Should the U.S. withdraw its troops from Iraq?

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Iraq's parliament recently voted to expel American troops from within its borders, but the U.S. says it has no plans to leave. Is it time to fully withdraw troops from Iraq?

A U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad International Airport has set off a string of events that may have put the future of America’s military presence in Iraq in question.

There are currently about 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, a small fraction of the force that was present during the Iraq War, which at one point included more than 160,000 soldiers. The U.S. invaded the country in 2003 and maintained a major military presence there until the war formally ended in 2011. Some American soldiers returned — this time with Iraq’s permission — in 2014 to help combat the emergence of the ISIS terrorist group, which had taken control of a large portion of northern Iraq.

Leaving would be a gift to Iran“The U.S. military presence in Iraq might not be popular, but it is necessary to both the U.S. and Iraq as a deterrent to Iran. Iraq has admitted as much,” — Kaylee McGhee, Washington Examiner Iraq’s military isn’t strong enough to keep the peace on its own“If American soldiers are ejected, the Iraqi security forces will lose their most capable and beneficent ally. Iraqis prosecuting the ongoing counterinsurgency against Islamic State would be in serious trouble. American advisors who have provided logistics and medical support would disappear. The Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Service, which has long been dependent on American support, would be cut loose to fend for itself.

Keeping troops in Iraq leads to violence“If there is a lesson to be learned in Baghdad, it is that useless suffering is not a byproduct of war but the essential nature of the thing. Violence begets violence, and however noble the reason for invasion, bombing or Reaper drone strike, the effect will be ruinous: destroyed infrastructure, economic devastation, graft, corruption and chaos.


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Never should've been there in the 1st place

That’s an issue that cannot be addressed until we get a president who works for the interests of the United States and not for Putin.

Well they did asked us to leave...🤔

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