Sen. Tim Scott says a 'path forward' on police reform in Congress can be found

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United States Latest News,United States Headlines

Sen. Tim Scott, who is leading his party’s legislative charge on police reform, says he hopes the “very important” conversation won't be derailed by politics: “If we’re that close on making progress, I hope we don’t let partisanship get in the way.'

Those protesting have made a variety of calls for reforms, including setting restrictions on the situations where police could use deadly force, slashing police budgets, curbing the use of “no-knock warrants,” banning the use of chokeholds by officers and making it easier to sue officers accused of misconduct by addressing a legal standard called “qualified immunity.”which would ban chokeholds, as well as no-knock warrants in drug cases.

“We’re focusing, at least I am, former police officers, current police officers and civilians to work on a commission to help us to discern what it looks like to have effective policies that lead to better outcomes in those intense, split-second decisions,” Scott said. But he expressed caution around banning no-knock warrants in drug cases because of a lack of data outlining how those warrants are served, while remaining open to the idea of banning no-knock warrants if the data pointed to that decision.


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SenatorTimScott, know what is going to happen when what you are trying to accomplish goes wrong? You're going to have tread marks all over your back.

In other words he wants the Democrats to roll over and do as Trump says, which just like with the NRA, will be nothing but lip service.

BLACK LIVES MATTER, no, ALL LIVES MATTER. We the people are all deeply impressed by the size of the protesters crowds and their endurance. BUT WE WILL NEVER, NEVER CONDONE VIOLENCE AND/OR CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, AND WE WANT THE CRIMINALs IDed, ARRESTED, AND PROSECUTED!

We need reform now! Tear down the years of brutal policing against black communities. Hire more black cops and train cops to be better officer of the law. The police should be part of the community and not an army against the community. Serve and protect...its not Kill and murder

Someone said, 'A soft answer turneth away wrath'... So, when the police deal with wrath, Let them speak softly... The song says 'Speak softly love' : lots of types of love : agape, philia, romantic etc... Lots of situations that the police deal with....

Tim Scott won’t do anything that pisses off Trump and the party. Which means he won’t do anything.

If cops are predominantly good, taking actions to hold the bad ones accountable should be something easily agreed upon.

What does he and Ben Carson know about being black. I call them disassociated blacks. They only are black when the white man tells them they are just to put a black face on their racism.

You recited the trump line eliminating qualified immunity is off the table. Then said you hoped there was no partisanship. Talking out of both sides of your mouth senator. VOTE ALL BLUE 📬🇺🇸

Leftist media already referred to him as an Uncle Tom. All this while they keep millions enslaved with their propaganda of victim hood claiming government and society owe them ...Stand on your own. This is still the land of opportunity...


QualifiedImmunity needs to stop. militarization needs to stop. DemilitarizeThePolice

Hey Tim Scott how about saying that To the GOP Faces. Talk is cheap! Action is Better! This has been going on toBlack and Brown people for along time where have you been?Where was your voice then

We do more harm than good by pushing false narratives. No group is targeted. Brutality is 1% racism and 99% 'qualified immunity', a license to murder. True privilege of any impact is WEALTH privilege. All sides need serious education. TalkingAboutRace

TimScottSC you have the absolute worst leader in senatemajldr to attempt bipartisan efforts. Remember his pledge to create gridlock ? Recall the slow walking of nominees including judges ? Recall the stolenseat ? I sure do.

Has he met Donnie?

The state of South Carolina is in the middle of an emergency right now. People are getting sick and dying.He was elected to help the citizens South Carolina.What is he doing to help us? Why isn’t he working with the governor to make some things mandatory in the state? WearAMask

I guess he pick and chooses his stands on racism because he lets trump do and say whatever he wants

President Trump, Republicans, and the Fringe-right-MAGA crowd all hiding behind Tim Scott while holding their noses pretending to care for the black community ONLY after realizing Trump's terrible poll numbers now totally desperate for votes.

TashaIves narrator: partisanship got in the way. they been attacking him for 2 weeks already

And only black GOP senator

is this a joke? senatemajldr is the king of partisanship and derailment of ANY sort of progress- Tim’s blustery is bull💩 VoteOutTheGOP

The only partisanship is in your own damn party! GetReal

Stop repeating his bull shit when he already called squashing 'qualified immunity' a poison pill. He's who he has always been, a Koch operative. Nothing more.

only black man in the party hopes he can do anything other than be the token black man

Poor Tim....

now they are begging when elections are up and they lost their own in Primaries already keep voting them out America

BLM is changing not just America but the world and its so righteous.

But eliminating qualified immunity is a poison pill. I’m sorry but they’re just not going to attempt to do this in good faith.

He knows he’s GOP, right?

Senator Scott is all for show. He's not going to actually do anything. Just like Secretary Ben Carson. They're tokens.

I’ve zero doubts that realDonaldTrump cult following will vote 100%! But they’re only 37% of the electorate! This isn’t 2016 where some got fooled to vote for Trump & a lot of dems didn’t bother to vote for Hillary! This one is different, ppl have now seen Trump & are horrified

I don't know 'Defund The police' seems like a political derailment to me

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