Tiffany Cross breaks down Bill Maher’s history of controversial and racially insensitive remarks

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'You do not get to tell people of color what they should or should not be offended by. Stay in your lane,' TiffanyDCross says about Bill Maher. 'The country, like it or not, is changing in real time. And sadly, ‘Fake Time with Bill Maher’ is not.'


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TiffanyDCross Sorry Bill you don’t speak for me either! Don’t take it personally, I just like myself more than I like you! We all have unique life experiences based on being different. It’s always been changing. You just stopped moving. Be something you love and understand. VoteBlueIn2022

TiffanyDCross When did he say that about people of color 😕.. Yes he’s been ranting lately about Crybaby Liberals for canceling everyone and their mothers who aren’t “Woke” enough. Because some of those liberals were people of color, that makes him a racist ? 🙄

TiffanyDCross 'Clout mining'......

TiffanyDCross All these white people defending him. SMH.

CrossConnection TiffanyDCross Defund the stupid…

TiffanyDCross White liberals do it all the time.

TiffanyDCross He wasn’t telling anyone what they should be offended by, he was expressing how people like you make something out of nothing, and attack the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

TiffanyDCross This is a great example of a case when people who have no real talent use the opportunity - meaning, the color of their skin and political environment - to elevate their public profile. As we can see, no race immune from those people. Do something real.

TiffanyDCross 1. Saying 'since you're white you can't tell your opinion about non-whites' is simply racist, Tiffany. 2. Speaking about colors, white is also a color. 3. Basing an opinion on selecting exterior features instead of the content of message only shows one who can't use logic.

TiffanyDCross who the fuck is Tiffany Cross ?

TiffanyDCross Don't forget Laura Ingram! He is mediocrity at its finest. Wish he were as interested in equally as he is in weed. I stopped watching too.

TiffanyDCross Just saw the clip of you putting Bill Maher in his place. THANK YOU.

TiffanyDCross “Stay in your lane” is exactly what creates division. Its implication is racist in its core. You’re a white man? Oh, you have no right to an opinion, Oppressor.

TiffanyDCross And yet you are trying to tell him what he should or should not be talking about. Stay in your own lane

TiffanyDCross Stay out of my lane, you are a racist, you don’t get to tell white people (white is a color)what they should or shouldn’t be offended by

TiffanyDCross When someone with 250k twitter followers tells someone with 11M twitter followers to shut up and stay in their lane. hmmm well more people care what Maher has to say. His TV show has like 100x your amount of viewers.

TiffanyDCross If I can’t understand your struggle as a black person because I’m not black, how can you understand my white privilege if your not white. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂🤡😂😂🤡

CrossConnection TiffanyDCross 'You do not get to tell people of color what they should or should not be offended by'. Why do it. You should not tell ANYONE what they should be offended by.

TiffanyDCross Of sure Tiffany. You tell people what to do all the time and now you attack Maher? What a Hypocrite!! Always with the Race Card! MLK said we will never progress untill we stop seeing skin color! You see it everyday! Stop. Move forward!

TiffanyDCross Spot on.

TiffanyDCross Bill has his opinions and Tiffany has hers - that's the way it works

TiffanyDCross Its kind of ridiculous that the whole 'if you aren't with us, you're against us' is a thing now. And saying 'stay in your lane' because you aren't a certain race is 100% racist. I'm not old, I'm not republican and I'm it my lane yet? I agree with what he said.

CrossConnection TiffanyDCross And Black people don't get to tell White people what to say or do !

TiffanyDCross Please

matthewjdowd TiffanyDCross Maher has not grown and thus become completely irrelevant.

matthewjdowd TiffanyDCross Wow Tiffany! Thank you so much for reminding those of us who refuse to watch your show why we dont! Accusing billmaher of not having ppl of color on his panel or interview guest is laughable. Maybe you actually ought to watch it before you embarrass yourself yet again. Woke

TiffanyDCross Don't hurt 'em Hammer.

TiffanyDCross I agree 100%, Bill is a typical white boy

TiffanyDCross billmaher Americans have marched & protested for freedoms & equality for as long as I can remember. Please explain why is it ok for Ms. Cross to say whatever she wishes & not Bill Maher? I prefer the freedom of speech, even speech I don't agree with.

TiffanyDCross Maher is the reason people hate talk show hosts.

TiffanyDCross Geez, can't HBOring do better than tired Mahr and he for whom the word 'fuck' was invented (so he'd have something to say)..John Oliver? I mean really!

TiffanyDCross It's a de gustibus matter. Maher is Maher. Cross is new; you know she was auditorium tested and consulted to death before being hired. Maher is smug; he doesn't appeal to me; I don't watch him. I found Cross strident, snotty, and obnoxious. But I’m not in her target audience.

TiffanyDCross I’ve gotten over Typical arrogant white man along time ago. Including him. They make me wonder why flies like shit.

TiffanyDCross Bill Maher is a man of many words but little substance

TiffanyDCross Jews are racist to

TiffanyDCross If we need more Afro-Latinos in The Heights, then Miranda should apologize to Caucasians for the cast of Hamilton! Any thoughts?

TiffanyDCross Bill tells it like it is most of the time. Many on the far right and far left get butt-hurt over truths.

TiffanyDCross He has always thought he was cooler than he actually is.

TiffanyDCross Her commentary loses credibility 1) When she says he’s been whack for some time. 2) Calls it Fake Time. 3)Uses the overused liberal term fossilised. She sounds like a left-wing Fox News commentator.

TiffanyDCross I literally couldn’t agree with Bill Maher more, and he gives me hope in the Democratic Party.

TiffanyDCross Who's Cross and why should we care?

TiffanyDCross Thank you TiffanyDCross!

TiffanyDCross Tiffany did a great job! Hope everyone heard!

TiffanyDCross No thank you to tuning into Cross and am becoming less and less interested in what Maher has to say.

TiffanyDCross Who would have thought that the “cancel-culture” borne out of the ideological left would one day be wielded against its greatest champions?

TiffanyDCross Tiffany’s show is junk. It’s literally unwatchable.

TiffanyDCross Her voice annoys me so I don’t watch and Bill seems like he is pissed off at everything and everyone

TiffanyDCross It used to be a good show not so much anymore unfortunately

TiffanyDCross Hmmm

TiffanyDCross Now I want to go watch the show and see what it's all about...

TiffanyDCross And people of “any color” shouldn’t tell others what people of “any color” are offended or should be offended by. It’s a personal issue, it’s their decision to be offended. If the offense brings them to anger then they have made a decision to be angry. It’s on them.

TiffanyDCross My girl read him the riot act.👏🏽👏🏽👍🏼 Needed to bring his sanctimonious backside down a notch.

TiffanyDCross Truth. However, IF you decide to be ‘offended’ by something that others feel trivial (or worse, a fabrication), your complaints shall be ignored. Choose your battles wisely…

TiffanyDCross 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

TiffanyDCross “FUCK your crt”

TiffanyDCross Agree with you Tiffany i like Bill but he is getting weirder and weirder


TiffanyDCross Last place I’ll wake up to is Marxist concentration camping. Long as communism is buy your own capitalist land and chill i”m in. Bernie Bernie Bernie Sanders communism nope. Omar and Cortez hype and lost ideas nope jus thrill & chill peaceable Ten Rights per.

TiffanyDCross This is a bullshit take. Yes, Bill has been controversial at times but his perspective is not on a singular perch of white privilege. He, like many, are just sick to death of overly “woke” nonsense. Lin did not need to apologize.

TiffanyDCross Bills on vacation for the rest of the summer, but I am sure he will address this on his return. Both have a point!

TiffanyDCross Bill tells it like it is and some do not want to hear or accept what it is.

TiffanyDCross Tiffany Cross is too much. Lol. 🤣

TiffanyDCross It was the weed talking. I bet he even don't remember what he said.

TiffanyDCross Cannot stand the man.

TiffanyDCross TiffanyDCross THANK YOU!

TiffanyDCross This thing re: Lin-Manuel Miranda I have trouble with their attack mainly because I haven't even seen his film yet. I thought Hamilton is extremely diverse. Whatever, the outcome I accept his apology and trust he will be more aware of this in his future projects.

TiffanyDCross Being allowed to have your own opinion, doesn’t mean you’re free from criticism. He’s allowed his opinion, and she’s allowed an opinion about his opinion.

TiffanyDCross Hey what about jimmy kimmel

TiffanyDCross As it currently stands, Bill Maher's show would not be out of place on Fox News. It fits right in with their other white grievance content.

TiffanyDCross As a woman of color I couldn’t agree with her more, he’s not the only one who needs to stay in their lane!

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