The Thanksgiving turkey is actually an immigrant. Where does it come from?

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The Plymouth pilgrims didn’t eat turkey in 1621. So how did it become such a patriotic dish? From 1843mag

treat, the guinea fowl. These similar-looking but smaller birds had made their way over from Africa. Some people thought they’d been brought by merchants from the Ottoman Empire , and called the birds “turkie hennes”. Early enthusiasts such as Thomas Tusser mistakenly slapped the Ottoman designation on the North American import as well.

Turkey meat became so integral to the English diet that 17th-century colonists, seemingly unaware of the bird’s origin, took domesticated turkeys with them to America. Most turkeys eaten today are actually descended from these settler fowl – wild turkey had more or less vanished from the continent by the end of the 19th century. Genetically and linguistically, the turkey is a creature of both the Old World and New.

The average turkey slaughtered today weighs nearly double what it did in 1960. Most birds are so large they are unable to have sex – hens have to be artificially inseminated. Small wonder that, compared with the wild breeds that made the conquistadors drool, turkeys today are often bland and need a generous slug of gravy. But they are a cost-efficient way of delivering festive calories to millions.

Even in China, where the richer flavours of pork, beef and lamb dominate the cuisine, the oversized bird has been making inroads. One Chinese farmer told thein 2018 that demand for turkey was creeping up because, as in Renaissance Europe, it was seen as “exotic” . As any Thanksgiving chef who has slaved over half a dozen flavour-enhancing side dishes knows, the meat itself has only ever been part of turkey’s enduring appeal.


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Probably Minnesota it’s one of the largest turkey producers on the planet

Who asked? Are you offended with Patriotism? Or are you a libby vegan

1843mag DasShaktikanta, StanChart ZarinDaruwala is troubling me for last 5 months through recovery agent for recovery of amount which is fraudulently charged by her bank, had requested at multiple instances for reconcilation of difference but she is refusing to provide

1843mag Apart from the pure blood and the soil First Americans, all other Americans are immigrants or their breeding in the US with documented ancestries in the fauna and flora of Europe, Africa, and Asia. LEST WE FORGET!

1843mag No shit. They ate each other!

1843mag PS why did I stop getting paper copies of 1843? Was that just some trial with my normal subscription? I'm sad ;_;


1843mag Isn’t it time we leave this atrocious custom behind and join the 21st century?

1843mag Okay okay 👍🏾! We SEE Black folk ( people of color etc) get the COVID vaccination on TV. NOW let’s see Dr Fauci , Biden and a few elderly white leaders get the vaccination!


1843mag No fker will eat it any other time of the year...

1843mag Cares

1843mag The Economist Global stuff and nonsense If I could make money out of thin air my name would be Rothschild

1843mag Why does it name turkey ? It's interesting. We say ' hindi' in Turkey,because it was coming at India

1843mag good luck

1843mag But it’s legal, LOL!

1843mag Türkiye sandım gine ne yarak giricek götümüze diye korktum amk.

1843mag Probably a Chicken Secret Society move

1843mag Can’t read this because of your paywall, but the wild turkey is not an immigrant, it definitely evolved in North America. There are fossil records from Virginia.

1843mag Bir an bize laf sokuyorlar sandım

1843mag 'Spiritual Blindness is a condition in which a person is not able to see the Divine Visitation of the LORD. 영적인 맹인됨은 그가 주님의 방문을 볼 수 없는 상태를 말합니다. MidweekBlessedWord

1843mag wow

1843mag Like the turkey, most Americans are foreign immigrants and their infestations in America including the patriotic Trumps!

1843mag Well, we all immigrants, indeed

1843mag Let me guess: Turkey!

1843mag But oh so tasty with gravy and biscuits Meeeeeoowwww 🤤

1843mag BLM! The Plymout pilgrims were too British immigrants, from the ethnic minority of Anglo-Saxons, escaping their shithole of Britain after only breeding in Britain for about a 1,000 years from their First Nations of Angles and Saxony in foreign Europe!

1843mag 95% only bad news(

1843mag Hi, please check out my gig if you need any kind of graphic design

1843mag My theory... pissed off people trying to load stuffing in an eel.

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