Supreme Court Blocks Trump Cancellation of DACA Immigration Program

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Breaking: The Supreme Court blocked President Trump's bid to cancel the DACA immigration program. The ruling affects undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.

In a ruling that affects more than 600,000 immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, high court says administration didn’t provide sufficient reasons for canceling DACA.

In a ruling that affects more than 600,000 immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children, high court says administration didn’t provide sufficient reasons for canceling DACA


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DACA individuals are helping burn American cities👎👎👎 Come to USA legally or stay away 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Lawmakers’ inability to address the status of young immigrants “has forced successive administrations to improvise, thereby triggering many rounds of relentless litigation with the prospect of more litigation to come,” he wrote.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote a separate dissent, arguing that the administration had cured any defects in the original decision to kill the program by subsequently offering additional reasons. He aimed his greatest critique, however, at Congress.

“Today’s decision must be recognized for what it is: an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decision,” Justice Thomas wrote.

The Supreme Court has simply said President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) went about dismantling DACA in the wrong way–not that any potential dismantling in the future would necessarily be unlawful.

More people, better economy.

Get them out of my country now.

More winning Impeached Individual 1...


First, we had John Roberts' tortured jurisprudence in the first Obamacare case (NFIB v. Sibelius), which Scalia correctly called 'applesauce' and 'jiggery-pokery'.😡 Then we had King v. Burwell.🤬 And now we have THIS?! 😥🤨 Et tu, Roberts? 😨🗡️


The House of Cards that Trump built is falling around him. How long before he up and leaves. I believe that he will quit before losing the election. Losing hurts his Brand. Who will stay at a hotel named after a loser.

How is it possible that any person or company going against the BLM campaign is publicly ousted & forced to apologize, yet people & companies still publicly support Trump with no problem? We need to be just as furious at Trump voters as we are at racists! They're The Same People!

Total BS

Checks and balances at work.

The US Supreme Court are Domestic Terrorists. They are destroying our laws and borders for political purpose.

Wow...this effectively grants that much more power to the Executive Branch...and the Left will think it a victory, while in reality it moves us further along a dangerous continuum.

Great news. My lawn needs mowed.

buritsch 🔥This is total bullshit, this should be voted By the “REAL” American🇺🇸People, the illegals that came in this Country, illegally should be deported, and come in the right came in illegally B/C, you Have a Criminal Record‼️

So an EO can be issued but not reversed

Fire the judge

Ridiculous ruling. Roberts has now set precedent that EOs by one administration cannot be reversed by a subsequent one, so they are de facto law. Continues to disappoint.

In addition to President's Trump's efforts to end DACA, he has taken several actions to restrict immigration. Here are some of the biggest.

The supreme court ruled the president cant use an executive order to cancel an illegal executive order...

Bush presidency continues to haunt America

So what is done by Executive Orser cannot be undone by Executive Order. Thanks Justice Roberts.

I love all the people here whining about Trump needing to make EOs ... he has been. Remember taking money allocated by Congress to DoD and building a wall? If your going to be a part-time constitutional scholar be consistent on your whining

Can someone explain why DACA is a bad thing? These people were brought here as children and raised as Americans and taught in our school systems. Doesn’t it make sense to keep them here and provide them with a path to citizenship (as long as they have no criminal record)?

Thank you Supreme Court! Congress do your job and give these young people a path to citizenship. Long overdue!!!

DISASTER USA ....LawAndOrder WENT OUTTA window... Go catch it IF u can.... Don't ever be happy...

You mean ILLEGAL immigrants. Not un documented.


Illegal immigrants will now take more jobs away from young black Americans. Good job.

Im sympathetic to the result, but this legal decision has no proper foundation- Obama couldnt make law and therefore Trump is not prohibited from undoing what his predecessor had done.

In other words, SCOTUS upheld LAW AND ORDER!

walk the talk, christians........... immigrant farm laborers?..... the least ye do unto another......... more exploitation?

I might retweet this if I could actually read your article, but I can’t afford a subscription as I am unemployed with mounting debt. I am very capable at writing. Are you hiring by chance? My resume is on my profile. Thanks.

realDonaldTrump “It’s not racism. It’s law & order”

What justification does the Executive branch need to provide to end one of its own EOs. DACA is not LAW, it was written by Obama - the executive at the time - and the opposite end of the pen can erase it by any subsequent executive.

tedcruz When did EO’s become law? Should realDonaldTrump just start hammering out EO’s into law like crazy now?

This administration has failed to follow the law and has zero respect for it. That’s what this decision is about. Trump can’t just do whatever he wants.

W T F They must have found child porn on Justice Roberts personal computer to bribe him with.

Thanks Justice Roberts for upholding your oath! DACA

CyrusToulabi Yea! Congratulations Dreamers. DACA still stands and we will fix this mess starting in January 2021.

Tired of winning yet, realDonaldTrump?

Good news

Can we remember this next week when the jobs numbers come out and 670K people are back at work

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