The Texas attorney general taking Trump's voter fraud conspiracies to the Supreme Court

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who has fought in the courts for President Trump's causes before, has emerged as one of the final defenders of the President's baseless claims of voter fraud in hopes of overturning the election

Paxton on Tuesday brought a lawsuit to the Supreme Court against battleground states Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan -- states that Trump lost to President-elect Joe Biden, that would invalidate ballots cast by millions of voters. Trump also asked the court to intervene in Paxton's lawsuit that is backed by 17 Republican-led states.But this is not the first time the Republican and longtime defender of the President's policies has taken up legal arms for Trump.

Months after becoming attorney general, he was indicted in 2015 by a grand jury on three counts -- two charges of securities fraud in excess of $100,0000 and a third felony charge for allegedly advising or representing investors without properly registering, according to booking records. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and his case has been delayed nearly five years following disputes between Paxton's lawyers and prosecutors. He won reelection in 2018.


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Gross 🤮

Numpty of the year

Who needs a pardon?

the only thing he is fighting for is a stay out of jail card

Baseless? This statement is disputed, very much so. You so called “journalists” are so not truth seekers. Maybe too much partying in college? I would like to see just one of you have the courage to actually go for the facts. But I’m not holding my breath.

CNN you refusal to see the corruption of illegal voting will be your end !

And he’s under investigation ! Great choice..


Yes the most corrupt media. Today the media is NO LONGER THE SOURCE OF TRUTH. I can’t wait when the Media will face charges for lying to the PEople

When Trump won in 2016, CNN made up the conspiracy theory of Russian Collusion which is baseless too. CNN went on and on daily for 3 years and now, we can’t question the election fraud? Yes, Fraud when votes are coming in in the middle of the night and the dead VOTEd.

This man (?) is an embarrassment to the entire state of Texas.

Perhaps you should let SCOTUS decide if the claims are baseless. Until they do, you're claim of 'baseless' is nothing more than opinion.

The only thing baseless is CNN.


AKA Northern Mexico

Read the Documents before the SCOTUS. Be informed and then decide which side of the debate you should be on.

Once again, CNN is giving its opinions. Are you journalists anymore?

Why u run behind this grown ass man doing his dirty work? U know he lost this election.....PEOPLE DONT LIKE TRUMP THAT IS WHY THEY CAME OUT IN DROVES AND VOTED HIS ASS OUT

Trial for sedition and insurrection is the only remedy. The GOP, in it's current incarnation, deserves EXACTLY same level of mercy that it espouses for others. e.g.: None to speak of... those who support, defend, and are apologists for the Trump 'GOP' deserve derision and scorn.

“baseless” you guys must really think the American people are stupid.

He has forgotten that he needs to represent Texas interest on behalf of the office of Texas AG. He got tax payer money but work against people interest. So sad

When you use the word “baseless” you completely negate yourselves as journalists. 🤦🏻‍♀️Who am I talking to? , you lie lie lie and spike stories that expose democrats for who they are...ALL the time 😡😡😡 CommunistNewsNetwork

If you drank every time CNN mentioned the word 'Constitution' or 'liberty' in the past 4 years you'd be sober as a judge

Bent desperado

Watch and learn!

“Baseless” claims “Baseless” is their favorite adjective when talking about 17 as well And yes... that means exactly what it sounds like - they’re deliberately lying about both

Pardon denied: see you in 20 years. 🙋‍♂️

Remember he’s the master of distraction, don’t get distracted.

In 1863, Lincoln shut down hundreds of newspapers and arrested their owners and editors. Members of Congress were imprisoned for dissent and corruption. Perhaps Trump should use similar measures for these similar times?

He must be in bed with Trump businesses.

Baseless claims. Lol! If the roles were reversed the mass media would be screaming voter fraud

He’s seeking a pardon. Next

Baseless claims?

Well if he isn’t the poster child for having the “I was dropped on my face as a child, a lot” then I don’t who is...

He really needs to worry about Texas

his eyeballs are kooky

Emerged is not the right word. More like crawled out from under his rock to get the approval of the big snake! Paxton has lots of legal problems. Because he’s a weasel, he needs a pardon. Wake up people - to the disgustingly lack of morals in our government.


There’s nothing to over turn. Trump won.

How can you call it baseless when they are literally arguing it at the Supreme Court level? Lol

Just curious, how do you guys continue to use the word 'baseless' when talking about voter and election fraud? As a news organization, you should know there is a lot of evidence out there.

Who’s placing bets on whether or not criminally indicted Ken Paxton gets the pardon he so desperately wants? Republican white males are above the law in this country and it shows.

you were put in place to represent all the people, not the billionaire President offering political backing. Trump will end your career.

'baseless claims of voter fraud' ? I think is better start watching OANN and FoxNews !! 😂😂😂


I think we should file lawsuit against all red States that none of the votes should b counted for Trump due to oppression and disenfranchisement of voters by blocking millions of Democrats from voting. JoeBiden the President. SpeakerPelosi TheDemocrats

Maybe, as a 'news' organization that purports to inform others, you should take time out of your busy schedule and ACTUALLY READ WHAT THE SUIT ARGUES, because it has little to do with 'voter fraud.' It's a Constitutional argument that executive/judicial took over legislative.

KenPaxtonTX how the hell do you reconcile with the THING in the mirror? Do you have family? Do the words integrity mean anything to you? yAOOTMPMFBAFUAH! Google it!

Wake up leftist fake news! These 'baseless' claims are overturning the election! 😏

Why are you using the term baseless. There is plenty of proof - stop being biased!!!!!!

A fraud himself

These clowns think Trump is a presidential material. I’m yet know what theses ineptitude’s are up to. Do you think you have the nerve to disenfranchise millions of voters? You must be out of your mind. if Trump contest 1000 times with Joe Biden, Joe Biden will beat him 1000 times

Crook angling for a pardon

He clearly can’t see things straight....

If you want to be taken seriously, don’t use words like “baseless”. I know this is a far leftist tabloid, but try to have some integrity


He wants a pardon

Wats he lookin at

2 independent data guys that hadn’t even spoke with one another ran the numbers for Georgia and came up with the same of fraudulent votes. That’s just 1 example, these claims aren’t baseless & your lies are repulsive.

Seriously, where do they find these people? Paxton

That's crazy!🤣🤣🖕🖕

Wanting pardon, how sad for the Republican Cult!!

Pardon anyone?

CNN must be under a misapprehension - he was doing it for the money

Fool can’t see straight.

Isn’t KenPaxton being investigated for securities fraud? Another GOP Crook sucking on the trump teat TexasAGisAJoke Texas fakechristians

Is US a democracy? What is happening? Were is US going?

It's time for ABC NBCNews CBSNews AC360 call this what it is - the GOP is apparently through with Democracy and that KenPaxtonTX and the 106 HouseGOP like michaelcburgess are all apparently part of a soft coup to keep Trump in power. The new label is Fascists.

OMG his face! so weird! 🤣😂🤣

Treason against democracy. He should be arrest for his treasonous rhetoric!

Don’t even mention the word conspiracy you hacks


fake news ever

C'mon CNN KenPaxtonTX is in this for the pardon.

This guy is a joke! Why does Texas vote in a man that is as greedy and a con-man to as their AG.. I don’t care of party Dems, republicans, independent, white, black, man, women. If they have committed a crime or being investigated they shouldn’t be in politics period. Too stupid

Take it from an Austin Texas resident, Ken Paxton is a derelict criminal...just like Donald Trump. Trump has bribed every one of these folks, and Paxton is desperate for $$$ as he’s in legal troubles of his own. Fact

Sad that KenPaxtonTX has to stoop this low to kiss up to Trump. GOP

The Hunter Biden allegations were “baseless” too.

Baseless claims? You ARE THE FUCKING ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! Trump has not been the best we’ve had, but he headline of BASELESS CLAIMS is absolutely ridiculous.

🤥Baseless Hello Tweeter a any censoring here as you do with realDonaldTrump Comments why not= CommunistNewsNetwork Flat out Lies🤥🤥🤥🤨See Evidence of Fraud🧐👇😎😌

I now see CNN as a source of comedy. Keep up the good work:)

It’s not “in hopes of overturning the election” it is “in hopes of getting a pardon from the dipshit in office today”

So the attorney general, who is under investigation for fraud and other charges, is bringing a case fraud in a jurisdiction (other states) where he has no jurisdiction on behalf of a conspiracy theorist (Trump) and thinks he will win with no evidence? Okay got it

It was pointless and abortive after all.

These attorneys must have gotten their license in a Cracker Jack box. He should be disbarred.

If it's not Florida it's Texas. What's with these people?

Does Ken Paxton want a pardon from Trump? Time is running out for all the political criminals to give their honor and offerings to Trump in hopes of a desperate pardon.

Baseless? Are you guys blind? 🤣🤣🤣🤣What are you going to do when the claims are upheld? It’s not long now

Baseless Claims? One of the Final Defenders? Am I in Alice in Wonderland?

Another person that needs to be committed.

They should be more worried that people are losing UI and other forms of assistance in a few weeks and figure it out in Congress to help the American people who need it versus all this junk. Ridiculous...I guess the American people don’t matter.

Baseless Claims... Just like Hunters misdeeds were Baseless Claim's ..... My Ass

What is it with wonky eyes securities fraudsters? KenPaxtonTX SenatorLoeffler cc FBI is it the stress? I’ve heard it could be the stress.

It's not 'baseless' if there is a boatload of evidence that shows Dem-run states ran a well-organized criminal endeavor to cheat Donald J Trump and 74 million voters out of their rightful win.

baseless CNN..?

Two Lawyers Shot, One Dead Amid FBI Probe Of Texas AG Ken Paxton

I don’t think it’s baseless claims of voter fraud just like CNN is not real news they’re made up a news called entertainment

Only cnn watching zombies are stupid enough to believe election fraud claims are baseless


How embarrassing. I can’t stand he’s doing this.

His is a complete embarrassment to Texas.

The SOB PaxtonWantsAPardon .

Baseless!? 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤣 😂

Looking for his get out jail free card. POS.

How much did Biden paid you guys that makes you people hate Trump with passion, you rush out on a very high speed, just to criticize President Trump. Wonders shall never end.

Trump and the GOP are not going down as Fighters - they are going down as Traitors. BidenWonDonaldLost

Another one bites the dust....

Trump will continue to file lawsuits so that he can continue to collect donations base. This is how our lame duck president earns his money!

Traitor. Enemy of Democracy

Baseless? CNN would say that because of their hate, facts don't matter. If CNN would have interviewed some of the polewatchers they would know the truth. They didn't because they didn't want to prove President Trump right. BTW it wasn't JUST Paxton.

Anything corrupt seems to attach to this president

Lonestar 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

who wants their bills paid ?

Hmmm ... he looking for a pardon? Wonder what’s in it for him.

destroying his political credibility i love it

Little bias are we 'baseless'

Trump won, nothing to overturn

This is just ridiculous. Trump is the Titanic and these people are refusing to leave a sinking ship.

Joe Biden outlines plan should he dissagree with Harris in future: 'If I reach something where there is a fundamental disagreement that we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign' HE ACTUALLY SAID THIS to Tapper/CNN 12/4/20.

He's trying to buy himself one of those pardons

He’ll do anything for that pardon

He saw the fraud with the good eye?

Paxton doing the jailhouse rock...

How to angle for a pardon.

Paxton who is currently under federal investigation for accepting bribes as reported by his staff is hoping that by being the lead dog in this dog and pony show that he will get a pardon.

So blatantly obvious he is fishing for a pardon. This guy is federally indicted lol

Just like the baseless Hunter Biden claims? 😂

These people are shamelessly downgrading a great country to a banana republic

Pardon me or I’m screwed

He is doing this because

Lazy eye Ken

He is also going to prison.

When you’re the swamp like realDonaldTrump, you surround yourself with swampy people. 🦠 🐊 🦠

Lol, CNN hates Trump as much as he hates them.

Nope..still nothing to see here. Bye bye Don

Except it isn't baseless. That's CNN lying and pushing propaganda. They have no credibility.

He’s trying to get a Pardon.

Lmao.. 18 states have now joined Texas’s efforts to sue Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Alabama Arkansas Arizona Florida Indiana Kansas Louisiana Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska North Dakota Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Utah West Virginia


Spineless and mindless people


Trump won!

he has the same eyes as kelly

Trump nothing but criminals on his side

Another loser.

How to create PayPal account that send and receive

KenPaxtonTX fishing for a pardon

CNN is so fucked lol

+78 million others

'Baseless' gtfo

Take “baseless” out of the tweet and maybe some of us will take you dimwits seriously. Does the MSM know how badly our trust has been eroded due to its arrogance?

Paxton for president 2028

He wants a pardon.

100 Republicans just signed the list backing trump's false claim of voter fraud they all need to be impeached or the people who voted for them need to start a recall if the people allow politicians to overturn their votes we just moved into dictatorship!

I think this guy will find him self out side looking into as well when this is over

Baseless baseless baseless what is the meaning of baseless, where is my dictionary?

He’s bucking for a Presidential pardon.

God Bless Ken as he fights for Donald Trump

Make him VP of the Trump's new Confederacy


I guess it was easier to file a crap lawsuit than charter a plane to fly a “plz pardon me!” sign past Mara Lago.

Trump has dirt on him and anyone else who are fighting for Trump. Must be life ending dirt for such.

Ken Paxton is under Federal investigation for bribery and abuse of office. He's only trying to get a pardon from Trump with this pathetic show.

What is SCOTUS waiting on before the shut this shit down?

Imagine what he would say if New York and California accused Texas of the same.

What a stupid, seditious, fat, orange hill to die on...

I cld really say some bad things about this criminal and the air he sucks out of TX but alas I value my Twitter entertainment and ppl I follow and well my freedom lol 😆

This needs to end right now. There will never be a normal country if this continues on. Republicans you need to wake up and start being a grown up. Democrats wants peace with everyone. This country needs a equal playing ground in this country. Dont used religion against democrats

It’s always Texas or Florida. We should sell them to Russia.

Hmmmm. Why does he have a mugshot? Inquiring minds would like to know......

Did Zucker write this himself or is that what he told you to write in the 9am conference call?

CNN omitted that 17 other states joined Texas in the Supreme Curt lawsuit against Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, for unconstitutional acts breaking the law!

ComplicitCorruptGOP TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump PaxtonWantsAPardon

Another reminder of the need for election reform. It’s just too real that the lack of integrity of one man could bring down the will of the people.... if this guy had been in a swing state.

This guy is under investigation. How the hell is he able to do all of this. If they can break the law like that . All felons be able to vote!! Seem like our government is comprised of the Highest level of criminals our Country has ever seen .

Indicted for felony crimes. Maybe RudyGiuliani can be your lawyer.

I guess we'll let the SCOTUS determine if claims are baseless.

Trump is not the Alamo.

Someone who’s being investigated?

There has to be consequences for members of the bar bringing suits like this

The election with the most votes for both candidates in all of election history was completely free of fraud. That's a baseless and absurd claim.

News flash. we believe him.

What are you going to do when Trump has nothing but time and decides to buy your network

Another corrupt politician

KenPaxtonTX isn't the AG under indictment How does that work Asking for a friend..🤣🤣

Dude just tryin to get a pardon. Legal issues 4 him as well. Lookin kinda swampy

KateSullivanDC How could you write this entire piece and not mention that KenPaxtonTX is in dire need of a Presidential pardon?

Time to go. Crooked AG

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