The UK will never get the US trade deal it wants

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Rather than walking into a sweetheart deal with the US, the UK is likely to be confronted by a phalanx of hard-nosed American trade officials who will attempt to pry open British markets to more American goods. | Analysis by LukeMcGee

It's easy to see why this idea is popular among Brexit supporters. The United States is not only the United Kingdom's single largest trading partner, but also the biggest economy on earth.

Female lawmakers are stepping down ahead of UK election 03:03And any dilution of food standards in the United Kingdom would have wider implications for any trade deal that it could strike with Europe, given that chlorinated chicken is banned in the European Union.Then there are EU animal welfare standards. In the United Kingdom, animal welfare is a big deal.

Why calling a general election is a big gamble for Johnson 01:15As Lowe explains, when Washington negotiated its trade deal with Seoul, it"managed to get South Korea to agree that US companies could challenge fair value of medicines." A similar outcome in any deal with London would mean more expensive drugs on the UK market.Perhaps sensitive to the political damage this attack line could cause, UK government ministers have lined up to rule this out.


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scottishidp lukemcgee Do all men with distorted wee wee wear ties that kiss their wee spot?

lukemcgee You forgot that we won a war and the empire period of history according to the internet

lukemcgee Dumb and Dumber

lukemcgee More like a free falling nation

lukemcgee If ,Trump is in office it will Trump is fair not predatory

lukemcgee To much stupid

lukemcgee fake

lukemcgee ... because of savage Tory austerity cuts and underinvestment. You forgot to finish your sentence.

lukemcgee Gross

lukemcgee Two 🤡🤡

lukemcgee 😂

lukemcgee FAKE news!

lukemcgee Good, We should get the trade deal WE want. Why does CNN hate America?

lukemcgee That seems obvious to everyone apart from BorisJohnson and trussliz

lukemcgee Our country’s true enemy ⬇️

lukemcgee In order to convict and throw a morally and ethically corrupt criminal in prison, America had to elect him as the President. Really?

lukemcgee Thank God Boris Johnson at least looks almost as stupid as Trump. I think he's way more intelligent than the stable genius but it makes me feel better that there's another world leader that at least looks as stupid. Two dumb used car salesmen talkin shop.

lukemcgee Caption this: hey I finally found somebody more retarded than me

lukemcgee The two of them sitting side by side look like a failed attempt at cloning...something.

lukemcgee FakeNews

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