Some reluctant Democrats consider ditching filibuster for voting bill despite grim prospects over changing rules

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Some defenders of the Senate's filibuster rules are reconsidering their past refusal to gut the potent stall tactic if Republicans carry through with their plans to block Democratic legislation to rewrite the nation's voting and campaign finance laws

Some defenders of the Senate's filibuster rules are reconsidering their past refusal to gut the potent stall tactic if Republicans carry through with their plans to block Democratic legislation to rewrite the nation's voting and campaign finance laws.

Democrats say they expect growing demands to change the filibuster rules later this month when the battle over voting rights heads to the Senate floor, hoping that the pressure will be enough to convince their party's most stalwart filibuster defender, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, to buckle and agree to gut the filibuster -- though he's showing no signs of caving.


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filmcrash 'corrupt politicians want to nationalize elections and remove states ability to ensure election integrity' there i fixed it

Republican Politicians... I want to put an end the gridlock in our legislative process... That is why I am against any attempts to eliminating rules that us lawmakers ways to stop the legislative process from moving forward. EndTheFilibuster

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