Supreme Court blocks strict COVID-19 restrictions on some New York houses of worship

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court placed religious freedom before pandemic precautions Wednesday night, blocking recent rules in New York that severely restricted gatherings at houses of worship in areas hit hardest by COVID-19.

"According to experts, the risk of transmission is higher when people are in close contact with one another for prolonged periods of time, particularly indoors or in other enclosed spaces," Breyer wrote.

The Orthodox Jewish organization said its members were being singled out for"discriminatory targeting" because of past violations of COVID-19 restrictions by some Orthodox Jews. It called that"guilt-by-religious-association." "The restrictions significantly constrain the extent to which gatherings may occur," she acknowledged. But she noted that comparable secular gatherings, such as concerts and other events,"are completely prohibited."


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Scotus You have proven yourselves to be great jurists. You are not medical doctors or infectious disease experts. This was predictable.

God is not with them. They are operating on their own.

Will the bingo nights still be going on at the church? 🤔

You can worship anywhere, especially in your home. Why they even have to vote on this has me concerned. People don’t have common sense anymore.

Expand the court. Stop the madness.

How disgusting is this!!! We don’t need a church to gather in!!! A prayer can be said ANYWHERE AT ANYTIME. In this PANDEMIC we ALL need to THINK OF OTHERS and try to help keep each other SAFE. Supreme Court indeed - pathetic! Church organisations - Worse!

Kill each other off. Just stay in your pod. Thanks.

👀 them church tri to ant government eternity you

Super spreader

Bad enough we have a covidiot in the WH, now we also have them on the Supreme Court. Pack the court.

Supreme court also approved a return to smoking indoors.

Send all of the resulting sick Jews and Catholics from Brooklyn to the Supreme Court Hospital that Scotus is setting up for them. Amy will take care of them with thoughts and prayers.

Just the start of “ wait a sec , let me pray first “ decisions........

We put the Japanese population in prison camps during WW2 which was a sin. But to stop a pandemic the Supreme Court rules against banning large religious gathering to saving lives. You don’t need to go to church to pray to god.


If they want to be close to God, let them be. Only if they sign a contract to not strain the healthcare system...

What the SC did was rule for the greed of today's church a billion $$ tax free estabishment. We already have Religious Freedom. Churches could not collect $$ in their collection plates. You don't have to go to a house of worship to practice your belief.

People can be so stupid

Once again, Christianity is fighting with science, and science is undefeated against them.

Oh wow!!

Turns out religious freedom is guaranteed in the US Constitution & 'pandemic precautions' are a new phenomenon hatched up by tyrants to help them exert control over the population, while not abiding by the precautions themselves.

The religious groups run as businesses . They only care about their pockets

phillipmbailey Brought to you by the Republican Party of ProLife

Cool. Hope they forego medical services and stick to prayer when they get sick.

Supreme Couet ruled in favor of freedom Thank God!

In a 5-4 ruling, the SC allows religious institutions in NYC to continue the unmitigated spread of a deadly pandemic.


It is sad that this was even brought to the Supreme Court. It is sad that governments have to try to enforce those rules. Religious groups and people in general should be smart enough to know that mass gatherings are a really stupid thing to do.

wrong decision freedom of religion cannot prevent the struggle for survival must support😾

We won't EVER forget the destruction the GOP helped spread through our country, killing our fellow Americans bc of selfishness and greed Won't EVER forget.

Wow. We're NEVER getting this virus under control. I can't wait until president Biden gets in there

Civil rights. ignore thst people can take care of themselves ,with adequate measures,.

So when people dine in restaurants or shop inside a mall or big outlet store is it different from praying inside churches? They just need to wear mask and sit or stand away from each other.

This is a disastrous ruling. Church services in Korea and other places are superspreader events. Lol

I'm sure that God can handle something as small as Covid :)

The SCOTUS just showed the intended bias the GOP machinations in hurrying to pack it w/ their picks. At the end of the day, make it your own personal choice. I don't have to be in a superspreader event to talk to my God, do you?

F**kin idiots!


Was the Supreme Court gathered in person or were they afraid for their lives and doing it virtually from a safe secluded space? Are the conservatives judges and their families attending a crowded church this weekend?

I don’t mind the gathering just mask up. It surprised me you go to church and they have no mask. Then sick shut down two weeks.😂🤣

The new Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created UNEQUAL, that they are endowed by CHRIST with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit and INFLICTION of DEATH.

Oh please let them all succumb to covid in the name of god.

This is the antithesis of church and state. The supreme Court allowed their own personal views to put others' at risk.

What the hell - thank you for allowing a mass murder! The Supreme Court is a disgrace and no longer a a court but a house full of clowns 🤡

Amen. Those framers believed in God&made special note, 1st. Amendment, to protect our right to worship God in the house of God&the State should not interfere with that right,period.Especially in an indiscriminate manner,be awakened Church,God will deal first with His own children

Stupid decision will result in people dying!

Do any of you against this ruling find protests should be limited.....did u ever think they could be the reason for the upsurge?

So they're pro-life with exception to pandemics? What a bunch of hypocrites.

History will not be kind to this ruling.

GOP Supreme Court is as traitorous as rest of treasonous GOPTrumpuppets in Congress & Cabinet. DebtBrett (proven liar) IllegitimateAmy, ClarenceClown, ExtremistSam, & CorporateJohn, anti-Voter Rights. & A.Kennedy resigns while banker son helped Trump? Beware.

Looks like John Roberts has become the fourth liberal on the court.

US rejects UN limitations on rights: Art. 18 'Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals, or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.'

PhilReidMI Sounds to me like a suicide pact.

Ooo I'm so tempted to say some shit lmao

Just want All be Infected Religiously,4dr Leftist God=Lucifer is waiting to Welcome All in Hell 4Less, 2nd Death 4Big&Bottomless Pit 4GraveSins,goinFire Lake&Brimstone 4Preaching Deception.Genesis3:1-3&7:8 &Revelation 6:1-8, 13:1-18& 20:10-15Hallelujah! Globalist's NewWorldOrder

That lady appointed by Trump is starting to work,this is the lamentable political legacy.

I don't care if those church people choose their freedom to die. But I do care that nurses, doctors and caretakers who have to attend to them should have their freedom not to die because of these freedom-loving Christians.

Next they’re going to allow murder because its called for in a religion. Oh wait, they just did!

And it begins. Religion over Science and states rights.

“...placed religious freedom before...” Have you read the constitution? Your freedoms are “placed before” quite a few things.

What happened to separation of church and state? Tax exempt isn’t enough? Oh, I get it. It was the lack of income (tithing) they weren’t getting. Wait till they find out trumps done made them too broke to donate.

Did AmyComeyBarrett have a say in this?

Go to your safe spaces snowflakes

So sad

What a ridiculous way to say Americans have the freedom of religion.

Holy bullshit!!!

the SC didn't placed religious freedom before pandemic precautions the SC placed religious grouping before pandemic precautions. Individual are not forbid from practice their religious. Remember when Church control science. Now the SC control science. Or the SC want power.

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One of my employees mother went to church where she got the Covid. She gave it to her daughter son-in-law and grandchildren. Her daughter came to work and exposed all of my employees which then exposed all of our families. Take a break from church and read the Bible at home.

One victory for the rule of law. Restrictions of such importance, carefully designed, should be the responsibility of legislatures, not imposed by executive decrees. Gundisalvus DanHenninger ElYuma SenatorMenendez VP brithume JoseAzel

This country is a cult

Ridiculous. Worship at home.

The damage this will do is irreparable. I invite the Supreme Court justices to join me for a week in my job as a Doctor on the frontlines trying to undo what they have just done.

Religious willful ignorance / blatant disregard for reality*

Thank you President Trump.

So fucking stupid.

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Religion. Killing since day one.

Welcome acb this is what we will deal with for a long time. Please let MitchMcConnell lose his power in the senate Georgia!!!!!

Are you freaking kidding me

Suck it king Cuomo

Of course......

You’re free to spread a deadly infection. packthecourt please JoeBiden

Well so much for containing the virus.

We the US citizens have a level headed advocate for our Freedom


Pro-life just have thumb up for more death.

that should work out well

Ahh the god squad is shoving covid up our ass. Enjoy church dorks

Sadly even the courts have no compassion for the suffering

We have laws based off of a fictional story made by a king to keep his people in line. Merica

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