Senate will not consider House Democratic bills to end shutdown: Republican McConnell

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U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Wednesday the Senate will ...


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Senate Republicans as well as realDonaldTrump own shut down 100%

Non no no

InSpiteOfTrump 20/20 is coming MICTH can be voted out and don’t forget trump

Send this to Congress..Border Security is about stopping drug and human trafficking, illegal immigration, and keeping US citizens safe. Do your job, we elected you.

The House is NOT sending a House Democratic bill to the Senate. They are passing and sending back the overwhelmingly passed Senate bill back to the Senate.

republicans are remorseless !

senatemajldr will NOT consider ANY Democratic BILL to end The TrumpShutdown

Main person who wanted to ousted 44th president, and the Majority Leader who don't understand the common folks because of his lavish lifestyle, 83 million $ mansion, big timers portfolio, and bullet proof limousine!

McConnell and Trump are not good people. They’re holding good people hostage in the TrumpShutdown

So it really is the TrumpShutdown.

“Republican McConnell will not consider bill he already voted for” - fixed the headline

Hah. Well, GOP'S choice. It could be smart and easy way out from the mess for the GOP (that GOP BTW initiated*) but well, dumbness wins. So, enjoy declaimings in ratings😉

FU Turtleman.


Time for us Republicans to stand firm on our principles. BUILDTHEWALLNOW.

The trouble with Mitch is that everyone else plays Checkers, but the Mitch plays Chess.

Excellent! Thank you Senator McConnell and President Trump!

While you get paid Mitch & continue receiving your corrupt Russian/nra money & salary.

Kind of hard to say 'no' to a bill you already passed..... But the GOP will do it and continue to hurt America.

Trump's main feature puppet

Seems to me a stale mate. If your running for the border better hauls ass now. Then meet up with your gangs and start raping and killing and shooting cops. Vote for Democrats and slit they throats. That about sums it up. Old Mexico.

If the Senate won't accept a Democrats bill, and Trump won't sign the Republicans bill, then what? Does your Government stay shutdown until Nov 2020?

Hope McConnell is not too surprised. Voters elect 'representatives' and not a legislative syndicate establishment. Defeats the power of purpose.

Throw him out! He and Trump should both resign.

Isn't it the Senate's own passed bill the Senate won't consider?

Great job Sen Mcconnell! You are a great reason why term limits are needed! You have forgotten your purpose and that is to serve the wishes of the people, not just one person! When leaders no longer listen and think they know what’s best for us...move on!


But it's the 'Democrats'' fault

Why not?!! Trump started the shutdown and is throwing a tantrum over a wall that he said the taxpayers will not pay for.., now he wants us to pay why.. because a couple of white people associated with Fox News wanted the wall— disgusting !

SenMajLdr won’t work with realDonaldTrump , wont work with housegop and he wont work with HouseDemocrats . Sounds like SenMajLdr doesn’t want to work for the American people. But that maybe too obvious for the GOP to see. SenBobCasey SenToomey RepSmucker

McConnell needs to go.

Then McConnell is going to make MEXICO pay for the useless wall?

Power corrupts senatemajldr. And, you need 4 enemas.

McConnell is the piece of shit I always knew he was

realDonaldTrump when will we have a functional government, 2021?

Republican obstructionists

The totally whipped GOPers like LindseyGrahamSC & senatemajldr have finally realized that if Trump’s presidency ends, they’re left holding the [empty] bag, unable to hide their enabling & complicity. Like Trump & his dug-in positions, they’ve nowhere to go & are doubling down.

Republicans are making money off the shutdown somehow



Idiots. I hate that they are using tax paying federal workers as pawns.

he might need to rethink that, before he looks worst than he is.


So, now it’s a McConnellShutdown!

Which makes it A Trump Republican SHUTDOWN.

groupabarbados He's done a terrific job during his tenure treating Democrats like they have no part in the fabric of this nation…and he's gotten away with it every time. SenateDems

he wants to share realDonaldTrump mantle

Mitch's optics are terrible. Doesn't he see that he's driving people away from the GOP?

Therefore, let it be known that the Democrats in the House are trying to end the shutdown with legislation, but Misty President and Mitch McConnell are having none of it. Democrats are being shut down by Republicans.

The Republicans used the same stupid tactic with Obama, if they are for it, we vote agaisnt it, even if we were for it or even voted unanimously yes. So we all know who to blame, and vote against.

Yo Mitch what's happening?

And now Mitch can take the blame for not re-opening the govt. Instead of growing a spine and turning against Trump to do whats best for the people of this country he chose to continue being Trump's little b*tch.

Coward McConnell retreats back into his obstructionist turtle shell.

RandPaul what is it with you and senatemajldr and puttin? Come on it can't be worth what you have already lost with respect to being an American🤔 sworn to protect democracy? What is it called when you sell out?

Sadly, modern Democrats are De Moc Rats. For them every thing is power and politics. They want open borders for any one to come in as they please. Very little pride for the country.

If ever anyone merited a good ol’ stoke...

2020 - Bye bye GOP Senate & POTUS.

Great Mitch the Bitch is already ruining the new Congress

Was this dude in the Muppets?

so who's responsible for the shutdown realDonaldTrump POTUS senatemajldr who refuse to talk with the dems or the GOP

61Mudu HERE WE GO AGAIN.....

He's getting paid

This is ridiculous, totally against what democracy is about, McConnell is afraid to put bill to a vote, because it would win, then he would be out of Trump’s favor. Maybe even his wife, in Trump’s Cabinet, would be out of favor. A totally messed up selfish state.


Good! Hold your ground until they fund the wall

TrumpShutDown RepublicanShutdown GOPShutdown TrumpResign

Haha....isn’t it his bill? Times up!!

The next law that needs passing is to stop pay for lawmakers who don't do their jobs. No proposals for compromise and governance, no paycheck. Why should more vital public servants be on furlough and not Congress? They should be paying the citizenry for the privilege of pouting.

This man need to be fired for refusing to do his job! Come on Kentucky, dump this looser!

So who is the bigger threat - McConnell or Jane Curtain? And there you have it.

How much Ruskie money made it through the NRA to the turtle’s bank? Bob you’re up.

There's a lot of vulnerable Senate Republicans up for re-election in 2020. The heat can and will be turned up on them in short order. Buck Trumpism and do your basic job or be sent home. TrumpShutdown

Welp, so much for that blue wave in November.

These rules that they've made up seem very undemocratic to me. If the senators are supposed to be able to vote on bills, how does it make sense that one man can keep them from voting?

Good luck with that strategy GOP.

Back and forth as the wind BLOWs, so goes our immigration policy. A wall is a solid solution to the cowardly weak kneed politicians that can't take a stand. BuildTheWall our politicians have the VAPORS and can't take a stand

So, not only is this TrumpShutdown completely a TrumpShutdown, but now a GOPShutdown too. But they'll blame Democrats who are actually making all the efforts. Thankfully, NOBODY LISTENS TO THEM ANYMORE.

NancyPelosi is going to pass a bill anyway and make Mitch sit on it like the big chicken he is.

No problem Mitch senatemajldr - The TrumpShutdown can be the McConnellShutdown as well. It's ALL yours GOP. Enjoy. NoWallEver

House should open up an investigation into senatemajldr . I’d sure like to know what he knew, when he knew it, and what he did about it. I’d also like to know about the conversation with Obama & Ryan when Obama wanted to go public about Russia & Mitchy said he’d politicize it.

you are my David against Goliath! Go McConnell! My hero 5 BILLION which is nothing compared to what this invasion is costing us. A wall stands against all the lilly livered presidents that will be soft on our border. A wall does not waver.

Because Republican's priorities are dictated by Trump, not Article 1 of the Constitution! Filthy shame!

So basically McConnell is saying he’ll vote against his own bill. The stupidity and corruption runs deep with that one.

This man must go.

You will consider, if you value your seat.

Kentucky, do the right thing and impeachmcconnell

and the Dems will flip the Senate in 2020. good plan Mitch!

Well they passed it once, if not only hurting their voters 2020 coming, they may not want to lose the Senate.

McConnell is as shameless as Trump.

And how much did that Russian Oligarch give your campaign?

Well that non partisanship sure lasted a long time now didn't it 🐢😂

God we're so threatened by Mitch McConnell… well I guess we have to build a wall now. LOL

He needs to go. One way or another !!

and the Senate will 2020

no wayyyyyyy

Evil turtle.

Appropriate picture of the slimy turtle.

NoWallNoDeal WallorNothing

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