Teachers write own obituaries as schools near reopening amid COVID-19

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A group of Iowa teachers have sent their own mock obituaries to their governor in hopes she'll revisit plans for reopening schools.


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Pse wish this generation leader of Uganda well.. He is the voice of voiceless, freedom fighter Uganda will be a better place if elected the next president

Obituary Reads: 'Career As Teacher Dies from DEREGULATION OF THE FDA, TEACHERS UNION&SEVERE LACK OF LEADERSHIP!' The W.H.O. CLEARLY STATED THAT WHOEVER HAS THE MONEY IS CURED! Oh Yeah! I'ma Niggrig me up a Cure! I Went to College, may not have Graduated but I Was In LONG ENOUGH!

So childish and these are the people that teach your children. I think our children could teach them better and from the looks of the pictures they probably did.

Leaving every child behind. They are weak and lazy. But mind control per Unions. Just terrible.

Stop paying these that don’t want to teach. Pretty simple.


Take a year off-you don't need to die but the rest of us making $8-11 need an economy to not be homeless and destroyed.


This may sound bad but it is practical and caring about the bigger picture, making the best of a scary situation for the most good.

Offer them a year off with no pay. The economy will be destroyed if we don't reopen the schools-they don't care about single moms having jobs next year in devestated world. Herd immunity is key and tye kids have the power. Hire young teachers and keep the good ones.

Thankfully home schooling will be the wave of the future.

That’s the kind of grim we need

PattyArquette Without a sizable check attached it won’t get far.

The most selfish profession in the history of the world.

Fire them and get teachers that want to work

Open the schools. Teaches are not required to go, they can quit. Hire new teachers who are not drama queens. Problem solved.

Really powerful response. 👏

The courage. 'Heroes work here.... Well, not at the moment, but someday when the danger is confirmed to be over, then the heroes will come back to work.'

PattyArquette Lockdown! Save lives

No need to destroy a nation without firing a single shot. Kids need to go back to school.

And essential employees should still go to work to support them

Pathetic. Get into a new line of work.

I guess the grocery clerks, truckers and farm workers risking their lives don’t count? I thought we were all in this together?

This is who we send our kids to for 8 hours a day....and we wonder why our country is a dumpster fire?


Teach or don’t. Stop whining. Schools are opening and you can choose to be there or not. Has anyone heard nurses complain?

And the Walmart, Target, and Supermarket employees who have been working this entire time? No one was filling out wills or posting obituaries. Hmmmm... concern or opportunism?


Drama queens😒

To All the Teachers please don't get ahead of God in this don't Test God's Powerful Hands just don't go back just find another Job but don't get Ahead of God in Jesus Christ Love name

97% of all workplace fatalities are men in blue collar jobs. Should construction workers do this same ridiculous drama queen act every time they build you something?

What about Bernell Trammell? What about his obituary?

Wow...if this was for show, i woud ignore it; but it’s not! Some of these teachers will actually die!

This is going to end badly

Oh the drama. They were probably shopping and had no problem checking out with the $10 cashier

Trump’s throw away generation.

Perhaps the teachers should focus more on the kids and less on their political stunts and dramatic schtick.



Did any of the teachers attend any of the Black Lives Matter movement rallies?

Sad to see the hostility against teachers in this thread.

Poor teachers are in an unenviable position. A flu pandemic hit at a school where I was teaching and almost half of the teachers got sick. Imagine how it will be with COVID19. The governor should rethink her decision.

Open now!!!

So can their paychecks stop now?

Drama Queens

They should quit. Plenty of eager candidates looking for such a great job

Most teachers can’t read graphs and then draw proper conclusions. They better ‘learn to code’.

Amazing idea! You go our valued teacher!!!!

I guess I should have sent mine back in March when I NEVER QUIT WORKING. I mean, what are the odds that I'd survive such risk? Maybe, 998/1000


Fire any teacher who refuses to get back to work. Defund all Teachers Unions. Give the money saved to the parents since parents have to give up their livelihoods and jobs in order to stay home to teach their own children. WakeUpAmerica

Have so much more respect for nurses, doctors, police officers, postal workers, food processing and distribution workers....apparently teachers are not essential...remember that at contract renewal

Just find another job for the moment or file for unemployment it’s not worth you’re life.


Early retirement package for those older than 55.

Gee, so dedicated to their kids. NEVER again put teachers in the same breath as doctors, nurses, firefighters and police officers.

Cut their salaries and pensions. They are no longer needed. As online schooling is the new way.

Amazing! The governor needs to go down from her high perch and see the danger.

Check these Books 'Where the Crawdads Sing 'My First Learn to Write Workbook 'Midnight Sun

They can all meet at Walmart or the dollar store to discuss

What did they send the grocery store owners?

Fire them all

We wish Iowa cases were so low as 200 something, yesterday was over 600 again, but no masks are required in schools per our governor’s opinion.

I love that in the Sping everyone LOVED teachers!! 5 months later, our country has done nothing to shut down this virus and we are exactly where we were in March, and now everyone trashes teachers. It’s not their fault!!

And that's the type of people you have teaching your children . close all public schools go private or homeschool.

I thought masks work?

What a bunch of babies no better then a criminal. I'm a health care worker not a drama queen like these teachers are beinging. I work in a army ER not getting anything extra for coming here daily and am 64 years old. TEACHERS stop being cry babies/drama queens

Ease your stress--Get another job.

Cut the classroom, cut the salery. Simple.

We're their paychecks mock also?

Drama queens

Hmm....and I just got certified to sub. Looking forward to it!

Everything Trump has said about the pandemic has been wrong or misleading. The governor of Iowa needs to quit parroting his talking points and pay attention to the medical community and science. There will be consequences for every mistake made.

I think wearing the masks so often are making people not realize that wearing the masks so often is what's causing the spread to get worse. Remember when you were only supposed to wear it IF you had it? BUT it's still stupid walking around and working because you perspire.

The sad thing is if they open schools like they intend to do here like nothing is wrong several of those 'mock' obituaries will likely become reality.

Oh god. Spare us all the dramatics 🙄🙄

Save the teachers!

Bus drivers are working. Grocery clerks are working. Flight attendants are working. Waiters are working. Cops are working. Nurses are working. Teachers are whining. GetToWork StopWhining OpenOurSchools FeelFreetoQuit

teachers shouldn't be forced to go back to school ii their not comfortable. health is the priority i don't think its safe for anybody to go back to school. the virus is unpredictable and we keep seeing daily CV spikes.

It’s almost as if they don’t want to die for parents who can’t figure out how to be around their own kids

Ban then from grocery stores.

A group of Iowa teachers are hysterical and should not be taken seriously.

stop paying them...send to the parents...Fakenews....heyjackass.com for the latest...

Trying to imagine if the physicians nurses & ancillary who are at the highest risk for COVID decided they shouldn't be forced to work because they're high risk. HCWs can't distance

This is Trump's fault.

Le Résistance obeying their master the establishment and telling others to wear a mask. Boy the irony🤦‍♂️😂

When you look at the first month of school reopening. You just gotta look at the New York faculty death statistics

Posting this again?

So. Walmart. Retail stores. Gas stations Mass riots and protests All safe and fine Hair salons Church School A death sentence? Who are these idiots?


Great, now where can the Supermarket workers, Nurses, Physicians, Cops... and just about every other worker in a public facing job send theirs? Give it a rest you weeping primma donna’s

ABC is full of shit. I cancelled my dishnetwork service of 25 yrs today.

Bye Karen. Signed, Teacher Bryan. 2000 students a week.

Maybe the mock suicide obituaries of their students who are being abused would be more useful

Instead of studying next year's syllabus, they were studying to be drama queens

You are going to tell me, my son can’t go to school and learn about the joys of socialism and how George Washington was an asshole? I’m outraged.

Response should be a mock pink slip

Look, don't want to teach? Don't...find another job..it's that simple......

Parents don't have to send their children, right? Tough for single parents, but what's the alternative? Are teachers required to show? This whole non plan, is a clusterfcuk.

Resignation letters might help

I'd prefer their real resignations. Good to know they think they're not as essential as grocery store employees, fast food workers, daycare and nursing home workers, and first responders. Remember this when next year their unions make demands based on how important education is.

Lazy deadbeat teachers. No wonder this country is falling apart. Our education system is being handled by these useless people

If teachers are telling us they are non-essential, then they can stay at home. Redistribute the money allocated for their salaries to home-schooling programs and other people that can ensure education and safety of our children.

You no open your school(s) for in-classroom learning? Simple.... No federal funds for YOU!

You people in Iowa and your idiot are fucking morons. Teachers don't make enough to die for your kids.

Here in Holland my oldest just finished school. Is America panicking?

If you’re a teacher and the nature of the job changed to make it more dangerous, couldn’t you go do something else that you would find less dangerous? Unless I’m mistaken, teachers aren’t forced to be teachers. Most have a 4 year degree and should be elidgible for another job

This is a time when American teachers, parents and frontline workers should take Nancy Reagan's advice and 'just say no.'

The most absurd attention grabbing bullshit ever. Ask teachers how the kid bagging their groceries for minimum wage feels next time their in their buying their junk. Or the gas station attendant... etc etc. this is such a joke

Name one teacher that has died! Bullshit propaganda is getting old. You think people are dumb enough the believe the fake bullshit you put out everyday your crazy!

Maybe they should go in to another line of work if they are scared to do their own job.

This is about teachers using a crisis to extort more money from taxpayers. Exactly zero teachers worldwide have been infected by a student.

Governor should send back mock pink slips

Are you friggin' kidding me

But they didn’t mind staying home and have all the grocery store workers and food suppliers risk their lives to keep them alive. The lack of self awareness amongst these teachers really is impressive.

This is so dramatic and ridiculous!!

Not one teacher has been infected by a student in the whole world, what are they worried about exactly other than not getting paid to have an extended vacation?

Then the state should come up with standard online classes and lay the teachers off. They are so scared but aren’t quitting.

Wow , there goes that theory that teachers cared only for their students.

Chickenshit cowards

Losers get the fuck back to work, why are you more important than grocery workers ? You’re not

They can always quit.

Get back to work or don’t get paid

You’re a teacher! Your work is essential. Get to it

Defund these drama queens. Lazy lazy lazy.

Teachers: “I’ll do anything for my students! Except give them an education this year.”

drama queens

Fire them!! They would do a shitty job anyway with that attitude!

Pathetic selfish ppl

Nurses everywhere

Teachers unions are resisting the reopening of schools AND they want limitations on online learning as well. I guess 2-3 months of paid vacation every year just wasn't good enough. Now they want 12

WokeAF We don't want shims indoctrinating the next generation.

Teachers union in this country is now completely out of control. Let those teachers quit their jobs.

It’s disturbing that these weak and lazy people are responsible for something as important as teaching our kids.

Have the teachers stayed home since the pandemic started? If not, perhaps they should send mock obituaries for all staff members they came in contact with while visiting grocery stores, gas stations, banks, etc. maybe some of those employees are their students.


DefundPublicSchools SchoolVouchers CompetitionMakesEverythingBetter


easy solution... find another job. the education sucks anyways. defund teachers

Show me a teacher that has been infected by a student... I'll wait... If you're so scared to go out in public and do your job... GET A DIFFERENT JOB!!! Being a human means risking getting infected by something...

Maybe they should just retire.

Any teacher who sends such trash has no business in the classroom teaching innocent children! It is disgusting! It's not about education, it's about left wing liberal unions promoting extremist agenda, i.e. 'Medicare for All'


It would be interesting how many of those teachers have attended functions parties gone to dinner lunch shopping this year.....

Good, lowers pension costs.

Teachers should be loved and respected. If teachers feel unsafe returning to work, it is their right to quit and find other careers. They are essential workers at this point just like Docs and nurses. If they are uncomfortable with that, they should move on.

I remember when teachers cared about the students, not just themselves. Boy, those were good times.

The MSM Fear Mongering seems to working 100%

FYI--Physicians/Nurses/HouseKeeping/Dieticians/Radiologists/X-ray techs/Medical Billers/Pharmacists/Candy Stripers/Receptionists/Administrators/Others working in hospital/med. facility at height of other illnesses/diseases/sick people in & out didn't wear masks all the time? Now?

It's all about political control, it is not about health.

So dumb. I hope these teachers get their wish and stay home...permanently.

Teachers are not responsible for the recovery of the economy, babysitting children, or “getting us back to normal”. Stop trying to guilt teachers into risking their lives for the governments failure to act.

Remember when you buried the Epstein story? Yeah, that was something.

They are buying into hysteria. If they are that scared may sure they wear masks and get the kids to wear masks. If they are really that scared, they should quit and find other jobs.

Catholic school attendance and waiting lists are surging. Poor libs. Double wammy: no hate America curriculum, and they respect religion.


Teachers suck

Wow this is pretty fucked up

I have to work. People of grocery stores have to work. Nurses have to work. Doctors have to work. They should too.

Don't pay them. Give the money to the parents that have to pay for daycare.

They are lazy

Sould read: group of FORMER teachers.....

Imagine every person working in grocery stores, at your gas station, at the hospital, police or fireman doing the same.

I bet ALL of these teachers have ventured out of their homes since March though. in FACT I have a liberal teacher friend who had a get together with a bunch of teacher friends at a restaurant on July 24th. We are ALL waiting to see if she dismisses going back to work in Sept

Drama teachers?

Reynolds has seized control of all C19 data and it only flows through her office. We will never hit the criteria she set. She’s systematically killing Iowans by keeping the stats lower. As long as her donors make money she’ll stand on our sick and dying bodies.

How about we write the governor an obituary for the death of the teachers union.

The teacher’s unions in this country are massively corrupt. The behavior is disgusting.

Go back towork and stop the BS

That was from the drama teachers

Good! Public schools are going down the drain...🤷‍♀️

This is disgusting and insulting to real teachers everywhere. They should be writing letters of resignation and should no longer be getting paid- as would be the case in any other profession. Especially one paid for with tax dollars.


Fuck um. Don't go to work. Don't get paid. Most teachers are shit anyway

$5 says the grammar sucked

Good idea! Maybe everyone should do this! But 22 Countries in Europe have open schools with teachers working, they must not have done that.

Lol, crazy days

Lay them all off so they are unemployed like the rest of us.

Apparently we're supposed to listen to Dr. Fauci and all the experts except when they say that schools should be re-opened...



But the science says children are low-risk for carrying the virus, so let's go with real scientists.

Nurses everywhere

Sounds like drama teachers to me. That lame joke is indicates how much I take this ridiculous act of self-indulgence seriously. Step up and do your jobs just like everyone else. Be the heroes you always claimed to be.

Can the govern read and does he comprehend a big word like obituaries?

Wear your mask!* *Exeptions: Burn Loot and Murder block parties, democrat political rally/funerals

All of them should be fired.

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