Teen climate activist warns EU that it's time to panic

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'I want you to act as if the house is on fire.' Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg warns EU that it's time to panic:

al activist Greta Thunberg says time is running out to halt climate change and she's urging European politicians "to panic."She said that "if our house was falling apart you wouldn't hold three emergencyDuring a speech met with a standing ovation, Thunberg fought back tears as she warned about rapid species extinctions, soil erosion, deforestation and the pollution of oceans.

In a reference to the international funding effort launched to rebuild the fire-ravaged Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, she urged the lawmakers to use "cathedral thinking" to tackle climate change.


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Um, It was my understanding that we were supposed to listen to scientists.

Is that a boy or girl?

This seems like it would flood some places...because of all the water people would be pouring on their house...

She also warns that 'My parents rules are RUINING MY LIFE - FOREVER!'

😂😂😂 more like her meds need to be adjusted

Yeah, no.

Someone needs a time out.

Who gives a shit?

This girl will have to say and do more extreme things to get attention. She's the PETA of climate change.


Book report?

Grab the family, the laptop, important documents, run outside and call 911.

Blind children leading blind children.

Please leave that child alone.

You ever notice how often the 'climate change' crowd CHOOSES to have people that could not POSSIBLY understand the methodology being used as their spokespeople?

Just another brainwashed drone. So very sad 😥

Teens do know it all...

Not a Cult™

Act as if the house is on fire! Oops, you're out! I didn't say 'Swedish Teenager Says' first!

Parental abuse.

She’s. A. Teenager.


Because we should listen to tantrums from someone whose frontal lobe isn’t fully developed yet?

don't really give a shit what a little kid says.

I’m really confused by this weird trend where we give more value than deserved to what kids say. I’m sure she means well but she really doesn’t know anything.

Just in case anyone ever had a doubt about the media and modern educators being liberal propagandists....


When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became an adult, I put away childish things.

Let’s pay lip service to some teens and then ignore them. That’s a good use of time.

Teenager is what caused me to zone out

Sounds like a threat to me

How does a 16 yr old know this? She hasn’t beeen around long enough to know much of anything..

Leave her in the house.

I’m gonna wait until I hear from a Finnish teen

When an argument, any argument, must resort to a kid to trigger human emotion, it’s a sign that the argument is silly at best and cannot stand on its own. NoHateJustTruth

She learnt sumting. Great news losers.

She is not a climate scientist. Where are her peer reviewed papers published? No one should listen to her then, right?

There listing to a teenager who is still in high school 🤦🏼‍♂️

Chicken Little.

When my house burnt down in 2004, I just cracked a beer and watched the flames, it was too late for our belongings and pet cat though

Can we get a report on U.S. - China trade talks from a kindergarten somewhere because I like to rely on the conclusions of children with no life experience?

Act as if your country is being invaded Swede.

Ok so let's evacuate Earth

Because when the house is on fire, the first thing you do is legislate against matches. Or something.

News or narrative? I say narrative.

I want adults to stop acting like children know what the hell they're talking about.

The decades of studies she has done are published where? Would like to read them, are the early papers in crayon?

This is the outcome of liberal hysteria. Poor kid.

It's time to panic when we start listening to teens who know absolutely nothing about climate change.

It’s horrible what is being done to propagandize children.

She needs to go get her piercings now...

Indoctrination of young fragile minds!

This makes me so angry that propaganda has been used to exploit the minds of children


Don't blame the kids. Blame the adults who use them as props. She is hardly the first child who thinks she knows it all and that old people just don't get it.

U must be kidding. My house is fine. Go study and stop being a tool.

My 6-year-old wants you to hand over all your bubble gum and future draft picks. So there!

Cause teens know everything

I don't listen to people with curfews.

Bombings occurring almost every day here in Sweden , so yes she is right , the house is on fire

So this is now news? has jumped the shark. liberalsaredumb liberalsruineverything wiunion Democrats LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

That is not a rational response. It will lead to inefficiencies, unintended consequences, and outright mistakes. 🛑 hysteria

“Young girl who knows nothing tries to lecture you.” Ok.


She sounds like fun

She already has that look in her eyes. Not good

ABC tweeted this. Not kidding.

The house is not on fire. Clean your room and go back to school.

Go to your room.

Lunacy via mind control over kids. It would be interesting to follow the money

Super well done Swedish. All respect to you, teenager.

Sweden is becoming an Islamic Republic

Not exactly losing sleep about what a kid thinks.


That’s awful sweet, but I don’t listen to children Hell I don’t even listen to scientists. The earths weather is constantly evolving has nothing to do with global warming.

Meanwhile we have freezing temperatures.. She is brainwashed

Climate change activist are turning out to be worst alarmist than religious individuals. Then again climate change is a religion.

Silence, child

People who have never worked, paid taxes and have everything spoonfed to try to tell the rest of the world how to live. Who give's two shits what these prepubescent dipshits think? Seriously obnoxious when little kids try to preach at people, no matter if she is right or wrong.

All I know is we ALL live in the same planet. What happens in China or whatever, affects the whole planet. We should all do something for our planet, for our children, for all wildlife, for all.

I think the official EU response was 'Hush up poopy head'

Go and play games

*suddenly understands Brexit*

I’m glad our leaders are consulting with the best minds for realistic nuanced advice.

Panic leads to dumb actions.

If AOC had an illegitimate daughter...

They should all evacuate in an orderly manner?

We need to send kid president over to discuss this issue.

I always listen and relent when my extremely knowledgeable teenager goes into hysterics.

Looks a bit young to be a scientist

Tell her she can’t fly to Disneyland then.

Leftists hiding behind children again. Nice.

Because you are acting like your pants are on fire?

“I want you to know we don’t consider you an expert in being anything but a grandstanding emotional wreck”

Globalist agenda


She not even old enough to vote

So she wants us to level all industry in China and India? Oh, it’s not THAT much of an emergency?

Whenever anyone below the age of about 13 has an opinion, the first thought that goes through my mind is: 'This child has adopted its parents' stance on this issue. The child itself does not know what it's actually saying -- It cannot comprehend the concept yet.'

I take my marching orders from pre-pubescent teens all the time

Proof of the old add addige ,that if you repeat something long enough, weak minded people will believe it!

That girl has a sinister look in her eyes.

I just realized is trash... sorry it took so long

Probably too soon for that analogy. Although there were those environmental freaks going around burning stuff down for awhile there.

This is boring. We've got aoc over telling us the same. Yada yada yada. We've got 11 years and 5 months or else the world comes to an end.

So happy they finally rebooted Pippi Longstockings.

Autism is awesome!

It’s not so no, there is no need to panic.

I want them to act like you're a clueless child to be ignored.

That’s enough dear, go back to school.

So we're taking the advice of undereducated teenagers instead of learned, experienced scientists? EnemyOfThePeople fakenews

When the mac and cheese is heating up in the microwave but she wants it five minutes ago.

The problem with listening to teenagers is, we have heard their drama and Life Goes On as people find Solutions.

My teenaged daughter is grounded. This matters why?

She should be giving this speech to the biggest polluter China . Oh that’s right they would lock her ass away because Xi don’t play!

I hear the in Sweden that on Duolingo the most searched up or learned or whatever language is Swedish lmaOOOO

“Because I just set your house on fire.”


Kitten: Back to the X-Box.

It's not often that they admit their delusion up front

In my day teenagers got upset about alot of things and cried but it didnt make the news

Check out India or China and then we’ll talk.

she is a good voice and a voice for good but this idea of her representing youth voice is a bit me action and influence

Shes a scientist?

Your leader

that kid is weird

Yes I base all my world changing decisions on the fear of a teenager brought on by indoctrination of government schools. Haha. I'll pass. Man-made climate change is BadScience and FalseReligion.

Get bent

Am I supposed to care?

Someone should tell this little girl the fire on one side of the house is more than offset by the chill on the other side of the house. Just like in the Antarctic....

Libs love to indoctrinate innocent children to young to understand they are being brainwashed.

Fire her science teachers.

I actually ask my young kids for advice before making any important decisions, particularly financial.

Also her: 'And now, I want you to act like a doggy.'

Thanks professor girlie pants ... go play fortnight

She needs to work on avoiding being forced to wear a niqab by the time she turns 30.

We should definitely listen to a child who says 'Panic!' Rather than, you know, taking meaningful steps to make green policies economically viable to the private sector

No. Go home.

What do you wanna bet the EU will let her age group vote soon?🤣🤣🤣

You lost me at teenage environmental activist

You know how teenagers tend to know everything despite their lack of having any life experience? Well I have a great idea! let’s base government policies on their opinions. That should get the climate back to,like, Cretaceous period levels of idyllic perfection in no time!

''I want you to act as if the house is on fire.' Run screaming from it

This young lady has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, ADHD, OCD, and selective mutism. Her actions are very much the result of school and media propaganda. She believes. For that I respect her. Its the people using her that I have a problem with.


Tell her to learn some real science before she pretends to tell me how much my taxes should be.

All that’s missing is a White Nazi blouse and Laurence Olivier

My son is her age and loves burning plastic. And?

I think she is being used by the media or organization To say what they want and participate in all these events !

Her and AOC . What have we done to deserve this hell?

Yea they know and they don't give a fuck. Someone needs to tell her that.


Shut up and do your homework

I love how this 16 year old shnook gets lauded for acting like a brat to adults, but the Covington Catholic boys had their lives destroyed for standing around 'Smirking'

This is child abuse.

I want you to act like the child you are. Have fun, get ready for life. Don’t act like an old cat lady yelling at the wind.

zzzz Oh righto, let's take major policy advice from brainwashed teenagers. Sounds like a good plan, right....?

Is she part of the 97% of scientists who agree?


I see they put her in the Laura Ingalls costume for appeal again.

I’d like to see the peers which reviewed her findings.

As if 😂

[sigh] Just finish your Brussels sprouts and go to your room.

Tell her to get back to us when she's done eating Tide Pods

She has those crazy leftists eyes

Breaking: Child whines

She can go pound sand.

The whole world should listen to her and we should name her God-Empress. FFS those eyes man....

Bra sagt GretaThunberg, dom som kan hjälpa borde lyssna.

BREAKING: Brainwashing works.

Simply not true.

😂😂😂 clean your room child. And be silent.

😂😂😂😂 you’re frightening the adults

I’m sure she’s very qualified to make these assertions

I sure hope she goes into politics. She is a firecracker. 👍👍

It’s way past your bedtime. Go to sleep.

Award winning photo, truly captures the spirit of the age. Never b4 in history can an early teenager speak to a continental oversight committee, dressed like she's about to play home room kickball, and talk down to them like she's their nanny.

Stupid!! 🙄

This is appropriate.

Kids will do and say anything to get out of cleaning their rooms.

So sciencey!

Is she ready to invade China, India and Mexico?

China is the worlds biggest polluter. Only way you'll get them to stop is by military means.

Time to ship these environmentalists to India and China so they can deal with the real problem

Does she identify as James Black or Thomas Malthus?

Where'd she get her doctorate?


bless her heart 😆

YES! No public policy should be set unless an emotional teen age girl says so. Also, the EU is on a path to radical political change. Might as well act like their house is on fire, but a lot sooner than 12 or 50 years. And for different reasons.

So Sciencey!

She wants us to get out

Now we got to listen to little kids. Tell her to go back to school.

It's a good thing we don't let teenage girls run the world.

We've all been listening to the same lame predictions of doom and gloom from the same lame liberal politicians for 30+ years who are still trying to steal from our pockets...guess what Chicken Littles, we don't buy your 'truth'(liberal narrative of lies) the sky is not falling.

You’re actually “reporting” a teenager is throwing a hissy fit. There ain’t enough reporters in the world to cover how many times that happens on an average day. And you wonder why journalists aren’t high on the “trusted” list. Pathetic

”Or else... Blue plaid tomorrow.' Then, wrap self in wet blanket and jump out of the window.

What an adorable puppet. So lifelike.

I am looking at you Cina and India

Climate Hoax = Russia Hoax

The house may as well already be on fire if we’re looking to teenage activists for advice. 🙄

Yes, we should all stop and listen to children. Cursed is the land when a child is in charge. ABC grow up and find some grown ups to entertain us with their panicing over false climate change fears.

Better idea-- ignore someone who's highest scientific level of education is 10th grade biology.

Oh I am afraid - not!

Shut up and do your homework, young lady.

How gullible do they think we are? I mean seriously

Because IS on fire !

That's rational

Pathetic using kids like this .

Why should we care what she wants? 🤦🏻‍♂️

If not for manipulative, activist parents willing to turn her into a tool to advance their agenda, this poor girl would more likely be fretting over a fire in her play house.

Typical Lib ! Uneducated, easily fooled, emotional & totally dependent on others for survival.

Maybe she should worry about her own country. It will be gone as we know it in a few decades.

She’s a teen. She’s been indoctrinated. What do you expect?

Lunacy is worldwide

Stop using children for your propaganda!

Oh really? SHE wants them to act. Well they better get on it then, she's all of 16 years old. I can't believe adults actually listen to this. We've gone from thinking adults are always right to thinking children always are. She's a dictator in the making.

Go to school. You are a child and don’t know anything yet

Why do democrats like to terrorize children with their stories of death. With all the things they said would kill us we still are alive and thriving.

My youngest son acts this way every time he sees an insect in the house. It's not good.

Send her to China

Nice to know Swedish schools are as crappy as ours.

Everyone call the fire department!

LOL, ABC has thrown in the towel....

Um, no.

A'ight thanks mom.

I guess she missed all the destruction and bombings in Sweden

If this were true she'd be advocating nuclear power. Instead this is zealous political grandstanding.

I thought AOC is pretty scary for she thought we are all going to die in 12 years, and now this?! Compare with this little nitwit, AOC is a conservative! Actually, she is right, the house is on fire, from the Islamists that her country let in...

Oh, well if a petulant child demanded it we better hurry...

Because she’s a child we must all listen.

You do understand the human brain isn’t fully developed until around age 24..who cares what teenagers think?

Oh good, teenagers being dramatic is news now.

If she didn’t walk to speak to speak to the EU then I have zero reason to believe her.

Every totalitarian ideology has a youth movement, this is no different.

She’s more likely to get killed and raped by a mid-East refugee than die of climate change.

Idiot. ClimateScam

Sorry. We already died 19 years ago.

I have relatives in Italy. They likely do not care about a crazy Swedish teenager.

Well hell, of a teenage activist tells us it’s panic time, I guess we should all panic. Smh.

Is she calling for war against India and China?

She needs to tell China.

She needs to be in school. Oh,wait,that probably where she was radicalized.

More in: 'It's A Wise Child'

Breaking news lol

Mmm yes we should all listen to a teenager.

Poor misguided child. Why is she given a platform? She should be protected by the adults around her and thrust on stage before she is mature in her own thoughts.

You reap what you sew.

Mmm k


fake news

Who cares

I bet she wants a pony, too. *rolling eyes*


Go squat a tree...

Teenage environmental activist. Got it.

Haters commitee

Sure...as soon as I see a 'climate scientist' chaining themselves to a gate outside a coal fired power station or going on a hunger strike...

I'm wearing underpants older than her.

Whats the odds that her family has stake in Renewable Energy Companies?

Yeah there's a problem I wish the city of act like the house is on fire these things are not a solution they are just another form of pollution

Kids are stupid and only Democrats think they should determine policy.

You’ll have to have a gun to their heads hun.

Adults children

Wouldn’t Swedes prefer warmer weather?

She needs to take her cause to china and india, the worlds two biggest polluters, im sure they will take her seriously.

she has the 'I AM THE NEW THERANOS CHICK' crazy eyes down pat

She’s as cute as a button! But also crazy and indoctrinated

Soooooooooooo dumb. Carry on.

Sorry....I don’t take my policy advice from teenagers.

I don't trust teenagers they're all hopped up on glue and hormones

Oh she looks credible.

And who the heck is she again?

Where’s her data? What are her sources?

'Panic' is not a policy. The fact that adults in government are promoting this ludicrous message is an indictment of their leadership.

Get the water!

Yes, use the cathedral disaster to push your climate change agenda. That should get a great response.

Yep, the Magnetospere is collapsing allowing more solar radiation to reach Earth's surface. Keep up the CO2 man made climate change narrative it's keeping the public from panicking.

This is why we don’t let teenagers vote.

We all should, but that’s not the economy or political reality. This will not end the human race, just lots of other species. Lots of people will die, though.

So why are you promoting her?

Thank you for using your voice! Good on you.

This is why anyone with any intelligence does not take you seriously.

Oh how sweet! The Swedes have their own young AOC! 🙄

she better go to china

I think she lit it.

Why are we indulging delusional teens?

We're doomed! Unbelievable.....

She’s a vegan too!

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