Tesla CEO Elon Musk Just Sent Bitcoin Sharply Higher, Boosting Its Price Over 20%

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Elon Musk sends Bitcoin value up 20% with just one word

I am a journalist with significant experience covering technology, finance, economics, and business around the world. As the founding editor of Verdict.co.uk I reportedI am a journalist with significant experience covering technology, finance, economics, and business around the world. As the founding editor of Verdict.co.uk I reported on how technology is changing business, political trends, and the latest culture and lifestyle.

I have covered the rise of bitcoin and cryptocurrency since 2012 and have charted its emergence as a niche technology into the greatest threat to the established financial system the world has ever seen and the most important new technology since the internet itself. I have worked and written for CityAM, the Financial Times, and the New Statesman, amongst others. Follow me on Twitter @billybambrough or email me on billyATbillybambrough.com.


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QuantVol Holy cow!

This is proof that Bitcoin is as speculative as ever

Normal again?

I only came here after Siwon Choi gave this a like. 😅

ALERT🔥Great news ElonMusk going to use a lots of Bitcoin  to build his electric cars and solar panels😁

Yeah...then BTC craps it's diaper...longs and shorts make capitalism, not some dude putting bitcoin on his twitter for sh.t sake!

Ukfz4rjjpp Hhj.ýhp

In next few years his words will elect President of USA.


Overrated personal opinion

What was the word

Dont really care what trades or analysts are saying. Buffett went 60% cash so I did too. Feels good to lock in 2 years worth of profits early in year, anyways!

He doesn't believe in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is full of risk. Bitcoin will fade away.


...and put TSLA into the toilet by scaring investors that he’ll convert cash into BTC.

BillyBambrough Indeed.

With a sentence of five words, you can get rich so much

I’m so mad my brother in law told me to sell my investment because it was plummeting and I did! 😭😭

BillyBambrough BitcoinSisyphus

Take me to mars musk 🚀 make it go up more

Who controls the memes, controls the universe. -Elon Musk

this is great

And CD Projekt 15% down with 3 words.

What can't this man do ? elonmusk

Yo! So much influence. I'm goddamned impressed

we cant buy on coinbasedown today its frozen


Elon Musk should be sued for InsiderTrading and Corruption Bitcoin



Elon is the mastermind and setting fuel for all the GME AMC, rocket 🚀 to Mars


I love it. Jumped in in 2017. Should have invested more.

Casually yeeting the value of a global currency with is morning tea

Elon, raise the chance Trump gets convicted with a single word pls.

elonmusk The man The legend 🚀

You mean DOGE 300% in 24hr

People follow profhes

Is the word “Gamestop”?!

Do it again.

I love how people are praising him like he isn't the 1% of wealthy people that are trying to take advantage of the working class

Elon, next time please call me first...lol

We like the tech!!! btc

the word: 'Bitcoin'

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