Shulamith Firestone’s Radical Feminism

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The revolutionary author Shulamith Firestone helped to create a new society, Susan Faludi wrote, in 2013. But she couldn’t live in it.

Firestone was a catalytic force. “She already had the arguments, already had a plan,” Colette Price, an early member of the group, told me. “To us she was the American Simone de Beauvoir.” Carol Giardina, who went on to co-found Gainesville Women’s Liberation, in Florida, the first such group in the South, said that Firestone knew “that groups have to have an organizing structure and principles . . . or else you are just higgledy-piggledy all over the place.

In January, 1969, on a trip to Washington, D.C., Firestone and a couple of other women knocked on the door of Alice Paul, who had written the original Equal Rights Amendment, in 1921, and who was then in her eighties. She ushered them into a dark parlor, where old National Woman’s Party literature was spread out on the tabletops. “She was very suspicious of us,” Barbara Mehrhof, one of the visitors, recalled.

That evening, Webb and other members of her group gathered in her apartment. “Everyone in that room came to the conclusion that there had to be a separate movement,” she said. Firestone finally got her say in a letter “to the left,” published ten days later in theWe have more important things to do than to try to get you to come around. You will come around when you have to, because you need us more than we need you. . . . The message being: Fuck off, left.

By then, the groups that Firestone had founded, and a host of offshoots, were making headlines with confrontational protests and street theatre.


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We owe her and her “sisters in arm” to keep the progress and never take anything for granted! Young women better show up and vote 💙



This story tells you how great radical feminism and the agitation culture of Marxist tradition democracy really is....inhumane, cruel and void of conscience.

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