Trump attacks Lindsey Graham after SCOTUS rulings

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“No Republican Senate Judiciary response," the president tweeted.

President Donald Trump took a swing at Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday in the aftermath of two Supreme Court decisions involving his closely held financial records, lamenting that the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and close Trump ally was not doing enough to target the president’s political foes.

Trump’s tweets came after a Supreme Court decision upheld a Manhattan grand jury subpoena seeking his tax returns and other financial documents as part of a criminal investigation into the practices of the Trump Organization. In response, Trump complained that former President Barack Obama was not receiving enough scrutiny over his administration’s decision to open up a counterintelligence investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government in 2016.

“We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT...and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear,” Trump wrote on Twitter. He specifically called out Graham’s committee, writing: “No Republican Senate Judiciary response.”

The president’s claim doesn’t take into account the fact that Graham is running a wide-ranging investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation and was granted broad subpoena power to compel testimony from several former senior Obama administration officials.Earlier this year, Trump pushed Graham to issue a subpoena to Obama himself, demanding that he be put under oath. But Graham has swiftly rejected those calls, arguing it would set a dangerous precedent.

While Thursday’s Supreme Court rulings handed Trump a loss in the Manhattan case, the justices punted on a separate case involving congressional subpoenas for similar financial records, all but ensuring that the documents will not reach Congress or the public until after Election Day.


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What the hell Lindsay! You and Trump not getting along? I’ve got to find another pic.

Somebody isn't going to be happy at the next rose ceremony GOPCorruptionOverCountry

Really? After the way he complimented your golf game?

They'll be eating their own soon...

LindseyGrahamSC isn't slobbering loud enough for Trump.

Thank God our tax dollars are being used for investigations like this, that benefit the country as a whole, rather than for entitlement programs like public education and universal healthcare. The GOP really has our backs!

'Graham's running a wide-ranging investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.' We figured out the Russia hoax before the investigation even started. Lindsey Graham (Cracker) is 'hard on the outside, soft on the inside.'

Awwww. Let’s all take a deep breath and send Lindsay our condolences.

Trump understands that today's SCOTUS decisions portend a slippery slope for him, his administration, and the GOP senators who ignored Trump's egregious actions betraying the United States. These decisions demonstrate the high integrity of checks & balances. Follow the money!💙🇺🇸

Nobody spied on his campaign “AND GOT CAUGHT”. typical Trump flight of fantasy. And Graham? When will he or will he ever learn that loyalty with a Trump is a one-way street...

Trump blames everyone for his political failures, whines about it, and then throws his loyalists under the bus even if they continuously choose loyalty to him over loyalty to voters and country and even if they totally corrupt themselves to save his ever sinking ship.

Lindsay just tell the Conman to move to Moscow, he doesn’t pay his fair share of American taxes anyway.

Perfect example of a non-essential government emlployee.

We’ll know if it’s a serious spat if Graham is kicked off the foursome.

Trump has something BIG over Lindsey Graham.... it’s like he’s a different person- I was never a fan before but he’s had a brain transplant or sth

The President's attacks generally don't take into account the facts. Why should this attack be different.

The Oranges?

Haha Trump begging his enablers for help in finding a loophole to jump through.

Are the little boys having a tiff?

It’s your friend man, now realCrazyDonaldTrump is attacking his own friend, duh 🙄

☝️Happy Birthday, LindseyGrahamSC. 😂🤣


You're never REALLY an ally of Donald Trump. You're only ever as good as your usefulness

Happy Birthday!

So, now Lindsey Graham will have a back bone?


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