Tiffany Haddish says racism makes her fearful of raising children

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Tiffany Haddish says racism makes her fearful of raising children: 'I would hate to give birth to someone that looks like me knowing that they're gonna be hunted or killed.'

"And white people don't have to think about that, that's something they don't have to think about," Haddish said."It's time to talk about that, and how we have to come together as a community and work as a unit. And maybe we don't all agree on the same things, but we need to just find some common ground and move forward as human beings.

"There's certain people in my family, if they walk out the door, they might not come back. I try to laugh and figure out a way to make it funny," Haddish told the outlet."It's really hard. I got PTSD watching my friends being killed by the police. It's scary. You shouldn't be scared to be in America."

Haddish told Anthony that the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police caused her to cry everyday about how Black people are routinely"hunted and slaughtered" and that she urges young Black women in particular to be"as informed as possible" and to not"be afraid to get involved in your community and live your best life."

"We’re all trying to figure out, how do you fix this?” Haddish said. “How do you stop this? And all I can think is, ‘how do we change people’s hearts?’ and that’s what I’ve been trying to do my whole career. Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to see their family slaughtered.”


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I would hate for anybody to look like her, not that they will be hunted but they will be lonely 😞 nobody hunts anybody today except BLM and Antifa

This is horrible!

Really, what world are these progressives living in?

her net worth is $4 million dollars and you mean to tell me with all of that money she is living in a crime ridden area? Sounds like another celebrity jumping on the virtue train.



Psycho alert.....

DELUSIONAL Hollywood Elite.

She is 40

Typical Fake News BS💩


Say what?

Well, she hit past the wall so she has nothing to worry about.

Her children would be in more danger from living in their own community than they are from anything else!


You are fn crazy . And the media that passed this trash on . Is anti American and corrupt

Tiffany is welcome in Africa to raise her kids and just fly in to USA for jobs, Africa is great to raise kids we deal with racists.😍🙏🏾

Who keeps retweeting this bizarre statement about cops coming after my children. That’s why I won’t have them. This is a hate crime against police. Where is Twitter to suspend this account. It’s pretty hateful and judgmental.

Stupid woman. Very foolish


When Obama got elected - I thought that bigotry would disappear, then Trump got elected! Followed by Latinos Asylum seekers mothers having their babies torn from their arms and put in wired cages on concrete floors crying. Sent away without telling mothers where they went.

Don’t do what Trump & his bigoted friends wants to make you & people of color do. If Biden gets elected this bigotry will fade away.

No one wants you to spawn anyway. Thanks for saving the oxygen.

Look on the bright side, crazy woman won’t have crazy kids. That’s a win.

Tell her to grow up and stop making up fake reasons as to why she won’t have a kid. This is the best country to live in and be black in. Best period. You guys are just to ignorant to see that because trump was the one that made it that much better.

Over exaggerating the hell out of it. Look for another reason to why you really just don't want to have kids.

That’s ok we don’t wasn’t you to breed anyway.

What the hell are you talking about Hunted & killed by who? The ONLY ones hunting people are BlackLivesMatter & ANTIFA radical Marxist TERRORISTS, along with violent gang members like MS13 in DNC cities! Also MAGA are HUNTED & attacked DAILY by these same groups!

I know and it most likely would be from a person of the same color. Sad.

Hunted? 1:3,000,000 to be killed by a cop last year 1:7,500 to be killed by another black person So they 'hunted' much more in a black community. Also more likely to be hunted by a bee/wasp or killed by lightning It's one thing arguing about real racism, but this is over the top

Seriously, racism must be very bad in these Democrat controlled cities because where I live this sounds stupid.

Yeah because black people being hunted because of racism is SO common in America. 🙄

I see she supports planned parenthood.


Sad...but I understand how she feels.

You go Tiffany go

A regular at planned parenthood apparently

She has a net worth of 6 million.... in sure it’s rough 🙄

Teach her to stay away from black neighborhoods and she'll be fine!

What's she talking about? She doesn't look White to me!

What a stupid racist thing to say.


Tiff you can google ' psychiatrist' close to your home and a list of qualified Dr.'s will appear Get help fast

How stupid

Tiffany “When you gon have some babies? You gon drop some babies?'”Haddish...doesn’t plan to have children. This is devastating news, her decision is unquestionably a loss to humanity.

We have to lock everything , look at you before others sista💩👽🤡

Yea she really has it tough. Her kids would grow up more privileged than mine.

I'd like to see evidence of any black kids being 'hunted'. I've heard this nonsense from the usual race baiters, but never a shred of it being real.

How’d she survive? 🙄

Ghana has it's doors open.Why not give it a try if you're so concerned?

White people should be saying this if you actually look at stats and facts

Or looking like you.

Please don't have any children, because they could inherit your mental illness.

I could relate

Hunted? Wow, these idiots have really gone off the deep end....

Darwinism works in mysterious ways. Yes, please don’t breed. Do us all a favor.

Poor little rich famous black person! 🙄

Yes please refrain from child birth.

LOL irrational paranoia really IS alive & well tho!! Stupidity

I’d hate for you to give birth to someone that looks like you, too.

The truth is, the world is fucked up. Think long & hard before bringing another life into this place. Because it ain’t easy for most people. Everyone’s got a fucking chip on their shoulders, thinking they’re better than others. Democracy is fading and small minds are in charge.

A truly stupid woman.

Considering that 90%+ of black homicides are by blacks, the 'hunting and killing' is coming mostly from her own kind.

If he keeps his head on straight, he will be good and do good. It's your RESPONSIBILITY to bring him up the right way. Teach him to Earn RESPECT not Demand it. BE A REAL MOTHER

Hunted and killed by people that look like her, sadly. Forgot that part.

Hey, I just hope she holds that thought - she had me at 'I would hate to give birth.....' PLEASE DON'T! Thee last thing we need are more race baiters on this planet. This divisive rhetoric has to stop. People are not out to hunt or kill 'someone that looks like you.' Enough!

According to statistics across the whole world and this is FACT that chances of blacks being murdered by another a black is much higher than any other race. Has the word racism lost so much value that thinking of linking it to a word like 'murder' will have the same effect?

Don't live in a DEMOCRAT party CONTROLLED city or state. That's where the black on Black violence is.

She seems pretty successful to me. In spite of the horrible racism apparently.

Latest FBI statistics: 10.1 million arrests last year. 1,004 led to civilian deaths, 41 of those were unarmed. Of those 41....9 were black and 19 were white 89 police officers were killed in the line of duty

Man the victim and narrssistic mentality is at insane levels. No one cares about you or your kids

This is disgustingly ignorant. And it's unbelievably dangerous for black-American influencers and NBC to push this dishonest narrative. No black person is being hunted in America by racists. And sadly those that are killed are killed by other blacks, not by racist boogymen.

How sick and twisted is she


She needs to get that giant wart taken off her face.

Just like COVID, she can just stay inside with her bedcovers over her head to stay safe. The rest of us have lives to live.

.TiffanyHaddish sweetheart its better that people like you dont breed. 😏

That's funny... white people are more likely to be killed by black people but keep believing that you're some kind of victim. Just ignore all of the data that proves just how violent and racist blacks really are. Actually she's doing this country a huge favor.

Looking at the comments here generalizing white people is pretty bad. If you think that way, you have no business in having kids


Excited to be hearing she will no longer be procreating

This is giving in to those who feel America should be complete white but I totally get you .

TiffanyHaddish your net worth is over $6 million dollars. You made $800 thousand from Netflix recently. Stop with the racism many people including whitties would be very happy with your life.

Seek mental health care

You really are a comedian....

Don’t have any children,Tiffany. You’re a weak minded woman. Get some help

this ain't the Salem witch trials or something, who the hell thinks like this?

None of the statistics bear that out. More blacks are killed by blacks. She's buying into the democrats new plantation model.

Did she hire bodyguards?

I thought almost 90% of black ppl, are killed by other black ppl?

I'm scared to have kids as well due to racism. There is so much racism and even hate crimes toward white people now and it's scary. Even white people are starting to hate white people. I'd be scared of my kids being beat up for being white.

Good you always have your beloved Planned Parenthood to solve your problem.

She must been planning on raising her child on the south side of Chicago cuz the only place our black babies are dying are in the hood

Hunted? Really Yes we have an issue here but I think “hunted” is extreme !!!

Another 'reason' any 'celebrity' SHOULDN'T have children. It'll be one less child that WON'T BE EXPLOITED AND ABUSED.

Imagine being this mentally disturbed 🤡

Yea the likelihood would be black on black murder

Well with Biden and Trump both connected to white supremacists, I don’t blame her for her concerns. We must end this, and it must be this year. The people need to be educated on candidates like Jorgensen4POTUS HowieHawkins and wirelesshogan

The only people doing the hunting and killing in America are liberals. LibsAreScum

Who the hell cares! This is on the nightly news now? NBCNightlyNews how far you’ve fallen , you are now Entertainment Tonight

This is ludicrous!

Yeah let’s listen to a middling comic about race relations? could look to Barack Obama. The guy singlehandedly set back race relations 50 years. I know he’s your golden calf, scandal free president and all, so that might be a hard pill to swallow.

They're not hunted, that's ridiculous.

Another candidate for greatest virtue-signaling comment of 2020. Hollyweirdo

Our country is not racist. It is the greatest country in the world which is why people are willing to risk their lives and break laws to get here. You can stick your communist Chinese propaganda. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Y’all seriously need to stop with this racism card! It’s all bs

OMG then MOVE!

Yeah. She looks oppressed alright .... 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Oh cry me a river. Black men are being hunted down and killed by other black men. Just look at Chicago.

Loved her in the Cosby show

If she means “hunted or killed” at the hands of another black person then she’s right. Black on Black crime is way more responsible for the death of black people than cops or people of other races. Way more. BLM just not amongst themselves. JustTheFacts

The ignorance of some people are amazing.

She is right and shoukd be affraid of black-democRATs, Antifa, BLM and of the DemocRAT-Plantation. Racism, violence and dependency defines the DemocRAT Base


Good!! Less idiots reproducing!!

How utterly irrational...

No need to worry. Raise them to not be criminals

The black man you should fear race on race violence.

You clowns.

lol why don’t you guys do a story on the homeless guy wearing a tinfoil hat and his fear that the government is going to abduct him and sell him to aliens as a sex slave? What exactly was the editorial process to green light this story?

Dramatic much.

Someone Who thinks like that shouldn’t procreate in the first place

Democrats working for Democrats.

Do you realize how many black children there would be if mothers stopped aborting them? You wouldn't be a minority.

Sadly, lots of people feel this way. My friends who are a mixed-raced couple moved their family to Australia. Those minimizing this is being DELIBERATELY blind.

Oh give me a damn break! Have it and shut up !

Who the hell is the vile racist bigot and who the hell cares .

Tiffany is being controlled and dont know it

Ya so crazy, I can’t believe we live in a country where black people can’t become the president of the United States, or judges, or senators, or lawyers, or rich celebrities.... oh wait .. how did Obama avoid being hunted and killed his whole life?

Unless you raise a criminal you should never have a problem. Look at TV commercials, movies, and sports dominated by Black people. Just because FAKE NES MEDIA has you brainwashed with racism it's not the norm.

Bwa ha ha ha

Statistics obviously confuse her.

Hunted or killed?

Move to NY, Atlanta, Chicago or any other Democrat run place. I'm sure they'll be safe their amongst their own.

Don’t raise your children to act like this......

If I felt that way I would leave.

Much better chance than her spawn kills someone else than is hunted and killed.

Statistically, her kids would more likely murdered or hunted by a black man, but keep talking about racism, folks.

She needs to seek help.

More ignorant actor/actress stunts. One would think that overcoming so many challenges growing up that she would believe anyone can succeed in America. So, Tiffany, please list the countries where it would be safer to have tour children. Eritrea?

Then don’t, it’s simple

I’m more fearful for my children being raised around hers. They are more likely to attack mine.

Take your kids to your ancestors land then and let's see how that goes for them and yourself.

By the time your kids are old enough to leave home police will be defunded and decimated and it will be violent antifa blm street thugs and gangs that will be your problem!!

I like Tiffany. I wish i could talk to her about this.

Well you’re in luck. People who look like you are not hunted in this country

By her own people.

It sounds to me as if your fears, justified or not, rule your life. Parents need to be strong for their children, so your decision to forego parenthood is probably a good one. Good luck cowering in your basement.

'We got Tiffany here, we got Tiffany Haddish here! See, nobody cares.'

Also, she's 40. Doesn't have a lot of time left to solve racism...

So move to a better area. There are unique and different parts of our country that do not replicate the violence that you see in major cities. Stop judging the whole country by the limited box you live in. Our country is beautiful.

She’s got serious mental issues

Ok MegaRacismHater

It's sad that there is so much black on black murders.

Well racism and 'fear' of being 'hunted and killed' didn't stop her from becoming a successful actress and comedian...

Here’s the deal,there is an issue with the up top area, the noggin. It’s wicked off. And shame on any part of MSM to continually put out such reckless and irresponsible content. They are causing a lot of agita and anxiety with this unrelenting racial agenda. Sick minds,dark side.

says the highly paid, semi-famous, black comedian... she's literally proof of a society who values women of color.

My son had just turned 1 when Trayvon Martin was killed... To see how white people truly felt about us and about black boys.I decided I wasn't having anymore kids.I'm terrified for him. And I'm sad because his life will be hard, simply because he is a black male.

oh she's a 'comedian' now i get it women cant do comedy


Is DwyaneWade son still a girl?


Says the millionaire.

Hunted and killed by other black people in Democrat-Run cities.

Thats ok with me.

She's right. Blacks hunt and kill fellow blacks too much

Guessing since she can’t find work during COVID, She Has to make stupid statements to stay relevant

Seems like an overreaction. And you can’t say overreaction without saying ovary

She needs to see a Dr.

Just another attention grab.

Where is Hunter Biden?

Mental illness?

Specially, by fellow genetic background fellows.

Tiffany dont have children, they suck like literally suck


the victim mentality is getting out of hand please fk off


When did she stop taking her meds?

What an absolute, and completely fictitious statement to make. Haddish needs CLINICAL TREATMENTS for her all too apparent PARANOIA. 'Hunted'? C'mon Man! Maybe if you live in PORTLAND, CHICAGO, SEATTLE, ATLANTA, NEW YORK! You know, Demo led cities. The rest of us welcome YOU!

Try wearing a MAGA Hat

She is from LA, so street violence is a major concern.

Is she having a Republican?

So glad I don’t support the media


Racehustling hysterics as news ......

Another celebrity to not care about.

Excellent choice. She should definitely not have children. Crazy woman like that might decide things are so bad that she has to kill her kids to save them.

Don’t give birth, please.

Self absorbed nut job, right there! What kind of idiot thinks like that? Hunted by who? The predator? I believe he's got more worthy targets.

All that oppression that put her in the high paying position she’s in now? Yea. She should tie her tubes. The world needs less of her.

Hunted! Is she a dear or something?

Hate is learned, and goes both ways.

She may be on to something 🤔 How about everybody agreeing with her, makes the bold choice NOT to REPRODUCE... ...and the rest of us will HAVE KIDS Seeing racism around EVERY CORNER will be a thing of the PAST in two generations

Hahahahahahhahahaha she is right, so ugly looks like bigfoot

Hmmm interesting, I never knew that the children of millionaires that live in LA were systemically hunted and killed. Well there’s a first for everything. Sounds like LA needs to work on that.

The rich will always be fine Tiffany

Who is that dumbass?

The idiots at NBC just regurgitate her idiocy.


By gang members? Because that’s who hunts and kills black men in the US.

Fun Fact: More white people were killed by police than blacks. Please don’t break the numbers down into percentages. A life is a life not a percentage.

Tiffany who?

She needs a psychiatrist

That's an extreme reply to 'when are yall gonna have kids?'

She's got a point.

Sad reality

So she's insane & innumerate. Okay.

That's an over statement!

You have got it wrong, its the white that are worried that you will have children that will grow up and kill us white people just like it is happening at present. It in your genes.

Can understand, with the amount of black on black crime, anti - semitic incidents / attacks, I wouldn't raise children in any mixed neighbourhood. Stats speak for themselves when it comes to white and jewish people being killed by people of other races.

Comments like these diminish brain cells.


Then please, don’t have kids if this is the way you think. You are wrong with this thinking. More whites are killed by police by double the number annually and more whites unarmed are killed by police 3x more than any other race. You have been misinformed badly by MSM.

Wow. if I'm not mistaken, around 200 black folks and around 400 white folks are killed in police involved cases per year. Would guess the vast majority of those cases involve breaking the law, then resisting arrest. Raise your child to NOT do either and you should be fine.

Damn shame

Her med..has expired..not talking straight

I totally understand I am worried about my black brown etc friends so scary now. Never believed our country would be here. Thinking and praying for you. 🙏🏻

60 million black lives didn’t make it out of the womb alive. Is that racism?

Give me a break! Any mother has to worry about her children

Oh please 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

Not racism, unstable marriage did.

Grow up!

Whatever liberal nuts

She must be barren

Sadly tragic. A very real concern 😢

Nbc always bringing race into every story they have. That's what the fake news media wants to keep us all divided.

Unbelievable, the people who complain and whine about racism all the time are the most racist of all.

She is ignorant af the real world. If all you watch is the liberal city’s destroying themselves then you do not see that the bulk of this country lives together without any racial issues.

I often wondered why my grandparents, great aunts and uncles were so harsh with the reality the presented to us grandchildren. I know now. Preparing us for this messed up world.

To avoid racists is to make the American country black

Tell them not to break the law and tell have nothing to worry about.

Who is she talking about? Who is hunting and killing ppl who look like her?

So dramatic......

But it’s true

TiffanyHaddish .... do us all a favor: DO NOT REPRODUCE

Who the fuxk is hunting and killing people? Don't tell me the cops, if your a law abiding citizen you will have no problems, if your a gang member or any other low life you need to worry about black on black killing.

She is so right and I feel her. My daughter just hsd a babby girl a month ago and I worry on this same line. Things aren't like it use to be.

Miss me with that nonsense Tiffy. Your rich, lol.She gonna hear U and your friends drop n-bombs all day, but heaven forbid a non poc kid drives by listening to snoop and sings along and her poor little ears hear the word being sung by someone of non poc persuasion.O' the humanity

This is an awful way to live, and beyond unfair. I still don’t understand why Americans hate Americans. I’ve never seen so much hate for a fellow countrymen and women, and it’s noticeably getting worse by the day, especially since 2016. Where is your patriotism?

She has real issues

Why not continue the statement with “by someone who looks like her”

So you’re afraid of other blacks in states run by democrats

Don’t pro create then. Live in fear.. that’s always the best way to live anyhow. 🙄

Such bull!!! Hunted and killed your full of it and probably shouldn’t have kids if that is your and their future!!!

Life is a risk for every one of us no matter what our skin color is at this point Everyone makes a choice what kind of person they will be I don't look at every black person as responsible for the very very brutal murder of my disabled aunt Not all white people are racist

Uncivilized barbarians developed political diplomacy against innocent civilians freedom.Mostly henious

Another racist spreading the word


Bad black culture has killed more black children through abortion and black on black violence than anyone else in the history of the US. 300,000 black babies are murdered yearly from the womb and more are lost on the streets.

Wow. That’s a pretty myopic view of the world. You should get out more.

Don’t have any kids then this world has to many people in it anyway

That's a bit dramatic.

What are you doing there? Stop these lies. America is the most egalitarian society in the world. Black man just left the white house as president. Many are governors, senators, Congress men and women, mayors etc, and you are here crying wolves about racism.

If people believe this they would not be voting biden then. He has been in government for over 40 yrs and according to these people its horrible here

No one is being hunted .they are being killed,by your own people.

Anyone heard of accountability? What happened to George Floyd was wrong but don’t constantly break the law and then you wouldn’t put yourself in danger at all. Simple common sense really. Doesn’t matter the color, don’t be stupid!

So your worried about racism?😂😂😂 pretty funny 7500 black people murdered by other black people in US every year and your worried about whites!!! Hysterical! Ask Tupac and all the other rappers! Killed by whites! Not!!!😂😂😂

The country is racist....says the multimillionaire

TiffanyHaddish You are pure awesome! My daughter loves you in Secret Life of Pets and Lego Movie! prattprattpratt

This is what the media contributes to ... making many people amped and fearful. Reach out to people near you / communities and don’t take the media bait.

I won’t have children either.

Her feelings are valid

Such dramatic bullshit


That’s what the media and planned parenthood seem to want.

Sounds like you're letting the racists win...

Every generation has had some fear of bringing up children . Nothing new! In the 60s-70 it was Viet Nam, later it was drugs and violence,

In her gated community and liberal minority privilege. Yeah...... she’s real oppressed 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Every black parent’s nightmare

Look at the movie Precious

A moron. This great country has not one racist law, has a record number of blacks in high academic, corporate and government positions, a record number of middle and upper middle class blacks, and a record number of blacks in college. Why doesn't this hate filled woman leave?


TiffanyHaddish The ONLY place your child could possibly be hunted and killed would be places controlled by ISIS or Taliban or in some areas of Africa that still kidnap kids/girls/women and hold them for ransom as slaves, but this applies to All American Lives that Matter.

Then don’t have children

Harsh reality being black is were crucified and haunted more by our own. I’m not fearful of being lynched or haunted as scared as I am to walk thru the streets of Chicago or Detroit. That’s a harsh reality we live in

750 million Africans don’t feel the same way. Get a grip on reality!

How sad she feels that way, no one should💛

What world are you living in?

Well please have no kids we do not want you to feel that way problem solved bye

The biggest danger to blacks is other blacks and that is fact. There is no debating this. The numbers are everywhere to find and it has been this way my entire life.

If those who look like you don't stop with their bullshit, you won't have to worry about having to!!!! We are fed up and aren't going to take much more, of that you can be assured.

Except nobody is hunting them. 9 unarmed blacks killed in a year. NINE. A bit over 200 total blacks killed by police and most were shooting at the cops. Hundreds more blacks than that have been killed by other blacks in the past month.

Oh ffs.

that is stupid who is gonna hunt and kill her

O please

If we're being honest here, the only people her children would have to realistically live in fear of would be other people who look like her children. But go off 🤷🏽‍♀️

Good. She’s too crazed to raise kids.

Poor thing.


She’s just as ignorant as a racist. Anyone who thinks black people are being hunted are dumb.

White ppl mocking Haddish are doing so out of ignorance. You don't have to be Black to know her fears are justified - you just need to educate yourself on the reality of institutional racism in America. Here's a place to begin:

Should worry about them getting killed by someone else that looks like you


I have black kids. I worry abt them constantly. I imagine all sorts of scenarios and what may happen that it has made them paranoid and extremely cautious. Its so sad!!! Why does it have to be like this? They dont go out w/o a fullt charged phone set on video!

And so she herself kills the baby through abortion

A totally unjustified fear based upon the racist propaganda spread by the liberal media and civil rights beneficiaries spanning many years. This is not the America we live in. Racism exists in every society but it lives on the fringes in the US, not the mainstream.

It’s frightening

BLM time is running out, soon will have to pay the bills😈

yes hunt them, kill them!

Very unlikely her children would be killed because of race


Tiffany the racist is afraid of racism what a joke! Just go back and listen to comedy shows and then say she isn’t racist

She’s not fit to be a mother , so there’s that.

No one in this country is 'hunted or killed' because of their skin color. And there is 0 evidence to prove otherwise.

She is absolutely right, you have to be extremely careful raising black children in today's society, racism still exist ☠ and it's being displayed every day, especially now that trump has been in office, he's given white supremacist groups courage to show their true nature 👹

Well lady.... They won't

Oh please 🙄🙄🙄

Who the fuck is Tiffany Haddish?

Don’t have children, because all people are “hunted or killed.”

Nobody’s hunting you or wanting to kill you. Simmer down Karen

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