Sen. Stabenow on Iran: We’ve put U.S. in tremendous jeopardy

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'The question really is, why now? ...This president has to make a case that there was an imminent threat, not just say it.' - Sen. Debbie Stabenow


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If Trump tries to makes a case, it will be another lie added to 2000 lies he's already told! It's another distraction bc of the impeachment. He will do anything. Putin is an enemy of the U.S. & that's who Trump listens too. Good luck with the draft Trumpsters, time 2 serve 🥴

IMO, that question is minor and maintains division among people/parties/nations. Perhaps a better use of our energy would be to ponder, “Why do we fear/fight each other?”

I suppose the same could be said about the Dems and their impeachment shenanigans

Oh so them attacking our embassy wasn’t an imminent threat? He has killed hundreds of American soldiers, not to mention killing his own people.

Funny, where were you on Obama giving them billions in cash that was used to kill more Americans? No explanation and Congress did not approve that one either.

We got the hint democrats are anti Semitic when their new party leaders RashidaTlaib and IlhanMN made their hateful remarks about Israel. Now we are sure they hate America after their criticism of Trump for removing terrorist threat

How many times are you going to tweet this? POTUS doesn't have to tell her crap!

This is why SenStabenow. This is why.

The question is what’s with the hair?

He has shown he believes playing golf is more important than any world event or the imminent threat of war.

Here you go SenStabenow

The worst part is that he spent the week bragging to everyone at Mar-a-lardass about it, asking his boss Putin about it, but refused to talk to our leadership. He is insane and unfit, dangerous.

I don’t think he does. 🇺🇸

Time to replace your green screen

Trump is the imminent threat TrumpIsANationalSecurityThreat

&Im sure Trump will find a way2 make⬆️a sh&tty🎥script, 'So turns out,Iran!,not me,wont release my taxreturns'projecting again😂'Ive tried to be full transparent&have every intent,to commit so many impeachable acts,there wont be enough investigators to finish or start them all'👎

Don't worry Iran will give you all the dollars and moral support you need during the elections.

♥️ SenStabenow. POTUS is the master distractor. TrumpMasterDistractor RemoveTrumpNow

It’s a secret case. Only Mar a Lago members can know of it.

Just “ saying it “ seems to be fine with woke peeps Libs msnbc , cnn LibDems and many others what’s the difference now 🤨

The immanent threat was Solemani had just killed an American and attacked our embassy..

Happy Birthday princess Jacki!

That hair tho

Can someone tell Stabenow that the 70s is calling and they want their hairstyle back.

Question for you liberals, are you for or against the USA? Serious question, think long and hard before answering.


MSNBC EnemyOfThePeople FakeNewsMedia

Ok fake news. Thanks for reporting.

Was a man in a cave an imminent threat ? Or a man in the street behind attack on another embassy & planning more attacks a threat ? Hard choice i know.... firstclassidiots

I’d say the embassy attack is a solid clue

He doesn't have to make a case. The opportunity was there, the intel was there.

Because they killed an American contractor then attacked our Embassy, that is why now

Sen. Debbie: I don't mean to concern the president, but as a result of his erratic actions, I've changed my name to..Stabhimnow - 'The question really is, why now? ...Trump has to make a case for an imminent threat, not just say it' - Sen. Debbie Stabenow

“Why now”. Senators are always quoting Legally Blonde ReeseW

Sorry lady but the american people voted in a president that just say things. That’s what you get when your citizenship is addicted to reality tv and don’t know the difference between that and real life. After the entertainment, I guess.😂

I’d like to here her opinion on Obama giving the mullahs over 150 billion in Iran to finance terror before she gives her opinions on trump authenticity of stopping proxy wars in Iraq sponsored by our own taxpayer money that Obama sneaked through without support of us citizens

This picture from Kandi really breaks my heart just thinking of what their families may be going through right after Christmas. trump has to be removed by the senate or at the ballot. We need world peace. War ain't it! Iranattack IranUsa


After over 10000 lies while in office, Trump's 'I saw the evidence, trust me.' doesn't quite cut it. What was that story about the boy who cried wolf?

And the rest of the world.

stabenow Debbie, if you would take a look at what happened not only to U.S. personnel on the ground but also to Iraqi citizen you can c in the headlines of Google News that the perpretator behind these mean regulary attacks on Iraqi ground had to be found and brought to justice.

while obama could just drone us citizens and attack libya and syria no questions asked.

The binary banknote of Europa

Distraction. We’re not talking about Rudy,


Pfft, who you kidding ? At no time, anything Trump does, is acceptable to you gimps.

No, he doesn’t have to prove any of that to congress. He’s the commander and chief of the armed forces and he exercises foreign policy. You guys are supposed to write laws and control the money, but you seem to think he’s responsible and beholden to you.

Ya'all knew he would do this, YOU KNEW IT! YOU LET IT HAPPEN!


How do you believe ANYTHING HE SAYS?

The US Embassy was literally under attack. The attack was led by the QUDs and local Kataib Hezbollah and their commander General Qasem Soleimani. If thats not proof enough, than what is

The answer really is: they attacked a US embassy a few days ago-an act of war. This was only the latest and greatest but I don't think you *really* want answers. No-you pontificate to fear monger to the ever hating Trump anti- American left.

NO, he doesn't. What the hell is wrong with you? He's the president. He does NOT have to consult with congress. Our intelligence saw a threat. They informed the president. And he acted. LEGALLY. Will democrats ever stop making everything political? There's the REAL question.

Why would any sane person believe Trump on this when he has lied about pretty much everything else. This is a ruse to divert attention away from impeachment towards this made up issue.

Is this satire?

The dems consider this. The good ole days....:

Petroleum Creates Not Only Pollution But Also Terrorism & Wars petroleum terrorism war peace climatechange greenhouse islam gulf iran iraq syria nuclear defence

It’s a deadly diversion tactic to try and take the light off his impeachment articles .

you are a case

Really? A case to a group of idiots that will not approve of any thing our president does...get a life

There is no imminent threat as trump said! Trump has committed a crime, he is being impeached, this is trump's alleged imminent threat. He ordered the killing of enemy military leaders by terrorist means, mainly to distract congress.

The answer to that question is quite simple. reelection

Only if we do not fight to win like Democrats usually do

Wow is there not a better photo

The President is privy to information with respect you do not have ?


Cool but whose going too make him?

On the brink of a war, Trump sits around Tweeting. He did it for an excuse to hide crimes he doesn't want investigated. He made the decision alone. If Soldiers and USA cits start suffering serious harm. Will he take responsibility alone? doubtful. He'll blame anyone and everyone

The threat was to his freedom... He's going to PRISON and thinks THIS will save him...

okay how about the fact that salimani has been on the US Terror watch list since 2011

These fools allowed Obama to arm ISIS and ALQueda -kill Heads of State and now question when we kill the mastermind behind the Benghazi and Iraq Embassy attacks! Really?

PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH is way better than 'cash to our enemies!' The Obama days are OVER. God bless President Trump.

And the only way to pacify and cool off the tempers in the Iranians is to impeach, remove and throw him in jail. Do not buy the “we are at war, we cannot remove him”. He is the wrong person to lead during war time. He is unstable and can lead to WWlll. Let him go please.

While corporate 'media' parrots the hegemony of Satan 🇺🇸. Other corporate 'media' questions whether the hegemony of Satan has a 'strategy'. No one points out the obvious: It's a zionist controlled hegemony of Satan which has lied and lies about everything.

Agreed! Thank you for serving in the House. You are a superb Member of Congress

. Silver lining in the smoke cloud! 1MillionIranianAmericansToVote

Sen. Debbie wants to see the manager

realDonaldTrump has put this country in extreme danger. impeachment has to come. This is nothing but pure madness and insanity

Only losers come on your network

There was no imminent threat. This was to distract from recent leaks from Deutsch Bank regarding loans to Trump, backed by Russian oligarchs.

Diversion tactic and it's working. The more he behaves like a despot, the more they love him.


Parade of fools on MostlyStupidityNBC!

Given mullahs money put us in tremendous jeapardy .

Iran has killed 1.5 million people. Isn't that a threat

It would be nice if your party held those same standards when it comes to impeachment.

The only threat was to trumps ego concerning his impeachment


Democrats are sure angry that Kerry and Barry’s terrorist friend got whacked by realDonaldTrump 😜🐸

That amount of hairspray is putting our earth at risk.

Because your embassy was attacked, protesters killed, all the restraints in the last 12 months following the drone, tanker attack proved weakness only emboldened Iran, like Obama did. Iran doesn’t buy weakness. Get it?

Pft this lady doesn’t know crap about Iran.

They attacked the embassy. How ignorant is this lady ? Term limits are needed...STAT.

They attacked our embassy....That’s why!!

Not only trump. You have to ask your US intel. Trump has only the last say.

The reason now is that he started this war so he thinks he will get re-elected. America needs PROOF that there was Clear and Present Danger to America and the American People. Until then he is LYING AGAIN!!!

trump is starting a war for political reasons

Care to define how so?

Trump is loosing in the polls for re-election. Was caught at Ukraine con. Got impeached. He is getting help.

Time to remove Trump, Pence, Barr to open up our govt. and free ourselves from this poison.

The president doesn’t answer to this Clown

What Impeachment?!

POTUS can rid the world of any skank actor who threatens the health and safety of America. The proof here is historical. Stop being hysterical.

Why now? Impeachment. Isn't it obvious?

Last time I looked Trump was in charge of foreign policy. Trump is in charge of protecting Americans not you. Where were you when Obama, the drone chief, was executing terorrists daily?

Actually, no he doesn’t. It’s his job. His call. Intel isn’t going to tell you what they learned to recommend this action to POTUS. Sources confidentiality and all. Go back to not bringing high paying jobs to Michigan. That’s what you’re “good” at.

What was the danger? Trump decided to take Turncoat Graham into his confidence days before he authorized the killing, talked to Putin and decided that the Congress didn't get to know about it and heard about it on the news. Trump is mentally incompetent.

Don’t worry face time whore. Donny knows what he is doing.

The douche had 3 years in office and did nothing about this so-call 'imminent threat' until yesterday, such a travesty!!

Evidence...just the concrete facts, please.

I still believe twitter should install BS button.

Debbie StabYaNow has been a Deep State PUPPET way too long, Time to VOTE HER OUT... QANON POTUS WWG1WGA

Well lady when you are in charge of something worth while then maybe u might get the answers you seek. Matters of national security is like way over your head. Bye and enjoy the fact that you will sleep safely tonight. Trump will protect you from the monsters.

Sorry Debbie. You Know... If wishes were horses.... And then of course flogging a dead horse. Someone-not you Debbie- has amyloid accumulating rapidly between the ears. UNMASKING WALTER REED PROJECT A GENOCIDE ACTIVITY against AFRICANS AND THOSE IN DIASPORA SHAMES HIM MAXIMALLY

The POTUS doesn't need to tell you shit.

They attacked our Embassy for one.

Did the good senator demand Obama explain why he sent pallets of unmarked bills in the middle of the night to the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism - Iran? Do any of you libs demand Obama and the Dems answer that? Of course not. You’re brainwashed hypocrites.


Cuz anything he says is a lie

To counter impeachment, of course.

The answer to 'Why now?' is obvious to those who have been paying attention! Can you say ImpeachmentDistraction' boys and girls? And the 'imminent threat' clearly is the Senate trial & realdonaldtrump s removal from office! He must be scared it will happen; he started a war!

Because they attacked our embassy. 'why now' should be asked of democrats. Why now do you choose to support and mourn a dead terrorist and ignore the blood, so much blood of American soldiers he had on his hands? TDS of a psychotic and treasonous level in these Iran loving Dems.

Did Obama do the same with his countless strikes against Syria. Take a seat hypocrites. This bias crap may be good for the small group of lazy, ignorant or just political biased at any cost supporters, but not with the rest of the nation.

REMOVE Donald J Trump from the office he illegally occupies. NOW. TheAtlantic AP CNN voxdotcom thedaily Slate politico Newsweek Chron

Iran just found some oil and the US wants in.

This is the wrong question. Given the fact he is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans, not to mention thousands of Syrians, Lebanese, Iraquis and evening his own people, Iranians, the real question is why did it take this long?

trump is for killing terrorists, so do nothing-dems r against it. they hate trump more than they love our troops n american lives: thats tds-insanity. we the ppl want all terrorists dead. dems r on the wrong side of the issue agn: against american side.

Damn MSNBC, are you the new propaganda machine for the Iranian state?

Yeah thanks to Obama.


Australia had more attention than he was getting

For Mrs dumba$$ the attack on the US embassy which is sovereign US soul was an attack on America and American there is your justification.

Trump & Republicans won't produce documentation to show imminent threat. They may produce contrived information that's a lie though.

When a Terrorist kill thousands of people you need to stop this person NOW TERRORIST KNOW THE PRESIDENT OF USA HAVE NOT. COOL FEET ITS A NEW SHERIF IN TOWN

We had the Opportunity and he took it. You know damn well it was the right thing to do - why not support and come to the table to solve issues. Look how many time Obama did it and you said nothing. Stop the games

Because they were attacking our embassy and all you were calling him out for not doing anything trying to say this is his Benghazi and then he actually did somthing and you still complain. Just go away and shut up

Why now? I assume that is a rhetorical question. It is obvious why.

If you don’t know the answer to “Why now?”, then you really need to step down.

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