Texas landowners dig in to fight Trump's border wall

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Rather than surrender their land for President Trump's proposed border wall, some property owners are digging in and preparing to fight the administration in court.


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You go get him. I mean Donald.

We know its not a real crisis or danger zone bc if it was Trump wouldnt go anywhere near the border.

Tell her that her land is going to have a fence she will need to maintain.

Ugh, yet they keep voting for Republicans

dittmei So build the wall around their property.

This type of digging in and fighting until the bitter end is what has got us into this mess in the first place. When opposite sides can not have their way, compromise is the only way to break gridlock.

why did they vote for him again?

That’s a wonderfully surprising reaction from the people at the border! Here! here!

Born and raised Texan. It's called Eminent Domain. They won't have a choice. And I support taking the land if the people won't accept the price being offered. Your land is not more important than our safety!

If they didn't think Trump would betray them, they are getting what they deserve. Trump will NEVER get his wall in Texas. Dumber people like Rick Perry have tried.

SteegVan SenateGOP HouseGOP LindseyGrahamSC The land owners are going to fight you!

Now trump is dealing with real Texans. We don't surrender easily.

What about CAH ? I personally donated to their anti border wall cause and got some cool loot in the process.

I’ve heard this too many times. Are you telling me that our NATIONAL property lines do not have a right-of-way? Even the street in my neighborhood has a right-of-way for our local govt. Unbelievable, and most likely fake news. 🇺🇸BuildTheDamnWallNow🇺🇸

dianaaitchison Don't mess with Texas.

Ok! We can funnel all the illegals through THEIR land!

Deepcstar That's a big L for you Stump.

TexasNewsHound And I bet they voted for him...

Good luck with hat thinking,oh and get your checkbooks out attorney fees are ridiculous 😂😂😂

Y'all voted for him..

Still haven’t seen a definitive estimation of land the fence cedes to Mexico. Certainly thousands if not hundreds of thousand acres of land. Most, if not all will end up ligated in court.

All you need is a right of way

Ok then let those land owners house and support the illegals.

Then we should put the wall on the upside of their property. That’s an easy solution.

Instead of him going to a place like McAllen or California why not come to NM where they are coming across by hundreds cause they know no fence no nothing, those big cities prepare for his visit, just come to NM where illegals are everywhere

Are they kidding. Would they rather be attacked by illegal aliens than have some kind of protection. Do they really not care for their families. How much really of their property are they using. Grow up Texas. You hiring these people. If you are you better watch out.

Do they rent those small houses and trailers to illegals by any chance?

Aw, the poor Trumpanzees are all upset because their leader betrayed them And will take their lands and homes. Screw them. Hope it costs them millions to fight it. Remember, Careful what u wish for. They don't like it when it lands on their doorstep do they?

Good for them.


Many people in Texas were happy for the idea of a wall! Now some of them are fighting it. Irony.

Under a national emergency he can seize the land and they will get way less than offer I'm sure.

Individual-1 can’t take the Native reservation land that borders Mexico. It has a fence, one gate. The native Indians Allow the border patrol access, but that can change if Individual-1 crosses the elders. nowall on Reservation land. Might want to check that. Just saying.

Of course Why would he even think that people actually own that land , that he wants to put his Monument to himself on

Fake news

They must be making money by allowing drugs and illegals to cross their land.

I am old enough to remember Republicans condemning 'eminent domain' seizures of private land.

MutCallahan MutWEEI jtomase

That’s a shame about their property but anyone who owns land bordering a foreign country surely knows there’s a risk. If their real issue is that they don’t want a wall they’re either being selfish & unpatriotic, or they’re involved with smuggling. I suspect the latter.

There will be gaps in the wall. Let the illegals come in on their property. Federal government can and does take any land they want.

Sorry haters..... BUILDTHEWALL

What did Trump and his administration think, that Texans would just say”OK” and hand over their property?

They own the land right on the INTERNATIONAL Border?

It has always been this way it is how it fits the media's narrative. When the left tried to take ranch land along the red river the media classified the ranchers as extreme and a bunch of red neck losers. Now since it would be Trump there heros and the little guy. FakeNews

I am glad they voted for him :)

45 Puppet doesn't care if you are Republican or Democrat .The wall is very important so get ready and rally and join forces.

Texans love a good land fight.

Some Texans they are.


theRogueReview Simple solution. Build the wall where there is no resistance. The cartels, traffickers and anyone else that's coming illegaly, will use the areas that don't have a physical barrier. Border Patrol can focus their efforts in those areas.

White people have fucked up America.. there is pattern .. find a lord a higher power.. Jesus has let ya'll down

I think the majority of land owner near the border would agree to the wall. There will always be one or 2 that would disagree. It is dangerous down at the border and we need that wall.

RosieM1919 This is messed up. Nobody in this Administration has thought anything out...about anything. They're horrible. They're all a bunch of dweebs. 😂😂😂😂

Literally by law if the land is need for the safety of the country than the Federal government has a right to take it away from the owners, with full compensation.

ItchieBootie Digging in? Really?🙄

Not biased at all, are you AP?

Go around. On this side.

BFSCR Tell us how the landowners are at fault, a la your tremendous fail yesterday.

If people living on the border don't want the wall, it must not be as bad as ResignTrump says.

BruceFo57208316 I support this. I also think we should all take notes. I wanna remind leffies later on what they think about eminent domain next time they bring up High Speed Rail.

Fight all you want resistance is futile

God Bless them!!!

I wonder how many voted for him?

t00thyPeg What if it were Obama proposing to seize the land of Texas property owners?

martiallaw & confiscation. America is greater than a single landowner.

What is even the point of building a wall north of the border? If DT is worried about asylum seekers but anyone north of RioGrande are in Texas and can therefore seek asylum to the first person they meet.

“Legal experts say Trump likely cannot waive eminent domain — which requires the government to demonstrate a public use for the land and provide landowners with compensation — by declaring a national emergency.”

People want this wall so badly they can’t see the forest for trees. How long would it take to build this crazy thing, all the lawsuits, then if it does somehow manage to get built. How long before the extreme temperature swings start to deteriorate. Just look at the highways.

Land for grazing cattle to roam should be kept open! That has been true for a hundred years and more!

Sounds good.

These the same Texas landowners who overwhelmingly voted for Trump. The same ppl who depend on cheap labor from Mexico? WTF did they think was going to happen? Where exactly did they think the walk was going to go?

So has this landowner ever visited their war zone Truly a despicable attempt at deception!

. .GeorgetownLaw .AlanDersh As much as we support the rights of landowners, there's (basically) only ONE successful way to defeat an imminent domain seizure...prove land ownership provenance that pre-dates the Ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789. BorderCrisis

Great. A move to stop Trump in Texas. Sweet.

Isn't Frying Pan ranch along the border? And isn't owned by the Bush family? As in President Bush? Oops

Land is already taken, they will be compensated...No Case here and this is not unique or news for that matter...Straws are illegal in CA, now that's a story worth reporting

No illegals are crossing here because they're gonna take a bullet

I do hope it's not gonna be the bloody wall. Amen!

This follows the lawsuit files by the Custom and Border Patrol Union will be filing against Trump. All other Unions who members are affected by TrumpShutdown should do exactly the same.

Build a wall everywhere you can ASAP Leave the holes in the border on the land these traitors own Let them see first hand how smart they are

I'm worried about butterfly sanctuary. This needs to be saved

beeby0420 Shocked .. not


Sane people everywhere support you!!

I wonder if any of those land owners down there still have their maga sign in their yard?

Who’d they vote for?

What an irony. Shouldn't they be using their guns to protect their lands? Second amendment. Remember? Trump is ok with it. Remember?

Not including the land Cards for Humanity purchased and locked down internationally.

And they most likely voted for him! yougetwhatyoudeserve

senatemajldr SenateGOP GOPLeader HouseGOP GOPChairwoman We the People will NOT forget how much gop TrumpShutDown is costing US every week, including any eminent domain $$ eventually wasted Spend $ on personnel & VOTE to re-open the govn't cc SenSchumer SpeakerPelosi

GOP used to protect property owners rights. Now they just protect Trump.

Hilarious! How many of these people voted for trump?

Go around them!!

Someone should start a go fund me for these peeps.

I don’t believe this story! I experienced first hand what happens to the ranchers in Texas, because of trespassing illegals! Lie to someone else!

Strange bec the Muslims are pouring over the Canadian border and no one has a problem with it bec American just give it up and sell it bec there just there smart so what's the real reason for the wall bec Mexico isn't giving up there guns to the purple dinosaurs in power nor cash

Not a problem. They're going to lose their illegal cash cows.

Would that be the illegals in Texas fighting this or the highly intellegent American people selling themselves out to everything and anything that has a buck

Leave a gap in the wall at their property and all the illegals can come right through their back yard!9

And they should fight Donald for the land they own!!!!

ED and I am not talking about Erectile Disfunction

goolammv Well if they voted for Tiny TRAITOR Tinkles guess it sucks to be them. No sympathy what's so ever.

That’s funny, did they have an attorney ? They don’t because eminent domain will always win

Imminent domain. The Wall is coming!

His voters? 🤭🧐

Good luck with that

The'll be really unpopular with their neighbors. Additionally, eminent domain is hard to challenge when it is a border. If there is wall to their left and to their right, but a hole on their property, how long do you think they would make it before becoming victims of violence?

Show me the money! Is their motto!

Fight and fight HARD!

Funny how these people actually believe it “their” land. Don’t pay the property taxes. Then see who’s land it is. Happy renting from Uncle Sam!!!

Eminent domain.

Lee_in_Iowa Will this end Texas GOP support for Trump? Will they choose Trump over the voters?

All Trump has to do is hand over their land to Mexico

Arriadna I'm not surprised since most of the border is a really narrow creek-river and private land. Everyone on both sides uses the creek-river which swells in good times and is needed for agriculture in growing season. Hope Trump can tell God how to divide the water!

This is gonna be epic to watch the cowboys win this one!

SusanBedard4 Like I keep saying, even if Trump manages to get the $, it’ll be tied up in litigation for years. A physical wall along the entire Southern border was ALWAYS a fantasy. Ann Coulter should admit it’s infeasible & give realDonaldTrump permission to re-open the government. 😂

So funny there are fences at almost every home in the Rio Grand Valley. Homes with bars, but suddenly a fence is going to bother the wild life. To hilarious! Smh pretty sure most of the ranches have fences with barbed wire too! People are so gullible!

Hmmm, Texans may vote for fucktards but don’t fuck with their land.

originlbookgirl So if building of the wall is years away and Texas landowners will fight tooth and nail, in court, to keep their land, why is the government shutdown until Donald gets his wall? Am I missing something?

AuthorFAChekki Good! Fight it.

It takes two to tango. Isn't that right


I bet most of them voted for him. Where they think he was going to build the wall mexico is not paying for.

When a red state population disagrees with the Republican president, you know how wrong the idea must be.

Good luck. Your not going to get far. Not with the Fed’s. Probably better to get what you can. And that probably won’t work.

This is where the big beautiful door will go.

*starts slow clap Ci-vil war ci-vil war

A) via eminent domain he will lose B) via his attorney fee’s he will lose again. But I fully expect some cooky leftist millionaire will pay for the legal fee’s.

Hahahahaha hahahahahaha.

Should start a Go Fund Me for them!

CRLSLisaTK Should of thought of that before you voted for a conman, Texans.

Eminent Domain....

It’s not just realDonaldTrump causing the shutdown. The landowners won’t give him the land for the wall. APFail fail FakeShutdown facts.

Wonder how many of them voted for trump? 🤔

If they police their own land toprevent illegal crossings, then that is acceptable. They can pay for their own security. If anything happens from an illegal crossing their land, then they can be sued or prosecuted. I have no problem with that arrangement

Thank God (and the AP) that people are finally starting to discuss this issue. It only took two years or more, but eminent domain seizures are *the* number one issue in this debate about the wall, and it has been completely ignored.

These land owners have refused Wall for generations it’s not because they agree with Democrats or hate Trump. They just don’t want to mess up their view.

How many of them voted for Trump?

Wasn't there a story last year that one family already had to give up property to ED? Their house was one of each side and their yard was on the other.

Border wall was never meant to be contiguous. In places where it’s not practical, other methods will be used. Those who don’t want a wall on their property will have to deal with the flow of illegals, coyote traffickers and drug cartels when they find the path of least resistance

Mmm eminent domain

Hopefully they win and can tell the truth in court

The Chump is getting opposition for this idiot wall from all sides...based on the latest Supreme Court rulings WRT imminent domain, even if he gets funding for a wall, by the time the lawsuits by the property owners work their way through the courts, he’ll be gone out of office..

Put up the good fight but eminent domain will win out as usual. Ask the First Natives about it.

Keep trying AP, but we are on to YOU! BuildTheWall2019. This just shows me that TRUMP is winning on this

As they should. Totally agree

Build that wall, Prez! Make it 50 feet high and throw all of these communist liberals over the wall. Send them to Mexico!

Do they have an account to donate money?

Good for them!! Don't sell your land!

Wtf? Do these people not care about the future of their country? Are they ok with being invaded?

Nothing like wasting money on something that would never be overturned!

tonydlaw Bet one is a golf course.....

Heck then they’re responsible for everyone crossing through that land.

Eminent domane powers means the government will proceed and the court fight will end up being about compensation. If this is done under National Emergency Declaration they are even less lightly to stop POTUS and Army Corp of Engineers from proceeding.

goolammv The whole world understands who and what Trump is. I will let others fill in the blanks.

Oh, wow, what a surprise.

That’s okay all illegals, drugs and human traffickers can be funneled through his backyard. At least we’ll know where they’re entering. It almost sounds as if he’d have something to lose if illegals, drug and sex traffickers were to he stopped!!

Lmao 🤣

All this winning going on got my head spinning lnao.🤣😂😅

My son got a gift of 1 sq. ft of borderland. He plans on keeping it. Why don't we all buy 1 sq. ft. of wall land, and it will have to be litigated in court for the next two years, or more!

$$ It's about the Benjamins now. $$

The way it usually works is if you cooperate, you get fair market value. If you don't cooperate, they condemn the property and take it from you. They should have studied up before they voted, now they have to fight the guy they voted for.

Condemnation during a national emergency outta go fast.

Could the landowners then be responsible for anyone/thing that crosses their land to enter the US?

They are the ones on the damn boarder and know building a wall is RIDICULOUS.

Trump: ISIS next target

This. Will. Take. Years. Reference: Keystone Pipeline.

This has to do with grazing. Building a wall will have a heavier environmental impact with migration species and not successful with stopping drugs, illegals, . Cartels have submarines, vehicles, airplanes, and boats. As well as they are growing/ making it here already.

Set up a gofundme for legal fees. We’ll chip in


Let them.

It really would be interesting to know exactly how many land owners would take a buyout vs. how many would fight & exactly how many miles these numbers would include.

They can't, that's federal land

This is the untold story of 'the wall' . It crosses private land and native reservations that won't readily hand over the property.

Funny, how we had a bunch of Texans on Twitter recently talking about hundreds of illegal immigrants walking on their property and these individuals were gang members & very dangerous. They were reluctant to confront. Those Texans will just challenge your imaginary Texans. 🤣😂


Oh so the govt taking land to secure the border is wrong but not when you need it to feed your animals. Guess that's what Ammon Bundy did wrong. He wasn't a crazy leftist.

They are probably the main ones that voted for his realDonaldTrump stupid ass🤔😏

Texas voted for Trump. What’s the problem? As they’ve been telling us for two years, elections have consequences.

Just leave it wide open and let the undocumented people run through there property...let's see how long would last!

I thought right-wingers were all about freedom and small government, yet they are OK with the government confiscating people's land.

Just leave them open and let the hoard thru. Nice funnel to arrest them and deport.

KathleenLeeLie1 If this mess advances Texas’ secessionist movement, it will be a victory for America.

So they don’t want a wall but don’t mind illegal aliens walking in their property?

Jodi_Trisha WTF? MAGA doesnt want their land seized? NIMBY Not IN MY BACK YARD. MAGA always want's what they don't really want

They wont win. The matter has already been addressed.

Stand your ground! 👊🏻

And they will lose.

One person isn’t everyone


Why not compromise and build this

Well there might be a few but everyone that owns property in Texas on the boarder said they need it can you please show your proof or is this another misleading statement

.senateGOP MAGA READ OUR TWEETS: NO. NEW. WALL. OH, have you guys heard? realDonaldTrump’s campaign CHAIRMAN Manafort (& friendly felon) shared data about Americans & discussed a “peace plan” for the Ukraine DURING the 2016 election with a Russian AGENT 😲 StandByYourMan tho

Not all liars. This is a small %

Fake news.

AuthorFAChekki Another great headline from the AP. JFC, fire this editor or delete your account.

I was waiting for farmers and ranchers to speak up. This should be in the news 24-7. Also, those who will lose their land through eminent domaine.


Two words for you....... eminent domain. It is to secure the nation. You can spare a strip of dirt. Option 2. You can be on the Mexico side of the fence. Sorry pal. It is going in.

Well skip there properties and then all the illegals will be able to join them for supper

If the states on the border want the wall as much as trump says, why didn't they build it decades ago?

The supposed party of 'small government' preparing for a massive land grab (and from red states, nonetheless).

SlynnF58 I would retweet you but I'm still ticked off about that stupid 'It takes two to Tango' crap on _Politics

Fight fight fight!!

Well they will lose. Eminent domain has already been settled in court.

TrumpShutdown Collusion WorstPresidentEver Corruption EmolumentsClause TrumpCrimeFamily LiarInChief IndictTrump MuellerIsComing InstalledByRussia PutinsPuppet FakePOTUS 25for45 TrumpResign IQ45 CommanderBonespursMcGrifty


What?! People don’t want to give up their land for the wall?! Shocking.

smart_ass_lynn Liberal idiots!

CHCmobile I'd like to know how many of them voted for him, though, so I know which ones to laugh at.

Then the wall will be built on both land boundries. That will detour the illegals, drug, traffickers, towards the only open space to enter: Through THEIR land. Have at it. I am sure you, your family barbeque, reunion or Grandchilds bday will be safe. Awesome.

smart_ass_lynn Eminent domain beeatch! Government been taking it for years and I'm betting there is a variance off the border of the US!

What else can you expect from “Donald Trump, [who] in the industry of real estate developers — which is a bit of a slimy business to begin with — was known as the bottom, of the bottom, of the bottom of the food chain.”

They can dig in all they want but we know the govt gets what they want. Just ask anyone who has tried Eminent Domain : a right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction

Good lads, charge the bastard twice for it!

Once the illegal alien hordes ravage their property a few times they will be singing a different tune...

Why would they fight? I'm sure most of them voted for tRump. Now they have a problem. realDonaldTrump

That's fine in the meanwhile Trump will be leaving a battalion of border agents to make sure nobody gets through

KathleenLeeLie1 Bwahaahaaa! And the majority of these people voted for him!

Oh ! I thought they wanted the wall.😎 only if it dont affect them, huh?

Revoke their citizenship(if they even have it), deport them, and charge them attorney fees. LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

Sorry AP don't believe you after that disgusting comment yesterday.

Good plan, try and take land from a Texan!

Fight on!

I wonder if team Trump realizes that most of these land owners voted for them. ImpeachTheMF FakePresident impeach45 NoWall

Good for you.. Do Not let em take it!!

Sounds like fake news. Makes no sense

They’re gonna lose bigly

Lol. Eminent domain is a thing.

Its called eminent domain-They need to brush up on the laws.

I think people forgot that Texans, however conservative they may be, would fight to the death over their land and are against the government taking that which is their's for any reason, even if they agree with the reason.

Fact checked by Snopes... so...🧂🧂

The Fed has right to 60 feet of the land at the border.

And many already are, and have been since Bush Jr.

Good for them!

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