Sarah Michelle Gellar Responds to Joss Whedon Allegations: ‘I Stand With All Survivors of Abuse’

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“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” star Sarah Michelle Gellar has responded to the allegations that Joss Whedon abused his power on the sets of “Buffy,” its spin-off “Angel,&#…

abused his power on the sets of “Buffy,” its spin-off “Angel,” and the DC Films feature “Justice League.”

“While I am proud to have my name associated with Buffy Summers, I don’t want to be forever associated with the name Joss Whedon,” Gellar wrote in a statement to Instagram. The actor said she will not be making any further statements on the matter, since she is “more focused on raising my family and surviving a pandemic.” But, she added, “I stand with all survivors of abuse and am proud of them for speaking out.”


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Thats d kinda pig geoff judas johns wanted to touch batgirl? 🤮👎 SnyderCut

C'mon Joss you messing up the TV show

ComicBookGen Joss was enabled by a system. Ray Fisher lost his job for pushing an investigation of Joss' behavior. Walter Hamada who covered it up and tried to out witnesses was promoted. Toby Emmerich who knowingly allowed it was promoted. IStandWithRayFisher IStandWithCharismaCarpenter

Shia, Hammer and now Joss? Damn! They say shi* happens in threes.

I only know her from playing the Daphne Blake character in the live-action Scooby-Doo movies.😂


whedonesque She still slays! 👏👏👏

DennisCattell I'm very disappointed with SarahMGellar statement, She should be way more supportive of AllCharisma and speak out herself, what a total cop out when it's her character Buffy that launched her carrier and for Sarah's ongoing fame, not a very Buffy move.

Now he's done.

whedonesque As a long decades fan, this saddens me A LOT. But if he was an asshole, his career should pay (well, it's already dead). But CancelHimNotTheShow Let's be mature enough and separate the author from the work.

Its not only Joss there are others like him especially in WB thats why we need support Ray Fisher and others like him in this fight IStandWithRayFisher IStandWithAmberBenson IStandWithCharismaCarpenter AE

Johnny Depp will be working in whedons next movie 🎥

MacandTG Joss Whedons abuse was enabled by Geoff Johns and Toby Emmerich. They both need to go.

Be interesting to hear from the male actors on both shows, did they turn a blind eye.

I am so happy these people are finally getting out there with their horror stories. But it’s disgusting how Ray Fischer wasn’t believed until now. Shame on anyone and everyone who didn’t believe him. You’re gross, racist, and disgusting people. Shame on you.

To every generation, a slayer is born. I think that statement of support needed more slayer in it. I was a huge Buffy fan in the day. Horrible to know what a Toxic atmosphere JossWhedon needlessly created and inflicted upon cast and crew.

The final stake has been laid on that vamp

Just a reminder that pages like yours supported Warner to try to shut Ray Fisher’s cause down, and now the truth is coming out and none of you will ever apologize to him.

Allegedly Joss likes to get Whedon

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