To celebrate Donald Trump's 73rd birthday, thousands of Twitter users made #JohnMcCainDay go viral

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To celebrate Donald Trump's 73rd birthday, thousands of Twitter users made JohnMcCainDay go viral

on calling for June 14 to also be recognized as John McCain Day. The petition, started five days prior, was circulating on Twitter after the hashtag went viral.

Their feud first began when Trump, who has been accused of lying about bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam War draft, said McCain was not a real hero because he was captured and taken as a prisoner of war during his time in the Navy."I like people that weren't captured," Trump said on the 2015 campaign trail.

"I have to be honest: I've never liked him much, Trump said in his speech."Hasn't been for me. I've really—probably never will." "A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain, however, all ships remained in their normal configuration during the President's visit," Rear Admiral Charlie Brown, chief of Navy information, said in a statement."There were also no intentional efforts to explicitly exclude Sailors assigned to USS John S. McCain.", has repeatedly criticized Trump for his attacks on her father.


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POTUS realDonaldTrump SenJohnMcCain cindymccain WhiteHouse PressSec Acosta jorgeramosnews ananavarro To the best bad_hombre

Why did they seal his military files ? He interrogate other pilots as a POW. And tore up and killed sailors on his ship than got transferred to another ship

Exactly the type of crappy “news” selection currently going on at HQ...trying to scroll through all the childish BS to find anything of value to read on your feed 🙄

🤮fake hero is no one I celebrate

He was 894th of 899 in his class at the Naval Academy Nepotism Yep, this is the academic standard for the US Congress

Must have had many illegal aliens and weirdos tweeting today...

realDonaldTrump ICYMI 👆

McCain was a great hero, statesman and friend to our nation. He was honest and kind. Traits that are missing in our current POTUS.

Diagraced No Name is dead. The President for the next 6 years is Donald Trump. Get over it. You'll thank us later.

The sogbird of Hanoi remembered? Or the pilot who almost singlehandedly destroyed an aircraft carrier? Only problem is that it was his own. Or the senator who hand carried a fake dossier to be used against a duly elected president? Which one was remembered?

Happy JohnMcCainDay everyone. Didn’t love the guy but glad he stood for his beliefs


svmreiter Happy JohnMCainDay I admire his courage. Veterans deserve respect. Thank you all for your service.

Thank god for Twitter. Otherwise would have nothing to write about.

I’m old enough to remember all the disrespect and vile the left showed Senator McCain. Using him to bash Trump is shameful and the height of hypocrisy.

andylassner Andy deserves an award, free pizza, LAKings gear or something... this has been glorious to watch!! Still at 3 hahahaha!!

Remember John McCain was Republican

andylassner I love it!

PrincessBravato Happy John McCain Day

andylassner Hehe 😁

Tyler_Tortoise You know it, but in his mind he thinks he looks good. LOL.......

Tyler_Tortoise Happy, Happy John Mc Cain Day, thanks for your service sir. God Bless Your Soul, Rest in Peace.. Amen


How childish!

Empnew Only thousands. We are going to have to try harder.

acbthe3rd Barf

Congrats it’s John McCain Day!

So the Dems are so triggered by The Presidents birthday they make an unofficial Traitor Day. How fitting for them.

johnp692 Newsweek is dead to me since it endorsed Trump.

I thought it was John McCain Day every day?

When the masses become one TREMENDOUS troll 😂



EricIdle John is a Virgo. Good looking out, asswipes.


Get the truth on McCain...Do the research...Happy Birthday Mr. President...Keep kicking that Dem ass ! hee hee

power to the people

JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainAmericanHero JohnMcCainDayJune14

Now that's justice...and funny.


It’s John McCain day.

EricIdle JohnMCainDay is a million times better than Trump. Maybe more than that

StephenBright Happy JohnMcCainDay ImpeachImprisonTrump

Let’s celebrate a guy we hate just to take a childish dig at a guy we hate more. Because we’re just that profound.

A wonderful victory for Trump that no name was 'let down' for treason. Yes a great day to celebrate that victory as well!


Put a tarp over this trumpy!!!

Happy John McCain day to all, and to all a good night!

Happy John McCain Day to you all. Enjoy.

Same people that slandered and drug him through the mud while he was alive. Modern day heroes. Hashtag warriors.

JohnMcCainDay getting a USS John McCain hat too!!!

andylassner So gad he's gone.




Stupid people! Fake hero .Libs hated him ,but now love him. What a joke on you all. Can you say SONGBIRD🐤

papalou49 JohnMcCainDay

Libs showing their childish side as usual🙄

Let's remember the Vietnamese who fought against American Imperialism instead

such a lack of respect to McCain, i never thought the Dems could sink so low. So disrespectful to use his name in such a manner The Dems are becoming more despicable daily.

Happy JohnMcCainDay everyone

Happy JohnMcCainDay

Yes let us sing the song ' you don't need to hurt me I will sing'


The true hero. JohnMcCain Day

Happy JohnMcCainDay

Look at people working together

andylassner It's pretty disgusting that y'all all celebrating a war monger responsible for the deaths of thousands, just because you don't like the president.

andylassner A Hero and a Coward. What greater contrast could ever exist?

andylassner JohnMcCainDayJune14


And literally no one cares

I love this.

Ouch....only Newsweek would even care.

Happy JohnMcCainDay Newsweek.

When he was running for President, y’all thought he was Satan. But, do carry on...

Old enough to have gone to fight for your country in Vietnam but daddy got Pres. Baby Bone Spur aka 'The Fortunate Son' an illegal pass for you with his money. You must be so proud birthday boy that someone died for you.

Because he's a real hero and patriot of America

Happy JohnMcCainDay to everyone at Newsweek!

Shame on you, Newsweek. Your headline is misleading. JohnMcCainDay is all about NOT celebrating the LiarInChief's brithday.

andylassner Mission accomplished, Andy! JohnMcCainDay REALpatriots

Newsweek = Fake News

And you morons at Newsweek are prematurely ejaculating in your panties to that. LOL

John McCain lost.


andylassner JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDayJune14 JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDayJune14 JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDayJune14

Trump has been trumped by JohnMcCainDay. Bigly! 🤣

Let his family celebrate his birthday! America will celebrate his impeachment! realDonaldTrump TrumpCrimeFamilyMustGo trumprussia TreasonousTrump

Cheap shot for both President Trump and John McCain.


Happy birthday, Still your President.

Actual Headline: To celebrate Donald Trump's 73rd birthday, thousands of Twitter users act like 3rd graders while still somehow managing to claim they should be taken seriously.

Perfect! He had more integrity in his little finger than Trump has in his whole obese body. I was not raised in either party, and I didn’t vote for Senator McCain, but I respected him. Zero respect for bone spurs.

So nasty of you Newsweek - what's your problem?

andylassner JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay

Rude and disrespectful! You don’t have to like him but he is the President of the United States.

And it's likely President Trump is just SOBBING into his coffee! SERIOUSLY? You think realDonaldTrump gives a rat's ass that McCain, (may he RIP,) is trending over his birthday? SMDH!

GottaLaff HappyJohnMcCainDayJune14

Newsweek still exists?

andylassner JohnMcCainDayJune14 JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay

andylassner HappyJohnMcCainDay

Oh no you’re drank the kool aid newsweek!!!😮

Happy JohnMcCainDay!

andylassner I’m in!!!

War criminal, now worm food.


It can be both! Happy Birthday to the greatest president ever, and Happy John McCain day too. That was easy

Oh who cares? You all hated him until he became a shill for the democrats. Trump is too busy making America great again to care about your stupid hashtag. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder


Mmm.... That's President Trump to you. NewsWeak

There was much to admire about JohnMcCain, but this never-ending memorial and his ascension to godhead status is an insincere show put on by liberals who just want to annoy Trump; Most of them dismissed McCain as a cranky old warmonger when he ran in 2008.

HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay

I'm old enough to remember when used to shit on McCain whenever possible.

You mean the same ppl who called McCain a senile old racist and made fun of his arms when he ran for POTUS against Obama? Pffff...Yeah.


JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDayJune14 ObamaDay

You have go to be kidding. This man died before he could be arrested for all his crimes. TookTheEasyWayOut

That’s because it’s JohnMCainDay


Happy Birthday Mr. President!❤❤❤

🤔McCain wasn’t perfect (who is?) There’s a reason his nickname was “McNasty”. 👉But the man had integrity, honor and immense courage with a great love of country all traits totally absent in the GOP today🥊 JohnMCainDay

ProTip: thousands isnt “viral”. Fake your news elsewhere



McCain was killed for being a traitor to America and helped start isis

Enjoy Challenging Birthday Workouts CAN'T TRUST TRUMP! investigate indict incarcerate POTUS failing fakepresident realDonaldTrump corrupt lying selfdealing incompetent fat-ass putinpuppet pussygrabber pendejo

HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay HappyJohnMcCainDay

John McCain was a Traitor! No Name was corrupt! No Name was involved in human trafficking! Go ahead n celebrate a man we put to sleep forever.

This is truly a hoot. Because McCain was a very conservative/republican and liberals are on here validating that! This truly is a great day!

Wow. What an accomplishment.

Resist___45 Happy Joh McCain day! Down with Trump day realDonaldTrump !

He’s still dead.

Ohhhh you really showed him! Idiots.

To celebrate POTUS 73rd birthday, there are 10's OF THOUSANDS MORE Twitter users than that who made his day by liking his tweets and showing that we are 200% behind him! See, when his tweets receive 50, 60, 100k MORE likes than all twitter trolls comments We know he's winning!

dccra The day has just begun. 😂 HappyJohnMcCainDayJune14


Those same ones who savaged him when he ran for president?


To shit on POTUS birthday, shrieking lib daisies are turning a dead guy - whom they called a fascist in 2008 - into a social media sock puppet, and supermarket checkout stand tabloid is treating it like 'news.' journalism

Dems used to call him john mcstain. My, how times changed

Yeah, that’s just classless. But so is a magazine cheering that on.

potus realDonaldTrump SenateGOP Guess what day it is? That's right, it is JOHN McCAIN DAY! Today we HONOR A TRUE WAR HERO, who served his country WITH HONOR, INTEGRITY, HUMILITY. We will ALWAYS REMEMBER McCAIN, for he served WeThePeople, NOT HIMSELF!! JohnMcCainDay

Trash publication

HHooversGhost JohnMcCainDay


The guy couldn't beat Hillary. He was a bitter old man. Enough MAGA HappyBirthdayMrPresident

Happy Birthday realDonaldTrump


Wow. The fact so many accounts that support Trump are online disparaging a Republican who was a Vietnam Vet & hero while Democrats are celebrating his life of service with JohnMcCainDay just about tells you everything you need to know about the state of our country right now. ☹️

This is truly the best of Twitter

Where are OUR heroes?

Happy Thumbs Down Day JohnMCainDay Remember when John McCain promised to repeal Obamacare and betrayed America 👎 with a JohnMcCainThumbsDown

McCain’s military career was distinctive and honorable. His political career was as good as you can expect from a militant conservative GOP. The pinnacle moment? His vote on ACA.

We tried EyeFelicia also to say a proper goodbye to SarahSanders


BrendaDworaczyk Yes! Happy JohnMcCainDay !! A TRUE AMERICAN HERO



trumptankamman Lol boy they got him!!! 🙄😂


McCain was a war criminal who should have been in jail


MsActiviss JohnMcCainDay


Lol yes let's celebrate the warmonger who benefited and enriched himself for killing thousands of innocent lives! Yay for killing brown people!! JohnMcCainDay

MeghanMcCain you must be in tears!

That's funny, What your missing is every time 'no name' is brought up it reminds America has corrupt our goverment has become.

sullivanmoseley Happy JohnMcCainDayJune14th I miss John McCain . Thank you for send this this tweet. You made my day.


No Twitter made it go viral purposely

HAPPY JohnMcCainDay! TheDemocrats GOP ImpeachTrump TrumpObstructedJustice AmericansForImpeachment

John McCain explains...

Those are some pretty sound asleep folks. May they wake up soon.


HappyFlagDay support an American hero on this day. JohnMcCainDay

CindyPDX Thanks NOT referring to him as President

I know one person not celebrating this day. RIP to a real American hero. This guy went through hell for his country.

If only McCain were President today and we could be going to war with Iran over this oil tanker attack. But we're stuck with Orange face who wont bomb them. WTF?

John McCain was a true pos. Happy birthday President Trump'

Guilty as Charged ! Happy John McCain Day !

COMPLETELY organic, this top-trending hashtag. NO agenda to flip off Trump on his birthday. Yeah, right. Good news is, it accomplishes nothing, doesn't matter even a tiny bit. (Btw, all these same leftists were ripping McCain a new one back in 2008.)

Happy JohnMcCainDay.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME JOHNMcCAINDAYISAJOKE... I think I am going to vomit...Sadly this man's sacrifice(?) for America...was stained by his egotistical retaliations of revenge on people who dared denied him what he thought he deserved. Real heroes don't need praise or obedience

JohnMcCainDay Leftists are deranged. It's the president's birthday but they're celebrating a warmonger. They're loyal to their war master. They are the joke of the world along with their Obama.

So childish

YES!! Happy JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay JohnMcCainDay

On this Flag Day, let us celebrate a true American hero, Senator John McCain.

realDonaldTrump POTUS VP WhiteHouse HouseGOP HAPPY JohnMcCainDay !

Because Democrats are haters and the enemy of the American people. TDS is real.

kimalyceosteen Yes it’s JohnMcCainDay Hey LindseyGrahamSC remember when you had a life. When you had self respect. When you weren’t tearing the country apart for a wink from Trump. You have turned into a haggard old man. You even look like trump now.

We will Never forget who this True Benedict Arnold was neither? He was who we thought he was!

McCain's Non-Support for Troops and Veterans: The Master List

Happy JohnMcCain Day to you!


Happy JohnMcCainDay & FlagDay

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