This Japanese face mask translates into eight languages

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A Japanese robotics startup has invented a smart mask that translates into eight language

When the Covid-19 pandemic made face masks an everyday essential, Japanese startup Donut Robotics spotted an opportunity. They created a smart mask — a high-tech upgrade to standard face coverings, designed to make communication and social distancing easier.

In conjunction with an app, the C-Face Smart mask can transcribe dictation, amplify the wearer's voice, and translate speech into eight different languages.The cutouts on the front are vital for breathability, so the smart mask doesn't offer protection against the coronavirus. Instead, it is designed to be worn over a standard face mask, explains Donut Robotics CEO Taisuke Ono.

See ways innovators are making masks worth your while 02:31This success prompted the company to relocate to Tokyo and take on three new team members.Ono says the Donut Robotics software uses machine learning developed with the help of translation experts and specializes in the Japanese language. He claims that"the technology is better than Google API, or other popular technologies" for Japanese language users, because most competitor apps focus on translating to and from English.


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MastersOfNaming Que cosas, q raro todo

Oh, that's not ominous 😳

What a waste of time and effort!!

Donut? More like Do-Not Need...

Winners and losers from everything . Good one

now that's really something how do I get more information on this mask I really want to know and what languages .

The Japanese robotics smart mask has found to be a dangerous source of coronavirus, even with an underlying mask, a new study found.

But doesn’t include lip reading or sign language

Including trumps gibberish?

Says “China’s fault” in eight languages.

Hopefully they'll program it to translate Biden's illogical stammering

Literally nobody will buy this

Great idea.

That is ridiculous!!


Does your mask have drinking holes too?

You'll be amazed, until someone foreign speaks back to you without a mask and you find you don't own anything that translate back to you.

So now masks can talk!? Moreover in diffrent languages!? We truly are living in a world that's getting weirder by the day...

Nurse, i speak jive.

Does it speak Corona?

realDonaldTrump will hate this ad, so let’s make it viral TrumpKillsSeniors

hey, leave it to Japanese to break out a multi functional mask! jml

Its high-tech, but we're looking for some simple masks that keep us from the virus.

Still autocorrects to ducking

All it needs to say is, baaaa, baaaa, baaaaa..... The universal language of sheep.

Does it speak Biden ?

Beautiful innovation. I lived in S. Korea for two years and realized how prevalent mask were in the community. Great adaption!

'I love you' --- Japanese mask in french --- 'Je te baise'. 😄

Call it what it is: an “overpriced face tampon”!

Still won't wear a damn mask so 🖕 off

Wow --- who could've thunk up a new gizmo less appropriate to my current daily living circumstances ? 'Course you could converse with your international airplane seatmates -- but, oh yeah, we're not welcome anywhere. Or the Italian lounge lizard on the next barstool. Or

how cool would it be to have a mask you could wear that would just straight up translate any language to any language...thats some gold sci fi stuff right there

Is it mask or translator we already have Google and in pandemic mask is suppose to prevent from virus even Japanese are loosing the plot these days . They should stop listening to Trump speeches 🤪

Send me one so I can explain the truth to the ignorant !!!

That was quick. Perhaps they should focus on a origin and cure of covid

Love it!

So how much are they?

GooglePlay Google why someone got this before you .

Does it repeat...put me on stupid

Now your hilarious 😂

VivekLFC08 these geniuses. and we trying to figure how the market works


What senarios this used for?

must be nice to be in mask development right about na

Biden should get one that translates to English.

Cant wait for the black color to talk like darth vader

now try to talk clearly while its on your mouth

So which languages, for example, I want to learn English

And I thought that one benefit of wearing a mask is being able to say things 🤬quietly 🤫and not needing to pardon your French😂.



AJemaineClement Is it me or does it resemble a urinal?

Now do one that has close captioning for my elderly parent that doesn't hear well. Also, a voice amplifier coz she can't talk loud either.

V v ..v To v . cm m v

Protege do covid 19?

AJemaineClement How about “inventing” a vaccine?

Why does a mask need languages? If travel is restricted then why do we need translation? A nice gadget but really unnecessary....


In all languages narendramodi ko Chutiya hi bolega !!

fawadchaudhry sir this thing needs your attentions...

गालियां translate करेगा🙄🙄

'The cutouts on the front are vital for breathability, so the smart mask doesn't offer protection against the coronavirus.' Cool. So it's just like cloth and surgical masks.

1st step to universal translator StarTrek thefutureishere

However, the only phrase it can translate is 'Why aren't you wearing a mask?'


As an African-American man, I'm waiting for the mask with cameras embedded within them, that sends live feed to your social media platforms or at least the cloud. So, if anything happens, there would be video. Wait, I digress, we HAVE video and racist cops are not charged.

Why are they so much better than us at advancing

Finally a suitable purchase for my cat :))

A multi lingual darth Vader

How cool.

I want. I need. I must have.

Why they felt the need to combine these items, uncertain. Do we not have perfectly capable devices capable of translating audio?

Whoa...that is very unique....

FAKE NEWS,,, all day, every day.

A mask that can help translate? We get up to a few hundred patients a day ~ this would be great for when there is language barriers to be able to help people more efficiently and effectively. Great invention idea! I will be suggesting the concept in the medical sector!


I know this would backfire on me spectacularly. My asking where the bathroom is in Croatia either gets my ass kicked or in jail for the night b

Masks are not going away, specially in the big cities, pandamic or no

Does the mask shoot lasers at inbreds who refuse to wear masks while you walk by them buying expired, discounted rancid meet at Wal Mart? Because i would 100% buy that mask.


I'd love to test it out.

a mask permitting lip- reading for deaf people when?

I really don't think it will catch on!

Can they make one that turns red when it senses coronavirus

Why not. Something else? You make it a worldwide habbit. How many years you will pay for that? Any thoughts?

Of course they did.

Well that would be great if we were allowed to go abroad and when we do we won’t need the mask

Can it be easily inserted into the rectum?

CorneliousDenas we were talking about the apple mask earlier, but it turns out that the Japanese had already started to make one before apple has.

I need one that beeps everytime I leave the car without it...🤦🏻‍♀️


Finally this will go well with my hat that can block both sun and moon rays.

What is important is a face mask that can prevent one from contracting or spreading corona virus. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Does anyone else here think this is using technology the wrong way? Isn't the idea to use superior science to STOP the reason to wear the mask?

I donut.

So now eight languages sound muffled instead of one.

But does it filter air?

My Bane Halloween costume is going to be sick

Thought you fckers would go for a Chinese one. 👍

Global pandemic = $$$$


Ain’t that some dumb sh*t and irony at its best? We can’t travel in this pandemic, but this mask can translate in 8 languages.

Languages!! 😁

Oh good, I can die in Mandarin now

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