Tiger Woods hit with lawsuit after employee dies in car crash

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The family of a Florida man who purportedly was drunk when he crashed his car is suing Tiger Woods, his girlfriend and his restaurant company, saying they should have prevented the man from drinking too much and driving to his death


Nicholas Immesberger, 24, died December 10 near the community of Port Salerno -- about 20 miles from The Woods Jupiter restaurant and bar -- when he crashed his Corvette. The lawsuit blames Woods, who owns the restaurant where Immesberger worked as a bartender, and Erica Herman, who is listed in the complaint as the general manager of business and is Woods' girlfriend, for wrongful death.


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Is this man that drank himself to early and preventable death a minor? we live or die by the choices we make in life.

At some point you have to be responsible enough to know when you have had to much, to drink , unfortunately if u serve alcohol u must protect yourself too

CNN is struggling.

Personal responsibility it's on the guy who drank it so much snot who served it in Batu just like abortions

I wonder if they would have done this if he was a bartender at Applebee’s

When you own/work in an establishment that serves alcohol YOU are responsible for every person that you serve. Any incident after the fact can legally come back on the establishment that provided the alcohol.

NationBarbados But still a sad story...

That’s bull shit.

This is ridiculous!!! It is always someone else’s fault for one’s poor decision.

Amazing! And who is to blame here?

A list athletes don’t sit and kick it with peasants on the regular

Typical liberals! It’s always someone else’s fault!

His parents will lose. They just see deep pockets because he worked at Tiger Woods restaurant? He is a bartender, he drank too much and killed himself. Fortunately he did not hurt anyone else. Most auto fatalities involve males between 18 and 35 involving alcohol and speed!

Good bye friend

Outrageous. Explain to me how anyone else is responsible for a grown adults decision to drink alcohol. It wasnt anyone else’s choice to make if he drank or not, it was his. Was Tiger supposed to not only employ, but babysit this man 24/7? He didnt sign up for that responsibility


The family knowing he was an alcoholic, why didn’t they intervene. $$$

Host Liquor Liability type case?

This is the most frivolous lawsuit ever the guy was a grown ass man tiger woods did not put a gun to the man's head the guy chose to drink and drive this is just a desperate attempt to get 💸💸💸💰

I wonder if this is the reason Dotard45 gave him the Medal of Freedom... Or is the reason behind that have something to do with the adultrous and cheating he did while being married and had kid(s)?

Well why is the family trying to pierce the corporate veil? ... Maybe Tiger will settle?... good tactic 🤔

No one forced him to drink or to be a severe alcoholic..that was his own decision to drink and to drive..the accountability is his alone and it's his own damn fault for dying..I'm relieved that no innocent person was killed because of him

So much easier to blame a son’s failures on someone other than yourself. Helps to soothe that parental guilt.

The family should be run out of this country. They obviously do not understand personal responsibility and they are of no use to the rest of us. Just a liability. Good bye morons, don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out

Not Tiger’s Responsibility if he wasn’t there!!!

His family says his employer knew he was a practicing alcoholic and should have helped him get help for his problem. I imagine the same could be said for his family. Maybe he refused help that was offered by both.


NO ONES FAULT BUT THE DRINKER. I’m sorry for your loss but this makes as much sense as blaming the family for not controlling him better.

Tulsi Gabbard mocks Bill and Hillary Clinton's speaking tour, unleashes on 'blatant' liar James Clapper in Joe Rogan interview

Doesn’t this sound familiar? Didn’t something like this happen recently in Texas?

No accountability for ones owns actions. It’s horrible this person passed away but it’s someone else’s responsibility to babysit or hold their hand. This is bull.

Wtf, really?

How old was the person that got drunk and decided to drive? At what age are we responsible for our own actions Old enough to drink, old enough to be responsible?

Dram shop laws... Every bartender knows the rules.

Maybe the parents should sue themselves for buying him a corvette. The lack of responsibility is pathetic.

No worries you’ll win the lawsuit ! Justice is not blind 💫⭐️🌟✨⚡️

Florida man...

The guy drove drunk he is responsible for his actions his family is deflecting blame and now looking for a payday

This will (or should) easily get thrown out of court. If not, it'll set a precedent for every bar and restaurant to get sued

This is ridiculous.

This is BS. People make me sick always trying to blame other people, and profit off their own irresponsibility. Unless tiger woods tied this guy down and forced alcohol down his throat this is a frivolous lawsuit and I hope he sues them back. For damages.

Driving while rocking a .256 BAC, now I don’t think tiger is the one to blame here..


WJTV People r responsible for their own actions. This man drank. No one forced him to

I’m going to sue Tiger Woods because I’m an asshole, it’s all his fault

Hey A buddy got turned on to golf years ago because of tigermania. Bought clubs. Joined a club. He is really awful. Hits the ball sideways after all these years. And a laughingstock He’s suing TigerWoods for emotional abuse because he needs therapy because tiger. 💩

He’s from Florida so

No personal responsibility. Ever.

Stop selling alcohol in all public places. For good!! 😱

Gotta love our sue happy country. People are idiots. The man dug his own grave by drinking too much himself and then choosing to drive. No one can take responsibility for their own actions. Sad.


Wheres all the people calling this racist

When does the person drinking take responsibility..its retarded to say i can get drunk and sue the bar for it..its so stupid

Wtf , blame someone else for your stupidity now?

This is infuriating.

Hello - wtf is going on these days? Shouldn't people be taking responsibility for their own behavior & actions!

Lol... So in America you sue the bar for your drinking to much. This is ridiculous!

Totally ridiculous


There are laws about this in Mass. If someone drunk leaves your home you can be held responsible !! I don't agree with it though.

That will not hold in the courts

If this goes through, KFC is in big trouble for coronaries.

This is such BS. Yes, it's sad the guy died, but he shouldn't have driven. It's called being a responsible adult, end of story.


In today's world where so many try and avoid taking responsibility, of course it's someone else's fault! Some people are so pitifully weak.

How much they want?

Soooo their grown son was an alcoholic and 'habitual drunkard' with a blood alcohol level 3x the legal limit when he got behind the wheel endangering many families on the road before he crashed and it's TigerWoods fault This culture of no responsibility I tell ya....

A 24 year old 'man'... get real


Hmmmm. An alcoholic dies in car crash back in December and the family attorney files the week of the PGA tournament. I’m sorry he was served, drank, and died while speeding but at least he only killed himself. Did AAA know were he worked ?

Sue yourselves for raising a degenerate alcoholic. If you loved him enough he would not have become a degenerate drunk.

Out of the woodwork

Where’s his responsibility to not drink and drive.

The scariest part is nobody would be surprised if they won in this stinking shitpile of unaccountability

FYI lawyers suck! Demand tort reform!

Gets an award from President Trump & now this . Makes you go 🤔 I smell Dumocrats !!!

Sad that he passed away. He was a grown man who knew right from wrong. You can blame others for someone’s mistake.

just stupid to blame others for your fuckup. No accountability? Don’t drink drive die.

People who drink and drive do so at their own risk. This man could have killed others. His family should come to grips with the fact that he made his own decision—don’t blame others.

How the fuck is it tigers fault? He was an adult and decided to drive a car. No one forced him to drink or to drive. Sorry for the loss but it was his fault

Well you can't blame the restaurant. They don't know how much you can handle for one. I know people who get wasted off 2 beers lol.

I don’t even know what to say

So this grown man was being forced to drink by Tiger Woods, TW's girlfriend, the bartender and then forced to drive home drunk? No personal responsibility there at all, huh.... Ridiculous FrivolousLawsuits

😂...just to get at Trump

I don’t like Tiger Woods, but this is ridiculous!

Ridiculous! Nobody is responsible for their own actions anymore.

When they crash and live, it's their fault. When they crash and die, it's everyone else's.

Stupidity leave tiger alone

They should also sue Woods' kindergarten teacher for negligently omitting this tendency in his childhood assessments. And the school system, and the state, and the U.S. Department of Education. In fact, it's probably as much my fault as Woods'. I feel terribly guilty.

Everyone makes mistakes and we are capable of this mistake but not taking responsibility is terrible

Tiger has lawyers to handle this

Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

This isn't about grieving parents....it's about: the owner just happens to be a Multimillionär named (Tiger Woods) Easy money!


I feel bad for the family however their son was attending A.A and he was a bartender? Case Dismissed

Typical moron mentality. It's never my fault, it's always someone else's fault. I take no self responsibility, everybody needs to take care of me because I'm the only one that counts!

This is the cheapest attempt at gaining money I have ever heard of

This is what ppl are doing now lol rubbish.

I’m not a tiger woods fan but this is pushing it too far. As adults we live by our choices and the family has to accept that. It’s a tragedy. the world cannot be held accountable for someone’s choice to drink in excess then get behind the wheel.

I’m sure that family is a liberal family always looking for a free ride

The American way. Land of the free and home of the lawsuit!!! Lazy shit heads wanting to get rich anyway possible. His family should get sued for not teaching him not to drink and drive.

That man was stealing from the restaurant! Tiger Woods should counter sue... how could a bartender be drinking the alcohol he was meant to be selling!

This is ridiculous! maybe it’s a bad idea for an alcoholic to work at a bar...

Restaurants do have a legal responsibility not to overserve.

So much for Free Will

These parents are opportunists trying to profit off the death of their own son, that’s so sick. He was an adult, therefore responsible for his own decisions and resulting death. Not Tigers fault or the restaurants. It’s called personal responsibility.

Another? Like I hope this gets thrown out just like your network! Stop blaming the substance and blame the guy for drinking that much.. it's not some1s job to baby sit a grown man... should have cut himself off or stayed away.. MAGA2020 and congrats tiger

It’s sad this young man died in a car accident. It’s way past time people become accountable for their own actions. He was a grown man. The world isn’t responsible to be his babysitter. If In fact he had an alcohol problem, last place he should have been was working was a bar!

If this goes through, we can start suing gun manufacturers and sellers for those killed by their products.


Can sue for anything in America. Maybe they should counter sue for the trauma of being sued. Lawyers can get even richer.

What happened to people owning their own actions, taking responsability for their ow actions? You can blame the world, but that doesn't change the consequences when you're being stupid...

You had me at, 'a Florida man'.

I think I’ll sue Chevy. I wouldn’t have gotten a speeding ticket if they didn’t make my Monte Carlo so fast 🤔

If your son is 24, already an alcoholic, driving a corvette on a bartenders salary maybe you didn’t teach him responsibility.

When will we get back to taking responsibility for our own actions. It’s getting ridiculous

Typical. No one is willing to take responsibility for their own actions.

Perhaps the relatives need to understand why he was drinking and driving. Help others.

Yeah, because it was Tiger’s fault this guy was at a .25 BAC at 6 pm on a MONDAY... This is absolutely ridiculous . They shouldn’t get a penny .

I’m suing too because I thought a fork is used to scratch my itchy eyeball.

You have got to be kidding me, always someone else’s fault! NoResponsibility

Somebody wants money.

What lawyer (for all three) allowed them to literally accept full and total responsibility🤦🏼‍♀️💋

Cynical Family business . Sometimes humans are the worse thing on Earth. Shame!!!.

Hahaha this guy is broke just get him some money cos he is not making any sense

'Are you freakin' kidding me?'

For money. Dumb lawsuit

Never going anywhere

You got to be kidding me right now.

Purportedly? Blood alcohol level was .256

Sorry for their loss but it’s not everybody else’s responsible to take care of your son.

Thoughts Nedsfeed ?

It’s called personal responsibility. Hate these kind of lawsuits. No one to blame but their own son.

So your son worked as a bartender and you allowed it knowing he was a former alcoholic. Ok. Got it.

Is this family considered Democrats? Seems like it, being that family is taking no responsibility and always blaming someone else for son’s actions.

The land of no individual accountability. Pathetic

Florida at it again! My condolences to the family but that’s it!

This reeks of a family trying to make money off of their sons death. Pretty despicable.

Why not it’s the American way.... stupid people

sorry that he didn't have insurance for you to collect on.

Why would an alcoholic who supposedly quit drinking tend bar?

When did adults not become responsible for their actions?

How about Don't Drink & Drive Drunk, there's a law against it, he broke it! Frivolous at best.

Yep its everyone else's fault that he's a drunk and can't control himself.bitter pill to swallow when you've caused the death of people.

Defense attorney going to have a field day with this one. Alcoholism is a disease. Drinking and getting drunk is something he couldn’t control. Getting in a car and driving is something he could. I feel for the parents. I’m sure a settlement will be reached.

So let me get this straight your kid decides to drink after his shift and booze it up he dies in a car accident and you have the balls to blame everybody but your son great parenting I’m sorry you lost your son but maybe you should look in word that your parenting and your son

He was an alcoholic, attending AA meetings, but worked as a bartender? Why? Seems like he set himself up for failure. How is Woods responsible?

Yes, because in America, the addict is never to blame. In fact, most states want “safe injection sites” and less punishment to coddle the addicts at the expense of the general population... 🤦🏼‍♀️

Only in Florida

Reminds me of the lawsuit Paul Walker's family filed against the car company when the driver killed them both! I don't care much about Tiger, but this is BS and they found the right constipated ambulance chaser

So despite having a drinking problem, and attending AA, the Florida man decided being a bartender was a good career choice? Yep, someone elses fault.

Sure, why not...there was a bartender arrested for serving alchohol to a man who went out and shot people. It's always someone else's fault,,, isn't it!?

You can really file a lawsuit for anything in America! It’s ridiculous and a waste of everyone’s time. Where’s the accountability and common sense..

The fact that the family is blaming someone else for their son's stupidity says a lot about the family itself.

To him to the bank!



This is the new “woke” world we live in, where nothing you do is ever your own fault, always someone else’s. Personal responsibility is evaporating.

Gold digger

The concept of personal responsibility is totally absent from these people minds.

The man's family probably voted for Hillary. Typical liberals looking for handouts and blaming others for their problems


It’s literally 2019. How many times do you have to be told NOT TO DRINK AND DRIVE! NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE! JUST FOCUS ON THE ROAD AND NOT BE INFLUENCED WHILE DRIVING WHATSOEVER! And then got the nerve to blame someone else 🙄 Sorry for your loss tho 💔

They must have forced him to drink and drive

ETTD syndrome

remember when people were responsible for their own actions? Sad to think a person can drink to much on their own volition and then point the finger at the owner of where they worked.

It time to stop making others responsible for your bad behavior. If your old enough to drink your old enough to be responsible for yourself. Our country needs to fix the Nanny state. Or change the law to take all keys at the door and if you drink call for ride!

Hmmmm 24 driving a corvette out drinking 20 miles away from the restaurant. And gets killed showing off in a car he should not have been driving well I hope everyone involved is ok he of course was a dumb ass and now their one less tool in the shed .

Grieving parents lash out at anyone. Intellectually they know it was his own fault. Emotionally, they need to blame someone. Guilt over their own failure is driving this lawsuit.

Ever heard of personal responsibility? Ugh.

Maybe the parents should be sued for not teaching him to stay off the road when he was drunk.

Good ole American justice system. His girlfriend?

This suggests he should’ve been subjected to breathalyzer to officially tell him, he’s had too many. Is not a winnable case to pursue.

Why are they not suing Tiger’s ex wife? She could have prevented it too.

Here we go again. So tiger has turned his life around and now the left wants to destroy him because the POTUS likes him.

WTF!!! I am confused. Where is reason and common sense in this?

Addicts don’t listen the first hundred times, it doesn’t matter if they said or tried to stop him from drinking, it was that guy’s fault, not tiger’s, not tigers family, or the company, get that stuck in your damn brain please and stop trying to justify something illegal

Wow see how people do

In us you can blame anyone, other than your own self 🤔

People are responsible for their own actions

Makes sense to me, if they arrested a bartender for serving a man who then went and killed eight people.

Pffff, did they purposely stuff him with drinks with the intention of kilĺing him?🙄🙄🙄 Why do these scammers even bother with these frivolous lawsuits that, naturally, get tossed out for being totally ridiculous, anyway?

Ridiculous. No one makes you drive drunk. Another ridiculous accusation to get money and ruin Tiger’s character. Just ridiculous. Don’t drive when you have a blood alcohol limit over .26. Don’t ever drive when you drink. Just ridiculous. I’m sorry for the man and his family.

Why not sue the man who invented alcohol as well

There is exactly one person responsible for what that one person did, and he’s dead.

I'll say it...so you want someone to pay for your son's death by stupidity...I think not. You should feel lucky not to be counter-sued for filing a frivolous lawsuit...yet to be determined. Seems that stupidity is a family trait. 🤨😡🤨

Iam sure when he got the job they hailed TW for giving their 'durling' baby a second chance!! And now all they see are $🤑 signs smh Hope they made to pay attorney bills etc, once it's all over 🤷‍♂️

Now how can one prevent someone from drinking their own alcohol after buying with their own cash

I'm not ok with the 'it's people's fault ' but for seeing it all the time I can tell that people are irresponsible and they don't say anything and sometimes propose you drink ( not in a vicious way ) when you already had too much with this ' it's fine, you can handle it ' speech

And where’s the responsibility from him for his stupidity? Compensation culture strikes again


of course you gonna sue the black man after his masters win 😂😂

Perhaps the family of this Florida man should sue his own mother and father for conceiving him in the first place.

Yes tigers bar had the bartenders tie him up and feed him alcohol

If bartenders get in trouble for knowingly serving alcoholics every bar would be sued daily

😂😂😂 ....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

How is CNN’s own lawsuit coming along for defamation? nicksandman

You guys should let him be

Nope! Sorry, it’s not like his establishment sold to a minor. He was a grown ass man making stupid choices. Case closed!

Only in America

Not Tiger’s fault this privileged young man driving a Corvette crashed and killed himself because of his irresponsible drunkenness! Suppose he had killed another driver or pedestrian? His family needs to own up to the fact that this guy was irresponsible period! So pathetic!

They are ridiculous! No one forces a person to swallow. It's his own doing!

good luck w/that

Drunk driving dude is the victim now

I was wondering will this still be a CNN breaking news had Tiger not received a medal from Trump. I am just saying.

If he were an alcoholic. He had drinks in the car on the way to his next destination.

The alcohol maker with deeper pockets should be sued too, thereafter, the politicians who abolished “prohibition”.

Looking for a quick payday

Really What s joke

Insta dismissed

And this is the man that got the medal of freedom. Is this his contribution for America.Shame on him and the 'Anti-Americas Loser'DT.

Thank you world for taking away accountability and responsibility from individuals. Now everyone is responsible for everyone’s short comings

Florida being Florida. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Go away !

This is ridiculous in a million ways but people do it anyway.

I get the family’s in pain, but they won’t win. :/ At least they’re trying? Idk. Dude killed himself. That’s not anyone else’s fault but his own. If anything, the family should be sued for the drunk man’s crimes.

Blame evaryone accept man who is actually guilty !!! Well done CNN fantastic journalisming !!!!

This is a troll?

Going sue jack in the box for service me too much fast food. Dying of a heart attack here... 🙄

The dead man made a choice and died by that very choice. His family should have saved him if they dared to care then as much as they claim to now.

A bartender at a bar needs to be in AA and pushed to drink? Bogus frivolous dismiss your honor.

If they can prove that the man was served alcohol when he was drunk they have a case

Personal accountability is a lost part of the discussion.

I’ve always wondered about companies that take their employees out drinking…do they share some of the responsibility… Because everybody knows if you don’t go out to this company drinking events… Your coworkers all think you’re weird or too good to go...Who paid for his drinks

Once again, everyone else’s fault but mine

100 million dollars

So, they should be suing the Car company for not having a alcohol breathalyzer installed And the brewing companies for all that beer And God for not giving him a Brain ... only in 'merica

Why would he has anything to do with the man's death?

Only in America do you get to see insane lawsuit and silly headlines.

Ridiculous family

Tiger won the Masters and has some extra coins in his pockets so the Bitches will come out of the woodworks to sue him.

That is perfectly logical, if you are a Democrat.

Good luck with that...

Tiger woods should sue the parents for not teaching their son to be responsible for his actions

Good luck with that

This makes no sense


If he is old enough to drink, he should police himself. The blame goes one place, the drinker.

Trying to get that $$$

Talks to Trump...immediately gets hit with lawsuits

Drinking beyond limits is drinker's fault. You can't hold others culpable for it!

Crazy! It’s only about money! 🤬

Sue broadly and something will stick.

So, the “land of the free” that gets all shouty about how much it values “individualism” suddenly gets all socialist when it comes to personal responsibility? Only one person gets someone drunk - the drunk. Deal with it.

You are responsible for the action u take with your life. Next time somebody will drug himself next to president trumps investment and then sue for those nonsense. Work hard to earn money honesty not these publicity seeking idleness. Misuse of judiciary

I would counter sue his family for allowing the dead man to become an alcoholic, afterall they're his family & should have supported him in not becoming one.

Because he once had a drink with Tiger and Tiger should have known? Please. This is a joke. We are each responsible for our own actions

No sir ,We don't need your money anymore ,stop drinking now .What fuckery is that drinking and driving is it own choice.

This is dead on arrival

What sorta BS is this 🤔🤔🤔 was he forced to drink at gun point 🤔

Interesting time for this to come out. This happened in December...Sounds like now that Tiger is back and its Major Championship week, let's sue and not take any personal responsibility!! Tiger PGAChampionship PGAChamp PGATour GOAT Golf Bethpage

Just another story of someone not being held accountable for their actions - blame someone else - keep lawyers employed

Ah no

Turrible, no accountability for one’s actions

Always someone elses fault not the individual who got drunk and drove.

Association will bring you bad luck. Unfortunate.

Not Tiger he protects our freedom 😊

Amidst the masters victory this is premeditated as the driver purposely did this.

Ever heard of personal responsibility!

Rule 3: There's always 1 low life 1 nutt hole In every crowd

Must be a democrat, they never take responsibility for their behavior or choices. WalkAwayFromDems Trump2020Landslide

This is what is wrong with our country. Make bad choices, pay the consequences. What a joke

Tiger Woods can’t even keep himself from driving under the influence, let alone anyone else...

There should be a 24 hour “Florida Man News” network

Overserved? Then yes.. 100%

And the law is on the family's side. Sorry, Tiger. Keep the jacket and sell your fake Medal of Freedom realDonaldTrump gave you.

Well we know, if Tiger goes to jail... Trump will pardon him!

This isn’t news guys.

Where's avennati when u need him

Family of alcoholic goes for deep pockets when their son made horrible choices (again) drove drunk and was sadly killed. Was not Tigers fault.

Those who want !!! Will always try to take from those who have . Always been that way always will . Go get a job if you want money ! Don’t profit off a family members death ! Have some self respect 🤦‍♂️

Of course! THE FLORIDA MAN 🤦🏻‍♀️

What ever happened to personal responsibility. No one forced that man to decide to drink and drive but himself. It is quite obvious where the dead man's family values are rooted in someone's bank account.

happy for Tiger. When someone sues you it is sure sign that you are rich & famous again.

It's called personal responsibility. Of course when everyone applauded sueing gun manufacturers because someone killed a person with a gun they produced I guess the personal responsibility part went right out the window. Congrats!

Money always heals the wounds.

The family of the man that died, should be thankful he didn't kill someone else. Sounds like they're just looking for a big settlement.

I hope Tiger and his camp countersue the family and stick them with a mountain of legal paperwork and fees. Sick of people reaching out to lawyers looking to blame others for their own careless behavior.

Was the man of Age? Was he demented ? Did they pour it down his throat ? They may have a hard time suing ! ! !

Not how that works 🤦‍♂️

How come the parents aren't suing AA for 'Failure to cure'?

Then every drunk persons families should sue every restaurant every hotels every malls . Stupidity is incomprehensible

Good luck with that!! Boy a lot of bartenders would be screwed if lawsuits like this actually won!

That's absurd

Trump Approved

This is the world we are creating. Everyone is a victim and we take no responsibility for ourselves. We are entering a very dangerous time.

Our country is screwed.



Oh boy Tiger

And HOW MANY bottles were found in the car?

Ummm I’m sure they held a gun to his head making him drink, right? If everyone drunkass sued the owner of the bar they decided to drink to much at, where would I go drinking on Friday nights? 🙄

Wow Tiger didn't make Round-Up TOO! 'Not my Fault, They made me drink that'!! Juducial system will certainly be challenged by that one! NOPE!! Sue the family for not getting him in AA!! and allowing him CAR KEYS!!

If only Tiger could counter suit, this is such BS.

This is very common lawsuits that can hit anyone in hospitality. This is why you carry liquor insurance to protect yourself.

Yeah , a drunk kills himself and tiger is to blame because he supports Trump. CNN is the clown network

The guy was 20 miles away from the bar he drank at. Likely drank more elsewhere after leaving work. With that BAC, he wouldn’t have made it that far.

Lets sue black TigerWoods for the actions of her now deceased son. YOU ARE BLACK TODAY TIGER! I hope the lawsuit is thrown out of court! Tiger shame on your association with Trump the racist buffoon. 😐

So the parents wanted the restaurant to do their job? WTF

When will people tsje responsibility for their own actions? Sad. I hope they throw your lawsuit in the garbage where it belongs. What ambulance chaser took this case? Who told your greedy ass this was a good idea? Sry for ur loss but really?

This man was an adult, I hate to say it, but his parents can't blame somebody else for their son's irresponsible behavior.

Don't drink and drive is for your own good

More nonsense. Let’s blame everyone else. Can’t always tell when someone is drunk either. Functioning alcoholics are great about hiding that. I hope this gets tossed out. Tired of people not accepting responsibility.

Where is Cohen when you need him?

Wait WTF ! How is this Tiger Woods Fault. Did He force him to drink?

What happened to personal responsibility?

Drunk driving is no accident and is nobody’s fault but the person who decided to get behind the wheel. Stop passing the buck to everyone else... just trying to get a pay day.


No. Personal choices.


Why didn't a family member go with their relative to the restaurant. They know if the guy has a drinking problem. It is the family's responsiblity to watch their relative and not any business owner.

This is crazy!! “Preventing the man from drinking to much” sorry this happened but own up for your own mistakes. We have all be there. Uber anyone?

PGA Championship week after a Masters win. Presidential medal of freedom. Now suing Tiger Woods from December. CNN trying to sell it too. How convenient.

Responsible bartenders will 'cut somebody off.' He probably had a few more 'nips' in car.

A 24 year old dude. Got drunk, crashed his CORVETTE!!!!!!! & the family suing tiger seriously? I really don’t give a fuck about tiger woods to be honest I don’t know shit about golf but come on bro. I’m 26. Never drank & drove. You was stupid enough to get behind a wheel drunk.

Perks of being friend with Trump!



Uh— this makes sense?

🙄 Really

I will countersue these leeches for wasting my time if I was Tiger Woods.

Can I sue Trump voters for creating this f'n disaster?! If not, these money grabbing parents can go pound sand.

These cases get tossed all the time. You can't blame the bar for your own dumb decisions, dead or alive.

Nah he just had a nice comeback and thereby innocent

Some people can hold their liquor very well and not appear near as intoxicated as they are. Bartenders should not be held liable in these cases.

Welcome to Murica

Why not sue the car company, the brand of liquor he drank, the other family for being on the road at the time and Fate while you're at it.


Be responsible for yourself

This is why we can't have nice things. A douchebag gets super drunk and then kills himself, and his family sues the restaurant owner instead of being embarrassed about their reckless son and a list of his bad decisions.

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