Trump announces reduced cost of insulin for diabetic seniors on Medicare

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

WATCH: President Trump announces agreement to slash out of pocket costs of insulin for Medicare recipients.


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We will see.

Trying to get the senior vote huh it won’t work

All lies

First the screwup in chief kills us with his plague now he tries to buy our support back. I have been talking to us donnie boy, we think its time for you to hop on the broomstick toodle over to russia get on vladi's lap and get a big kiss from him. UR🤡💩

Only shows he could have lowered cost for insulin before coronavirus

Dropping cost from $400 to $35 per month will save Seniors $4,380 per yr! LowCostInsulin is a promise kept by POTUS Trump.

Something every democrat was against when creating Obamacare.

NOW he cares for the elderly?

But not if it is a pre existing conditions ?

How about Trump Donating $100,000,000 of his own Money to help the People Unemployed by the Coronavirus. That's $25,000 to 4000 Families to help them Survive until a Cure is Found and People can return to Work Safely without Infecting Anyone or being Infected. Make Sense?

Trump Promises the world hoping for the vote....get it in writing and have it witnessed.

Is that so he can get his cheaper

He's had over 3 years to do this and all of a sudden makes this promise.


Why not everyone?!?

Let me guess. Trump is looking for some old, sick voters!

Government overreach and irresponsible leadership. Cleary the actions of a left-of-center 'big-government' occupant in the Oval Office. Under POTUS' regime, government intrusion grows. This is Socialism, not free market. GOPChairwoman WhiteHouse GOP TheDemocrats MAGA

Starting next year, according to local newscast. Why wait so long?

He is getting desperate now. He should have been helping the American folks from the first day he was voted in. It’s getting down to a few months & now he wants to pretend he cares.

Why did this take so long? realDonaldTrump it's taken you 3 years and 5 mos to get a deal on insulin. You shoulda called Justin in Canada, he takes care of his people.

Its all political favour , Am sure he wont get it

So he lowers cost and all the POS Karen’s and Brad’s on Twitter come out to disparage it. If he made the medication free, they’d claim he is encouraging Diabetes.

Not a senior? = still screwed

oh wow, this comes after many seniors who had died on COVID-19 diabetic issues. A no cost pledge and/or empty promise.

This is good. But sincere? If only he’d done this since day 1 and not part of a “win back the old people I wanted to throw to the corona wolves” re-election campaign bit. tedcruz JohnCornyn

Sure if you believe the words that come out of his derriere.

And what about young people who aren’t on Medicare? He just politicizes every single thing, pandering to his base of older voters.

Trying to buy off senior voters .... what's the catch? How much is he expecting to pay drug makers.

Trading insulin for votes.

He throwing everything at the wall! You’ve been in office for 3 years and forgot about the people who voted you in until they threatened to hand you your a$$ realDonaldTrump

More than Obama & Biden did in 8 yrs. Trump is putting money back into our pockets, the Democrats will take it in taxes to pay for the 'Handouts' they are passing out.

But not everyone else who just so happens to need insulin? You know the people who are born diabetic or get it later in life (Ex. my brother Erich who was diagnosed as Type 1 about 3 years in a few months)

He probably has to start using insulin, that’s why he cut the cost. He doesn’t do anything unless it benefits him.

So many questions. What about the donut hole, is it only humalog or all insulin? How about the other expensive diabetic meds? Does this only apply to plan D?


We’ve heard this lie periodically over 3+ years. The sole activity has been periodic photo ops with big pharma CEOs.

He also wondered, openly and out loud, if he should be taking it. Don’t forget that.

A conman for real 😳

How about the rest of us?


I giggle every time you must report something that Trump did for us that you cannot spin to make him look bad. a little school-girl...I giggle. You folks at NBC are garbage...and very soon...the rest of the world will know it..


Why not for everybody? It cost pennies to make

So will Trump start taking insulin now because he thinks its good idea? StableGenius 😂😂

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