Some House Democrats are starting to get very nervous about Bernie Sanders

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'Some of the most vulnerable House Democrats are expressing significant unease at the prospect of sharing a national ticket with an avowed democratic socialist,' CillizzaCNN writes about Sen. Bernie Sanders after the New Hampshire primary

"I think it would have some significant down-ballot effects, and what I tell everybody is he may well win the popular vote," freshman Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota told CNN's Manu Raju on Thursday."In fact, I wouldn't doubt that. But the five or six states that are going to matter in the Electoral College makes it a real question mark in maintaining the House of Representatives.

In each episode of his weekly YouTube show, Chris Cillizza will delve a little deeper into the surreal world of politics. Click to subscribe! Phillips' comments echo similar remarks made by Democratic Rep. Joe Cunningham of South Carolina in the Charleston Post and Courier on Wednesday. "South Carolinians don't want socialism," Cunningham told the paper."We want to know how you are going to get things done and how you are going to pay for them. Bernie's proposals to raise taxes on almost everyone is not something the Lowcountry wants and not something I'd ever support.


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CillizzaCNN 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

CillizzaCNN I think all Dems running for Congress should, in the words of Franz Kafka: ' 'Give it up, give it up'

CillizzaCNN socialistと言われているけど、要はポピュリストだと思います。

CillizzaCNN Hahahahaha and the meltdown starts. I’m honestly going to be surprised if Bernie is still in this by convention. I still believe they hand him his consolation beach house prize and send him on his way 🏖

CillizzaCNN Ted Turner is clearly in cahoots with Bloomberg. It’s 2016 all over again. It might have to be an actual revolution that removes the creeping cancer that is the American oligarchy.

CillizzaCNN The establishment (CNN) is scared...

CillizzaCNN Y'all need to stop fear mongering for real.

CillizzaCNN Stop reporting on fake propaganda news are we saying canada is a socialist country.


CillizzaCNN Burn baby burn! Disco inferno

CillizzaCNN Oh well RockySly9 UwantSomaThis

CillizzaCNN They should be nervous about both of the top 2 😂

CillizzaCNN Then they should’ve adopted a platform to get us free universal healthcare (like the rest of the world) and called it something else

CillizzaCNN Actions have consequences

CillizzaCNN So progressives scream this garbage daily and colleges teach and encourage it and all of a sudden your concerned. Y’all can’t be serious with this crap.

CillizzaCNN sanders supporters are going to help trump win a 2nd term

CillizzaCNN Maybe House Dems should worry more about their own reelction instead of Bernie's campaign? Some Dems will be real surprised when they DO NOT win their reelection because if the impeachment shenanigans.

CillizzaCNN Dems are funny. Now they're impeaching Bernie. Before he's even nominated. MAGA

CillizzaCNN NeverBernie

CillizzaCNN after all,........

CillizzaCNN They've been led around by the squad for the last year... and now they are worried?


CillizzaCNN Bernie wants to spend more money than is printed. Better buy more ink and paper

CillizzaCNN Wow Chris ya think ?

CillizzaCNN If these statements are true, would Bernie be willing to step aside to give someone else the nomination to help keep those seats Dem?

CillizzaCNN because these neoliberal Dems are gonna get exposed for taking corporate money Bernie2020

CillizzaCNN *'Self-avowed Communist' Fixed it for you

CillizzaCNN Too bad all the 'vulnerable' House Democrats work for the people...

CillizzaCNN After November the Dems will be badly screwed. Either: 1. Comrade Bernie gets robbed again and his minions have a violent hissy fit at convention, then sit out election, or 2. Comrade Bernie gets nomination, is vaporized in huge loss and the establishment blames the socialists

CillizzaCNN Bernie is a guaranteed next term for 45

CillizzaCNN Rightly so!

CillizzaCNN the dems are a do nothing party that are all talk , they should lean into socialism so they at least have something to offer.

CillizzaCNN Remember when house democrats ran away from Obamacare in 2010? They lost.

CillizzaCNN I think you underestimate the times we are living through. Sanders is actually more likely to succeed then any other candidate on the Democratic side.

CillizzaCNN A socialist running against Donald Trump would guarantee Trump's re-election.

CillizzaCNN Stop saying socialist, BernieSanders is a communist.

CillizzaCNN It’s fun watching the Demoncrats implode

CillizzaCNN He might call himself a 'democratic socialist', but he's really a communist.

CillizzaCNN President Donald Trump will occupy the Oval Office until 2027. He will win the 2020 election and will have his term legally extended for three years for having been wrongfully impeached.

CillizzaCNN 😂please make him the candidate trump will smash him🇺🇸


CillizzaCNN LMAO. Cry me a river

CillizzaCNN “Bernie isn’t a democrat...” Who cares? I care about healthcare, social justice, etc...

CillizzaCNN Because hes winning? this story seems counterproductive n intent in sewing dissent.

CillizzaCNN 👍

CillizzaCNN So when does the NeverBernie start for Dems?

CillizzaCNN democrats are just all fighting each other like a bunch of little girls... They don't have anyone capable of running the country.

CillizzaCNN They better get comfortable.

CillizzaCNN Enough of the socialist bashing unless you are against all of these socialist programs.

CillizzaCNN Brokered convention. Wait for it. Michelle Obama will run.

CillizzaCNN Good, you all deserve to have Bernie because you have all become slaves to the left wing radical base. The Democrat Party is finished.

CillizzaCNN You mean in those little tiny democratic blue areas?

CillizzaCNN Because CNN can't understand the thought of replacing a Congress, with a 9% approval rating, with a more populist Congress.

CillizzaCNN Do you guys wanna cover Bloomberg buying up all of the campaign staff across the country and leaving local and state races without people to run the campaigns or no?

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