The top 1% of Americans have about 16 times more wealth than the bottom 50%

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United States Headlines News

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The top 1% of Americans have about 16 times more wealth than the bottom 50% (via CNBCMakeIt)

. Yet the bottom 50% of Americans only controlled about $2.62 trillion collectively, which is roughly 16 times less than those in the top 1%.the net worth of households and nonprofits rose to $136.9 trillion during the first quarter

, a 3.8% increase from the end of 2020, according to separate data published by the Federal Reserve on June 10, 2021. But those gains weren't distributed equally. Net worth is essentially a calculation of all of a person's assets — including cash in checking and savings accounts, financial investments and the value of any real estate or vehicles owned — minus all their debt, including credit card balances, student loans and mortgages.

The recent gains in household wealth, in particular, can be largely attributed to stock holdings, which were up about $3.2 trillion, according to the Fed. The rise in home values also played a role, with real estate holdings increasing by $1 trillion.have boosted the stock market, giving an edge to those who own stocks and investments. The wealthiest 10% of Americans, for example, own about 89% of stocks and mutual funds held in the U.S.


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MakeIt All caused by the federalreserve Fed policies that have fixed the markets to the super wealthy... QE MMT ZIRP Fundamentals don't matter anymore, absolutely no true price discovery. The wild, unchecked manipulation of the Fed is criminal...

MakeIt That makes sense. If you distribute the wealth then it would be lost as the bottom 50% would not know how to manage it, I tried that and gave a fortune to my brother to start a business, no business no money. I would have been better off giving him spending money.

MakeIt Our rich are suffering!

MakeIt Utterly meaningless statistic as portrayed here. Look throughout all human endeavor and find that small numbers of people are responsible for the most significant accomplishments. No surprise that financial success is included.

MakeIt Apakah TTD ini layak disebut identik? HALU! Yg punya hak menentukan IDENTIK hanya LABFOR POLRI. Bukan AXA_Mandiri, hobi bgt melanggar UU! PenipuanAXAMandiri di BankMandiri Netizen, ojkindonesia, KSPgoid, DivHumas_Polri, BPKN_RI kami ingin keadilan

MakeIt And the media bias continues.

MakeIt Cant count the bottom 50% when they all have negative wealth due to debt, if you have $1 and no debt you have more wealth than the bottom 50% combined

MakeIt JohnWRichKid, you are in the top 1% rich category, right?

MakeIt Just look at the corporate structure, not surprising.

MakeIt 1% of people are taller than 6 ft, 1% of people are prettier, 1% of people have higher IQ, etc. Just get used to it, or I want to be NBA player too, and maybe movie star or rocket scientist

MakeIt And pay 40x the taxes

MakeIt To this 'this is america' 'this is capitalism' ... I would agree with you if the market was 100% free, but it's not. We live in an Oligarchy.

MakeIt What’s the pitchfork multiple? Lol

MakeIt Well top 1% invest and make more money off of investments than the bottom 50% who do no investing and build up a lot of debt. Of course they will continue to get richer than the bottom.

MakeIt This is what autocratic aristocracies and oligarchies are built on; vast wealth inequality that lasts generations. At best they are paternalistic, generally they are just exploitative. The future America will look like Feudal Europe, or China, if we do not take actions now.

MakeIt I make $275K and my wife makes 50K. In Texas, I thought we were doing ok, but $325K doesn't even put us in the top 5% of earners. We need to step it up I guess.

MakeIt Good.

MakeIt 'Bitcoin should be part of every investor's portfolio' 'The fraud FIAT is inherent to the FIAT system and we can see it today in the USA...the dollar as hard money is a joke' - Ricardo Salinas Pliego RicardoBSalinas (Mexican billionaire, 3rd richest)

MakeIt It kinda goes along with the survey posted that most people failed. Compounding. More you have...the more you make. Why is this concept hard to grasp? Just because Einstein deemed it as the 8th wonder of the world. It doesn't mean a minority can understand it. Wake up America

MakeIt Not for long APES

MakeIt The bottom 50% pay virtually no income taxes. The top 1% pays 50% of all income taxes.

MakeIt The top 1% earned it, while the bottom 50% smoked weed and ditched school to hang out and drink beer. Sorry, but not sorry, this is America and everyone has the opportunity to excel in life using proper work ethics.

MakeIt Wonder what is driving the rising costs of housing? Maybe we'll rediscover the usefulness of taxes one day, or maybe not.

MakeIt Let’s make everyone poor and then we won’t have that awful disparity. Seems to be the plan of the socialists in charge.

MakeIt They deserve it. To get where they are they've worked 424 hours a day, 2,375 days a week!

MakeIt Translation: Corporate news organization wants you to know they had nothing to do with this. Nothing.

MakeIt feels like it was planned dunnit

MakeIt horrible

MakeIt Modern monetary policy and collectivism are great for top 1%

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