'Speak English. We're in America,' Texas substitute teacher tells El Paso student

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A Texas high school is investigating an incident after a video shows a substitute teacher telling a student to “speak English. We're in America.'

in August, that left 22 people dead; the gunman told authorities he was targeting Mexicans.

“She actually tried to say that I pushed her, but I didn't and some of the videos come out [show]that I didn't really push her,” Cobian told KVIA-TV.


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When the teacher adressed him in English, he should have responded in kind. Not to do so comes across as insubordination. She was right to remind him where he is and what language is expected in the classroom.

Let's see, it's an English class and they are in America. So I guess he is right.

I dunno. Speaking a different language to your friends who also speak that language isnt an issue. Speak whatever you want. Not bothering to learn the language is a completely different issue

Last I checked we were. If you know English, speak it. If you don't, please learn. I'd do the same if I moved to Mexico.

I'm completely fine with a TEACHER saying this.. its America.. you'd not have Mexican students speak English in there class rooms

Depends on what the class was. Plus, this may have been a student screwing with a substitute. We have all been there.

And where's the story here!!!

Good for the teacher


Very classy for a teacher to be saying that to impressionable young children. Maybe she should choose a different career.

Why. It's true.

Hmmm why is that a problem? This is America speak our language. They say this is a melting pot. That’s a way of saying blend into the society. To join our society speak so we can understand you. If you are unwilling that makes you a burden on society.

English is our language. I agree with the teacher.

MAGAts: Melania is so smart! She speaks 12 languages! Also MAGAts: YOU CAN ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH IN MY COUNTRY OR YOU WILL HANG!!

Not all hero’s wear capes lol sometimes they are substitute teachers

English shpuld be spoken in a classroom unless it is a foreign language class. This is America

And, this is wrong? One should acclimate when coming to The USA and that includes the language- ENGLISH!

They need to question the Student. Spanish students especially in front of other Spanish speakers can do it to mock the Teacher. The students can also be abusive. They do it to embarrass the Sub. We ARE in America. They do it to entrap Teachers/undermine classroom. Support Subs

I expect an illegal immigrant speak English as much as I expect the sun to shine

Keep paying teachers substandard wages and you’ll keep getting bottom dwellers in charge of our classrooms.

That’s a given.....

Spanish was spoken first my dear ignorant educator.

Why do ppl expect a child to say thank you when you hand them a piece of candy most ppl insist on it but yet liberals get offended if you say I don’t understand speak English

You folks are funny. I remember my Dad telling me about a time when it was illegal to speak Spanish on school grounds in Texas. This is America, when folks are having a private conversation, they can speak in whatever language they want.

What’s wrong with that? I think in Trump’s SECOND term, he should declare English the national language.

Don’t you think these ppl should have dignity and respect learn the language be apart of this great country they should be going out of there way to learn

Uh... this is America... just learn some English bruh.

speak Spanish you are in Texas

The teacher clearly doesn’t know what America is... where Spanish, French, Portuguese, American native languages and others are also used.

I give my ELL students instructions in Spanish sometimes. Tennessee says their work they turn in has to be in English

Wow. Seriously? Telling someone to use the national language is ‘racist’? Not even close. It doesn’t matter where in the nation you are or where you come from. It’s the individual responsibility of someone to understand and speak English proficiently.

People who complain about others getting offended sure do get offended easily.

PSA: This is the United States, we have the right to speak any language we want!

Is English a subject on standardized tests? Should Geography be added to standardized tests? Is Texas still in America?

RyanH97819765 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Excuse me but it is United States OF America, the continent has lots more countries than the USA and of course...that teacher it is not competent to teach, she doesn’t understand her job.

The teacher did nothing wrong, regardless of what the PerpetuallyOffended are spewing.

There's nothing wrong with that. It's a school and the teaching language is English. If you are offended by having to speak English, you're in the wrong country.

Texas is a state in North America where the official spoken language in High School is English. What’s newsworthy about that?

I guess it depends on how it was said. Seems like since we don’t teach all courses in Spanish it’d be a good idea to practice but there’s nothing wrong with speaking Spanish in the US.

And why is this controversial?

Another Trump lunatic. 🙄

America would include South America

What is wrong with thAt...somebody please inform me?

The horror, speaking the native language.

100% correct!

Good advice


This is what liberals have done to America. Speaking English is a sin.

Teacher of the Year.

In Texas? They should be speaking English. If they don't or can't, GTFO!

Barack obama would be considered a racist by the loonie left of today smh

No wonder kids are illiterate

She should not be a teacher! Or a parent

What’s the problem?

Damn straight!

not sure what the story here is. If i go to any other country in the world to live I would be expected to learn and speak their language, not the other way around.

And where is the story here?

Investigating what exactly Whether or not students should speak English in America LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder

What the hell for?

Thats correct!

Good for her.

What has happened to the once great state of Texas? Is there too much estrogen in the steak they eat? Texans are beginning to sound just like Californians.

good, this is America, speak english

All of our laws/traffic signs are written in English, why shouldn't we speak English in our schools? 🤔


They do need to learn how to speak English I feel like if we go to anybody else country we should learn how to speak their language you are in America speak English

I'm still trying to see why this is news worthy ,and where is the wrong doing

Perhaps a second tweet is coming to explain what the problem is? This country is upside down for this garbage to be tweet worthy

We need more teachers like this. 🗽🇺🇸

Southern border towns are bicultural and bilingual. Maybe the substitute teacher should move to the Middle West, that way she will probably hear less Spanish.

I don't think the problem is that the teacher requested he speak in English. I think the problem is saying 'we live in America'. America is a hodge podge of ethnicities and no national language so that part of the comment comes off as racist.

Are they investigating more ways to remove common sense from public schools?

Common senses are no longer common, I guess we should all just speak what ever languages we like regardless if we understand each other or not, wonder what a scene that would be? 🤭😂

What's the purpose of this 'news'?

We are in America. English is our language. End of story.

'Call the police, someone hurt my feels.' 🤭

Yes indeed. They must verify, that this IS America.

English is the primary language taught in this country. If you were in Mexico it would be Spanish as Primary! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS?

Wag 'n bietjie, ek dog Amerika se eerste taal is Engels. Dit is hoe dit veronderstel is om te wees. Sosialisme donner alles in sig op !!

I guess we should eliminate English as a school subject then 🤦‍♂️

A great judge once said: 'If you're going to come to the U.S. to live you should learn to speak the language.'

🤷‍♂️ she’s 💯 right!

Yes, we are in America so everyone should be able to speak English. If I lived in Japan I would learn Japanese to adapt to their language.

This City is El Paso, in Texas. Even the name of the city is in Spanish the majority of Citizens are Mexican American, and most of them are bilingual. In El Paso Spanish has been spoken since the late XVI century, English only after 1848.

Why was this school in Germany

I don’t see the problem

Being labelled 'racist', this word u love so much, coz just ask to use English in an English country, is crazy And only coz u r White If other,maybe this would be considered a sign of 'proudness' This melting-pot u love,will lead to civil war to regain the 'lost normality'

Because that's the language of 99% of the population

This is America, no?

The American dollars and free stuff is all some people want, not to BE AMERICAN.

Oh lord! We’re all going to hell because a student in America was asked to speak English😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Maybe they should speak English. We're in America.

I immigrated from a non-Spanish speaking country, so do I have to start learning Spanish in my 30s :/ thought I was moving to America 🤷🏻‍♂️ not Mehiko

Fact check: true.

n September 1918, a 'white' Finnish immigrant named Olli Kinkkonen was lynched in Duluth

Speak f**king English... Comprende?

Public Education is an illegal State Sponsored church system for garbage liberal arts academia. Even white immigrants who went thru Ellis Island were told to speak english - German's got lynched for speaking german in the USA.

Snowflakes !

Speak English

This shouldn’t even be a news story. Disrespectful ass kid shouldn’t of questioned the teacher’s authority when she asked for the phone in the first place.

As she should.

I just read an article about a case where a student was being forced to recite the Muslim conversion prayer and nothing happened to that teacher but THIS ohhhh this we must be outraged about! Psychotic!

Texas Hispanics didn’t cross the border. The border crossed them. English is not the National language. It will never be.

They are. They should.

Oh for heaven sake !


and exactly what is racist about speaking english in america

News reports on substitute Teachers is false/mis-information reporting. They are nothing but an adult warm body in the classroom to cover federal mandates. THEY ARE NOT TEACHERS!!! Get it?

Read, write, and speak English well in the U.S. is only a recipe for success. Knowing other languages, in addition, is only a bonus.

atpeace101 Teacher did nothing wrong in my book.


Good for the teacher!

What is wrong with that?

I don't see a problem.

Aren't we in America? Can I send my child to a non English speaking country and demand they understand them?

Speak English ! My great grandparents learned English and even spoke it at home so they would feel more comfortable talking in public, This is The United States and English is our Main Language and to speak another tongue in front of others is considered rude...

Why is it a problem? We speak English in America.

What would happen if it was a white French student from Canada?

Think the racist nationalists need to remember they are descended from immigrants. That teacher clearly needs a history lesson. Yet they dont mind so much when their coke, crack or cannabis comes through 🤔


1. The kid shouldn't have been watching a video walking into class 2. Cell phone use is at teachers' discretion 3. Whether he responded in English, Spanish or pig latin , 'why?' is disrespectful & antagonistic 4. If school is taught in English, responses should be as well

Well...yes? If you are at an English school, speak English. If I go to university in Japan, I'm not going to demand that they speak English. I'll be learning Japanese.

I mean they aren’t wrong this is America and it’s American or gtfo

Good job teach!!!!!


towns with Spanish spoken by everyone then go teach in mid America where “majority” speak English ( although that’s debatable).

As an immigrant, what’s wrong with what the teacher said?

Ironic that comments say teacher is right & English is language in classroom when this school is in EL PASO & is called SOCORRO(help in English)! 90% of students speak Spanish & the class had not started so what does it matter. If Anglo teachers can’t handle teaching in border

Well ........we are in America & the language is English.....just saying..

Of course telling someone to speak the lingua franca of the country they're in is now considered as racist. As a non-US citizen, I'm honestly confused why you guys are more and more easy to be triggered with trivial, perfectly-normal everyday things like this each day?

English at school, Spanish at home. Simple.

Why is this controversial?

The student understood English yet he responded in Spanish. Thats the first problem.. it all went down hill after that...

They need to be able to interact with the rest of the country. English should be a priority. Polyglot communities have very low trust and it's harder for neighbors to be kind to each other if they can't be understood. Oh wait, that's the goal of leftists. Chaos to revolution.

So, what's the problem?

What’s annoying is that *we* know about it, and they couldn’t handle it amongst themselves.

Was the teacher yelling or violent in any way that would require an investigation? Where's the crime?

Why isn't EVERY teacher doing this?

Finally... someone with some sense...thank God for this person

Substitute teacher is right! This isn't Mexico and if you want to speak Spanish go to law less Mexico. We don't speak German or Russian in America so speak English, that's who we are.

I don't see a problem, I agree.

And the problem is?

Why is it being investigated? English is the first language in the US.... learn it or go back to your country if you don’t like it.

Did Mexico annex Texas or something? What is the problem? Texas is still in America isn't it?

Because yes, expecting students to speak English in the US is such a bad idea... fail

How do they learn in America if they don’t understand English much less speak it when the teacher is speaking English?

That's right speak English, assimilate or GET OUT!!

So, this is newsworthy why?


Apparently, this moron hasn't been outside of TX for a while.

Its true! Should be speaking English. This is America! So wats the problem

And what's wrong with that?

English please

We actually speak more than one language here in America. English is the primary language but we speak more than just English right?

Tienen razón gringos. A nosotros tampoco nos gusta que hablen otros idiomas en México.

I agree. Speak English. What's wrong with THAT? Not a thing!

Give that teacher a raise!

English is the national language and de facto main language.

Speaking multiple languages is great. In our school system though there has to be a common language. It would be impossible for an educator to be required to speak all the possible languages from all the cultures they may be tasked with educating.

We are in America and yes, we speak english here. How is this controversial?

Oh no!

Stupid nbc.... what terrible journalism

I'll just leave Obama's words on this matter right here....

Reminds me looney barbaraJWalters askes Trump 'Do you speak Spanish?' Trump 'This is a English speaking country, remember?' He own the hell out her! 🤣🤣🤣

This is one of the reasons Trump was elected. Labeling people racist because they believe students are better off learning & speaking English. The language of international business is English.

so they're investigating a teacher, teaching a kid correctly...

It’s America. They should speak English. They should be encouraged to speak it.

Move to Miami, fool El Paso. Texas is for English only. Every country has its own original sensitive region. Like in Indonesia, Bali is for diversity and Aceh is for ... (U know)

Yes we speak English here thanks. Assimilate to this country, not convert it. We don’t go telling Mexico to speak English do we?

Yes the teacher is right

Give her a raise

Breaking: Japanese students investigated for speaking Japanese in Japan

Well, r we not in America? You know one of them countries that speaks English.

In their defense, it was “English” class.

I hope they give her a medal.

Can someone help me improve my English? 🥺

It'd be funnier if they where in Spanish class.. And I'm able to speak what ever language I want - free speech includes language.

What was the incident

We're not in America?

Well in america we speak english she has a point.investigated?

Teacher is right of course

That teacher is right-on!!!

Good for this teacher.

So, why does the student goes to school again?

So the teacher is teaching intolerance, bias, racism?

Hmmmm whats the problem?

I’m offended this tweet is in English. Ugh

Good for her !!! Language boarders and culture is what defines any country!!

Wouldn’t be an issue if we private schools only.

Teacher teaching...nuttin' rong wiff dat.

Why would that need to be investigated?

Speak Navajo or Cherokee. This is America.

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