The overlooked toll of drinking alcohol while pregnant

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Estimates suggest up to 5 percent of people in the U.S. have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Here's how scientists and activists are working toward better diagnoses and treatments

, and cognition vary, there are some anatomical characteristics that scientists tend to find more often in the brains of people who were exposed to alcohol prenatally.

And in 2011, Wozniak and his team published a study based on brain scans to examine neural activity between the two hemispheres. They demonstrated that the activity of the two hemispheresin patients with FASD, leading to deficits in hand-eye coordination, verbal learning, and executive functions. are “pretty profound” says Wozniak, with the hippocampus having cells that are smaller and disorganized.can also show abnormalities in FASD patients. “It’s an area of the brain that’s involved in planning and organization and reasoning and judgement,” explains Kable. Her team has found that in animal models exposed to alcohol in utero, the system of blood vessels and veins carrying oxygenated blood around this area of the brain can be disorganized.

For many years, doctors rarely asked pregnant people or families about their drinking habits. “I think doctors are afraid to ask sometimes because they don't feel confident in what to do if the answer is yes,” saysIn the early 2000s, however, studies started to show that targeted therapies could help people who were prenatally exposed to alcohol.


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This is going to get way way worse soon with all the unwanted children being forced on women ! Its going to be a dystopian nightmare, more crime , abuse , neglect, and death. Make this nightmare stop !

And they're all in Congress.

Men and women will benefit from knowing to curb consumption when or if trying to procreate.

“5 percent of ‘people’ in the U.S. have fetal al…” 🤦🏻‍♂️ You used to be about science, not political correctness. Unsubscribed.

Am sure my adopted children have this syndrome. Am proud of how far they have come.

Wait a month, guarantee this will be men’s fault.

How can this be, though, since fetuses aren't people?


shame you

That % seems too low.

Shared with BranaaJean 🤨

Don't want to hear no more about pregnancy the day a government can tell the people if they get pregnant through no fault of their own that they have to have it well that's day I don't need a government

Stop putting more responsibility on pregnant women. Make men responsible.

So sorry, me monki dont understand europian, pls speak portuguese

Maybe not really a role model example of a mother if she’s gonna binge drink or take drugs while pregnant or nursing…

Well theirs going to be a lot more of them soon so get ready

Alcohol can have some pretty profound effects on sperm quality, too. Even if the mother doesn’t drink, there can be adverse effects passed on from the father to the fetus.

I'm curious how coffee affects babies 🤔

Your caring for another life...why would you want to fuck it up?


Boomers really have a reason for being so terrible, they were born wrong from the various substances they absorbed in the womb only to spend their life being under constant exposure to lead. Honestly it’s a miracle they have enough grey matter to be terrible at this point.

Alkie Aggro...

My mother drank heavily while pregnant with me according to family members but I've never been able to get an actual diagnosis.

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