South Korean lawmaker and spy agency dispute whether North Korean hackers stole Pfizer Covid-19 data

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Did North Korea hack US drugmaker Pfizer and steal data on Covid-19 vaccines and treatment research? The answer, at least on Wednesday in South Korea, depends on who you ask.

South Korean lawmaker Ha Tae-keung told reporters Tuesday that he and other members of the National Assembly Intelligence committee were briefed by the country's spy agency about the alleged attack. Ha's office confirmed the remarks to CNN on Wednesday. Later that morning, the National Intelligence Service put out a statement rebutting Ha's claims.

Park, the director of Korea Health Policy Project at Harvard Medical School and the North Korea Program at the Korean American Medical Association."They're trying everything -- manufacturing their own, maybe through GAVI , maybe through bilateral channels." North Korea's top priority since the pandemic emerged last year has been keeping the coronavirus from overwhelming its dilapidated healthcare infrastructure.


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He looks a little bit like Trumpy

If it looks like a fart, smells like a fart, it may be a turd!

Don’t get you facts from ! They will tell you they got hit with a fire extinguisher, when they really didn’t. Maybe you could get facts from AOC ,she is smart & truthful, & full of raw facts!

If only you could be this objective when it comes to Trump. That's why you're know as 'enemy of the people'

If the humans are to survive, North Korea needs a vaccine too!

good deed

They got the computer with hamsters in it right?

Well, the same was said about Russia , and believed, till the revelation that the Russian one is in fact more effective. You think of Irak WMD and cant help it but wonder. What is true out there?

every country must doning drugmaker Pfizer and steal data on Covid-19 vaccines and treatment research it's for humanity for life

It was probably Israel

Is Kim yung still sending Donald beautifull love letters? When Will those taliban leaders visit mar a lago

Should be free information

Why does it need to be stolen? Every country shud have that info no need to be greedy America

Whatever the result is I hope they get the vaccine one way or another because life is more important than American propaganda or their patterns.. Besides instead of criticizing North Korea we should demand Americans send to Hague for pushing murdering sanctions against N. Korea

Stealing secrets to help end COVID ...

Mexico should do that

At least that picture of Kim Jong Un is him wearing different clothes than he does all the time. Also suggests North Korea has cold weather.

Like expected, North Korea is just shameless

this guy again😂🤣😂

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