Trump, Biden clash in final debate on COVID-19 response, health care, race

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These were some of the key moments from the second and final presidential debate. Debates2020

President Donald Trump knows the playbook, in part, because he basically wrote it: A flurry of stories, a stunt designed to rattle his opponent and an attempt to define his opponent based on family connections and dark allegations.

"I don't make money from China, you do. I don't make money from Ukraine, you do," the president said."They're like a vacuum cleaner. They're sucking up money every place he goes."Jim Bourg/POOL/AFP via Getty Images This combination of pictures created on Oct. 22, 2020, shows former Vice President Joe Biden, right, and President Donald Trump pointing during the final presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020.


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How about the both of realDonaldTrump JoeBiden this ? Then we can talk .......and play a day game

Pathetic man...

ABC refuses to cover your corruption!

Corruption and tax returns aren’t the same thing.

He doesn’t understand quarterly tax payments

J......Joke Biden

What democrats dont get is Trump isn’t winning because hes so great. He’s winning just like in 2016 because his opponent is so corrupt. It really is that simple. Voters of this country don’t want corrupt politicians just like any other country doesn’t. Media doesn’t get it.

We’ve already seen the results of his tax returns. Were you sleeping Joe? He’s paid lots of taxes

Isn't there kiddie porn on your sons laptop JoeBiden

Let’s just say Joe know corruption!

In 47 years in government why didn’t Biden make it a requirement to release taxes to be eligible for office?

Man try hats all y’all got . Nothing

Tax returns is nobody's god damn business

Why should the President stop talking about corruption, answer, because you are corrupt

So, is the IRS not capable?

biased, pos network.

I think TREASON should be the main issue.

Will joe release his bank accounts so we can see he got no money from Hunter?

We are drowning in fake news media. This occurs at the end of an empire in an effort to control people and eliminate rights and independence. Trump wasn't sanctioned by the corrupt elites and they spent the last 4 years trying to destroy him but really destroy freedom and you!

When you're trying to be profound but end up looking profoundly silly...

“I was a failure for 8 years, but I’m sure with 4 more I can probably, maybe, do something right” - Candidate for President of the United States

If you ever feel down, depressed or sad, and want to see something funny as hell... remember.... Trump saying:”I’m the least racist person in this room” 😂😂😂😂

Biden and obama deported more than trump did

Tax returns do not equal to being paid off by enemy foreign governments Joe!

Trump must be hiding something huge , he's taken to the supreme courts many times

Trump looks like he’s gonna have a melt down

Even JESUS can’t stop Biden from being the next president of the United States 🇺🇸

First Trump said he would release his tax returns when he became president. He never has. Then he said he couldn't release them because they were under audit. The IRS came out and said that being under audit doesn't prevent you from releasing your returns. Lie after lie.

Owned him so bad best moment of the night

Biden is corrupt.

Cause trumps the only one that’s corrupt

The best line of the debate. Release your tax or shut up, Donnie.

Biden clearly won it. Change my mind.

Thursday Night was Wild Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.🙄🙄

He’s in audit so

Do your job. Bobulinski BidenLaptop

Joe Biden is such a bad candidate. It is almost like the Democratic party is giving up. They have tried the race card, creating fake social issues and riots, Russia, crashing US economy with Chinese/CIA SARS attack and yet people STILL wont vote for Biden. Democrat = loser.

In other words, nothing.


Trump never had a real answer for any of the questions. He is a pro at dancing around with the same 20 or so words for every topic. It's a beautiful thing;

How would Trump's like their children treated like that ?

Trump blew it. Lied about the severity of the virus. Still lying, told seniors that it was disappearing as 42 states set records. False claims about best economy numbers in every category, um no!

He’s completely omitting how these other countries are doing. France, not so well. Denmark, much better. We are meant to be the gold standard. We should be leading in technological, tracking/tracing, and pharmaceutical solutions - not leading in death.

A majority of the children brought across the border Never arrived with their parents and were kidnapped by Coyotes prior to getting into the country

😳really !

With that logic, then every single leader is responsible for their countries deaths and none of them should be in charge.....especially since they are experiencing a 2nd and 3rd wave as well.

Look at how the swamp has tried to keep preventions & therapeutics from patients in order to lock down the economy to hurt President They don't care if you die or not they just want their power back The DEMS would let you all die if it meant they could kick Trump out of office!

This is a lie. A judge appointed ACLU and pro bono law firms to try to find the parents as the Trump administration is too incompetent

With 60K deaths, “you can never be happy,” Trump said at a briefing on 4/10 Re the model revision. “But that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.” (100-220K with mitigation efforts 2.2m doing nothing). So the 1st model was more accurate

China let the virus out its solely their responsibility. How about abc news confront china. Show some BALLS

Number of cases mean NOTHING HOW many people are actually dying of the disease & not their own poor health Look at the media and politicians who all had the virus & all survived Look at the statistics of age & health to know that this was blown out of proportion to hurt President

2,000,000 + would have died if Joe had been President. All ABC News does is provide cover to a man who is totally compromised by the Chinese communist party and should NEVER be voted in for President! FakeNews

But, who built the cages Joe?

The truth on Covid 19 virus! CDC website disclosed the shockingly small number of people who died from only the Wuhan coronavirus, with no other cause of death mentioned. Out of the 161,392 deaths in the CDC data, just 6% about 9,700 deaths are attributed to the coronavirus alone

DID these parents give their real names Did they have any verifiable ID Did they do DNA tests on these so called parents Are these children actually TEENAGERS not children Are these children with relatives who don't want to have them deported along with their parents COME ON MAN

So let’s see, as of now he os working on a Healthcare Plan, a Pandemic Plan, Afghanistan withdrawal plan and this Plan. Is and always has been an empty suit with no substance.

Because the parents NEVER came here to begin with or are hiding to remain in this country! THE PARENTS know how to find their children just go to the courts & ask for them What kind of parent just abandons his child or give it to a stranger to enrich them financially


What utter claptrap and gibberish.

if you had a existing condition or weakness it was gonna get you sooner or later if you didn't lock yourself up.. millions came out just fine like a flu. give it a rest on the finger pointing, we lost lives , we get it.

PEOPLENRG1 This is yet another defining moment for DJT. There are morally so many things he said in this one paragraph that were beyond what any rational person believes or feels.

HunterBiden Loan Agreement with China BoHai Harvest. More Boom to come on G-TV and GNews every hour.

Reunite the kids with their parents by sending them back to where they come from, and use the wall to block them from leaving their parents again.

'he’s “trying very hard” to reunite them.' Another Lie. TrumpLiesEverytimeHeSpeaks

Reminder last Republican President got us into a bogus war and the Great Depression. Now we have the NEXT Depression on the rise. Then Democrats will be blamed for their inabilities as the did to Obama?

And how often did the phony Dem moderator press on JoeBiden for his criminal activities? is a joke. They are nothing but a bunch of liars.

A bright moment for Donnie...


De doesn't care about these children ,,,,neither does his wife


Biden is always on the side of law breakers

CrookedJoeBiden Vaccine in less than a year “This is an unprecedented feat for the scientific community made possible by decades of progress in vaccine technology and a COORDINATED, STRATEGIC APPROACH ACROSS GOVERNMENT, industry and academia...”-Dr. Fauci

What wall would that be? The one he never built? The one Mexico never paid for?

What's your point? You can build walls & unite families. If illegal aliens weren't breaking the law, they wouldn't be separated. Should we get rid of our legal system or are ONLY ppl crossing the border illegally ok with you? ABC is hypocritical & lies.

'How the U.S. will locate the parents of more than 500 children who were separated from their families?' Has anyone there ever heard of DNA testing? They do it all the time in law enforcement forensics.

Trump's response we are working on it? What. He hoping it goes away.

June 25 2009. 1 million people were infected in the USA with H1N1 a global pandemic, only three months into the spread. I don’t remember any shutdowns or protocols to the likes of today’s during the Obama administration

Only 5 out of 50 U.S. Governors forced covid 19 infected patients into nursing homes. Democrats Cuomo, Newsom, Whitmer, Wolf, and Murphy.

If people knew what was really going on behind the scenes of mass media and local media ... the country would grow up and maybe even began to 'think for themselves' again.

Am I the only one who thinks, especially after the debate last night, that Trump never really had COVID? Things are just too weird about it.

I want someone who will allow me to infect as many humans as possible but I don’t want anyone to die. That hurts my survival so let’s fix that part.


Guarantee all kids went back to their families minus the kids that were brought over by someone not related.

he couldn't care less if they're reunited

As if the lost children of parent's that sent them into clear danger for personal & economic gain, is a major concern of the American people. The take away from this isn't a bad reflection on trump or policy but rather a despicable reflection on the so called parents.

He intended to send a Machiavellian message and he did. Gut wrenching.

He will make Mexico pay for finding their parents.

Its un-American to kidnap kids from asylum seekers. This is embarrassing.

It’s criminal idk how anyone respects this man

Sorry, don’t care

Do we need to regurgitate every one of his lies?

Trying to reunite them sure is better than locking them up in cages. 🤷‍♂️✌

Name the models. Read them out. Let's hear the facts, realDonaldTrump.

But he told everyone months ago it was a democratic hoax. So now he thinks it's real?

Joe is right. Trump is a pathological liar and it was on full display last night.

According to some experts he was damn near perfect.

Why is Trump responsible? Did he create the 🦠? Can he pull a vaccine out of his ass?

Joe: 'Hunter did nothing wrong!' Kamala: 'And here's the thing: Joe UNDERSTANDS Washington.' Indeed, Kamala, indeed.

Wrong! the only responsible is C H I N A.

It's gone? What a full on dumb ass!

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top infectious disease experts in the country, and other public health experts initially told Americans not to wear surgical or N95 masks in the early days of what has become the COVID-19 pandemic.”

If Biden was the prez, there would have been far more deaths. We all know this.

TrumpLied200KDied VOTE HIM OUT!!! PERIOD!!

So he's claiming he's saved lives by doing nothing but misleading the public? That's some twisted logic. How can anyone accept his bs?

Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and anyone who shoved the elderly into ill equipped nursing homes are largely responsible

Good 4 Biden to highlight his lying Big Time, in Real Time-:))

If trump would have said virus worse people would have lost their minds. They did anyway, hoarding up everything would have been 100 times worse. I guess ya little Biden followers are going to stay looked up, when you finally come out might be a new country

Not defending either response! But when are people going to be held responsible for their own doings? They know the risk to not wear a mask and hand wash or go to gatherings! People need to wake up! The cycle is not going away anytime soon!

Arizonan here!!!! Our cases are up! How can he just Lie? Like its nothing? Pathological!!

invites his base to his rallies who largely live in rural areas, rural areas are hotspots, many, even shown on camera aren't wearing masks & stand close to one another. Doesn't insist on masks at his rallies but claims he's taking responsibility and taking it seriously.🙃Fun.

Texas had over 6000 new cases yesterday and 92 deaths. Florida had over 5000 new cases yesterday and 63 deaths. Trump is a liar.

Joe Biden is 100% correct. The deaths that have already happened and the deaths that will happen in Trump's watch could have been prevented or significantly lowered, had he bothered to at least take some form of action against Covid-19. But here we are...😢

JoeBiden will shut down the economy again and we will have a severe depression. Plus the Fracking issue. Trump2020Landslide

So ABC, I don't see you investigating the HunterBidenEmails and the LaptopFromHell, a bit like you buried the Epstein story. Showing your obvious bias and unprofessionalism .

I can’t release my returns as I have a yearly subscription to playboy that I can’t explain.

abc has no place endorsing candidates. Your fucking job is to present candidates and be impartial. is not credible. Debates2020

Vote for Trump

Lots of foreign bots on this thread. Wow. Pay attention.

I don’t see any Trumpers make a comment here. Maybe they are willing to do the same, tax revenue suckers.

PRESIDENT::Joe , explain this china mess to American people ,,, Joe ::: NO ABCBidenCriminalFamilyAgency

I’d love to know if Biden paid taxes on his kickbacks from China

$5 million in unsecured, forgivable loan guarantee's!!! COME ON MAN SPIT IT OUT!!!!! JoeBiden cnnbrk cnnbrk MSNBC maddow

What’s up with laptop and overseas money joe? dirty

Biden deferred answering the accusations by bringing up Trump’s tax returns. The public needs to know the truth on foreign kickbacks to the Biden’s before the election.

If any real journalists have the guts to investigate where all Biden’s earning come from and go through then they would be doing this country a great service. Wake up America - media is molding what THEY want you to believe - don’t be fooled

Who is the ' Big Guy Joe?' Joemoneyfromrussia

WE don't care about Trump's taxes. We care about compromised Former VP who has got money from Russia. YET IF a GOP or Trump's Son would have had this so-called unsubstantiated story would have ran with it everyday until the election. FakeABCNEWS

But u are corrupted for 3 years and 49 million and TRUMP IS NOT , but you are

I don’t give a shit about tax returns. I only care about getting a handle on this virus and getting our economy back to where it was under Trump. Biden wouldn’t do anything differently. We do have to live with it until we find a vaccine which won’t be long. VOTE RED...MAGA RED

Trump came in rich and Biden came in with nothing and somehow got millions on a government salary

Nice try Joe, cover up your family corruption by pointing a finger. The big guy working hard for his 10%. chinaJoe, selling out America for 40 years.

True that!

We should be talking about hunter Biden corruption deals involving payoffs to joe Biden but the MSM are completely blocking the story

Hey y'all gonna report on this Hunter Biden laptop or nah?

That's like calling the kettle black. Get over yourself

That’s all the left harps on. Nothing but a diversion by Joe to dodge his involvement with Russia China and the Ukrainian.

Simple. IF there is nothing to hide then release the taxes. We have been waiting for 4 years.

abc I’m a lifelong nyc dem leaning heavily republican this year... I need some reporting on the Biden email scandal, ignoring / denying it means I just tune to FoxNews (which is fine of course) but I like different perspectives. Highly unlikely this is russian disinformation

One would think tha ABC is a leftwing ragtag news organizarion with the coverage they give Biden. Im sure its my imagination though since they should be bias and report everything fairly.....

That was a burn 😂🤣

And similar to “who built the cages Joe?”🤔

The only ones starting fires are antifa and blm, and Joe says nothing, he has nothing. 47 years and nothing!

This duxker wouldn't answer any questions just fuck around and I'm from Canada watching you county is a joke couse of him

So he says he’s the least racist..meaning he’s racist but some other people in the room are more racists than him? Is he talking about the people he can’t see in the audience? confusedaf TrumpIsRacist

Biden is a snake.

ABC hates America

Why hasn’t the media asked Trump’s about his daughter and sons financial gains from China,Russia and other countries? Always go on offense so that one don’t have to be on defense.

JoeBiden I think you better go sit back down....

ABC stick it up your butt


Please let me know why this guy fucks around any question ask will not answer I'm Canada and can't believe you would like him FML

Fuck this guy when he start waving his hands is when u know he’s lying and full of 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

didnt the times release them?

Más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer si le suena perfecto es mentira ya lo vivimos

And he locked immigrant children in cages


What Donald says usually have the opposite meaning

Yeah, must wonder what’s in his tax return that he fights so hard to hide

One candidate has released his tax returns for the last 20yrs. The other candidate has been dragging his feet the last 4yrs. and has not released any tax returns. Enough said.

Biden has released 22 yrs of taxes. How is years and years of Trump’s taxes are still under audit? Why won’t anyone ask him specifically about those from at least 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018? All still under audit?

I’m laughing cause he said he’s the least racist in the room, instead of saying I’m not racist at all, smh. So what you are basically saying is you are racist? Exactly Mr. President, you don’t know what to say is very obvious.

This is exactly why I stopped watching ABC. Where r the reports of the lies Biden told? Bidencare really No fracking get rid of oil? Come on man

Who REALLY CARES about his taxes. We sure don’t!

“I’m not racist but.......”

POTUS Trump was poised. He did not interrupt like JoeBiden . He asked Joe many questions that he could not answer

I am sure that got lots of laughs throughout the country.

Joe is so stupid that what's Trump doing to talk about Joe's corruption cuz there r so many evidence.

China Joe locked up more blacks and put them in prison more than anyone. Trump released more fact who's racist

If all is well in America and has been then why did BLM become a powerful movement ? White america in white communities in white churches living in a white world created by white founders have no clue. Keep reminding us

Trump to Biden. Why did you recieve $3.5m from Ukraine?

47 years and now all the sudden I will fix it. Name one thing he's done worth while

Time will tell, time will tell Joe! 💰💰💰

She immigrated to America, and it embraced her and gives its nationality,but she never can give up the culture of hate and the fallen, bad language, Rashida Talib The talk is not about insulting America,the country of freedoms, but about bad manners and dirty language👇🏻

ABC your non coverage of a huge scandal is recklesss. Hopefully karma is the bitch that will kick you in the ass

‘The least racist person in the room” is usually the most racist person. Just for clarity Don your a racist child kidnapper (I thought I’d highlight your better points first 😉😉😉😏😏😏🤫🤫🤫)

Smack down

Yeah three years ago you guys were in corruption now you’re trying to cover up corruption and Biden is corruption he’s been stealing from Americans pockets for many many years and you guys just don’t care because you’re big tech and you’re for the Democrats

Joe lied and lied again. I don’t care about tax returns but I do care about the American economy.

Never got the racist stuff. Trump has multiple awards from black associations

China Joe well sell you out

Fact China Joe and Obama built the cages not trump

That was saying a lot. Not saying he’s not racist just the least of all In the room at the time. I can only imagine the remaining people’s level of racism if trump is the least LeastRacistPersonInTheRoom

That about sums up Donald Trump.

TRUMP -- THE MOST CURRUPT INDIVIDUAL IN AMERICA TALKING ABOUT CORRUPTION. THIS GUY HAS SOME GALL!!! TrumpIsPathetic, he doesn't show TrumpTaxReturns because he is a TrumpTaxFraud and now we have a TrumpMeltdown, THANK GOD.

ABC is bastardly reporting over its President!

It’s so strange that everyone in Hong Kong knows for a fact that the Biden family is deeply connected to China, making huge money using the name of vice president of America, Americans seem totally clueless.

he's not even the least racist person wearing his underwear

This man leads America both domestically and on the international stage. Shocking!

Did just slam JoeBiden ? “Lincoln”, “poor boys” ?

? that should b asked is who starts the fire. Race, Corona, Climate all politicized by the Democratic Party. It’s disgusting how they will divide a country for power. Joe has nothing to bring to the table. Name 1 good thing he’s known for in 47 years

His wife and kids were in the room.


Even if that’s true 🙄you’re still a racist!

If you have to say “I’m not racist” chances are you really are racist!



It’s a shame that trump has such a limited vocabulary and set of stock phrases: “I’m the least...”, “I’m the most...”, “I’ve done more...”, just sound a ridiculous and is demonstrably not true. Wake up America, you voted in an idiot, don’t make the same mistake again

Mass muderer

Take some more home remedies Donald !

Trump would LOVE to show them.. but he's too busy tweeting.

Burn, big time!!

Both of them have said foolish things. Most people do. Only Joe Biden has played with A Klanner.

WHO SAYS THAT?!!!! Well except for my grandpa at Thanksgiving dinner after ranting about minorities and everyone is already hanging their head in shame.

Are you kidding? He's afraid of being caught like Al Capone for Income Tax Evasion !!!

🤡 is the racist 💩.

stanley_sls huh? i take full responsibility but it’s not my fault. i’m confused

Also Joe Biden:

Trump's father was a card carrying klan member. Trump only knows what he grew up with. He is a white supremacist, a bigot, adulterer and a liar. Not all Republicans believe in Trump. Many have left Trump's side.

Another in a series of abc news ads for the Biden campaign. It’s so transparent. You have zero credibility as a source of news.

Some would say look on the bright side minorities will eventually have equal rights if they survive long enough.👀

Central park 5

Joe Biden supports the kkk

Trump is a racist. Everyone knows it.

Democrats including Obama have been throwing fuel in and all over the fire whilst lighting them too - Biden is bo one to talk about fueling fires!

Poor ol Joe never stood a chance. It's so fun watching all the liberals heads explode 🤯. 😂 😂 😂 😂

Poor joe straining for every word poor man ❤❤❤❤❤sit down sleepy😴😴😴😴😴let donald run this

It’s the opinion of each individual, one person hears a positive and another a negative. And the media turns it into a negative 🙁❤️🇺🇸

I swear Biden also said Lincoln was racist. Didn’t sound like he was being sarcastic just like he got his words mixed up.

Uh huh.

Liar 🤥

Wouldn’t want my kids going to school in a “racial jungle” though, huh Joe?

Just because you say it 1,000 times doesn't mean it's true. Is he trying to convince himself he's not a racist?


Maybe it came in Jim Crowe Joe's case of cash?

Nice try - won’t work!!

NeoMasoeu I ain't gonna lie Biden popped off hear 😂😂

He never seems ro miss an opportunity to do his racist whistling routine.

I used to think George Bush was a racist and I was wrong. trump has shown he is a racist. Kkk lover

Emissions from wind mills? Trump is so out of touch with reality and lacks common sense and intelligence.

Trump always says the opposite of the truth.The same way satan does.

That is not taking responsibility. I don’t care where it came from. I care about what you’re doing about it now. That’s where he has failed.

All you ignoramuses are lost. Neither party is going to fix anything. The entire system is a historic, epic fail.

The usual Trump gobbledy-gook!!!

The president is not responsible for any death due to covid-19 it takes a crooked politician to make claims like that to try to better his campaign

He takes full and no responsibility of what?! 🤣

Incredibly low iq

American's are so done with partisan media. Here's a headline 'Joe Biden wants to get rid of our oil industry' - big news!

That response is not taking responsibility

He should probably hit up a dictionary.

This is what all the trumpians learned . 'Pretend you're care, immediately attack others'.

The point is Mr. President it happened on your watch Sir and there’s over 320,028 dead on your watch . Plus your Administration was left an playbook with details on the steps of how it should have been dealt with but you know everything about everything.

Are you guys working for hidden,did you investigate hunter emails...

I agree with the President and the inital steps he took to save lives. We all have a personal responsibility to do what we can to help others and help ourselvers

Biden is the new world PinocchioJoe


that doesn’t make sense wtf he says he takes responsibility but then blames china i

If you still believe that all the supposed Covid deaths were actually caused by Covid I’m sorry you’re just easily fooled and haven’t done any outside research aside from what mainstream news tells you. That is a huge problem.

I don't think Trump understands the real meaning of the world 'Responsibility'

Trump has the vocabulary of a kindergartner

Real news from censorship free Australian media...

TrumpMassGenocide MAGA MY ASS

He shut down travel from China and Biden’s response...Trump was xenophobic and racist! Can’t have it both ways.

Wait what?

He’s right!

His right the democrats want to blame him for COVID he’s doing a great job handling this I’d like to know what Biden would differently biden wanted to keep the borders open or have you all foggonten

Americans go to Fox news to see what ABC is not showing u FBI has Hunters lap top with evidence of Biden corruption Media not showing any of this Go to Fox and see for yourself Biden made his family rich and the person that helped is spilling the beans

It’s China fault and liberal professor from Boston.

I think this was the part I laughed hardest at.

THAMMBNAS or the Hatch Act makes me be neutral and silent.

I don't think he knows what 'takes responsibility ' means...

Sad thing is had he prepared a national response and abated the disease he could have been a hero. Just what he always wanted. He's so stupid.

In March Trump tried to impose quarantine on NY, NJ, CT but Gov Cuomo threatened to sue Trump bc he’s Federal gov and has no authority over states and it’s Governors who handle Covid-19 for their people

Oh, i love this man

ABC News is biased and lies....

Sometimes I really have a hard time deciding if realDonaldTrump is lying, or if he is just that stupid. I honestly think he has a comprehension problem.

When the coronavirus first came to the states, President Trump said he was not going to take any responsibility as president. Those are his exact works you can look it up.

Sounds like something an 8 year old would say


Proof that TRUMPY 🍊 STILL doesn’t accept any responsibility

He said months ago he took no responsibility. So once again he lies

I don't agree with him the big reason is I don't trust him

He doesn’t know what he is supposed to take responsibility for.

Biden is currently eating Ice Cream with Pelosi and can’t comment on this statement...

Idiot, I mean he is.


Why did Fake News abcnews not show their viewers this! BREAKING: Hunter’s ex-partner Tony Bobulinski: Says: Joe Biden’s a liar ... via YouTube

I take full responsibility... it's not my fault 😂


😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 And America would have the world believe this Halloween face is the most powerful man in the world?😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣

It’s absolutely Donald’s fault how shittily it was handled, resulting in many thousands of unnecessary deaths and a huge dick-punch to the economy. VoteHimOut

It is Not His fault, hahahahahaha

Chump was working with China on the pandemic to try and takeover the US. TrumpTheSnake

He's right, & any sitting president would have been blamed...especially by the left. That's all they have right now because they sure as shit can't go off of policies or economy.

Sometimes I get the feeling you don't like us very much Mr President !

O God!

Trump fans: 'See! He said he takes full responsibility!' Everyone else: 🤔🤨🤔🙄🙄

Why do we not hear the same excuse from other world leaders?

Let's imagine for a moment.. where we would be today had he said 'we are at war with this thing and I call upon all Americans to wear these nifty maga face masks in proximity to others..keep your distance..wash your hands..and beat the crap out of it'. But no. So here we are

He denies it... then affirms it the next goddamn sentence. 😐 WHY DO YOU PEOPLE FOLLW THIS SCHEIßTEKOPF?

It's China's fault for not protecting USA who is a colony,under China government?

Nice misquote. Finish the rest of the statement please.

' I take full responsibility but It's not my fault ' 🙃

Right not JoeBiden fault !

Induce people to think this virus was just a flu virus and it would go away, was how he helped kill so many. So much lies, discrediting scientists in every situation just to help his agenda

I would call it negligent genocide.

Did Trump invent the virus? Did he bring it to the US?

'It just blow away'.

I think people in the US should start to realize they have turned into a 3rd world country. This one sentence summarizes his term and the idiot he is, most of all it says a lot about the people voting for him. Best of luck, you will need it

NOTHING is HIS fault!

I really don’t know where you think guys from ABC News think about doing this poor journalism. Look, what about shares some of the trues that Trump did and KEEP doing for USA? Biden was in the power and, as Trump said: He did nothing. It’s facts, anybody can see.

It may have come from China, however, he is still to blame for the mismanagement of the response of COVID cases in America. He tried to downplay it so much in the beginning. That is where HIS fault lies.

'I take full responsibility. But I don't. China's fault so I don't have to do anything.'

Not your fault it came here but it is your fault you hid the seriousness of the virus from the American people. You are in a recording saying it’s an airborne virus in January! Also. It’s October and still no national mask mandate. OUT you go!

Look at the legacy news outlets headlining Biden's debate claims, after his poor showing tonight.

Clearly Trump needs the word responsibility defined and used in a sentence first so he can be clear on what it means.

Biden: I rest my case.

He doesn't even know what the word responsibility means. We fucked up, America. But we can fix it. BidenHarris2020Landslide TrumpIsNotWell

He takes full responsibility of how to handle it. But it's the THE CHINESE VIRUS.

I think this is true

immerhin übernimmt endlich jemand was

Putin’s puppet is being outwitted by smart Americans

It's Trump's fault that the virus continues to spread, uncontrollably. Does that feel better?

So he takes responsibility by saying it’s not his fault. Yep, that’s Trump doing what he does best: lying and deflecting

Maybe he should pay more taxes to China?

His Maths is wonderful. What fraction of 200k is 3.3 million. Just 2 in every 3 million. The same way he concluded that Bankruptcy affects only his image not his person or life. All are true for him alone

If H1N1 was as deadly as COVID-19, he and Obama would have killed 2 million people.

I heard a comment that if realDonaldTrump were a general in charge of a battle who lost over 225,000 soldiers, he’d be replaced. TrumpIsAFailure

Every governor from each state shouldn’t be governor either,same goes for the speaker of the house why didn’t they pass a bill to stop sending ill elders to nursery homes ? The hypocrisy of the left

It came from China. The CCP is the problem along with the Deep state. But who am I kidding ABC is owned by the deep state.

Why aren’t democrats upset with China? They’re responsible for this virus, not Donald Trump. What was he supposed to do wave a magic wand and make it disappear?

Biden is a liar!

唐納豬你太聰明了 沒人比你更了解Covid-19 美利堅在你的領導下只死了220,000名美國民眾 全球之冠 全是你的功勞 全力支持唐納豬再次當選美國總統🤣🤣🤣熱切期待…

It's estimated up to 400k ppl died due to hospital over flows and undiagnosed illnesses like lung cancer and ppls preexisting conditions that couldn't hardship the damage done by the virus.

There is no hell deep, dark or painful enough for the son of a bitch who writes off the lives of 2 million people with a shrug. Or congratulates himself for only losing 220k when he did absolutely nothing to prevent those deaths.

74 300 a day. Remarkable 🥇achievement. World leading stuff.

I am very sad that more and more have turned their back on you, presidentTrump, everything has been wrong for you. You are purely a businessman having no characteristics of cheating, cunning, artful, hypocrisy like the professional politicians. You have lost. Great pity for you.

Y'all wanna talk about Trump's facials expression don't forget Joe laughing off all his corruption! He looked very Guilty! He may not of got any foreign money his family got a lot! Why didn't you report the Tony Bolulinski's news confernce?

True all true

I'd like to ask him if he's working so hard why does my friend who's a RN have to wear the same mask all week while dealing with patients? WheresThePPE COVID19


You all who think you know so much better are responsible, really.

It’s Trump Fault he the one downplayed this deadly disease.

Those 2 million were early projections and based on very little data. Everyone got that wrong but he hangs on to this as opposed to the real number of deaths. realDonaldTrump TrumpIsPathetic VoteHimOut

U wanna know whats really ridiculous ?, no one was ready for this pandemic...and I don’t hear ANY plans of getting ready for the NEXT one which could happen before this one is over!! Or even next month( i hope not)

True.. he has model which predicted that all Americans will die from Covid-19.. ignore this guy especially during his last days in office!

How is a virus a presidents fault? Wtf? People are delusional.

Go Joe!

Also Joe

I remember when Joe said he was fear mongering !!

I Love all the Rally Goers that are Now Convinced by Trump it’s No big Deal & a Badge of Honor, to Get the Virus! There’s been a Few of these Fools that have Died or Suffered Horrid Illness! Trumps Last Days will be Rallys to Spread Virus, Funnel all $ Donations Into Trump Org!!

Too bad that at the time, he lied his ass off about the prediction models🙄

Where is donny boy jr Usually He’s Running His Mouth on Twitter How daddy Won the Debate, & Slow Joe had 2 Exploding Brain Aneurysms! Mr. Biden Has in Fact Survived 2 Brain Aneurysms, Donny boy should Not Joke About that sort of thing!


Spikes because of...a failure in leadership

BIDEN It is forgotten that the only person responsible for deaths worldwide is The Dictator-Communist XINJINPING From CHINA Not even the greatest infectologists, virologists, epidemiologists knew how to contain the advance of the CHINESE Virus


Over 2.2 million statistically did in the States annually.

If Trump had not thrown out the pandemic plan book that the previous administration had left for him; if he’d only heeded warnings from dr’s/scientists around the world back in January, so many wouldn’t have died. Trump is to blame. TrumpKilledMyMom

WeThePeople will vote in honor of the 223K TrumpVirus nobodies that no longer can. So because the numbers are lower than models predicted realDonaldTrump thinks HIS administration has done what is right for our country? 🇺🇸 says VoteHimOut POTUS nomoreyears WhiteHouse

Last 24 hrs Australia has 1 new covid case America had 66,000 nuf said.

That 2.2M deaths est was if no action was taken. NONE! Trump knew & willingly ignored details he was briefed - FACT! He told Woodward. Stop acting like Trump is anything except a known criminal, abuser, drug addict, unsuccessful individual. Facts are available and you're aware of

Many Americans who died of COVID19 had pre-existing health problems. Excuse my French, America is the obesity capital of the world. Obesity comes with things like diabetes, heart diseases e.t.c which make sufferers more vulnerable

I can’t believe he tried defending his actions we still can lose 2 million we don’t know the long term effects of Covid everyone who caught it can have unforeseen problems down the road

Donnie there is more to life then money but I don’t know that

When Joe said that, I realized that he has no clue how quickly viruses spread.

I’m so sick of people repeating the 200,000 deaths thing on Trump. Shouldn’t responsibility lie on state and local governments? Or the public? Isn’t Cuomo responsible for all deaths in NYS then? It just seemed like natl media is rooting for deaths to make Trump look bad

Hey he has the cure...

I stand with Trump. From day one he took office no matter whatever he did Dems always attack him, Dems just couldn’t accept Hillary lost.

I doubt sleeping Joe can do better encounting such a Chinese virus.

Its easy to pull numbee out the air. 2 million 4 million 5 million was supposed to die but the fact over 220,000 did die. Thats alot of people, alot of broken families and more to come. Those are Facts and still no plan.

This is like blaming trump for the kids in cages crap. He didn’t start that one either but look who is getting blamed. Check the WHO timeline on the covid situation

Good thing China's not the president.

We love you President Trump! All The love and support down here in Texas your way Sir!!🏳️‍🌈🇱🇷💗❤️💗🇱🇷

Trump 2020-2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!


Amen to that President Biden.

President Trump could not talk his way past this painful reality or pretend that he's ever had the virus under control or even cared.

I pay a lot of taxes and be left with nothing ,that’s not fair at all, how is it that when your rich you don’t have to pay taxes🤔 that’s not fair at all here folks. I feel that if some of us have to pay taxes everybody else should. What makes you different? Because you’re Rich”

Trump tore Biden a new ass. Guessing no one told Biden he was on national tv and not in his basement

And just like that the electoral college decides it's Trump. Americans will live this President for another four years.

Lol even the greatest governments in the world have struggled to manage this virus, but sleepy Joe thinks Trump didnt do enough? Cut the man some slack

He's done nothing but Lie voluminously daily his whole awful presidency. There's no point in listening to him. He & his enablers have been & are destroying this nation. Vote to end this sh**show.

Lol how exactly does JoeBiden think he’s going to prevent any deaths? There are STILL people dying of H1N1, how about you start there!

Trump is not a good speaker but hes liked by ppl who share with the same characters!

If he had lost a family member to covid, would he still think 220000 people was considered fewer. As far as other leaders around the world saying he dealt with it well its a damn lie. Someone should have a dog training collar on him for when he lies. PresidentialDebate2020

The fact is if JoeBiden were president and waited till April to start the China and Europe Travel Bans, the original projections of the CDC of 1.5 to 2 Million COVID deaths in the US would be a reality. Thank God Bidden is not president! VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020

President is a man, not all who are responsible for the pandemic deaths, specially including who start and crowd social protests like black live matter despite knowing social distancing guidelines! Problem of fictional statement is that they have no evidence, never and ever!

Yet you don't cover how Hunter Bidens background and how he wasn't there at the debate. cnnbrk CNN JoeBiden You know the last person said 'I'm Not A Crook' -Nixon Trump2020 TrumpTeam CorruptJoeBiden WheresHunter

CDC confirmed only 6% of those deaths died of covid alone

“Anyone who’s responsible”, this statement is fundamentally flawed on so many levels. JB...please explain how a single person is responsible for the deaths from the China virus. Using this flawed logic why not make the case that all the deaths worldwide are one persons fault? 🤔

Now during the 1st wave he predicted 70k deaths. He's way off that number.

I support President Trump's re-election. He is a good man. God bless him!


Biden forgot Governors run the states and Covid-19. Trump in March tried to impose quarantine on NY and Gov Cuomo threatened to sue Trump if he did such illegality

If JoeBiden was President more than twice would if been dead. And much of this number is because if democratic governors putting patients into nursing homes.

What an idiot!!

How do you figure trump is responsible he isn't the virus

I agree with Trump.

The fact is that the US has one of the highest infection rates per capita of any nation on earth. Countries like New Zealand have used protective gear, tracing, and sequestering to defeat this plague. Pres T's admin is culpable for the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands

Then Biden must ask xi Jinping to resign

The orange dictator didn't didnt do the dictatorial thing and usurp the power of state governors and lock down the entire country indefinitely. Sleepyjoe is utterly laughable. 😂 TrumpPence2020

And then Rudy saved America!!!

Trump might have a case defending himself IF he was doing all he could do RIGHT NOW. But he still isn't.

How is he responsible Global pandemic. We have one of the lowest death rates on earth. We also attribute many deaths to Covid whether they are directly caused from the virus or not

He's too stupid to know those 'models' he's referring to were if absolutely nothing was done to try to prevent the spread of the virus which he really wanted to do. Fortunately other leaders picked up the ball he threw down & carried it or else the deaths would be much higher.

EndSARS BiafraExit OduduwaExitNow EndNigeriaNow BiafaReferendum

But if we hadn't tested......

That is stupid because No one could see the outcome of this and in the beginning Biden commented it was no worse than flu. Check the WHO timeline and see from the first no one was worried about this including Nancy Pelosi once again in Chinatown having a ball....

How many of those people lived in NY and this is with a virus nobody new anything about, get real people

Yeah, 2 million if we did absolutely nothing. There were more models that showed strict lockdowns or loose lockdowns or moderate action or just a couple things different. 2 million didn’t die but we definitely didn’t try as hard as we could have like everyone else did

Trump won the debate ... Biden is too old

Cuomo oversaw the deaths of 40,000 in New York... Killed JaniceDean's in-laws... Lies about it to this day. SICK. CuomoKilledThousands CuomoKilledGrandma

Who won the debate?

Using the pandemic by Biden is so weak. Every 'expert' has changed their opinions and guidance from day 1 as things progressed. And dont even get started on the accuracy of the numbers we get fed daily.

the entire country is spiking right now

If governments respect human life, they can defeat the virus.Your country's economy will get better. for some reason the US government has no respect for American people and 200,000 US people is dead by covid-19 The death number is going up to 300,000.

All Biden shot back were blanks

Why is the President so quick to shift blame to his predecessor when he's had an almost full term to fix whatever was wrong with the previous administration's policies? At the start the GOP had the White House and both houses of congress. Take some responsibility for your fails.

All that hair on Trumps head is making him talk kaka💩

FactCheck this !

what scientists is biden listening too, its taken 8 months to reach 220,000 deaths, and all the DRs have worked out how to treat covid, so less people are dying, where does he get 200,000 people will die in 2 months, he has no idea what he is saying

Joe wasn't wrong tbh.

Major Take Away from debate, Trump had nothing to offer on plans to replace ACA, Fight Covid-19, or Improve Economy & Unemployment. Trump’s only game plan was to attack Biden on unsubstantiated claims about Hunter Biden. Trump’s quote, “If the stories are true, it’s bad”, “If”!

Why do I get the feeling T is only in this to score some $$$$$$ while B is more for the folks of USA!!!

Interesting that ABC didn’t find the part where Biden plans to dismantle our oil industry important 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 but truthfully, not surprised one bit

It is better to stay silent realDonaldTrump than to express trivial, incoherent or foolish things.

Definitely, Donald is an accident, not a president. Tragic accident. His defeat on November 3 will be like NATO's entry into Kosovo, a moment of liberation for America

So, I'm a liberal Canadian and for Trump to win, it might be disastrous for Canada. However, if I was an American, I'd vote for Trump, hands down. Sure, he's made some dumbass comments, but one thing stands out — he loves his country.

The only big thing i dislike in biden is his tax plans 🤑

Should have let the mic. Go.

ABC Why aren’t you covering Joe Biden taking money from A BIG Chinese business ? The Former Navy Officer has gone on record. Why won’t you cover it the American people have a right to know. Why are you hiding an FBI investigation

When the leader of the most powerful nation takes pride is stating he is the 'most least racist'🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


realDonaldTrump ..GodBlessPresidentTrump

YOOOO imagine the AUDACITY to tell the American nation nobody has done more for the black community than DT except maybe LINCOLN. This confirms it. This election is a joke to him.. he ain’t even tryna win he’s tryna watch the world burn 😭

Donald Trump lied during every single second that his mouth was moving.

Hope you got the part where Joe Biden wants end the oil industry!

Do you believe there are still undecided voters?

The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly. —Jim Rohn

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