Statistic on sexual assault of migrant women is from an unrepresentative sample

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Fact check: Trump says “1 in 3 women is sexually assaulted on the long journey north.” But there’s less to that number than meets the eye.


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I'm still laughing 😂 😂 😂

Maybe the WAPO will run an ad about how many of their reporters were raped in the service of the Washington Post.

See Trump lies! He is under reporting the amount.

You people are getting more depraved and unconscionable every day

Give me a freaking break


Please tell us how many assaults of migrant women and children is acceptable?

Let this be a lesson to you. Middle America is not nearly as stupid as you like to believe. The media's credibility crisis in NOT the fault of 'uninformed' backwood hicks but is of the media's OWN making. As you just so aptly proved.........again.

But I thought rapes and sexual attacks were under reported? So wouldn’t this number be higher?

scientific poll:

It's still an issue. But I guess it's not important to you.

You are a joke to journalism.

Buzzfeed: “Our editorial choices are getting outta hand... WaPo:

🤡45 has assaulted many more!

'He's correct, but in some circles, 1 in 3 does not equal 1 in 3 but in fact is equal to 6 kittens and a puppy. Therefore, we have determine this statement false.'

It wasn’t rape if WaPo can’t make it politically convenient for them.

You are the unreliable source

Not super politcal, but this fact check on Doctors without Boarders is just gross. Fund a larger study, don't discount the lives behind the stats we have. Even if it was 1:10 women and children assaulted, it would be too many and a human tragedy. I expect more from you. tonedeaf

Well, that clears it up. I feel much better now because they were just sexually abused, not sexually assaulted. The Washington Post, arm of the DNC and dumpster fire of biased journalism 😂😂😂

Now do the college sex assault stat of 1 in 4! And also do anyone who’s ever claimed it.

Isn’t one too many? Asking for a friend.

Well shit


The point is too many women are raped and 2% difference is ridiculous, how many emails did Clinton destroy 33,000 and you want to talk semantics

I think you're missing the big picture there, Einstein. Just gonna gloss over the rapes, huh? MSM is trash.

Trump says 1 in 3 BUT AwKShuALLy its more like 31%. Result - trump blatantly LIED!!!!!! Am i doing it right wapo?

I'm still laughing 😂 😂 😂

'Fact check' is the new double-speak for opinion.

So this is what you pay your so called journalist for. Just keep proving how anti American you are... anything Pelosi wants you to print.... you will. So pathetic


Ummm, in September 2014 HuffPost put it at 8 out of 10 from Central America, the same demographic as the caravans

'... women *are*...

Fact check: In related News; there were only 5,999, 999 Jews killed in the Holocaust not like the 6,000,0000 previously reported by Trump. -Washington Post

So its okay to let women & children cross the border illegally because not all of them will be raped or assulted? One is to many, why are you supporting cartels & human traffickers? How many people did the ICE agent save from human traffickers? Did you poll them?

Oh no, it's only 31%. You people are disillusioned.

Someone should of engaged brain before typing that one out

Need to retract that

Thanks for NOTHING!!! Cheapen what is happening to women/kids to talk about PTRUMP.......Again! Like you really hurt him by promoting Crappola!

Bozo’s newspaper is on another level

WaPo please just go away

Shameful BozoBezos propaganda arm.

“It doesn’t fit our let’s diminish the statistics of RAPE”

Is this foot in mouth or head up ass on WAPO's part?

Disgusting.. no wonder you thought it was necessary to run a multi million dollar super add to show support for journalists.. what you put out is absolutely hot garbage

This is why you should LearnToCode. 60-80% of women are raped or sexually assaulted. Your liberal arts major has failed you again

The Washington Onion.

The media are the enemy of the people

Here to add to the ratio.

Nasty. Learn to code

What’s wrong with you?

Honestly, wtf is wrong with you guys?

So what you are actually saying is that you are in support of woman being raped.

ONE IS TOO MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Washington post are you looking to have more assaulted to meet your criteria. One is to many..

Democracy Dies in Semantics

Jesus WAPO, do you hate us that much?!

Time for lawsuit?

Really? 🙄 pathetic and unsurprising

1 is not enough ?

Oh my GOSH! So you are saying, because it was only a few it isn’t really a big deal? What is WRONG with you people?

So sexual assault is good now? I cant keep up.

Isn’t 1 too many? BuildTheWall

So let’s get this straight. The WashingtonCompost wants to go “inside the numbers” on sexual assaults against migrant women? Would 1 in 4 be an acceptable number you disgusting pricks? Give us the number.

Interesting/strange that both and politico chose to quibble with this point in his speech.

Why write and publish this garbage? One is too much

How petty are you guys? Real petty. That would be the same as you saying that 1 in 3 Americans read your trash of a paper. Then I swoop in and say no, it’s 31%. When in actuality, we both know it’s MUCH MUCH less than that. Grow the F up people. petty FakeNews demswatercarrier

Is this the same Wapo that tried to destroy Kavanaugh and forced the 'we must believe all women' narrative? How sad. Learn to code.

WaPo----Rape shmape

Are you related to cnn? Fake fact checkers.....

The Washington Post paper is so full of shit, I wouldn't even line my bird cage with it.

You are sick WAPO.

Less than meets the eye. The opposite of a transformer.

JackNice111 Its 31 percent. Rape apologist WP

'Trump says cancer is bad, but that may be a lie'

FakeNewsMedia at it's best.

For a publication that prides itself on being Fake News, you’re splitting hairs here.

Wow, so what number of rapes and sexual assaults is cool with you 1 in 4? 1 in 5? You seem to think 1 in 10 is just super fine ... you people are monsters.

This is why no one believes the media when they say President Trump lies. Was he supposed to say .9 out of 3?

I agree

1 is too many, and the fact that your paper is even putting this out shows how far you've fallen. Shame on you.

This is what Trump Derangement syndrome looks like

So because they were Sexually Abused instead of Assaulted its OK then...

I say even ONE woman assaulted is one too many. As soon as I heard Trump say this I knew that you would fact check. Is this the best you got? FakeNewsMedia FakeNews

Anything to try to Fact check the president. 1 in 3 , 1 in 2, 1 is to many! And how many were children? Did you check that?

WaPo: conflating the terms ‘abuse’ and ‘assault’ and parsing statistics to own the cons...

I'm sure the one in three would disagree.🙄

Yes with a wall the top media executives cant get as many victims for their pedophile sex cults...

56 people huh? Isn't that the amount of people polled in '16 that said HRC had a 98.7% of winning the Presidency?

Bwaaahahahahahahahaha!!! So thinks rape’s not such a big deal!!

Amnesty International estimates 60% to 80% of women, including girls, are sexually assaulted on the trip thru Mexico. Go ask CBSnews, they deleted that fact check last time Trump tried to tell the people. Stop hiding the truth.

The is a true rag! Now you want to argue whether it’s 1 out of 3 woman that are being raped as they try to come to the US illegally? Let me use HRC’s sentence when it matters...”What difference does it make” Women are being raped and sold into sex slavery! FACT!

The CorruptMedia is DOWNPLAYING sexual assault of women...they also promote LateTermAbortion and Infanticide and are against border security that would help prevent child sex trafficking Qanon MAGA MeToo

How much again did you spend on thta Super Bowl commercial? Maybe, just maybe you should invest in doing better.

1 in 100 is too many, what is wrong with you? WaPo has gone off a cliff

What about when huffington post reported numbers as high as 80%?

So being sexually abused is ok, just sexual assault is bad? You're a disgrace!

they were “sexually abused” on the journey, not “sexually assaulted” Boy, you really got him there.

Word semantics much? How many women even admit to being sexually assaulted on their way here? I'm sure there are many more who don't admit to sexually assaulted then those that do. Just like many American women don't report being raped or facing sexual misconduct. Twisting words!


Hear from WaPo IYI LeftistLiars

projectmockingbirdmedia fakenews

So when Trump says 1 in 3 are assaulted we need to look more into the number but when the MeToo and BelieveAllWomen groups say 1 in 4 have been assaulted we are supposed to blindly believe them?

Wow! Seriously? Isn’t only one rape too many? Disgusting!

MFW when Trump is taking sexual assault seriously and WaPo is downplaying sexual assault. Welcome to Bizaroworld

What planet are you on?

Funny I read there facts on the unemployment rate. Ya it did go up. But They wont mention the labor participation rate went up. The labor participation rate will tell u exactly what unemployment is.

LMAO really?

Not what Huffington Post claims, 80% of women are raped! Get this, their reason for fleeing their homes is rape in their own country. That’s a lot and it’s getting worse! Updated 12/2017 Come here w/necessary paperwork and they don’t have to fear rape

It appears a number of women less than 1 in 3 is acceptable to you. So which is your preferred number? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? 1 in 20? Zero should be acceptable. Zero.

One is too many!!!

Are you seriously trying to say that even ONE rape is ok? No wonder no one trusts you. FakeNews bias

Defending sexual abuse as not being sexual assault, to own the Cons? I will admit i did not see this one coming... So, can The Washington Post clarify why Sexual Abuse is NOT Sexual Assault? That would really help clarify matters greatly. Go ahead... we'll wait.

Take THAT feminists! According to WaPo, if it ain't 'rape and other forms of direct sexual violence' it doesn't count! 🤣

Amnesty International put out a figure of 60-80%. Whatever the number is, 1 is too many. I can’t believe there’s people out there that would justify this article. WaPo is the enemy of the people.

Y’all just making news up now? Geez! Do y’all even get the weather report right?

WP. So sick ! So psychotic!

🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ sorry it was 31% not 33.... what a rag

Funny how they only take stands against trump even to the lengths of articles such as this. No women should be raped, also you shouldn’t accuse every man of being a rapist because news flash most men are normal people 🤦🏼‍♂️

Sexual abuse is sexual assault.

Pretty small sample group of women making it an unscientific study. But whenever has Trump used indisputable facts without adding his own slanted spin on it? Whatever will sell what he’s saying to get trough that moment works for him. Who cares if it’s accurate?

Fact. Checking Huffington Post 2017

I believe DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS. Not Democrats who do not want secure borders. Or socialists. Or PROPAGANDA TOOLS like wapo or nyt.

How dare you not believe all women!!

Seriously? How much do you think your paper will be worth in 2020?

You need to get a better fact check story writer, this one sucks.

No one believes your BS narratives. Once everyone respected the WApo. No More!

What kind of fake news garbage is this?

Are you insane?

Rape is ok as long as it’s on a long journey- Washington Post

Rape is ok in the context we deem it- Washington Post

Youre pathetic

WaPo: “33% rape rate? That’s a problem. 31%? Who cares?”

Is this more than the “rape culture” you speak about on college campuses?

The state of our southern border is hell on earth. Stop trying to spin it.

Rape apologist.

Cmon. Why insult rape victims

Just stop with the Trump hate and start uniting America ..sick of it. You media are the very boil on the peacemaking

Jesus Christ, talk about pedantry.

A closed mouth collects no foot....

Yeah why are you victim shaming

So much for that Super Bowl commercial

Everyone knows, rape is only possible by white males and occurs at high rape against minorites and at colleges.

Bezos paper with a rape apology. Hmmmmm I wonder if we are about to learn why he is getting a divorce...

So odd you always 'fact check' Republicans but liberals can say whatever the hell they want.

In the name of going after POTUS, this really stupid tweet was put out by the lamestream media.

Apparently there’s a acceptable amount 🤔

No one is interested in what fact-checkers have to say.

WAPO defending rapists and traffickers because OrangeManBad

Not a fact check. Just another biased attack.

Yea the number is 31 PERCENT... THIRTY ONE PERCENT.. 2.33333 PERCENT FROM 1/3rd...

Just like every survey WP posts is from an unrepresentative sample.

Tendentious midwittery.

Thanks for proving that your commercial was bullshit.

HuffPo says 80%. But you going to fact check the president instead?

So you're resting your criticism on a distinction between 'sexual abuse' and 'sexual assault' as if the difference you read into these terms makes it all OK?

Wow, you guys are the worst

Even if its 1 in 10 is that acceptable to the post? How many women would need to get raped before the post decides border security is important?


WaPo = rape culture

So what's a reasonable number? Hint. If it's more than zero u should delete this nonsense.

This is a bad look WaPo. Ugly.

Well that distinction without a difference certainly makes it less horrifying. By all means lets not waste our time preventing rape if the number is so low. Idiots. is 31% instead 33% as he said. How stupid a journal like WaPo can be at this point.... Oh, it cannot.

Oh..OK...just sexual abuse. Nvmd then.

The actual % can't be definitively known. Trump may have embellished the numbers or more likely, chose the estimate that supported his argument. But you are being unbelievably petty and partisan. Stop.

Isn't it more like 80%?

WWWWWHHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTTT? if its 1 in 1,000 its too many...hello!!!!

As a news media outlet, aren't you SUPPOSED to FACT CHECK before letting Liberal Hypocrisy dictate how you inaccurately and falsely stake your unfounded 'claims'! Shame on you all!

So WAPO how many is to many ?

“Considering only rape and other forms of direct sexual violence, only 10.7% of women were affected on their journey”. That’s awesome! Only 1 in 10 women were raped...

Stop with this dam nitpicking, Your just pissing people off.

Fact check: Washington Post is at war with Christians

Lemme guess, simple assault lowers the number to 1 in 4.

Only if he is along on the journey

Leftists hate rape until anyone who isn't a white conservative commits it.

Yes, it's more like 2 out of 3. That's according to Amnesty International.

Ok to abuse but not assault. Next it will ok for pedophiles to adapt children.


You are deplorable.

Yeah 31% is SO much less then 33%. Dumbasses...

One is too many!!!! Why on earth is the Post minimizing sexual assault?

And right on Q here's the same morons who say all women should be believed and all the other nonsense during the attempted conviction of innocent man, Kavanaugh, now saying other. If 1 is assaulted, it's too much. Keep destroying yourself. Too many people are waking up.

Oh thanks for clearing that up for us. That doesn’t seem as bad......NOT. One person being brutalized anywhere at anytime is one too many. Why try to make light of a bad situation just to poke realDonaldTrump? All need to unite

Cearn to Lode

You're right. It's been fact checked and is actually closer to 31%. Thanks for clearing that up. 🙄

Journalism Dies in Lightness


You are literally horrible people.

So what you are saying is 1 in 5? 1 in 10? Who cares about your “fact checking”! 1 in ANY is too many, buffoons!

WaPo - It's NOT 1 in 3, it's 1 in 4 ... And we're OK with that.

Fact check: Lt. Gov. Fairfax assaulted a woman but there’s MORE to this story than meets the eye

Are you pushing sexual assaults as acceptable WaPo.

And did you see the short skirts they were wearing? Just saying it alsl....(inside the 'mind' of the WaPo 'fact checkers')


Just more of WaPo slowly dying in the dark....

says: 'it's not rape if they like it'

1 is entirely too many.

Ha! Nice it's the gift that keeps giving

So now doctors without borders are an unreliable source of information according to , good grief.

So you mean the stat should be only 31 out of 100. Only 31% ? Hmmm, splitting hairs on this one, maybe for a political agenda ? LOL

You. Are. A. Joke. You should fact check yourself! 1 is too many!!!!

So if your sister was sexually abused and someone called it assault, you’d correct them and say, nah, it was just abuse?

My God how you stretch to find error in anything Trump says! SMH

Hey steve_shives KWintie, here's ACTUAL rape apologists.

As opposed to 3.122....... It’s called rounding. 😂😂😂

Are you justifying this? Seriously?

I cannot believe you’d even consider posting this disgusting thought.

Whoever thought publishing this article was a good idea needs to learn to code ASAP! 🤦‍♂️

Questioning rape statistics? Nazis!

You wasted your super bowl ad money if this is what you’ll continue to produce. clickbaitwhore

Glenn Kessler is no reporter. He is just another radical leftist activist Democrat pretending to be a reporter.

The Commie Post at it again.

WaPo is finished. Holy hell.

That super bowl commercial is aging well.

rape culture.

So now we have WAPO reporters like Glenn Kessler supporting sexual assault of migrants. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

It is really a little more then 68% ****** FACTS *****

FFS-that's what you got 'not a random sample' and 'sexually abused NOT assaulted'? Holy crap. Doctors without Borders-maybe one of the only credible organizations left in the world is full of sh*t now-umm no.

20% is ok to you guys. Seriously... what’s ur problem.

It is unbelievable that WaPo wants to plant a flag and die on this hill.

Why is it 3rd World Nations have no respect for women? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔🇺🇸

Why does the Left continue to deny the horrors of human trafficking & slavery which are the drivers of illegal immigration?

So your sole objective was POTUS may have incorrect numbers. He used the info given to him if the % is less, that means attack him not this is reprehensible any woman is sexually assaulted. splitting hairs on assault or abuse seriously? Are you kidding me!! Wake up!!

It's a fine line you're treading there. 31% of female 'migrants' are sexually abused, 10.7% actually raped during their journey. Seems damn high to me. Stop with the extremely partisan BS and stick to facts. Oh, and how many female kids are victims also?

WAPO and the MSM: owned and operated propaganda machine of the social engineering NWO/UN nut jobs of the CFR/RIAA/Chatham house/Bilderburgers

You only care about women if you're championing the cause

Fact check: Your newspaper is not fit for birdcage liner.

Downplaying rape statistics to own Trump. Lol?

So he was right!

Hmmm, wide ratio you got there.

You Dimwits if it was only 1 Woman in the group it would be one to many No Woman should be treated that way

Growing up in west Texas, I live &work around/with illegals. Many are friends, I know of a couple where the wife was deported, they saved up the money to get smuggled back, when wife returned he learned she’d been RAPED! Sexual assault is too soft of term. Control the f’n border

Only 'sexually abused'.


I have to give Trump credit. He has driven your paper to the brink of insanity.

is so Anti-Trump trying to find a negative in his SOTU address they are trying to downplay illegal migrants who rape girls & women trying to enter the US illegally.

WHAT!!!!! You should seriously delete this tweet.

So your attempting to minimize the rapes 😂😂😂 ya cant make Jeff crap up

Also, The fact that only 12% of immigrant group were women debunks the media narrative that these are women & their kids fleeing violence. factcheckmya$$

So why not go conduct your own survey? The real question is if you would post the results if they didn’t support your narrative here. Maybe apply the same fact checks to your content 🤷🏻‍♂️

You’d think since we have had all this metoo movement that we already know there are women who do not report sexual assault. So a small round up of 2% is not and should not be outside the margin of error. But thanks for proving that you don’t care about that.

Enjoy the layoffs. LearnToCode

It’s not that many rapes, so it’s fine....nice take

The Truth dies at The Washington Post.

What? How insensitive to ALL victims and survivors.

Rape apologists


Really? I think the reporters/editors need to brush up on their coding skills.

Lmao holy shit, I knew last night that we had 'fact-checks' to look forward to today. But this? Actual rape apologists? How do you follow up the greatest SOTU speech ever given by the man you hate? You make up the news about it in hopes that no one listened! FakeNews

So it's ok if it's not actually, to the number, 1in 3? Is that it?

You guys are literally sick for this. Get help.

Wow, please tell me this is the result of a robotic writer? Seriously, one sexual assault is one too many.

So what are they saying, is it a lower number or what? Rediculous.

Go to hell.

WaPo promotes rape and human trafficking to own Trump That’s all.

And a sampling of poll numbers is exactly the same! Every person I know, Democrat and Republican feels POTUS has done a remarkable job! Some don't like his tweets but he has turned the economy around! And your garbage polls have him at high 30s? Now thats a joke!

WaPo, did you actually pay this guy real money to write such a pathetic piece of crap or did you just give him like an opened bag of stale potato chips as compensation. If you paid real money, you might have a supportable fraud case if you expected real journalism.

You guys hate women and youths. No doubt about it.

So let’s minimize sexual assault to fit our anti-Trump agenda.

Wow apologies for rapists. hits a new low

Delete your account.

1 in 5 is okay you sick bastards. Hope you guys don't have daughters.

The Left: 1 in 4 women on college campuses is raped (which includes being leered at AKA eye rape), this is a crisis and men are evil. Also The Left: It's only 31% of immigrants, not 1 in 3, and sexual abuse isn't really sexual assault, so Trump is a liar.

*Fact Check.... is best used to house train your new puppy 😊

Let me get this straight. In order to save face or....I'm not sure the point of this article, you're saying 31.4 percent, a smudge lower than 33 percent, of women say they were sexually abused...and he's wrong? THEN you say there's a difference between abuse and assault

The WP is turning out the lights.

Delete this.


SkyNews filmed their journeys and i'm fairly certain said it was a constant risk especially to younger girls.

So the number is accurate but inconvenient so we're going to make excuses for it. Really?

So what is the acceptable number ?

wapo are rape-apologists

So WaPo says rapes ok. As long as it's just 1

'You cannot statistically project, unless it achieves a result that supports our agenda.'

Stop this fake facts check bullshit! People knows better

So you don't believe the women?

Read this in Tom Hank's voice! It'll make it sound (almost) like we aren't deranged!

To be fair saying 1 is too many is like when people say 1 mass shooting is too many, now let’s ban guns. In a world with 7 billion people, shit happens. But, this doesn’t negate the necessity for a wall.

So it’s 31% but this is close enough even for you fools

Funny watching news outlets that have no clue why they’re failing jump hoops to explain away this 1 in 3 number, whilst never ever confronting radical feminist claims that 1 in 4 college women are raped.

So you DONT believe these women? Sick!

One of the worse news organizations in history, what happened to your paper?

Really Is this yet another hill you want to rest in ? 31% vs 33%? People wake up this is what these dolts are left with. Talking about table scraps

Sooooo less makes it better? Makes him a liar? That's what's important to you (making him a liar) and not the fact that women are being sexually assaulted on the way to the border.

WAPO is fake news. Bezos bullshit!!

so when it comes to american college girls, sexual assault is out of control! BUt when it comes to brown skinned refugee women, meh, it's not that bad..

michaelmalice According to statistics nearly 25% of American college students are sexually assaulted

washingtonCompost & ' fact' = oxymoron

You should fire whoever allowed this to be posted. A joke?

I feel embarrassed for Jeff Bezos.

Did they deserve it? Maybe it was because of the provocative outfits they were wearing during their journey? Maybe you should promote 'modest' clothing for them?

When other Left Media outlets published reports stating the % of women raped on the journey at 60-80% to serve a Left agenda, WP said nothing. Now that Trump states 33%, they debate it.

31% not counting the underage children as reported to DHS & HHS per medical exams.

One is to many .....


Tweet summary: Thier rape is a fair price to pay for The Washington Post's multicultural dream.

'Considering only rape and other forms of direct sexual violence, 10.7 percent of the women who were interviewed said they were affected during their journey.' Oh, is *that* what we're against now? Only *direct* sexual violence?

Reason 8,653 of why journalism is dying and the American people do not trust the media. Congratulations!!!

Well thank God there's 'less' LearnToCone

Didn’t you already fact check as true?

Even it’s 1/50 it’s way too much.

Errr debate that with CBS

The WaPo has a threshold for allowable rape. Let’s hear them out 🙄

Let's minimize the sexual assault of children anyway we can to own Trump.

Reset the counter, time to make another Super Bowl ad.

leave it to the to show us in real time what a rape apologist looks like

2% less and 'abused' vs 'assaulted'. . .not as bad as realdonaldtrump said? CmonWaPo

Wow. Take a break.

So if only 1 in 4 women ok? 🤔

You guys are really trying to downplay this sexual assault.

Look, if you don't believe me, ask my LoyalLeprechaunDiaspora Chairman DarbyoGill who is beaming away behind me.

Seriously? This is splitting hairs to the Nth deg. You just threw women who have been sexually abused under the bus b/c of your hatred for Trump. Disgusting

Believe survivors

You got to love this article. Trump was so wrong in saying 1 in 3 women sexually assaulted. It’s more like 1 in 4 so it’s really not as bad as it seems. You all have lost your way. You are a true embarrassment.

Bizarre that GlennKesslerWP has decided 'It's OK to rape migrants.' is the position he should take attempting to spin a liberal narrative to obfuscate the issue. Not *surprising* but absolutely bizarre. WaPo folks are all lunatics bent on pushing DNC propaganda at any cost. Sick

An Amnesty International study estimated that it is actually 60-80%, but of course you would never rip Trump for underestimating sexual assaults on women because you have to save face for your stance on illegal immigration.

Another great callout by the Post. 1 in 3 may not be accurate? Would 1 in 10 be ok? Or 1 in 20?

Yall are fucked in the heads...any is bad...remember dems, Rape is bad even when trump says it

Translation - They will be future Democratic votes, so a few rapes here and there don’t matter and remember, orange man bad.

Please take the microscopes off your eyes and rejoin humanity. Can you really, in all good faith, not see how low you have gone to print this story?

Any woman could jump on the MeToo bandwagon by claiming she was sexually assaulted because a man ogled or bumped into her, but when it's about Trump you differentiate between ''assaulted'' and ''abused''. Christ almighty, give it up already.

Fact check RIGHT

So...your OK with that?

Is true that you are not concerned about sexual abuse of lady immigrants?! Oh, just the facts of sexual abuse are important? Focus on the evil done to women and children and help stop it by reporting sexual crimes.

Democracy dies with fakeness.

and this is why your commercial on super bowl sunday is complete BULLSHIT

Fact check: no one is listening to you anymore Fact check: this won't age well

WAPO....grasping for lies.

One woman raped is too many! Why are you playing this down? Hatred for Trump is causing you to lie to the world. On such important issues. Try tweeting something positive and truly honest. The people will flock to your tweets! Trump gave us much to CELEBRATE.

Seriously? You think that is acceptable? A sad day...WP goes against metoo Never thought I’d see that day. 👎🏼 if it’s even 1/5, that’s 20 / 100 women. To be clear...NOT ok.

Let me guess you have a PhD in statistics and you don’t really care about the victims you pendantic a$shole

'... the statistic is derived from the experiences of 56 women and cannot necessarily be considered representative of all migrant women.' Seriously, that's your argument?

So, a few percent fewer it's okay? I get it, but please clarify; it's only as problem if you have WHAT percent? And will YOU be deciding it's a problem, or the women who are suffering?

WaPo once again on the wrong side of an issue due to being overly picky on percentages. (It isn't 1 in three (33.33%), it's only 30%)

So how much sexual assault and rape is acceptable to the ? This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen! And that's saying a lot about this 'news' org. Just wow!

So it’s 31% instead of 33%.....bravo....great journalism here

So not 33.3% but only 31.4% 'journalists'

Editors reading the tweets...

Wapo - 'Trump is lying about his horrific number... here are several examples of 'real' horrific numbers to prove him wrong'... Um wut?

Omg Trumps methodology was good enough for our Universities claim of 1 in 4. Did you (WP) object then? And 10% is still abhorrent. 1 is too many. 10% in a 2 week period. That's like Russian Roulette stats.

The more you guys try to split hairs and spin the truth, the more people are catching on to your game and the more you discredit yourself. Everyday thousands of people are finally seeing the mainstream media for what it is because you guys constantly over play your hand.

And you’re ok with it? There should be zero!!

I was sexually assaulted by a cop. It took me three weeks to report it. At the same time, I reported another sexual assault that occurred 25 years earlier. I won’t waste my time telling you WaPo a-holes that PTSD influences reporting. It’s something you should already know.

What’s your acceptable quota

It's more like 9 out of 10

What do you want 1 in 4,5 ?

This pretty much sums up Trump hate where you are now fact checking small differences for a heinous crime. Despicable.

So WaPo is okay with even 1 woman being assaulted? So is 1 in 4 better for you? 1 in 10 is acceptable? His numbers are fact, so you have to find other ways to run your own false narrative.

I can't believe y'all are trying to down play what happens. sickening.

The NPCs are at work here, orange man bad.

Ya’ll are really stupid with this! Any women assaulted is too many!

The Washington Post is now dry and analytical about sexual assault? I’m guessing this trend does not continue

Washington Post is the enemy of the people.

Yeah, cause the numbers are what matters, not the sexually assaulted women! I cannot wait till this toilet paper rag is finally flushed into oblivion.

31% is close enough! Learn to code Washington Compost your days are numbered.

You’re arguing about a 2% difference. Don’t ask why the public doesn’t trust you.

What is the acceptable number of sexual assaults, murders, and human trafficking incedents? Please shed some light on your “thinking.”

What ? Compared to only legal entry, being a better to zero chance of sexual assault ? They're marched thru a desert dude. Men outnumber the women. No law enforcement to protect them. Great reporting there.

So even the WAPO admits they run FAKE NEWS, A month ago WAPO was running stories that cited the exact same stats about SA that Trump did, however Wapo was arguing that women being assaulted was a reason why the US should grant them asylum.

Wow! Less to that number than meets the eye? Insinuating it's okay because it's less. Unbelievable!

What I love about this article is it doesn't actually attempt to say why it is an unrepresentatitve sample. 56 is a low sample but it's not worthless.

Dear Washington Post,

All this rag does is lie lie lie.

Probably less than the number that he’s assaulted.

You are hardly a source I would go to for facts. Surprised you're still in business.

How's that Bezos thing working out for you 'journalists?'


So rape isn’t as bad as we thought. 🤔

WaPo over here like

Wow! Excusing and minimizing the suffering of those you pretend to care about! Have you no decency!

There less than meets the eye? Oh, then it's ok then.

this is why Americans hate the biased liberal mainstream media propaganda hacks and their fake news

Will you just die in the darkness

I notice that you differentiated between “sexual Assault” and “Sexual Abuse.” Can you please explain the difference? Is one more egregious than the other?

Holy Macaroni! The way these folks dig their own graves is just..*MUAH* perfecto.

Did you mention the “rape trees” that were because they’re actual proof and a useless rag like you wouldn’t want anyone to see the facts right?!?

Based on ur data collected by interviewing CBP, DHS and migrants? Let’s c the data to backup ur claim!

How many young girls did you interview to come to that statement? He has greater resource's then you so just accept the fact your wrong.

Rape? So what? We get our cheap janitor and cook. WaPo, you seem to be run by a bunch of psychopaths. Is that a hiring requirement, or is it your boss, and the rest of you are too scared to go out and get a real job? What a disgusting excuse for a media company.

so r u excusing rape because there is less to that number..........what is wrong is the USA is summed up perfectly by saying the washington post.........

You spent 5 million for a Super Bowl as touting “journalism “ and you post this garbage?

The doctor evil rag

You don't even try to hide your bias anymore, do you? FakeNews

The WaPo: defending women & children being sexually assaulted by human traffickers to own Trump

You had a chance to change and mark the Super Bowl commercial as a turning point to begin fair & impartial reporting; to implement just & unbiased journalism. And yet here we are...

Oh. It’s not that many. I suppose if a ‘few’ women at WaPo were sexually assaulted or abused, it would be ok? Have your fact checkers lost their minds

How sad for you..1 in 5 is too many. I think I have heard the border agents say the same as our POTUS

Cant wait for that next round of layoffs

Oh, so it's OK then. (The Washington Post hates Latinas.)

WaPo corrects to only 10.7% of women are actually “raped” as they journey to cross the border. To the WaPo that’s just not that much raping.

So, what the Post is saying, is that it’s ok to abuse women and traffic women and children. Evil. Pure evil! Shame on you.

You wasted all that Super Bowl money.

So now wapo is defending sexual assault?

For everyone who's against the extra border security/wall sign an agreement with your local government stating that you will house, support the illegal immigrants and leave your doors wide open. If you fully believe there is no threat.

Hot take, Wapo.

So you think that’s acceptable washingtonpost? Most normal people would want that number to be 0. Your TDS is so extreme it’s becoming embarrassing, you are foul disgusting people who should be ashamed of yourselves!!

See you decided to tell CNN 'Here Hold My Beer' splitting hairs over sexually abused or assaulted - are you not the same publication that called Dr. Ford's groping claim into rape against Justice Kavanaugh

This is as believable as when u said u seen ruth bader ginsberg alive

So fewer rapes is OK? How are you still in business?

Fact check: you are FAKE NEWS

Putting women and girls on birth control to haul them to the know damn well the number of rapes is extremely high. Your 'fact check' is a gross representation of your horrid opinions of denial of what's actually happening to these women and girls. Where's MeToo ?


Are you actually parsing sexual assault? REALLY? How many rapes are OK with the Washington Post?

I guess sexual assault doesn't matter to the fake news

1 is too many assholes!

Shouldn’t even be 1

Then there is no problem, right?

Another example of Fact Checks being used to twist the real facts, which is why the Washington Post lacks credibility or substance! It is just a Liberal Propaganda Rag!

And MeToo isnt real either, correct?

Well ok then... the world is safe for woman. Thank for proving potus wrong. 👜👜👜👠👠👠

Nit picking wp ... yawn .

People are laughing at this “fact check”. This is how you’ve earned your fake news cred.

When proving a ridiculous point goes directly in the face of what you say you stand for

So are you saying 1 in 3 is unacceptable but the numbers are incorrect and if the ratio was more like 25% than it would be acceptable? How many women being raped and sexually abused should we accept in America?

He probably underestimated. The WP pissed 5 m away on the super bowl.they never learn.

Go to hell .

1 is too many

WaPo: “KAVANAUGH IS A RAPIST! BELIEVE ALL WOMEN! SEXUAL ASSAULT IS RAMPANT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES!” Also WaPo: “Well, there’s a lot more nuance to sexual assault on brown women and girls coming through Mexico because Trump.” DemocracyDrownsInBullshit

WaPo must not care about women or illegal immigrants

There's pretty much no doubt that a dangerous border crossing through cartel lands is safer than a night at one of our elite universities

American Pravda

You can spend all the money you want on advertising, but this is why no one believes you.

Thats is.. support the rapist.. Fishwrap

Less to the number that meets the eye, really?! Did you mean some of those women may have liked it?

Funny how polls work, isn't it.

WAPO : 'He was right but 1/3 of women getting assaulted is no big deal'

I doubt has any accurate ’s, I’ll take the numbers Trump said that come directly from DHS....not shitty wapo 🖕

Even if it's just 1 woman or child Isn't that enough This is beyond evil Build the WALL & make it stop

So the is OK with any number of women being sexually assaulted? Got it. WeThePeople see you for what you are. DrainTheSwamp EndPropaganda SOTU BuildTheWall MAGA KAG

1 in 3, 2 in 3 what the freak difference does it make. The point is it happens and would not be happening if The left would not be inviting them here and giving out free stuff for votes.

Read the article... WaPo states it’s only 10.7%. So the last caravan had 8000 people. We know it was mostly young men, so 2000 females to be generous. So they’re just fine with 214 women being assaulted/abused!

So rape is fine... because Trump says it’s bad? What am I supposed to think? Help me!

Just quit and learn to code

So the POST endorses rape of women and children.

Embarrassing how low this paper has sunk.

Tell that to the border agents. We despise the media for this very reason. Fact check!

1 in 3 or 1 in 100 It's too many! You sick people at Washington Post make me sick! SICK!! When are you folding?

“Unrepresented sample size” because no one knows the number of abused women and children that were murdered and buried somewhere along the way. Absolutely disgraceful GlennKesslerWP

Fact Check: The Washington Post is a globalist anti-American propaganda rag. True!

This is wrong. Wrong for you to disagree with these facts when these girls, some as young as my granddaughter, carrying morning after pills in case they are raped. How in the hell do you live with yourself after writing such crap?

FakeNews Tabloid

Seriously? Did you read the headline before you sent out?

What’s an acceptable number, 1 in 2? What a disgusting premise for an article

...there are 'rape trees'

Better learn to...

Ok then what is the acceptable ratio of women being assaulted? Washington compost

What a pithy comment. Is this the best you've got? ROFL

One is too many!!

Just stop. Would you prefer the number was higher? How many is too many?

Go fire some more journos. You ppl are a disgrace

Only 31% reported and they didn't say sexually assaulted but sexually abused. Time to layoff more 'Journalist'

Seriously. THIS is what you are parsing? Tone deaf much?

There's less to your paper than meets the eye.


Garbage Washington Com-post strikes again

Fire whoever wrote this.

Ahh. The Washington Compost Speaks. What you do with your Opinion is show the world how the TrumpDerangementSyndrome is strong in you. Here's an idea. Go take some courses in Investigative Journalism. It's obvious you're not a journalist. You work for the Washington Compost.

You’re embarrassing yourself, Jeff Bezos

This is the hill you're going to die on? And you wonder why people are skeptical of the media? 'But the report did not conduct a random-sample survey...' Good grief.

You're contesting this figure because they didn't conduct a random sample survey? Are you for real or do you just support the enticement of these people to our border because you like the idea of 10-33% of their women are getting sexually assaulted? YouAreSick

The line between sexual abuse and sexual assault dies in the desert.

Allowing women to get sexually abused to own Trump.

Do you believe LGJustinFairfax’s rape accuser?

One is too many!!!!!

So the actually number is 31%. You might want to spend some more money on Super Bowl ads to try and rebuild your reputation since stuff like this just keeps driving it down. fakenews.

Brushing aside female assault victims to own the Cons. WaPo's slide into partisan oblivion continues.

Trump: “Trafficking is bad” WaPo: “Well it’s not THAT bad.” maga sotu realDonaldTrump POTUS

More fake news from the WP.

That meets the eye?

Wow, never thought I'd see WaPo minimizing sexual assault... Oh wait, I definitely expect Jeff Bezos' blog to oppose whatever Bad Orange Man says 🤦‍♂️

Oh, well that’s fine then, amirite? Garbage media.

We need to have more and larger caravans so that we can get a better handle on the number of women assaulted to own the President is not a good take.

I’m sure trump blames Dems for it.


How about that college number that the previous president was touting?

Anyone reading or buying WP should feel ashamed! Where is MeToo?

The fact that you’re even trying to dispute what he say, goes to show how pathetic and unamerican you are. I can’t believe the amount of stupidity in this article right now.

Whoa! Thanks for clarifying. Everything is far better than we’ve heard! I’m going to tell my friend Maria it’s safe to go!

Did you check out Ms Tysons story yet?

Isn’t Donald Trump in the pro-assault camp?

WaPo is for sexual abuse but against sexual assaults? You liberals draw funny lines of distinction.

None are acceptable

? So you're parsing words over assault of women? Whatever name you call it, it's unacceptable. realDonaldTrump WhiteHouse

Just stop, just stop now this biased hate crap reporting we have had enough.................................... you are all bottom feeders of the country now! As*wipes reporters!


The Vaunted WaPo will always support Death Marches out of central America. They believe Importing government dependent uneducated illegals will enhance their evil identity politics plans.

Wow, really? Any number is ok? Sure it is, as long as you can try to hate on POTUS & prove him wrong huh? Such hypocrites!

Way to casually brush aside the women who are being physically assaulted and raped just so you can crack Trump's nut over not being quite exact on the numbers.

So you're saying whatever the number actual number is woman abused on the journey north is acceptable? Got it the is a collective asshole.

What does that statistic have to do with our southern border, meaning bad things happen in place outside the US, got it. Why do we insult other countries instead of focusing on our border security and more humane treatment of those seeking refuge NoSeparation

Dismissing sexual assault to own the cons? Bold strategy cotton

We’re told 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted in college but 1 in 3 women being assaulted while being trafficked illegally across the border is absurd? Didn’t subscribe but I’m sure WaPo is pretending it never happens.

Thank goodness 31% were abused. If they were assaulted like Trump said that would be far worse.

This is low. Really low. The numbers are probably higher.

isn't 1, 1 too many? You guys are awful.

So, according to you, a little less rape is ok...idfolditup

Well then it’s fine right?

No doubt everybody needs to chill it’s only one in four women getting raped

The Washington Compost strikes again.

WAPO and fact check do not go hand in hand

First you cover for the Fairfax molestation story. Now you go all Todd Akin to maintain that 'The Caravan was all sweetness, sunlight, & unicorns' fiction. Way to convince us you're not 100% in the bag for the Democrats! 🙄

What's an acceptable ratio? 1 in 5? 1 in 20?

We get it. You care about abortion and nothing else.


Well we prefer zero tolerance on sexual assult, human trafficking and irregular migration. Its safer for everyone that way.

Attacking trump over numbers about sexual assault is a pretty bad look WaPo

What if I told you 1 in 3 women coming across the border is assaulted by Kavanaugh? Interested then? Just testing a theory here.

Cool, WaPo is spinning that abusing women isn't so bad.

Hey partisan hacks. How is that different from polling 1000 Americans and calling that representative of all Americans.

One in three women is assaulted in the US.

Stop calling them migrant women. They're illegal immigrants. They're using black market coyotes to get them into the US. Everyone knows black markets introduce danger to those involved.

President Trump Owns the Democrats in SOU. That will be your headline tomorrow.

Yeah, not a big deal.

Are they not all lying, just like all the women who alledgrd sexual misconduct against Trump, or can Trump selectively use allegations when it suits him, then again he is a compulsive liar and his concern for sexually assaulted women is pathetic

So you think those sexually assaulted are acceptable it... SOTU

Cool, do college campuses next

FACT CHECK: is still FakeNews TRUTH

Opinion based fact checking is bullshit.

Good Lord. Even one sexual assault is one too many. What is wrong with you?

If only 12% of those treated by Drs. Without Boarders are women, why such a disparity? That's the story you should be investigating. How do the DWB' s numbers compare to other surveys on the subject? Do you have a better source to quote then the President used?

Does he really want to talk about sexually assaulting women?

Are you saying the sexually assaulted don't always say so? Or are you trying to claim some are consensual? Hmmm

Hypocrite meat best served lightly grilled over gaslit clean coal, btw, for any fellow connoisseurs. 😉😋 LockThemUp

Wow. So stating ok to be sexually abused. I guess it was the girls fault also? Who the hell puts out this trash? They should be fired!

WaPo is literally downplaying the rape of women and girls to own Trump.

Everything is a lie unless we sat...then it's just creative LearnToCode

Fact check: Washington Post says ‘1 in 3 women is SEXUALLY ABUSED in the long journey north.’

Have we not been told over & over & over again that most women don’t admit they’ve been sexually assaulted? If anything the s are much higher.


Fake Newzzzz

Fake news WP 😎 You cannot fool God, so don't make a fool of yourself! You will harvest what you plant. Galatians 6


Less?why shoukd there be any?

So you’re saying Trump was RIGHT though.....

'Fact check'... too funny! Democracy might be aborted by this paper!

Awew, shut up Mockingbird media! We LOVE our President!

So there is a except able rape number?

Too bad they cannot follow their own credo, instead Wapo is the 'Doctors of Spin'. 'And when you trust your television What you get is what you got Cause when they own the information, oh They can bend it all they want'.

'ACKSHULLY...' What a terrible fact check


Curious, what's 's acceptable rape number? 1,000...500? 🤔

How many rapes and sexual assault victims are acceptable?

Even if it was only 1 person? Isn't that 1 to many...

Oh you’re right, that makes it not nearly so bad. idots

So all of the sudden the sexual harasser cares about sexual harassment.

So what is the number? You’re paper is my fish wrap. What has America done to you?

You people are mind-boggling monsters.

Garbage rag pretending to report current events.

Maybe the employees of the Washington Post can send their young daughters down to stay with the caravan alone to see if that statistic is correct!!

godownthefield Trump has been accused of rape twice. Once by Katie Johnson and once by Ivana Trump.


You all are sick🤮🤮🤮

What is it then? 1 in 3.0265347? Yeah, screw those others, no pun intended.

What a rag of a paper!!!!!!

One is too much.

Eh, so it’s not 1 out of 3 Maybe a bit less? But hey it’s just sexual assault. Washington Post says there’s less than meets the eye. Good grief.

WaPo seems happy “only” 10% of women were raped or some other form of sexual violence.

I would love to address the fact that you just pretty brushed aside women who were assaulted because you just have to try prove Trump wrong by attempting to split hairs, but I am so angry I would probably get suspended from Twitter.

WP should know all about unrepresentative samples

Its actually more

He should know all about sexual harassment, shame on Trump.


Underreported sexual assaults in the dessert die in the darkness.

So stupid!!!!!!!!

😂😂 This is literally the only context in which I can imagine the Washington Post arguing that sexual assault is actually *less* common than is reported

Isn’t even one assault to many? Build The Wall


So it’s ok if the number is less? What on earth is wrong with you people? One is too many and you’re advocating for men who have zero respect for laws and women to come here? Is this the kind of men you want?

Its NOt thAT mAny

If 1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted on that journey, why are women seeking assylum greeted at the border w help applying, counselors to speak with and free medical screening exams? Are we so poor as a nation we cannot be kind?

The same way you say that '35% of Americans', when you haven't asked all Americans

Don’t be stupid!

Most want to see proper, legal, intelligent immigration into the USA. Democrats want to see more illegal, dangerous immigration that crowds out those waiting in line to enter our country.

WaPo ok with a little sexual assault as long as they get to complain about Trump.

Only 31% of 56... guess it’s okay then.

As if he gave a crap about women being sexually assaulted considering.. you know.. 'When you're a star, they let you do it.'

So you're saying it's okay ? Sexual assault is okay ?

WaPo please go and look at the story against the Lt. Gov. Of VA you refused to run.

This comes from the same people who had to borrow Tom Hanks' credibility. Please go pound sand.

One is too many, you ghouls

How many sexual assaults are good with you WAPO? SOTU

FactsNotLies DemocracyDiesInDarkness

Now do the 1 in 4 claim made about women at college

Its much higher

What less about any female being sexual assaulted !

wtf is wrong with you? MY GOD! Do you EVEN read your own tweets?

It is the Washington Post...if the abuser is a Democrat, especially an elected one, a victimized woman's experience counts less.

THIS is what you choose to fact check? Holy crap, Washington Post.

You are embarrassing - Seriously - my 9th grader knows better

Are you kidding with this take?

Wapo trying to downplay this? One sexual assault is one too many.

So the leader of the metoo movement is not arguing against woman and sexual assault cases. Wow, nothing gets past your true agenda!! WashingtonComPost

Not much applause from AOC yet...hmm...

What about the kids taken from their families?

Trump has sexually assaulted 1 in 3 women on his own.

There's less to his presidency than meets the eye.

Seriously WP? even if its 1 in 100, its a big number!

So long as drumph brings up sexual assaults, it's not a big deal!

So it could be higher. Thanks for clarifying.

Was he that concerned about under age sex trafficker JefferyEpstein ?

I would read the article, but I don't have time to subscribe at the moment.

Wow, that tagline could not be more confusing...learn to use the English language better.

Hey WP! You missed a nit over there.

Those are better odds than a woman near Trump.

Oh oh here comes the duck-tape stuff.

One is too many.

Rape apologist !!!

Somebody needs to jump up and shout 'You lie!!!!!'

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