Sensors detect rise in nuclear particles on Baltic Sea, global body says

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sensors in Sweden have detected a rise in nuclear particles from somewhere near on or near the Baltic Sea, a global body running the worldwide network of sensors said

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization oversees a network of hundreds of monitoring stations that use seismic, hydroacoustic and other technology to check for a nuclear weapon test anywhere in the world. That technology can, however, be put to other uses as well.

One of its stations scanning the air for radionuclides - telltale radioactive particles that can be carried long distances by the wind - detected unusually high levels of three radionuclides earlier this week: caesium-134, caesium-137 and ruthenium-103. The Stockholm monitoring station"detected 3isotopes; Cs-134, Cs-137 & Ru-103 associated w/Nuclear fission @ higher[ ] than usual levels ", CTBTO chief Lassina Zerbo said on Twitter on Friday evening.

“These are certainly nuclear fission products, most likely from a civil source,” a spokeswoman for the Vienna-based CTBTO said, referring to the atomic chain reaction that generates heat in a nuclear reactor. “We are able to indicate the likely region of the source, but it’s outside the CTBTO’s mandate to identify the exact origin,” she added.


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Hmmm...better put the blame on Russia.

NUnl verbaast me dat jullie nog hier niet over gerapporteerd hebben. Inmiddels zijn we al zeker 24 uur verder. Misschien dat ik het verkeerd heb, hoor.

I know we’re a bit weary of disaster news here given the dumpster fire that is the USA, but why isn’t this getting more coverage? NBCNews? ABC? CBSNews? CNN? Where you at?

Well, definitely a very uneventful year, so far.

elonmusk When will the space ships be taking passengers to Mars for colonization?

Maybe Sweden is trying to divert the media attention from disasterous COVID__19 approach by AndersTegnell ?

Fulleren Obviously, the original wasn't anti-russian-suggestive enough …

Uh oh...☢️

Take some iodine.

Esta quedando un 2020 para enmarcar


Lo que nos faltaba en 2020. Esto me recuerda Chernobyl

didn't a sub sink there a while back?

Can 2020 please just stop already?

Thanks for the information, this year 2020 will not cease to amaze me. Pasarán de la mascarilla a la mascarilla nuclear.

2020 💩

Thanos clicked his fingers again?


Dioses_del_maiz That reminds me of Chernobyl.

Godzilla Godzilla!

2020 shifting to next gear

We will die like a butterfly..

av_maquevedo Aquí again marianapiccadil

Hasta parece que es coincidencia, cada fin de mes tenemos algo nuevo, de verdad sí parece serie este 2020 y la verdad está saliendo chingona

Hmm, whatever happened to that creepy submarine murder Danish guy

Todo esta conectado...

Ah, fino

kchaiag 😣

“Chernobyl” again

And when you think 2020 is not fun enough you get 3.6 roentgen in the Baltic Sea from a possible civilian fission source.


Pretty sure we can rule out Sweden, Finland, Denmark & Norway as the culprits.

EliotETC Do you and Ricky have a slot for this in your 2020 apocalypse bingo cards?

Citguero Fearmongering

Russia had a nuclear accident a few months back. It's never been explained but they shut down towns and quarantined folks as a result. They might want to look there... cc: maddow MaddowBlog

criordor Yaaaaa, terminen por favor!!

LucioQuincioC Dios pero que está pasando, todo esto parece una película de terror.


As propagandas da terceira temporada de Dark estão lindo longe demais

nvr93 Russian sub accident?

Any reports of large scale power outages in the area?

BloodyPolitics ‘The Stockholm monitoring station 'detected 3isotopes; Cs-134, Cs-137 & Ru-103 associated w/Nuclear fission higher[ ] than usual levels (but not harmful for human health)', CTBTO chief Lassina Zerbo said on Twitter (here) on Friday evening” ... apparently...

RealMedussa Más o menos entiendo pero que significa y que alcance tiene.

THE_47th The Russian grandmother farted


RamsesVidente xiquillo....Checa esto....😭🙄🤢

guillermo_ga que chingados?

Probably just a couple of normal guys sight seeing out in the ocean .


olgaNYC1211 Well, this is not encouraging


Cc : Anirudh_Astro



higher[ ] than usual levels (but not harmful for human health)', CTBTO chief Lassina Zerbo said on Twitter (here) on Friday evening.

ester0961 Així va començar chernovil

Ooh, I've got nuclear reactor explosion for June! 2020disasterbingo

LibertarianBlue Interesting. This is in the general region where the ship MS Estonia sank in 1994 and where it was later covered in concrete.

LibertarianBlue Interesting. This is more or less where the ship Ms Estonia was buried under concrete in 1994.



SaorAlba_2020 I'll say it again. 2020 can just fuck right off.

A welcome step!--- Ravi Pratap Upadhyay Cartik Lucknow India

The sensors are trustworthy?

kstatik October 20, 2019: Russia covered up explosion of Skyfall nuclear superweapon. State Department official says Moscow's first reaction to cover it accident alarming.

miguelhotero Check it out St Pet

Did another Soviet-era sub sink?

'We are able to indicate the likely region of the source, but it's outside the CTBTO's mandate to identify the exact origin,'. So whose mandate is it?

Russian test or leak.

can’t we just get the murder hornets back?


Puede ser esto que ya viene sucediendo desde hace tiempo.

jurph The mothballs are leaking, I presume.


9M730 Burevestnik


2020 love letters to us all.

gladstein 'These are certainly nuclear fission products, most likely from a civil source' - civilians are doing nuclear fission What?

Another Chernobyl

The Chernobyl fire is surely going strong

3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible.

Oh boy

Si algo faltaba

jmdelalamo Damn bad news...

In 1986, when the reactor in Chernobyl exploded, Swedish measuring stations were also the first to warn of the nuclear danger, because the Soviets concealed everything.

Not now, radiation. Not now

Nuclear sub

I'm fully expecting mutated Jaws on steroids... lets hope it doesn't have lazers.

Oh yay.....add in a nuclear disaster.....


Russians lost another sub.

Wtf have the Russians done now

olgaNYC1211 What else will 2020 bring?

olgaNYC1211 Bad SCRAM on Putin submersible Or a bad (another) torp/missile trigger test? Anyone want to offer odds? That’s win and place , show is a recovery op

ho66o6 no Sweden right now bro

HarmlessYardDog LETS GOOOOOOO!

olgaNYC1211 Shit

olgaNYC1211 Another Russian submarine disaster?

olgaNYC1211 Andrei, you’ve lost another submarine?

Is there anything else left to surprise us?I think not.

“These are...most likely from a civil source,” a spokeswoman said, referring to the atomic chain reaction that generates heat in a nuclear reactor. “We are able to indicate the likely region of the source, but it’s outside our mandate to identify the exact origin,” she added.

3.6 Roentgen

Today is June 27, 2020 Dark was right...


Sensors in sweden is a bull shit ! System of testing is dog shit !

KrkljusBrothers 🤔

This sounds concerning. Could it be an abandoned Cold War old nuclear submarine that’s eventually rusted and causing pollution?

Not now.

Ah shit here we go again

E agora? O que será dos pescadores de caranguejo do programa Pesca Mortal da Discovery? Alguém tem notícias do Cornelia Mary?

oilinki One immediately, and possibly unfairly, thinks something Russian has a problem Will we hear in six weeks a submarine surfaced and exploded?.

If Covid doesn't kill us, the Russians will with rotten nuclear submarines or offshore nuclear plants. No safety standards and untrained staff. Why do we have to die in Europe because of the deep rooted stupidly of other people?

Nuclear reactor leak somewhere nearby?

Are these sensors on satellites?

nuclear waste leak in bottom of the Baltic sea 🤔

As the latest virus attacks us we continue our tradition of attacking the planet like a virus, but I'd say long term we are deadlier. However you know what happens to nasty bugs they either kill the host or the host throws them off....

Ah well it doesn't really matter as it's nowhere near me so my petunias will be fine unless some developing Godzilla wants a nibble...

How high was the activity? 3.6 Roentgen?

Some more fish that glows.

Kristennetten Construction in Norway + wind ? It's known that areas of Norway are still polluted with Chernobyl fallout.

This is so 2020.

What is Russia doing this time

Another lost Russian sub?


Sorry guy' was me...

I can’t see this being reported by other media outlets...?

Another Ruskie screw up?

Oh no, Godzilla! This year is getting better every month.

Definitely has nothing to do with Russia this time, could be a pretext for something nasty though.

Did the sub mean to write 'radioactive particles'? Because nuclear particles are something entirely different and can be found wherever there is matter

2020 loaded at 50% and already crashed the computer 4 times lol 😂

WholeMarsBlog I’m heading to Lithuania next week. Think it’s safe?

any subs missing

Could it be from illegally dumping nuclear waste into the sea?

It's a nuclear heavy metal band. lol.

'We are able to indicate the likely region of the source, but it's outside the CTBTO's mandate to identify the exact origin” Yes, let’s not hurt anyone’s feelings.

We need to seriously consider unplugging 2020, waiting for 10 seconds and then plugging it back in again... Or could this be a firmware problem?

ExoThinker Dude... doomcock Nerdrotics

Caesium-134, Caesium-137 and Ruthenium-103 Ru103 is found in spent fuel and is part of the decay chain of Uranium 235, So... A reactor fart or exposure of spent fuel to the atmosphere. What happened in Iran the oter night? Thinking face

Thought it had been warm lately

A russian submarine crashed?

So Russia has broke another sub...

2020 what a year. A new Tchernobyl after the pandemic ?


kutrinet Just wait till North Korea has a nuclear missle accident in November 🙄

Russia? Belorussia?

Time travel device hidden over there

zhartun There is Leningrad nuclear station in Sosnovy Bor

Nära den Ryska örlogsbas i Kaliningrad...🤨

2020 is going on as expected.

steffanwatkins I'm shocked, shocked that there's radiation in the Baltic.


IlvesToomas there goes the weekend

IlvesToomas 2020 keeps on giving.

This sounds a bit sinister

It is Godzilla

Oh great

Shouldn't that Autistic, Swedish, high school drop out that knows everything be upset about this?



North Korea was just threatening nuclear strikes, could it be a test?


ai6yrham I’m sorry, can someone please interpret what “from somewhere near on or near” means? Genuine question. I’m a native speaker of American English.

squashblossumm the president of the united states of america knew since march of this year that putin had an espionage team in afghanistan paying the taliban a bounty for every u. s. soldier they killed and that is all you should be talking about. TraitorTrump

Just checked Russia Today: It's Sunspots. Definitely Sunspots or Aliens...

Dark season 3

So respirators not mask ?

Russian sub !

Holy mother of Gosh!

Oh just great! NOW what😳

More testing... hmmm interesting... funny how the media went nuts over Trump talking about testing, but are pretty conservative on the data detailing hey Russia is testing new nuclear devices and has had some recent woopsies along the way... History


Putin's cooking up something

Shakti_Shetty Probably ashoswai farted.

2020 doing its thing... a nuclear accident? Why not?!? At this point I don’t give a shit anymore.

Another Russian nuclear submarine accident

jackkessl I farted guys.... my bad

USA? As usual

Probably those darn Estonians again

Wait a minute. I faintly remember something like this happening in 1986. Eh, I guess i'm imagining things....

Russians again?

lo que faltaba PPenVivo


Is it Chernobyl all over again?

Oh well, just what we fucking needed.

Maybe my alien invasion hypothesis is coming true.

In (post-) Soviet Russia, radiation detects you.

2020 never ends

bayareawatcher Supserb1

Damn it!!!


About the same location where Chernobyl radiation was first detected.

Then there's this (not sure if its in the same area).

Seriously? Sounds like the Chernobyll uncovering

Maybe from this that happened last year🧐

Maybe Iran 🇮🇷

Lo q faltaba La_MenChitO DayalaEC

Um, that's...concerning. Ya'll need to be finding out more about that...

:D that damn woman.

De nuevo los rusos!

No no no we don’t have a functional WhiteHouse right now with realDonaldTrump . Russia testing nuclear ballistic weapons in the BalticSea is NOT on my bingo card this weekend.

Russian submarine fire?

Russia? My first guess.

Bet it's from here.

LauraWalkerKC Путин смеется

Nuclear submarine should not be emitting radioactive particles unless something is seriously wrong

Leningradskaya Aes, amirite?

Oh look, another Russian nuclear accident.

Not again please

Its Red October

THATS not good.

I going sleep when I wake up I hope not see bad news.

Cue the cries .1,2,3...Russia!!!!!


Godzilla. Because you know, why not at this point?


TheWarMonitor It’s from Tehran


Russians. Up to their usual.

History has a thing with repeating, doesn’t it?

TheWarMonitor Did those drunken bastards run a missile submarine into a seamount again?

Russian?... Of course!

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