases, 1 for COVID deaths, and Digraceful 34 for testing per million population. (Russia 20.) BEWARE, COVID-GATE STORM CLOUDS ARE FORMING...

Just follow the WHO and you will see that this headline is serious. In the America of the Dotard satire becomes reality. MAGA WHO

When satire lags reality

Pot calling the kettle......


mariekehoogwout Fool! this photo he just keep repeating the F word... then goes back in the house...

If this wasn’t the onion I’d think it’s true

I always wonder how hard it is for you guys to actually come up with titles when real life actually beats you to the punch line


The United States should have known... It was Rogues in American and British intelligence network that released the virus in the first place... I forewarned of it in mid-2016... Ask FISA and FVEYES... WIC 🧐🕵️

President Boss Hogg

This is real tho

cameron_kasky Donald trump is to BLAME... not China

ZichenWanghere The world isnt blind when the timeline and facts are all laid down bare for all to see. Carry on ranting, it gets you no where. It would be interesting to see what the global team of scientific investigators led by the WHO finds out about Covid19 origin.

cameron_kasky u sure this isn’t satire

cameron_kasky CONGRATULATIONS “President” Trump. Look what you’ve caused now. After stoking the fires of white supremacy and racism your entire presidency, you have the nerve to feign moral superiority before threatening violence?

Now you’re plagiarizing actual headlines.

FukuyamaFrancis Is there anybody not yet blamed by the man?

Just goes to show how fucked up our reality is that this is so relevant.

Careful he might make an executive order to shut down The Onion

You guys should just post real news

China plays practical joke on world and USA. Not funny, so now for more laughs antifa is being let loose. HAHAHA.

Sadly, this is not a fake story.

Poor Onion, they can't make shit up that doesn't sound like something this administration would actually say...

They have given up and are using actual events that have happened.

Did you guys read this correctly?..It says, Trump blames China for acting to late in coordinating “our” response..Get it


So, you're just printing facts now?

Hey, I thought this was a satirical news company!

This is the truth about our buck-doesn't-stop-here president.

I thought you guys did satire?

Yeah, this isn't satire. He actually did.

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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