State Department Spokeswoman Expected to Be Nominated U.N. Ambassador

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Trump is expected to nominate former Fox News correspondent Heather Nauert as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations


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Guess we know the latest blonde bimbo to 'take the position' with realDonaldTrump for another position... in the White House. NoShame

What do you think she did for him to secure that position? Lol

Whats up whif her eyes?!

With no experience whatever so much for his speech i only hire the best people yeh his supporters

Sucker for the blondes

Pervert Trump is surely running down the country-this women is unqualified to work as a UN ambassador-

Wholly unqualified.

So Trump downgraded the position of US ambassador to the UN after Nikki Haley moved on or most people assumed incorrectly that Haley was in a senior role in the administration?!

we need more state department employees with pharyngeal jaws

I guess SarahPalinUSA was not available

Because she works for FoxNews only

Must not have worked out her mouth game yet. Round two under his desk should be the deciding factor

Oh boy, this is very BAD news 👎👎🤬🤬

Just another pretty face with no real qualifications for the job!

Fantastic person!

DanielDibble2 Crack me up with all your competing witticisms-next Wednesday morning should be a REAL hoot! Can’t Santa is coming to town!

It’s only to tap Heather Nauert’s ass and that’s it. DumpTrump

Ah, because TV personality can work so well with international politics & human rights? How embarrassing for our country

Clown president what a joke

realDonaldTrump brains and some policy decision making should count. Spokeswoman generally don't make the grade. senategop housegop Stop this lunatic President and his crazy picks. Resistance VoteThemOut VoteBlue

elam_christie When will you report this ?

I think she is a great choice wonder how many of the crazy Democrats will disapprove you know they're that way Ralph

If he can’t have Ivanka the sycophant on Fox will do.

Como é gata, pqp.

lol what a joke. This woman must be out of her mind to work for Trump. She must be getting some you know what on the side.

Wow 😮 Well she is a blond.... so she gets the job lol

Guess what nikkihaley ,Trump thinks your job was spokesperson.

washtee Absolutely great news! Wow

Don’t you wonder just a little bit that Trump thinks he’s got a shot with the blonde?


Heather is pretty hot....

She has the phony t*ts for the job. All realDonaldTrump needs to see as job qualifier

She is very good, and I think it's fitting. She'll do a good job.


Another Trump disaster

Who's next? Hannity, Carlson, Ingrahm, Fox & Friends...

He wants to hire a cicgender white woman?!!!! This is an outrage! We must impeqch drumpf immediately kavanope

She wasn’t qualified for State Dept Spokesperson. Because Trump adds SD reruns as part of his “Alone Time”, that makes her qualified. No talent blonde short skirt from Fox New that gives Trump a chubb.

Not a good idea at all!

He's just obsessed with porn star wanna be's

She’s very sharp!

Why are right wing women so beautiful!? Oh... must be the self respect and strong moral character.

No doubt, Nauert will follow trump's orders as instructed.

Ivanka Twin

She was hired from The Fox Propaganda Network fir her current job. I’m sure she took the loyalty oath too, so she’s clearly qualified from Trumps perspective.

I'm waiting for him to nominate Tucker Carlson as the next Attorney General.That would be awesome!Unfortunately for the Republicans & Fox News..Nov.6th is coming & this Hindenburg isn't going to end well..And it's too late to jump..Their parachute will not deploy at this height!

Not sure why anyone is surprised....'I love the poorly educated '..-Donald Trump...He is in love with them because of his own limited communication & comprehension level..This is why he loves FoxNews...William F Buckley is rolling in his grave..Repubs..No longer intellectuals..

CragarIsN2NA Looks good to me!

What just another smart beautiful strong woman to head up this now important job at the UN. She is such an off screen lady but now front and center woman to replace Nikki!! Nikki proved a very adroit leader at the UN. Heather won’t go there to become anything!! Good luck!!!

NegarMortazavi Excellent choice. Congratulations to Heather Nauert. Not too many could fill the big shoes of Nikki Haley.

😂🤣😂 it is snowing so hard on this thread right now lol. Fuckin snowflakes 😂🤣

wildwillow65 WTF? Qualifications please.

That's cool, if SecPompeo holds her in high regard you can bet she's solid behind POTUS

His narcism requires FOX peeps to surround him so reality won’t! He only loves ‘that’ media! Duh 🙄

To be fair she is as qualified for the position as every other ridiculous appointee, by which I mean wholly unqualified and deeply immoral


You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Sometimes it’s best not to accept some promotions. She has strong leadership skills when it comes to diplomacy, but I think the direction of this titanic ship 🚢 is heading we already know. Example case attorney general 😂😂😂

Are you farking kidding me?

Where did the president grab her?

Oh...a blonde. So unlike fox

Are you f*king kidding?

What the hell is this? Has Fox News become the farm team for major league government positions?

That’s because he is afraid of people with sense.

During the immigration presser, Trump stated the democratic governor candidate for Georgia has no experience and would therefore be terrible. And during same presser said Heather Nauert would be great UN Ambassador because she has been supportive for a long time. Really?

Daaaaamn every reply to this is a pissed off liberal. Name one US Ambassador to the UN prior to NikkiHaley, if you can’t, you should probably just shut the hell up. HeatherNauert

She is a very very smart lady!!!

Apparently her skills include visually focusing on two separate things at once.

She is the most hottest woman I have ever seen


great. Shes good !

She’s one of the most beautiful woman on the planet....

Trump just wants to play Mario Kart with her

Congrats HeatherNauert

If you are looking to create a kakistocracy, hiring straight from Fox Propaganda Network is the fast track to the bottom.

It’s a Fox sponsored reality tv horror show.

Sort of the norm in America. Do nothing and get everything. Do everything and get nothing. Sad life.

BenefitVBurden Ugh. 😒

How in the hell is she qualified?


ridiculous & sad!

Wonder how Nikki feels about being replace by a Fox News performance artist?


Oh, ffs...

Why on earth? Can she find half the nation's on a map?

This person is very beautiful.

Why? Because of her pretty face.. this crazy! he's pick ppl in important position like picking a meal from McDonald's drive Thru.. amerikkka hell put LindseyGrahamSC hyper ass in that role!

I'll just leave this right here.

A Faux news correspondent as UN ambassador... what happened to qualifications for a job?

Another nomination which will fail to make the fact that Stormy Daniels was the only qualified appointment by the Orange faced one - no longer true.

Love her... Miss her on Fox but glad she's working for POTUS

Put your best pair of legs forward to the world. I support this!

The bloody hell?

Fuck No!

oqven Great choice, very smart lady!

Why? Is Barbie not available?

Yeah she seems really qualified for such an intense diplomatic job- HaHaHaHaHa- just like tiny Trump is qualified to be POTUS HaHaHaHaHa

No. Please oh no.

Because she’s completely qualified. WTF

Beacause nothing matters.

Great...just fuckin great wtaf


Fox News. Yeah.


iNews9K TRANSLATION: Nauert makes Reminds Me Of Ivanka shortlist. dotard un

peymaneh123 Great!! News if true statedeptspox

Heather's qualifications: 1. She's blonde. 2. Once worked at FoxNews. 3. She reminds him of Ivanka.

Are you kidding me? A news reader as UN ambassador? Lord help

KenanRahmani Another clown at the UN! Excpect more lies and BS!

Also in the running: Miss Russia, Miss Brazil and the cast of Fox and Friends.

'She's quitting unless she gets a promotion because John Bolton was mean to her' plus anyone with a pulse who lasts more than six months in this clown-car administration automatically gets a promotion because ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯

I can't wait for the day when Trump and Fox are forgotten thoughts!

evat101010 Real news at fox

This chaps DanaPerino's ass!

Another woman? I thought he hated women?

Folks not qualified for such a position won’t question... anything...

😂😂😂😂 was david duke too proud to work for this disaster squad? Nobody worth a bag of warm spit will destroy their career by associating themselves with the TrumpCrimeSyndicate so he is stuck with faked news bobble heads. VoteBlue VeteransAgainstGOP VoteDemocrat

I wish she had worked for the Russian state dept. Then we could finally get this orange old man. sad

She will do a fantastic job!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Sounds like she’s very qualified having been on TV and all

You’ve got to be kidding ...

003a04f8c2054b7 This is chaps DanaPerino's ass!

Does the Benny Hill theme song play all day long at the White House? It does, doesn't it?

What a joke.

she's totally unqualified so she'll get the job.

Her body says yes but her eyes say googly

Fox is the best way to get a job in the trump administration other than donating to his campaign.

Lets hear it Trump Fans. Why and how is this person even qualified for this position? Why do you hate Globalism, and do you even know what it is?

Fox is DUMPs official staffing agency. How did we get here?

Why not? She worked for Fox News. That’s the Bible to that man.

Of course she's blonde

God help us. A FoxNews foolish correspondent representing the entire US?

You have to be fuc*ing kidding we as a nation take anything seriously anymore?!?

Another Fox Bimbette with absolutely no Diplomatic credentials other than being blonde.

This is ridiculous.

Why not? Being a Faux Snooze goofball is all the qualification one needs to be anything Trumpty Dumpty wants. Doctor, Lawyer, Astronaut, Brain Surgeon, Ambassador to the UN....after all its not like he wants peace with anyone but despots and mass murderers.

Heck yeah they'll confirm. She's smarter than she is beautiful and she is stunning. Anybody got a problem with that

So when donthe fake allegations start against her?

maddow NPR CNN ajc nytimes And who cares! We know wat nikkihaley did in tht role Zero A no weight JOB The most ANNOYING THING is tht OUR tax$ is PAYING these CREEPS 😡 She will like Nikki get paid $$$ for DOING CRAP like the rest GOP VoteBlueToEndWHAbuseOfPower

A former Fox news correspondent for UN AMBASSADOR?!?!?

While Nauert has as much experience as Haley, Haley has governing experience. A much better selection would be someone with FP experience on NSC or fmr military. A perfect combo would be Morgan Ortagus!

The FOX white house

Hahahaha and the poor choices keep coming

It just goes to show that Trump sees no difference when it comes to women. How insulting it must be for Nikki Haley to learn that he thinks one pretty face is the same as another.

Yeah, bullshit. POTUS* Shit4Brains & his pirate ship of boardroom gangsters, kleptocrats, professional liars & ratfucks, are dragging their feet in replacing the nation's most important diplomatic post, and prefer not to give moderate fascist voters ANOTHER reason to VoteBlue.

I thought the orange shitgibbon hated the press.

I see he’s going with the most qualified person, & by “most qualified” I mean not at all qualified but has a history of publicly praising Donald & fits Donald’s idea of “straight out of central casting”.

And he seems to dote on blonds!

Only those from FAUX NOISE

and here i thought trump hated the so-called Evil News Media... 🙄

Oh ffs...HER?

This is unbelievable


At some point I would hope a qualified person would be put up by Trump.

Another successful fox audition

We have a small army of experienced and trained diplomats and this is what he does? Well, I guess our most telegenic diplomats could fill all the empty slots at Fox News.

Because Hannity and Gregg Jarrett don't look good in a skirt and heels...

Wow... does he realiz she looks like Cameron DIAZ

Oh for Gods sake! Yes let’s add another ring to this three ring circus!

Jesus Christ.

This country is done. Fox News is a cancer in our democracy. Rupert Murdoch has too much influence. Congress must force his stake in the media to be reduced. He must sell off WSJ

Can you imagine how many people NOT 'out of Central Casting' are actually qualified for this position and are being overlooked because Trump is a vapid TV-obsessed moron?

One good dolt deserves another.

Remember when trump said Haley brought glamour to the UN? Maybe that’s what Nauert is good for...nothing but glamour.

I wonder what position L Ingram is rehearsing for

Run away before you get the Trump stink on your career


Let's save time & money and move fox news studios into white house or vice versa

She's got the look Trump Gropinfuhrer likes. Except her hair's kinda short...

OMG! he hires everyone from fake-dangerous foxnews. she'll never be taken seriously by leaders. so female fox hosts get ya hard and giggly. From Haley to a flirty girl w/o experience for UN Amb. is this a joke? are they dating?


And RealCandaceO TomiLahren IngrahamAngle are all watching. The more loyal you are and the more you spew division, the more you’ll have these opportunities to be in a position of power. Ambitious much?

And she has zero experience I'm sure.

How in the world is it possible to nominate someone with minimal experience to be in this position? A former Fox news employee, you must be joking. What an embarrassment.


So FAUX news is just a shallow pond of potential employees? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Dream on! Enjoy your last 7 sociopathic days! You are a scourge on our country & around the world. realDonaldTrump

The comments below are hilarious. So fun to see people get so worked up. This makes Twitter worthwhile after all.

Who the hell is Heather?

More Arayans Getting Appointed? MAGA


Funny as. Why am I not surprised - its Trump lol

And ZERO diplomatic experience.


How is she qualified? Trump is a joke!


You have got to me kidding me.

The United States of Fox?

She would be an AWESOME replacement for Nikki!👍🏼👍🏼🇺🇸

I had absolutely no clue who Heather Nauert was until now. Her main experience is: former employee of Fox Entertainment Not News (Remember they sued to be considered not journalists, not News?); longtime Trump supporter. Smh.

I think she will be a good choice for U.S.. ambassador to the United Nations!

Another Trump supporting blonde bimbo at this venerable institution. Trump treating the UN with contempt as usual.

monstervotemaga And she’s easy on the eye’s.. maga babes so much better

I say let’s send Obama. He could hang out with all of his UN buddies and we could keep him out of our hair .

OMG the entire Fox News staff will be staffed at White House ! Hahahahahaha!

Good. She is very qualified and loyal to Trump

.... Such Good News for our country, because Everyone knows Fox News churns out the most qualified individuals for public office! After all, they ARE the voice of the GOP.

Next thing you know Trump will appoint Cameron Diaz to replace Heather at State.

Great! More cronyism.

Send Lou Dobbs. He does a great impersonation of Ernst Roehm

Great Choice! A real Pro!

Doesn’t he hate women? What Is this!?

Watch out, girl he's always grabbing something.

Yikes! Aren't we in hell now. statedeptspox USUN UN


In line with making the job more glamorous?

Trump chooses so many former FoxNews employees because they are pre-vetted for being both woefully uninformed and able to lie without batting an eye. Heather Nauert

She's dumb as a post. Another Trump disaster. 'The best people.'


Her qualifications?

That is Ridiculous,

Speaks well from rehearsed talking points, but she's no Nikki.

After her interview with Trump

Is this an April Fools Bi-annum or something?! This can’t possibly be serious.

Here’s a novel idea. Just have the people at FoxNews draw numbers, and when a cabinet position opens up the next number gets it. WTFisGoingOn

She must be showing a lot behind the scenes. I turned the TV off is she was on Fox. Extremely rude, lots of interrupting guests.

This is why the world is laughing at us.

The same bimbo that couldnt answer simple questions from the podium at the state department? Didnt know what D-Day was? Couldnt answer questions about North Korea? Wait-I-need-to-look-through-a-giant-binder-ert? This administration is pathetic. No one cares for qualifications

Talk about your deep state media.

May the gods help us

She is not remotely qualified.

I’m surprised he didn’t hire Tomita Lahren

Hahahaha. Fake media appointed to senior diplomatic position? Couldn't make it up. Absolute clown of a president. trump fakepresident putinpuppet

Oh for god's sake.

F..., just another totally incompetent and hysterical chick. Dudes, let's get back to diplomacy, please.

What could possibly go wrong. 🙄


WTF? She’s a talking head?Dear God please make the insanity of this Administration end.

Grifters gotta grift

What qualifications does she have?

So, I guess .ainsleyearhardt from .foxandfriends will become the new State Dept speaker? 🙄



And her qualifications are...

Good choice!

Because this stain stain of a presidency hasn't been ridiculed enough by foreign leaders

As soon as I saw “Trump’s top choice”, I started to sarcastically ask what job she formerly held at Fox News!!! You know... like it’s a joke to suggest that all his “best people” are just unqualified Fox News celebrities or something... yeah... it’s just not funny anymore.

Wow. She has loads of experience doesn't she?

trump has totally lost it

I think Kanye West should be the new US ambassador to the UN !

Surely to God the Senate won't confirm this.


What the fuck?

Okay.... does she have any related experience? I mean, it’s possible

Great News - We hope State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert accepts the role of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. MAGA

White House. Positions Available. No experience necessary.

😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂we are a banana republic 🤦‍♂️

This is absurd. Heather Nauert is a flack and talk show host. She's not a diplomat. Nikki Haley was not qualified to be ambassador...and neither is Nauert.

Maybe Geraldo can be his next Attorney General?

Fox 'News' is quite the conduit to the upper echelons of our government these days. The guy who covered up the sexual misconduct for Roger Ailes and Bill Oreilly gets to be coms director, This lady gets the UN. Sean Hannity gets nightly pillow talk phone calls.....

He does know that they have to do more than just read stuff, right?!!!!

WSJ - this is an astoundingly misleading and inaccurate news report. Ms. Nauert's support on very complex and difficult world events as StateDeptSPOX during very dangerous threats of war, violence, persecution, and humanrights atrocities have been a real service to USA.

She won't make him appear dummer than her

Add her to the list

Surprised she’d want to work again under professional sexual harassment enabler Bill Shine who perfectly embodies the trump White House.

Good Going.

Was Tomi Lahren busy?

So fucking embarrassing. Sorry world, we're trying to stop him!

I don’t think he considers this to be a very important job. He himself is not much interested in the UN, thinks it’s only costing him money.

Well he doesn't really know any qualified people.

What's her government experience? Trump and his idiotic cabal have to go.

I like her, but I wonder if she will be as tough as Nikki. I would like her to stay at the State Department if push comes to shove. She's doing a good job there.

There ARE no 'correspondents' at Fox Non-News, only shills for Trump, Inc.. And now he's sending one of them to the U.N? Fox is our Pravda, the enabler of the lies and corruption of the fascists in the administration, as greedy for power and money as the crook in the White House.

Hilarity ensues.

Blonde? Check. Big tits? Check. Vapid? Check. 'Welcome to the White House!'

Wake me up when this nightmare is over.

Does Trump masturbate to his nominees? Is that how they're selected?

she reminds me of Louise Fletcher in Cuckoo's Nest.....same demeanor and looks

Another Faux news priestess in the White House.

I think she will do an outstanding job!

monstervotemaga Excellent Choice...

I'm just here for the salt.

Affirmative action for conservatives HeatherNauert FoxNews

I don't care if she is an extremist as Nikki Haley, as long Heather Nauert arguments are based on history, culture and facts.

The clowns in the media highlight Fox news...truth is she worked much LONGER as a journalist for ABC News.

Wow ....I don't think he cares about anything now...he can see that he is going down. All hands on deck to make sure the captain does not sink the ship!

Very odd of the WSJ to neglect mentioning in their headline that statedeptspox is currently Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs AND Spokesperson for the United States Department of State.

And her qualifications are?

This is breathtaking. Sort of like putting Rick Perry at Energy. Or Ben Carson at HUD. Or Jared and Ivanka in the White House. Or ... (good lord!)

Of course. She has just the right amount And, er, knowledge...of the geopolitical stage. LOL

This is the same woman who celebrated our long alliance dating back to World War II with Germany, correct? Perfect

Is she Qualified

Qualifications other than capped teeth and hair color?

She has more life experience than Obama did. It's amazing to read all of the sexist comments from liberals on this story.

I guess Diamond & Silk were not available.

Well, looking at her I can see what his requirements are.


Oh lord.

news reader to a senior diplomat? it would be out of her depth All she does is read fr prepared text Ambassador is like an exec who needs to run d joint n make decisions

The FoxNews administration


America is already a international joke..... This is overkill

Trump continues to make the US the laughingstock of the world. A Faux News fool as the UN ambassador? Trump needs to go away, and soon.

Oh crap realDonaldTrump you’re messing up my plans. who’s going to replace Japanese school girl Sarah H PressSec ? hopefully there is another infobabe ready to roll of state TV FoxNews , we need empty brain, boobs and Smokey eyes baby!!!

Now that’s a joke

oh my ... only in a trump admin. a b.a. degree in comm. and a masters degree in journalism qualifies you to become a united nation amb. !!

What? Seriously? We’ve hit bottom

Oh I’m sure she is really the best. Because, remember he only uses the ‘best’ people. Will she be a puppet for those working at FOX News-with their ideas & ideology?

Our feder6 government is really becoming a FOX reality tv show. Embarrassing! How is the rest of the world supposed to take us seriously?


😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣 what a joke

Please, no more women. Ugh...

Let the vetting begin on what happened in that swamp of old letches AKA Fox

A.......positive vision

Trump’s criteria for this job: ‘Is she hot? Can I grab her by the p*ssy and not get a harassment lawsuit?’ Yes, and yes. ‘She’s hired.’


KatiePhang Credentials?

Trump's qualification list? 'Blond. Fox News 'Correspondent.' Already well versed on lying to the public.' Check, check, check.

Fake ambassador from fake news channel appointed by fake president.

KatiePhang She must give good head

Spongebob squarepants must have said no

Why not just nominate Jack 🤡 from Jack in the Box If you don't care about qualifications.....go with JACK he's way more entertaining 😉

Another with a wondering eye?


Lol..... demonstrates how little knowledge and experience surrounds Trump, how little is required to get a job. Nothing against her.

He's a stickler for a pretty face, shame about the rest

Hope she's just like the last one. That will be hard to do,but we'll see. Good luck.

As if we weren't enough of an object of fun in the international sphere! The Chinese were prescient when they came up with the injunction; 'May you live in interesting times'. DumpDerDrumpfuhrer

Is this a joke? She is grossly under-qualified. Nikki Haley was a former Governor for F sakes. Talk about downgrade.

AvSchoot What

Only slightly better than purse making daughter.


Sleeping with commander mushroom has perks..

.....fill the swamp?

ORANGE MAN IS SEXIST! resist TheResistance

Dems will lose their shit - again Heather former Fox

Thought the media was 'the enemy of the people?' Yet he hires media folks?

Nuff said...

Oh look...the swamp water is rising

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