Swing the Election

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Swing the Election: See how changes in voter turnout and support could shift the outcome of the 2020 election.

to estimate each demographic group's partisan preference, and data from the Census Bureau's 2016 report on voting and registration to estimate each group's turnout level.

We then applied these estimates at the county level and used a statistical technique to “fit” the estimates to actual vote results before reconstructing them at the state level. Finally, we adjusted the size of each demographic group by doubling census-estimated population change for voting-age citizens from 2016 to 2018.Data analysis by David Wasserman. Development and design by Robin Muccari, Nigel Chiwaya, Jiachuan Wu and Sophie Andrews. Edited by Anna Brand.


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Winner appears to be Trump in a mega landslide.

BOMBSHELL- Democrat Ilhan Omar BUSTED in voter fraud ring caught ON VIDEO!

If Maine as a whole goes Red this election, Mills will be replaced as Governor by a Trump Supporting Republican in 2022! Plus; if Maine does swing Red in both Congressional Districts, It would the first time in 40 years that Maine as a whole was won by a Republican!

However; I’ve seen a ton more Trump signs and Impeach Mills signs in ME 1 then I have seen Biden signs or Dump Trump signs down there! And I was down there in Maine’s congressional district 1 quite recently! I believe Trump could win Maine as a whole this time around!

Trump will win ME 2 again, but because ME 1 is full of Libtards The entire state will be counted as Blue! Let Maine Be Red!!! RedMaine2020 MaineForTrump2020 4MoreYears RedWaveIncoming2020 VoteRed2020

Hey trump PARTNER! Did you enjoy your half of 4.7 million? Was it worth getting this pos elected? Cover this damn story!! TrumpTaxCheat

Stop, you're embarrassing yourselves.

So sad😔 you used to be a reputable television network.

Just giving Trump 15% of black vote got him to over 290 EV. Lots of polls have had him over 20% Just sayin'.


A challenge to anyone out there: Name one country in history that has prospered with a socialistic/communist government.

For the love of God Georgia, he's done nothing for any of you and taken away everything he can, many of my colleagues are jobless because of how he handled things, please see that he is not here to help.


“Our government is not elected by the majority, it is elected by the majority of those who participate.”

Will all be red no one wanted clinton no one wants biden

Vote Republican.

There are far more citizens against Trump and that’s why they (GOP) work so hard everyday to suppress the vote. Many have died to preserve democracy in America. All we have to do is stand up and be counted. Show up America! VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

How is this possible ? COVID19 investigate this 👇

The far-right racist GOP and right-wing big donor run DNC periodic table of election human folly.

Wait, if Zero Democrats vote we still win California, DC, and MD? Then why would I vote?


So much bull crap.

Why you Folks need to lie, the odds are right heere at the wall, lol & it aint Drumpf AZHouseDems AZHouseGOP Please quit using Social Media to voice your Party line 24/7. we supposed to solve problems together more often than not. Gaslight_Stage

Everyone, please don't vote.


Fun fact: Hillary Clinton won DC with 96% of the vote. It’s the most democratic area in the country.

Trump will win... Florida Arizona Texas over all his supporters are not engaging in this online polls

If Trump loses, there will be a flare up of resistance, that will spread throughout the country, liberals opened a pandoras box, that you now can close

You all know Trump is going to win right? Your are just making it seem like Biden has a chance. Which he doesn't.

The age part also assumes the 18-29 crowd, which made up only 13% of all voters last election, will bump up to 16% (a 25% increase). You think young people are more motivated to vote for Joe Biden than 'the first female president'?

Stop sabotaging the elections by commuting fraud and takimg minorities votes for granted because of your slave tactics. KAG2020.

Trump icks up w/ BlacksForTrump and LatinosForTrump and they will prosper for it another 4MoreYears

And that’s why the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress voters. They know the more people vote the less chance they have of winning.

Well this is an absolute lie. 60% turnout doesn’t turn all the southern conservative states blue...

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