Trump again accused of mishandling info, creating security threat

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.MaddowBlog: Pres. Trump again accused of mishandling info, creating security threat.

The House Intelligence Committee this week released a new report on Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal, which included phone records that pointed to a familiar concern: the president continues to use unsecured telephones. That includes frequent communications with Rudy Giuliani – while the former mayor was abroad – that the Washington Post reported were “vulnerable to monitoring by Russian and other foreign intelligence services.

The problem, of course, extends beyond breathtaking hypocrisy. By willfully ignoring security guidance, Trump has created a vulnerability that Russia could exploit to advance its interests over ours. And in case that weren’t quite enough, the Post reported that after White House officials made “a concerted attempt” in 2017 to have Trump use secure White House lines, the president came to realize this meant officials such as then-White House Chief of Staff John Kelly would know to whom Trump was speaking.

8. In July 2019, Trump had an unsecured conversation with U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Gordon Sondland, while the ambassador was in a Ukrainian restaurant within earshot of others, in which Trump sought information on Ukraine helping target the president’s domestic political opponents. Larry Pfeiffer, a former senior director of the White House Situation Room and a former chief of staff to the CIA director, said of the call, “The security ramifications are insane.

5. In February 2017, Trump discussed sensitive details about North Korea’s ballistic missile tests with the prime minister of Japan at a Mar-a-Lago dining area, in view of wealthy civilians/customers. 2. In October 2019, Trump needlessly blurted out all kinds of tactical and operational details about the al-Baghdadi mission.


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MaddowBlog How did this happen? I know, because he is in over his head

MaddowBlog trump has been a security threat every since he was born or hatched/. a rooster to all women, a sex fiend, he has a history of racism,hate for all skin colors not white/.we all seen & witnessed his hate at charlottesville/. remember why u vote/.

MaddowBlog Donald Trump us currently single most threat to our Constitutional Republic. Impeach him and his criminal syndicate.


MaddowBlog Well smash my blackberries and bleach my Hard drives. 🤣

MaddowBlog Instead of just headlining for clicks and comments give some actual news with actual quotes and facts and examples. You really suck at news...

MaddowBlog mmm hmmm

MaddowBlog MSNBC, You are Putin's pawn.


MaddowBlog So let’s ask Vlad to give us tapes of realDonaldTrump ‘s conversations! Bet the Russians have every conversation.

Doxyma MaddowBlog 'John Sipher, former deputy chief of Russia operations at the CIA, said it's so likely that Russia tracked [Giuiani/Trump calls from Ukraine] that the Kremlin probably knows more now about those conversations than impeachment investigators.

MaddowBlog . . His presence is a threat to AMERICA! .... .

MaddowBlog IM COOLENG FBI and I am serious

MaddowBlog And knowing Rudy is not very smart, it's safe to say the Russians and whoever else was listening in.

MaddowBlog I'm using my Jitterbug! WTF could go wrong?

MaddowBlog He isn't creating the security threat, he IS the security threat.

MaddowBlog Trump gets NATO members to kick in an additional $530 BILLION and he comes home to this really important scandal.

MaddowBlog Y’all post this story too much.

MaddowBlog So what, MoscowMitch and the Senate Republicans already sold their souls to Putin.

MaddowBlog All intentional. He's gotta keep papa putin happy.

MaddowBlog I’m starting to think he is incompetent and unqualified. 🙄

MaddowBlog Has he lost those 33,000 emails after he finally found them?

MaddowBlog Another lie by the Media that was debunked days ago, of course you guys are too stupid to even bother to check.

MaddowBlog Did he have a private server in the basement ?

MaddowBlog Trump being Trump is suddenly a problem?

MaddowBlog SNOWFLAKES:Do U ever tire of running around with your hair on fire because of unimportant/irrelevant/untrue propaganda fed to U on a daily basis by “Fake News”and lies MSM? U must be the people who r unable to prosper in the outstanding Trump economy.Reelect POTUS TRUMP in 2020

MaddowBlog Serious question: how many times are you going to repost this?


MaddowBlog Is it now confirmed that Trump is a great daily security threat?

MaddowBlog msnbc = Fake News

MaddowBlog Oh come on! can you just take a break from the non-stop, bash Trump, blasting the horn news cycle. It is getting so old. Can you just relax? You have vilified him enough. You have made many people have hate filled hearts. Take a break and go to bed.

MaddowBlog The greatest thre ad t to our national security ever

MaddowBlog 'State Department tried to bribe FBI to unclassify Clinton emails'


MaddowBlog 🙄omg y’all should really just give it up.

MaddowBlog A whole accused?

MaddowBlog Wouldn’t be trump otherwise.

MaddowBlog So much for bitching about Hillary mishandling info.

MaddowBlog Push push lol

MaddowBlog Their is law in this Country for defamation cases and Falsely Reporting crimes! Donald Trump is not maliciously committing wrong doing- real criminals are maliciously causing issues: Like Democrats making up fault using TRUMP Name!

MaddowBlog 911 catapulted Trump's lawyer, former New York Mayor Rudy Guiliani, to fame. With the Saudi's appearing to use Trump as their official US press secretary, and owning the 45th floor of Trump Tower, I'm actually starting to wonder what Trump's actual involvement in 911 was.

MaddowBlog He is already trying to shut down all manner of reporting. Are you sure you want to poke the Demanica DICTATOR?


MaddowBlog Lock him up.

MaddowBlog Can we say maddow and Russia Russia Russia. Hiw low can you and your network stoop. Your already in the sewer. Perhaps a holding tank for a septic tank is your ultimate goal. Your not far from it




MaddowBlog Bu, bu, bu, but Hillary!!

MaddowBlog Are we really surprised by this, it’s in his delicate & fragile male ego to let the experts tell him not use those phones unless of course that’s his plan to begin with and scapegoat someone on security staff. It is after all a favorite play oh his.

MaddowBlog I heard Trump has an unsecured server in his closet?

MaddowBlog Lock him up

MaddowBlog This disproven story is old news being regurgitated. White House IT already went on record about this. There are plenty of (good and bad) FACTUAL stories you could report on. Please do better. I've seen you do better.


MaddowBlog What else is new?

MaddowBlog Just please make it stop! 😭

MaddowBlog He’s a threat to America, vote the incompetent clown out. He will not change.

MaddowBlog Wait. You're saying that the same man who tweeted a cell phone picture of a satellite photo from a classified briefing, possibly DURING the briefing in a room that should not have had a cell phone IN IT may have mishandled secure information?

MaddowBlog Now you guys are just throwing hail Marys 😂

MaddowBlog He's got to go!

MaddowBlog Giving intelligence to his best buddy in the world, Putin

MaddowBlog What a headline hey? When chump's ineptitude regarding security risk is ranked into a Top 10 list! Just WOW!

MaddowBlog Democrats ar dictators and corrupt Pelosi rich herself of foreign countries


MaddowBlog Could MSNBC get someone who can hold their own and hold their guest to answering the questions and not allow them to move the goalpost!!! It is as frustrating as Trump! It is getting us nowhere other than giving them a platform to spin their nonsense! Stop playing into their hand

MaddowBlog The American People are better than this, congress is not. Term Limits. This so called impeachment is based totally on hate. It is time to get rid of the haters, in congress, in washington dc, and in the news media.

MaddowBlog MSNBC knows that the President uses a special phone that cannot be accessed by security agencies throughout the world. Per Trump's orders the FBI, CIA, NSA and the top secret NRO cannot access the phone. The phone uses Quantum Mechanics technology designed by Richard Feynman.

MaddowBlog 30,000 emails..


MaddowBlog Lock him up.

MaddowBlog Debunked yet msnbc continues to spew it.

MaddowBlog EnemyOfThePeople

MaddowBlog It’s ok because Trump did it. 🙄

MaddowBlog Hang it up already Rache

MaddowBlog How about trying to win at the ballot box and finding a reasonable candidate who's not 80....

MaddowBlog Is there no one brave enough to, at least, challenge him with drawing an analog clock❓

MaddowBlog Trump must be impeached and removed from office ASAP.

MaddowBlog His will say his favorite response 'Fake News'😂

MaddowBlog Hunter Biden is no energy expert (per the ABC interview) yet rec’d $80K+/month. Voters have guessed it was a kickback of foreign aid OR as the Iowa voter said, Biden sold access to the Obama WH. WHY is this not illegal? Have other Congress Dems received foreign aid kickbacks?

MaddowBlog How did we elect the world’s biggest idiot to our highest office and what does that indicate about us. Are we complacent, spoiled or dominated? None are good. The time for radical change is upon us. Are we up to it? Well enough informed? Able?

MaddowBlog yawn

MaddowBlog BS......again

MaddowBlog WRONG !

MaddowBlog Look at all these haters posting comments about Trump. Soon you liberals will be crying all over again on 11/3/2020. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

MaddowBlog Another disregard for America's security. Let's all sit back and let him do as he wants. Thank you again Republicans. Another smile on the face of KGB head, Putin.

MaddowBlog I'm Sure it's the way u r framing it to look like he's done it your no longer trust worthy to anyone who's still sane u lost it all after 2016 u r lucky u still have the Looney ass people u have now still clinging to the fantasy u made up for them to believe in so they can cope




MaddowBlog Barr won't investigate. Barr will however investigate any leakers that are narcing on Trump. Unless it's Russia of course.

MaddowBlog Hold on but didn’t this douche bag realDonaldTrump accuse Hillary Clinton of doing the same damn thing violating our national security but with her emails which by the way when it was investigated turned out to be pure BS used by Chump to gas up his base with LOCK HER UP chants

MaddowBlog You can tell this is propaganda because msnbc has tweeted the same story 3 times in the last few hours

MaddowBlog SNOWFLAKES:Irrelevant/unimportant.Liberal,Socialist Dimocrats will not Impeach in the Senate.The House will be left with a bag of crap & IG/AG Barr’s investigation will eviscerate the Liberal, Socialist Dimocrat Party. Reelect POTUS Trump and keep Socialism in Venezuela!!

MaddowBlog Laughable

MaddowBlog First collusion; doesn't work so then its obstruction; doesn't work so then its quid pro quo; doesn’t; work so then its bribery; doesn't work so then its intimidating a witness; doesn't work; so be determined. Reelect POTUS Trump in 2020 and defeat Socialism!!

MaddowBlog But her e mails and DJT loves wiki leaks and Russia if you’re listening and China and Ukraine investigate Biden. dumpgop

MaddowBlog This lawless individual is embroil in a constitutional crisis even before he got elected he was already commiting crimes soliciting Russians to help him out , so the Russians did when the FBI start investigating he start smearing the intelligence agencies

MaddowBlog Shut up mad cow.


MaddowBlog Also, this is hypocrisy. Clinton intentionally left classified data unsecured. EVERYONE else who has done that, has home to prison. Yet she remains free. Bogus. She violated subpoena to destroy evidence. Its indisputable. Yet you moan Trump is protecting against swamp leakers

MaddowBlog Great again covering trump garbage and providing oxygen for trump / you guys suck, you love trump as a ratings and click bait golden goose / how about talking about YangMediaBlackout or TrumpFearsYang ?

MaddowBlog Article 25 was created just for him

MaddowBlog Perhaps he doesn't want the traitors to continue to violate constitutional rights of the President that WE THE PEOPLE put into office. You are swamp. Trump was elected to stop your shenanigans

MaddowBlog Shame.. MSNBC fabricating news again. Your credibility is in the dustbin where it belongs. You will be on the wrong side of history... Soon...


MaddowBlog Hey Rachel, why do you hate Trump so much?

MaddowBlog I’ve created more jobs then Ivanka Trump

MaddowBlog LOCK HIM UP!

MaddowBlog Trump’s the new stupid

MaddowBlog Accused off, CNN sources,..meanwhile maddow defence in the OAN lawsuit: she made up the accusation/lied as a news MSNBC anchor that OAN was paid Russian propaganda. Her defense is the same as AlexJonesWins in the Sandy Hook case - irony fakemeddow

MaddowBlog he's the single biggest threat to our national security than anyone else in the world

bob_shoots MaddowBlog 😡🤮👎

MaddowBlog He is SUCH a COLOSSAL fuck-up. I wished I knew WHY the GOP is SO willing to sell their soles to this satan?

MaddowBlog msnbc, cnn all propaganda

MaddowBlog Baseless accusation... again


MaddowBlog What difference does it make we're too busy chasing the word though to do anything about anything else he's done wrong. This impeachment has been the biggest travesty to ever happen in this country cuz we have empowered him to take over the world. We're Screwed to put it mildly.

MaddowBlog Yawn. America is tired of this BS.

MaddowBlog Rachel is still 'reporting' the news? That's rich.....

MaddowBlog US voters needs to wake up from their kool-Aid coma before life as they’ve known it will be gone forever.

MaddowBlog Fake news. Trump doesn't use an unsecure phone.

MaddowBlog Bernie Sanders is going to be our president Bernie Sanders is going to be our president Bernie Sanders is going to be our president Everybody! Bernie Sanders is going to be our president Bernie Sanders is going to be our president Bernie Sanders is going to be our president

MaddowBlog The information about Toilets?

MaddowBlog Lock. Him. UPPPPPPP!!!!

MaddowBlog NEWS FLASH MSNBC accused of Lying and Yellow Journalism !! No denials

MaddowBlog Hard to care about national security when you are owned by the very person your county is against.

MaddowBlog Trump needs to start his own White Arian Nation on Epsteins island. A perfect fit for him and his ilk. POTUS realdonaldtrump

MaddowBlog oh good grief

MaddowBlog Whatever. Trump2020

MaddowBlog 💤💤💤💤💤 That’s nice dear

MaddowBlog LOL Y'all keep throwing crap against the wall and hoping SOMETHING, ANYTHING...sticks-you've been goin' at it nonstop for 3 plus yrs now and NOTHING works-

MaddowBlog Do the GOP just not give a fig about” national Security”? I thought that was their thing?


MaddowBlog really one against the machine

MaddowBlog Does this have something to do with ten flushes?


MaddowBlog Trump uses his personal phone so only the Russians are recording his calls. No whistleblower.

MaddowBlog Fake news.



MaddowBlog MSDNC lies

MaddowBlog Stop watching CNN


MaddowBlog Does this surprise anyone we can only imagine what else he's said or done to place us at a,dangerous threat and more than likely he's given putin way too much info of this country !!!he needs be put out of office before it's too late !!

MaddowBlog trump Mishandles everything bc, he is a spy for Russia and operating in his own agenda... he is very dangerous... he may be setting us up for a major disaster for all we know... he is NOT to be trusted... he NEVER SHOULD HV BEEN IN THE WH...

MaddowBlog Subpoena his calls on non-government phones and we will likely find out they are calls to Giuliani, the Amigos, Putin, Zelensky and others in which he conspires and does not want us to know

MaddowBlog 🤣🤣🤣🤣

MaddowBlog What else is new?

MaddowBlog Let’s repeat this story over and over again.....YOUR OPINION WRITERS ARE HAVING ANOTHER MELTDOWN! TrumpDerangementSyndrome RadicalSocialistDemocrats LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

MaddowBlog Dotard is a noun. An old person especially one who is physically weak or mental faculties have declined. Impeach Remove

MaddowBlog Another dose of everyday hatred of Pres Trump by fake news MSNBC and conspiracy theorist promoter Maddow.

MaddowBlog But what about her emails!!!

MaddowBlog Obama would have been impeached for just one transgression like this.


MaddowBlog Maddow is a Russian backed traitor.

AudreyGarden MaddowBlog

MaddowBlog A walking National Security THREAT 🚨🚨 🚨


MaddowBlog MSNBC is now reporting President Trump ordered the first shot at Bunker Hill. Congress is investigating this troubling news. House Intelligence Chair Schiff is reporting a wistleblower who was in Boston intercepted a call from Gulianni to King George links President to it

MaddowBlog If accusations are cheap. Y’all have a new one every day. Let us know when you have facts backed by hard evidence for once

MaddowBlog But her emails!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

MaddowBlog Msnbc give it a rest propaganda does not work 2020 TRUMP Merry Christmas because my President said we can say merry Christmas ho ho ho 🎅

MaddowBlog Should this eejit be re-elected - or anyone like him be handed the presidency in future - then U.S. democracy will be further discredited. How he got installed president, getting through the Electoral College: one of the supposed checks and balances of the constitution, is mad!

MaddowBlog Wait!!! He set up a private server in a closet at Mar a Logo? Where the Chinese, Russians, Iranians and N. Koreans can have easy access to Top Secret Documents. Oh my gosh!!! If true he should be thrown in prison or equal justice is dead in this country.

MaddowBlog FakeNews

MaddowBlog Adam Schiff is doing anything and everything he can, mostly illegally, underhandedly and sneakily. He is a coward, not coming before congress with his report because he can't take an oath to tell the truth. AMERICA WE MUST UNITE AND REMOVE THIS FESTERING CANCER HOWEVER WE CAN.

MaddowBlog He mishandles EVERYTHING!

MaddowBlog Lock him up!


noybsk2017 MaddowBlog TRAITOR !!

MaddowBlog This network along with most of them a sign President And views constantly ?

MaddowBlog Fake news. verified only approved electronics

MaddowBlog just because you are the ones accusing, doesn't make it so. Cult45 QAnon WWG1GWA QSentMe Trump2020LandslideVictory TheGreatAwakening DarkToLight

MaddowBlog Our cell phones compromised when he did that stupid presidenial alert?

MaddowBlog maddow stop the hate you “Catholic” god fearing about you just try reporting “real” news...i.e. how is going belly up and losing viewers daily...Bwahahaha

MaddowBlog Why shouldn’t this an article of impeachment? Trump knows better (he’s been informed) but arrogantly insists on using his phone in ways that risks America’s security. impeach

MaddowBlog Reminder: Unless you are completely brain dead, and can't think for yourself, investigate anything any mainstream entertainment network (such as MSNBC) dishes out as 'news.' Up to 95% is either twisted facts, fantasy, or outright fake news.

MaddowBlog Maddow be like

MaddowBlog KAGA2020

MaddowBlog Trump has no concern for the safety of this nation. He doesn't work for We The People. He wants our allies to be Russia, North Korea, & Turkey. These are our most prevalent enemies. These are Putin's gang. Trump has no more business being POTUS than your local Walmart manager.

MaddowBlog Fake news

MaddowBlog This is nothing but fake news. The President has several official phones and there are no security risks. And you don't even know who he talked and what he talked.


MaddowBlog “security threat”? CorruptMedia RadicalSocialistDemocrats ClintonFoundation


MaddowBlog Should be impeached for this, too...

MaddowBlog So I guess this is where the chant “lock him up” starts?

MaddowBlog The Hatch Act makes me be neutral and silent.

MaddowBlog This is not news he has done this DAY ONE

MaddowBlog When you read the truth you will see the truth. I Dare You!!!!

MaddowBlog Get on it

MaddowBlog Book him Dano.

MaddowBlog But but but HER EMAILS!

MaddowBlog Trump needs Putin’s instructions.

MaddowBlog in Trump's defense at this point the 'mishandling of info' is when people tell him, not what he does afterward.

MaddowBlog You just keep making stuff up as you go along. You must be the definition of insanity since it hasn't worked for you yet.

MaddowBlog You’re assuming he has a cue as to what’s actually going on. The man doesn’t read his intelligence briefings.

MaddowBlog Bwaaawk Russia.

MaddowBlog realDonaldTrump: 'The call was perfect! Except for the content and security.'

suechitown MaddowBlog it is constant - an unsecured phone leaves camera, mike, contacts, voice, txts available to spying hackers. as long as the battery is in all are available

MaddowBlog But her emails 😒

MaddowBlog Rachel, please..

MaddowBlog Jared Ivanka Eric Melania MBS

MaddowBlog Because he’s a criminal

MaddowBlog From two words, to three, to five... LaughingStock, fraud and security risk.

MaddowBlog BoycottMSNBC

MaddowBlog This putz just can’t NOT misbehave. JailToTheChief

MaddowBlog While wasting the country's time on this WEAK impeachment case, 219 DEMOCRATS voted to reauthorize the disgusting Patriot Act

MaddowBlog Imagine what we don’t know about how bad his sellout of America is. The Electoral College is too Caucasian to be electing presidents because they really fucked this one up.

MaddowBlog Really? Are we in danger by anyone but the media



MaddowBlog But, but...... Her email's?

MaddowBlog If the USA survived Trump....I look forward to the movie

MaddowBlog Trump only cares about Trump. He could care less about our national security. Russia if you're listening, I need you to do me a favor though, giving Erdogen the green light in Syria and letting ISIS fighters go free, not supporting NATO's role in the world. When will R's wake up?

MaddowBlog Not AGAIN -- STILL

MaddowBlog Trump and his minions have ignored all government security guidelines and protocol. For the career government security specialist they are simply nightmares. Avoidance that leads to compromise.

MaddowBlog Vote straight ticket! Vote Democrats all the way! straight ticket and bring back our democracy, bring back our respect, bring back the truth and honesty to our presidency and house of representatives and senate. which was stolen from crooks and our enemies . Vote for a change!

MaddowBlog Arrogant criminal and dangerous destructive demonic desperate demagogue

MaddowBlog Ugh...HELLO 4 bankruptcies, that should've been a definite no to the Republicans back in 2016.🤦🏾‍♀️

MaddowBlog Hillary Clinton, there.....fixed it.

MaddowBlog And yet it just doesn’t matter!

MaddowBlog How's that 10 million dollar law suit coming?

MaddowBlog At any other job, just one of those mistakes would be enough to get him fired.

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