'Slap in the face to black people': Trump faces backlash over rally on Juneteenth

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

President Trump hit with strong backlash over his decision to hold a campaign rally next week on Juneteenth, a holiday marking the end of slavery, in Tulsa, the site of a horrific race massacre against black people in 1921.

. The day, also known as Emancipation Day or Black Independence Day, celebrates the end of slavery in the United States after the Civil War.

Speaking to reporters outside the White House on Thursday, Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked by NBC News' Kristen Welker what Juneteenth means to the president and whether it's appropriate to hold a rally on that date. Joe Biden’s director for strategic communications, Kamau Marshall, tweeted:"How racist is Donald Trump: He's so racist that he plans on having one of his first campaign rallies on June 19th in Tulsa, OK."

Rick Wilson tweeted about the rally:"This. Cannot. Be. Real." Rick Tyler, a former aide to Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and an MSNBC political analyst, tweeted,"You can’t make this stuff up." CNN's S.E. Cupp said:"Two safe assumptions here: 1. Trump likely has no clue what the significance of Juneteenth and Tulsa are. 2. But Stephen Miller does."


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Pick a place and scroll through history.... something bad happened

Cty Vb


If he was a white supremacists... News flash he is not... Trumpbestpresidentever Stop swindeling fakenewsmedia hoax 🇨🇳CommunistChinaparty conspiracy theories 🇨🇳

If we the American people vote our illustrious President back into office; we will never have peace and respect for one another.

Nothing, absolutely Nothing this sub-human does surprises me!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

He's simply sending another racist, hate-filled message to his followers.

He has been a failure and an embarassement for Our Nation. He needs to go!


We the Americans of the United States must unleash vicious votes and ominous rejections against any and all of ChosenBoy's vitriolic actions, stunts and LIES.

He care for no one.

There was no backlash at all other than the backlash you're trying to pretend occurred

Who’s surprised? Not me!

Trump supporters get really offended if one states it’s their personal decision to attend & if they get virus - it’s their own fault - it’s called consequences! They call you evil. What’s unfair is putting a severe strain on healthcare professionals because of their stupidity.

Anyone else notice how the prez is doing the folded arm thing a lot more, since he is loosing ground to Biden? Look at it like this mr. prez, second place isn’t too bad and you try harder when you are second! 😂😂

Photo op again!!

Like it's gonna matter. He is Trump.

Trump will be wearing blackface in solidarity with Juneteenth and protesters.

Trump is a racist. In all fairness he is too stupid to know the history of black people or anyone! Remember, he held the Bible upside down, what does that tell us?

Please know that he was very aware of the date and place chosen for this rally.

Who Watches the Watchmen- watchmen

Maybe he’s trying to end the new slavery the democrats hold over black folks... 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

Ignorant _ss Orange Pop

HuskerNewman The racist knew the date & place 😡 SOB!! MSNBC

What a ignorant this guy I don't know wtf he are thinking.

There are still 22 women who have accused him of rapr they need Justice but you can't lock up the president , I want to us him taken out of tge while house in handcuffs

marketman52 Proof that DT was never president of the USA. He only wanted the adoration of his base, and he'd sell the rest of us up the river for enough rubles.

فيروس أميركا الشيطاني

Needs to change fast

marketman52 Please consider signing & a RT. Racism is a national issue.

Let's be honest nobody outside of a handful of people even knew about this event.

He's a LAME DUCK quacking!

How does it feel being the CorruptMedia and part of the race industry? Is it weren't for raciam, toud be silent

As he should. We know exactly what he is doing. And I hope the protest will take over his stupid trip here. WEDONTWANTHIMHERE

And trump said something about doing more for black people than ANY other president...

If we are getting rid of statues and all of our history why are we still keeping dates relevant?!?! You can’t have it both ways.

And it's going to be a really big shoo

Not in his history book! And Nazi Stephen Miller didn’t know

More black people are voting for Trump by the day. Your garbage isn't working anymore.

Lookit all dem u-knows.....!!!!!! Take pics...........

Dumb Don, knows no history. He can’t read.

Antifa conspiracy!

Does it really matter what he does? The media will find something wrong with anything he does. This probably has more to do with the left not wanting him to campaign while sleepy joe 30330 stays locked in his basement.

MartinOBL These people really want the entire world and society to revolve around black lives matter

Oh puleeze!!! You people are SO reaching! Controlled much by your TDS? Report something newsworthy. How about investigating where the donation $$$ to BLM is going since they are not a charity. Ask RealCandaceO about it.

He’s racist

People saying he doesn't know history are wrong. He picked this spot ( so many black lives lost in the massacre) and this date on purpose to let us know he despises us and doesn't care about the pain of black folks.

How many black people work in The White House staff?


Trump found a state with a governor as racist as he is. Despicables seek out fellow despicables. GovStitt BunkerBoy

Unnecessary strain on the secret service.

No backlash from anyone that matters.

He does not care. Hasn't everyone figured that out by now?

Giving him too much credit for even knowing about Juneteetnth, or Tulsa, or 1921.

Of course he's white supremacist why wouldn't he and 'assume ' its 'ok' ...

No worries. Black people with IQs north of 40 understand that this man has done far more for the black community in 3 years than Barry did in 8. Simple fact.

So Trump watched Watchmen. That's nice.

Klansmen love a rally!

To stupid to even know Tulsa or JUNETEENTH2020

This RealityShowPresident is inept, racially insensitive and unaware, and a bigot. Just another ‘fail’ in realDonaldTrump’s long and ever-growing list of TrumpFails. VoteTrumpOUT2020

What the hell did he expect. This was done on purpose.

I like how its the end of slavery but its made to sound differently

White power

Right on time and right out of the MSM/Democratic playbook...when it’s not about race make it about race!

Walking is racist

He just doesn't care OR his campaign manager is a nasty wee shite

oh stuff it.. no matter what date he chose in whatever city he chose, y'all would find a reason that it's a slap in the face of black people. One day people are going to wake up and see this for what it is.. every single time.

There will be a much stronger backlash 2-3 weeks after the rally when COVID19 cases show significant increases

You got nothing but FAKE NEWS

Look at the way he’s sitting. He doesn’t care.

KABBFOX29 Do you really think that Donald Trump knows what Juneteenth is?

Are you kidding me!! First it was Kwanza, now you come up with Juneteenth. What a farce. Hold the rally Mr President.

He about to blame china for what happened in tusla.

You know he is a trash human being. You know what he's trying to do. Ignore. Go about your business. Ignore him. Please. He wants you to scream about this all week while he breaks another law or steals more money from the treasury. IGNORE.

juneteenth? is that a typo?

Never heard of Juneteenth in my life

ScotMackRI Surely he’s going to mute Jared & listen to fascist wisdom of Stephen Miller

Please note that REPUBLICANS were lynched for registering freed blacks to vote! 1/2 'The Tuskegee Institute recorded that from 1882-1968, 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites were lynched -the whites being 'radical' REPUBLICANS who were caught registering freed blacks to vote.'

Bullshit. This is more fake news. All day.

It is not a slap in the face to black people Get a grip

Oh, so now you’re noticing symbolic slaps to face, NBC? How about all the statues and memorials to historic white figures and achievement being destroyed? Oh wait, I forgot white folk are just suppose endlessly turn the cheek as they get repeatedly slapped in it.

And MSNBC doesn’t put out Conspiracy Theory !! Hahahaha Fake News


He’s a racist and he doesn’t care who knows it!!

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