Treasury says public companies should repay their PPP loans

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

When the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program quickly ran dry, big companies that landed large loans drew the ire of small businesses and their advocates. Some have announced plans to return the funds. Now the government is hoping the others pay up.

San Francisco When the $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program quickly ran dry, the big companies that landed large loans drew the ire of small businesses and their advocates.

Small business owners sued their banks and"cancel culture" swung into action against such well-known brands like Ruth's Chris, Shake Shack and Potbelly that secured $40 million in PPP loans among them. In recent days, companies like Shake Shack, Kura Sushi USA and the privately held Sweetgreen buckled under the public scrutiny and announced plans to return the funds. Now the government is hoping the others pay up.


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Actually, big business that collected money should be published, that way the consumer with NO money can support them when life returns.

Governors & Mayor's don't know what it feels like not get a paycheck if they did they would open their states and cities.since closing their states & cities their paychecks never stopped coming. they don't know what it's like to be broke or on the verge of bankruptcy. vote out.

Yes they should!! Considering a steak at that restaurant costs $50 (without any sides)


Pay back or big fines

Why would they even apply for it.

Who was dumb enough to give them in the first place?

Хорошие слова

What a debacle.

Repay. We will NOT forget it.

I want to know exactly who and why these multi million dollar companies were approved to obtain those checks in the first place.

Exactly! That's not small business!

That would be a NO 👎


Many J-1 students who have only come to US and worked for a few months are getting the stimulus checks just because they have social security numbers! Outrageous! Pls investigate that!

In response to shouldn't have forwarded the funds in the first place, cause realDonaldTrump and his Administration got caught not giving it to the biz.that needed it most ! But their rich millionaire friends got it before they had a chance to apply !! Shame on U !!

Why in the world were their applications even considered and fulfilled?

They shouldn't have been able to get them..was there any real criteria?

Is the next $310MM gone already too?

Happy to chime in here: 'If you are not a small business, you better not touch this thing; this is going to be toxic if you do,' allieri said. 'If you're in that mix, you're basically seen as going head to head with small businesses, and that's as un-American as it gets.'

'hoping' Get it all back pronto !

Maybe if Pelosi were more concerned about small businesses instead of stupid stuff like boardroom diversity the legislation would have been right.

kaitlancollins Acosta AC360 Aha, the bells are starting to looks like realDonaldTrump your friends got caught, you might be next if you took advantage of those funds... There might be help for those small biz owners that really need it !!


They surely are Not a small business!!

They had no damn business getting them n the 1st place they r not a small business dah!! To be a Small Business does not mean u can have a business everywhere as long as they employ less than 500 people per location! 🤦🏽‍♀️

....typical of CNN to not recognize President Trump’s role in pushing these large corps and rich schools to see the light from his long, daily, transparent addresses to Americans where he regularly skewers the haters in the Democrat “media.” If nothing else, CNN is consistent.

Undocumented workers are the lifeblood of America's agricultural industry. Please sign this petition to provide a federal stimulus bill for the Coronavirus.

Maybe when they wrote the bill they should have been more clear on who qualifies for it.

They were just taking advantage of the government screw up WTF...I don’t think they deserve them either but get the shit right please!

Why did all these big wealthy companies get all the money? And left the small business owners with nothing. Not surprised with Trump in charge.

Yeah, that’s why they’re called “loans”.

Where was the treasury department when this was passed Why wasn’t this caught ahead of time and allow that money go to small businesses that ran out so quick with funding

How must repay now!!

I agree

Another hastily passed, poorly worded bill that ultimately is realDonaldTrump fault. While Congress passed this, Trump signed it into law. Probably never read one word of it.

Maybe a dumb question. But didn’t these companies have to apply and the government approve it

Ya think?

Would help if we had an IG overseeing these programs - Oh wait, didn't Trump sack the one that had been in the role for 2 weeks to install one of his own lackeys?

They should have never been eligible to get them!

Yikes, it's a waste of time going after misappropriated funding, just call it a loss.


Why did they get them in the first place. Donnie Boy realDonaldTrump SAID that he would be the oversight... it's on tape Demented Donnie Douchebag.

So USTreasury are Indian givers 🤦‍♂️

another perfect outcome for the Trumpers. Is he really the President?

this is the problem when bills are pushed through too fast without thinking..GOP was screaming that Dems were stalling needed aid..but this was what they were trying to stop

Get them back from the bankruptcy court.

*wink wink*

Just greedy owners who wanted free money. Taking money from Americans who need it, so their businesses can survive.

Pretty silly that both sides of the isle made them eligible in the first pace.

Nope! Don’t they pay federal taxes? Government is suppose to take care if it’s citizens, right? So that means you gonna ask farmers to pay back government money too?

Maybe they shouldn't have given it to them in the first place.

Wow the Trump administration can’t get anything right these people continue to be an inept embarrassment!!

Give it to me now

Why they were paid in first place. The Treasury Dept. Got it wrong since the beginning.


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