Senate takes up COVID-19 relief package as GOP aims to block passage

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

The Senate is taking up the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, as Republicans who claim the bill is massive and won't address issues related to the pandemic have set the stage for a lengthy series of procedural measures designed to slow down momentum.

But that won't stop Republicans from fighting to make passage an arduous affair.

"I feel bad for the clerks are going have to read it, but it's just important you so, so often we rush these massive bills that are hundreds of 1000s of pages long. You don't have time. Nobody has time to read them," Johnson said."This will give everybody time to consider what the provisions are.""We all know this will merely delay the inevitable," Schumer said."It will accomplish little more than a few sore throats for the Senate clerk.

"There's going to be a lot of amendments," Braun said."You're going to have a lot of amendments you're going to have a lot of stuff that's going to be struck through an amendment, but whether we get anywhere on that I'm not sure."The bill cleared the House without a single Republican backer and McConnell said he is hopeful that Senate Republicans will also"unanimously oppose" the bill. It's not yet clear whether he'll have his way.

Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., estimated this would decrease the cost of direct checks by $12 billion.


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But you watch Republicans when it comes time to vote themselves raises it will pass in 2 seconds

Fact that only 9% deals with COVID

This is BS. I know how my vote will go when this bunch of rich ******** come up for re-election every family that is suffering needs to remember at the polls

I am not sitting here trying to take the blame for your murders and pocket books.

Since Johnson and his fellow republicans want the 600 page covid relief bill to be read aloud; the doors should be locked and none of those old farts & the rest of the republican senators allowed out to go to restrooms. Maybe they should keep their coffee cups handy.

I am sitting here trying to take the blame for your murders and pocket books.

These are your real worker on this weed . You have a few more . They are sellsmen

RonJohnsonWI RussianRonJohnson RonAnonJohnson and the Republicans remember in 2022 BLUE Tsunami!

The people don't need issues addressed. The people just need a check. Look at every other country. Stop with the political back and forth and do the job you were elected to do - support the people. Your position is not a position of power. It's a position of servitude. Realize it

DenverChannel Why do we care what the trumpublicans, that proudly brought us the insurrection, think? We don't negotiate with terrorists!

It will never get 60 votes LOL

DenverChannel Nothing but Democratic pork

Oh good, the people who have spent a year downplaying the risk, discouraging mask use and social distancing, and claiming miracle cures like HCQ wants to lecture us about proper responses.

But hey if you’re a big business you will get all the relief you need immediately

thanks for this news

Or what we used to call it checks and balances. It is disgusting the things shoved into this bill under the disguise as a covid Relief Package when less than 10% is anything to do with helping people.

I mean is even disputed that it doesn't address the pandemic issues?

God. Bless. You. Georgia.

They are doing and addressing every single thing in this world instead of the pandemic and the economy, trying to build bullshit bridges to go to Canada but can’t build a bridge to gap the community from homelessness and starvation and sex trafficking.

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