Sen. Tom Cotton Calls Slavery Nation's 'Necessary Evil' In Shocking Interview

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Slavery "was the necessary evil upon which the union was built," the Arkansas senator said in an interview.

Controversial Sen. Tom Cotton called slavery the nation’s “necessary evil” in a new interview published Sunday.

Instead of portraying America as “an irredeemably corrupt, rotten and racist country,” the nation should be viewed “as an imperfect and flawed land, but the greatest and noblest country in the history of mankind,” he added. Nikole Hannah-Jones, a Pulitzer Prize-winning Times reporter and director of the 1619 Project, blasted Cotton’s comments justifying slavery, “where it was legal to rape, torture and sell human beings for profit.” It’s “hard to imagine what cannot be justified if it is a means to an end,” she added.


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“Yahoo News” 😂 Your shame & regret-filled career choice as a “journalist” is my schadenfreude 😂🤣😂🤣😭🤣🤷🏻‍♂️✌️🤣😭😂🇺🇸

Perhaps, Tom feels, 'I wish I was in the land of Cotton, old times there are not forgotten, look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.' 🤮

I call bs. You lie.

Then Let’s get them necessary reparations

That’s not what he said, in a shocking new example of media lying.

And you taking it out of context is less shocking... because that’s what I expect out of the press.

Calling BS Yohoo Fake news enemy of the people hope sued you!

Fake news again

FakeNewsAlert He never said that.

You should be sued “again”. For this lie.

The quote is actually very, very sympathetic to the black cause. Very few clear thinking individuals would regard slavery as “necessary” to build the nation.

☝️ This is a lie.

Reading is fundamental.

You’re lying. It’s not what he said.

FakeNewsMedia Yahoo

Yahoo is lying. This is fakenews and they are the EnemyOfThePeople

Another FakeNewsAlert

That’s not out of context or anything. Yahoo you’re out of your depth.

Good case for suing Yahoo News for libel.

Fake news by who just got sued for libel bec they are full of shitt!

This is a lie. You know it's a lie. You are the enemy of the People.

This is a lie.

Did anyone at yahoo take history?

Liars. Tom did not say he believes that, he was providing historical context You are EnemyOfThePeople

That's a quote from the founding fathers. Learn your history.

More lies.

This is a flat out lie


More FakeYahooNews, taken out of context! Cotton actually explained that our Founders believed that slavery was a necessity evil, & that our Constitution was set up to correct that.

Here’s Sen. Cotton’s complete statement - 'As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.' Irresponsible journalism! SMH

Once, again the mainstream media takes something a Republican said out of context. He was quoting the Founding Fathers and said more than that. I remind you the Republican Party was formed to abolish slavery and successfully did by defeating the racist Democrat Confederate Army.

Liars. He didn’t say that.

Absolutely untrue

Liar Liar ! we can see you ya know

Headline not accurate! Cotton said: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built..'

No, he didn't.

Sounds like a famn RACIST. Think should put tom cotton in slavery and then see what he says

You effing liars. FakeNews scum bags. How do you even have a company with this?

Fake news!

That’s a completely false headline

Enemy of the People. The media lies. Have they no shame? Cotton quote: 'As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.'

He was quoting Thomas Jefferson. Click Bait.

Fake News

Liars 👆

You're lying.

he was quoting Jefferson.


No different than illegal immigration....but most of us are not ready to discuss.

That’s a straight up lie!! TomCottonAR should sue you for libel!!

KNOWS this is not true. You people WANT to be lied to.

That is terribly dishonest, but typical of your 'news' division.

Yahoo trying to dethrone CNN as the leader in fake news

This is fake news. Again this is the reason why the media is the enemy of the people! The media and democrats are 100% responsible for the unrest in America 100%.

You don't have to be correct. Just try not lying.

Not what TomCottonAR said at all. Jesus fucking Christ. This probably rises to the highest legal standards that are required for even politicians to prove libel. Yahoo News is absolutely knowingly and intentionally trying to inflict harm.

has retracted any of their fake “Russian collusion” bs stories?



This is the type of headline you know is completely fake before you even read the article.

Bullshit journalism. Almost embarrassing to associate journalism and Yahoo in the same sentence. Defund the Media!

The clubhouse leader for the GOP nomination for POTUS in 2024. A truly frightening prospect. Rape, torture, and slavery were 'necessary evils.' Mr. Cotton, take a hint from Laura Ingraham. Stop talkin and start pickin.

Not what he said at all, you liars!!!!


Fucking Yahoo.


What a lie

You are lying, again. Get your facts straight before you spew out this fake and false information.


You are the EnemyOfThePeople . the senator was quoting. To purposefully do what you did shows your evil intent to sow discord.

Fake news. Debunked.

Latest DNC paid talking point. Media is disgusting. What Cotton actually said: 'As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.'


There’s a reason Yahoo had to disable their on site comments.

Yahoo “News” is as crappy as the rest of Yahoo.

This is why the MSM Is the enemy of the people Cotton was quoting the founding fathers ...


I love it...People were hateful and explicit about their views about poor, blacks and the oppressed. Now declaring it publicly without shame. Fortune 500s, corporations, etc your employees or affiliates are exposing ur integrity and 'best practices'.

Blatant lie.

This is a lie.

Fact check: noppers

Cotton was probably 'king' and wealth for this senator and his family.

No Cotton did not. You're distorting his words.

Are you you surprised? Now you understand that feverish devotion to Trump and his obvious racist leanings. An unfortunate stain on the modern GOP.

Gee, I wonder if you’re lying.

That’s not remotely close to what he said.

If you read your own story, he prefaced it with “the founding fathers said...” So misleading people is not a good look for a wanna-be news outlet.

False. Intended to influence an election. Reported.



Trashing a decorated veteran and American Patriot, what's not to be expected

No, he did not.

Not Cotton, rather the Founding Fathers, you miserable HACKS

such a lie... who ever wrote this obviously didn't do well in reading comprehension

You are misquoting him, this is precisely why America does not trust the media.

Siri, what was the 3/5ths compromise?


Delete this dude. This isn’t what he said

As many have already said, Tom Cotton is a racist bigot, who believes white supremacy is a necessary evil to maintain the GOP in power 🤔🤔🤔🤔

This is gaslighting

'Tom' 'Cotton' just saying...

he wants trump to praise his fascism.

No he didn't. He was quoting someone. God, your entire profession sucks.

It’s sounds like he was quoting and deferring to the words of our founders, who were alive at the time and had a far better grasp in the moment. This does not mean he is celebrating racism, only the he understands context.

A deliberately evil headline. His accurate point is that the temporary continued allowance of the evil of slavery was necessary to form the Union. Without granting concessions to the pro-slavery south, the Union could never have formed in the first place.

Fake fake better


You're lying!!!! He said that's how the founders saw slavery. It was a quote from Lincoln.

The lies and FAKE NEWS, dissemination of evil used on the sheep... just like the Satan Demon party.

You are fake news.

'Mary Papenfuss wrote 'Slavery nation's necessary evil' in shocking revelation'

Bobble head long neck Cotton

Exhibit 7,462,981 of why the media deserves scorn.

It's pretty stunning how widespread this obvious lie is reported.

This is literally a lie. And you know it.

Really? Isn't there enough BS going on without this garbage being spewed.

What utter rubbish.

This is realDonaldTrump loves this racist, they think alike !

Add Yahoo News to the media outlets lying about Tom Cotton.


That's NOT what SenTomCotton said. He said the FOUNDERS viewed it as a necessary evil. Yahoo! isn't a news outlet, it's a part of the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Yahoo! should be forced to claim a gift in kind for this headline.

You’re lying and you know it

You're prostitute a LIE😠 Your cognitive dissonance's warp Ask someone to assist you in comprehension..When will your school starts..Make sure you sit on front wear😷 SenTomCotton Candor was Absolutely..unique👏 🗣Yahoo News You can

This is a lie. You are a liar.


That is a lie, he quoted Abraham Lincoln who called it that. If you want to write a column saying “yahoo believes Abraham Lincoln was a shocking racist, here is why” than go for it.

Damned lie. You SUCK “As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

This is a lie.

Um. No, no he didn't.


A Dishonest smear

Fake news.


Thoroughly debunked yesterday. How pathetic.


This is simply not true

'shocking', 'stunning', 'twisted'... Why not just report what he said and let readers decide if they're shocked or stunned?

Wow... this is very dishonest

This is a lie. An intentional, purposeful, knowing lie. SenTomCotton

Not true.

What an egregious lie! Slavery is a human problem around the world, and is even happening today. Where's your outage about that?

this is a complete lie. please remove it from the internet.

Liars. NothIng but ‘dog faced pony soldier’ blatant swamp liars ....

Yahoo Fake News

Uh oh SirajAHashmi ✍️✍️✍️

That's a lie. The media proves everyday they are dog 💩

Why lie about what he said?

This is false.

You people are embarrassing.

Yahoo is so 1999 😂😂😂😂

Fake news is the enemy of the people.

Why does hate America?

This isn’t true and you know it. Stop gaslighting and propagandizing people.

Liars as usual

Yahoo is trash

Fucking liars.

That is an absolute lie. He said that some of the founders considered it a necessary evil.

How is it even possible to tweet this and not get banned

Fake news. Never trust a word Yahoo prints.

Wow. He was quoting. Fundamental dishonesty FakeNews Yahoo


Fake News!

GFY yahoo news

This is a fucking lie

Wow. You couldn't take his comments any further out of context.

Taken out of context as usual 🤡🤡


Where did he say it? He said the founding fathers said it. Big difference.

fake news

He was quoting the founders...

This is a lie; not what he said at all.

You can always tell when a news outlet is using false framing. You don't even have to read the article


This is another Yahoo Lie! Why are you trying to destroy TomCottonAR? You lied about realDonaldTrump for 4 years and now Yahoo is going broke! They will be closing business in the next 2 yrs! You’re all disgusting liars!


Absolute fake news

History is not shocking JournalismIsDead

FakeNews EnemyOfThePeople

Yahoo News lies since that is not what he said. At all


More fake lies from corrupt site

Hit piece. Gotcha approach has replaced intrepid journalism


You lie. How sad that you people don't have enough integrity to print the truth. In fact, your leftist ideals cannot compete in the arena of debate and policy platforms.

Not true!

Fake news clickbait c

That's NOT what he said. Do your job.

Fake just like the pageviews you tell your advertisers you get

Lies. Complete lie

That’s not actually what he said, but great fake headline.

'shocking' in the headline


Not what he said... but you know that

Could even one of you be bothered to read the damn articles? One?


Blatant lie. Stop it.

this is a lie--again

Why does continue to spread bullshit

Who was Cotton quoting?

A smear job. But that's what the lying media does.

Despicable fake news. EnemyOfThePeople

Only an historical ignoramus would be shocked by Cotton's comments. Are you people really that stupid?

He did not. Stop lying

Lie I hope you get sued into oblivion

Did this dope sleep through history class? Only 620,000 soldiers and another 50,000 civilians died in the Civil War. The British Empire had abolished slavery in 1830, but the southern aristocracy wanted more and more MONEY at any cost to slaves and American citizens. EVIL

Stop lying.


dude's 43, it is nothing less than both appalling and astounding, that he has no clue on how to talk to black people. sure he's an idiot. but why isn't this paper saying so? so how dangerous does someone have to be when it comes to having power over blacks, to be seen as such?

This is flat out garbage

Yahoo 'news'

Get this mf outta here

He absolutely did not say this and TomCottonAR should check into this.

Leave it to the crazy kids at Yahoo to warp this out of all context. But hey, it’s 2020, right?

SenTomCotton Looks like slander and Knowingly pushing false information.

This is a shameless lie and the writer knows it.



The default position on anything Yahoo News publishes is it is false. Before believing anything YahooNews writes, it must provide three (3) affidavits from named sources and a comprehensive lie detector test taken by the YahooNews “journalists” Otherwise, it is birdcage liner

So it is a cotton pickin lie? Typical GOP response. WHO is surprised?

flat-out lying here.


Just proving once again why I refer to the media as propagandists.

Well, next election we know we don't HAVE TO pick Cotton. We have a choice.

Delete this

Marxonian Mainstream Media and supportive platforms. Good for me, good for you.🎟🎪

Please stop reporting lies!!! You divide an already fractured country when you have an agenda or person you want to make look good or bad. “The founders called it a necessary evil” - this guy did not. Big difference. Running out of news sources to read and trust! 🤦‍♂️

This is bordering on libel. He said that the founding father said that.

Enemy. Of. The. People.

But.. tis a lie.. msm sucks.

Please correct your story fake news peddler.

You are FakeNews

Wow, journalistic malpractice right here

There’s a sort of sadistic irony attached to this sonofabitch’s last name.

this is a lie, not what he said

Are you intentionally lying or is this just laziness?

He was quoting the founding fathers you idiots

This is dishonest, yellow journalism.

And the fake news award of the day goes to...Yahoo!




Easy to notice that there are a lot of idiots Living amoung us. Nothing to brag about

No he didn't, nice attempt at a click bait though

This is such a disgusting and outrageous lie even for the brain dead journos at Yahoo

Guaranteed this isn’t what he said

Not what he said. FakeNews

This is a fucking lie

Yahoo News is a dying, FakeNews rag. Will fold in 6 months!

Fake af news

No he didn't stop bullshitting

Not what he said


This is a flat out lie

This is such a lie. FFS

I can’t believe no one trusts the media with how non partisan you are.

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