The world's leaders may regret laughing at Donald Trump

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Why the world's leaders may regret laughing at Donald Trump | By Nic Robertson for CNNOpinion


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Opinion I don't think so, the US is not the country it was, Trump and his bunch have seen to that

Opinion They were not laughing at him. Omg, fake news.

tonykarma2020 Opinion Because most of them are lefties. Most of them were brainwashed by communists.

Opinion Why would they regret laughing at Comrade Trump? I've been laughing at him since the 90's.

Opinion We survived before trump and will afterwards...he's a worldwide joke...


Opinion *Very UGLY. VERY SAD. Most CROOKED President EVER of the United States realDonaldTrump CREATED THIS ENVIRONMENT “Name Calling” AT Beginning of Republican Party Nomination. USA Politics Now turned into “Mud Wrestling on Steroids in Cow Dung!” HowardStern JoeNBC foxandfriends

Opinion Only a man with a lot of guts can take on the world the way President Trump does.

Opinion there's no regret in laughing "with" , haha

Opinion I doubt it.

Opinion Agree

Opinion Why trump’s already messed up most treaty’s with or allies

Opinion Because he is vindictive?


Opinion How can anyone regret laughing at this clown 😂😂😂😜😜😜😆😆😆😂😂😂

Opinion Who is Donald Trump we can't regret since he is a human being like others not a super natural being

Opinion I kinda doubt it!

Opinion Doubt that, in the finality.

Opinion Mr Trump brain is shrinking fast

Opinion JFC.

Opinion Well, it's hard to start crying when facing the ridiculous. The solution may be for the world's leaders to protect ears with "Mighty Plugs" whenever they face Trump.

Opinion It’s ok, he thinks they were laughing with him 🤣


Opinion because he is a temperamental baby... lookout he might hit you with his tiny hands... tRumpBaby TemperTantrum InternationalEmbarrassment tRump

Opinion ~ cuz he’ll exact revenge until one of them dies first.

Opinion No body laughing at him. They all want to befriend with him. Only US media’s create wrong image. We like him bc he fights back against CNN NBC dems hard. What Ford, Dems like Feinstein did, was disgraced. All the other dems on Jus com. We’re already human waste.

Opinion Whoever NicRobertsonCNN is, he is a complete moron. Trump insulted Merkel, she didn't budge. He attacked harder, she didn't budge. He insulted her, she still didn't budge. He's just a petulant child who needs a spanking and a time out.

Opinion Because as crazy as you are It can be dangerous

Opinion He’s a clown. People laugh at clowns.

Opinion The fact that a discussion on this topic is even valid, is disturbing! realDonaldTrump 's low intelligence & narcissism is no longer a question.. I watched/heard the World's leaders LAUGH IN HIS FACE! Talked a lot a💩 on Obama...Don literally made the USA a laughing stock! sad


Opinion So CNN just can't say it, the UN was not laughing at him but at the comment from the audience!!!! FAKE NEWS!!!

Opinion No regrets for the other world leaders, they will exclude the USA from future trade deals, which will be bad for Trump, with a minor tweek, other countries will do just fine... America's exports are suffering..

Opinion No they won't

Opinion Because I send them to the......

Opinion The ones who will regret this the most are the American people...

Opinion Nobody cares what says about anything.

Opinion Politically, the leader is more capable, he is more flexible in the way of expression.

Opinion Ofc they are,look at these pretty hands😁

Opinion Because he'll keep coming back trying to "get it right"?

Opinion Give me an effin’ break. Unhinged Trump will be long gone in a couple of years and their relationships with US will continue for decades.

Opinion Again... in Trump's head as they were laughing: 'It's Okay, I got my big nuclear button, pretty soon, they'll be throwing tons of money at me to not nuke their country.'

Opinion Yeaaaaaa

Opinion c l i c k b a i t

Opinion LaughterGateCheckOutYoMindTrump!😡

Opinion CNN viewership is in the gutter!!

Opinion Whoa this is CNN

Opinion Narrator voice: Nobody will regret laughing at him. He's that big a joke.

Opinion They weren't laughing at him, they were laughing with him. It was a warm, affectionate laugh. Like Trump said, they had fun together at that moment, & WE SAW THAT. But chooses to see everything thru crap-colored glasses when it comes to President realDonaldTrump. Sad!

Opinion Sorry, but nobody fears the U.S. anymore. You're like a toothless tiger. You can treat the world like before, you have no power over other countries anymore.

Opinion He’s a joke. Period. Americans are getting screwed everyday by his stupidity and vindictiveness.

Opinion Trump should have been laughed at by the U.N. assembly for lying!

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