Sanders: Maybe Netanyahu can respectfully decline the billions of dollars US gives

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'If Israel doesn’t want members of the United States Congress to visit their country...maybe [Netanyahu] can respectfully decline the billions of dollars that we give' -Sen. Sanders, following news that Reps. Omar and Tlaib were barred from visiting Israel


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It’s time to get real about Israel ☝🏻 For years, it has behaved like a thug in the MiddleEast 👊🏻 Let Israel stand on its own two feet 🦶🏻 🦶🏻 BTW, Israelis’ need to get rid of IsraeliPM netanyahu 🥾🥾

Everyone but radicals can go. Their constituents just happen to think they are normal people. Most disagree with them.

You may wish to rethink your defense of people that suffer antisemetic outbursts Senator. Political islam is a problem in america and you defend it.

Anti Israel is not a winning strategy.

jesus christ. they have been banned because they are a couple of morons and are not worth the time.

Right on Bernie!

Is it ever possible for the Dems or MSM to tell the truth & whole story ! NO!

Not giving billions in welfare to Isreal like we owe them something? benshapiro is not gonna be happy about this comment.

What do you say about this, BernieSanders? “Palestinian Authority bans LGBT activities in West Bank. The ban came after LGBT group Al-Qaws was planing to hold a gathering for its members in Nablus.” Will you, RashidaTlaib and TheSquad speak out against that?

Q: How can an 'economically prosperous' country that's $22 TRILLION IN DEBT save billions of dollars? A: Stop sending billions of dollars to Israel.

Israel has Muslim representatives since the 50s, while America had Jim Crow

Man looks like a great congressional agenda so to pass on this trip and opt for different sponsorship for travel with a reputation for hatred to Israel does not reflect well for our two congresswomen.

Same style as 'someone did something'. It's not 'members of the US Congress, it's two radical anti-Israel activists. Important because true.

They just don't want hamas supporting racists. Nothing to do with anything else. 😊

Bernie is a communist sympathizer of course he supports these anti semitic democratic women in congress. Shame on Bernie

Israel is right to stop them from coming. Their Antisemitism is hate speech that was Democrat approved. U.S. Congressional Delegation to PALESTINE not Israel? They need to work with relations here in America! POTUS QAnon QArmy ❤️🇺🇸❤️

BernieSanders Palestine are cleaning out the gays? What say you Amigo? Israels fault?

I love BernieSanders! Even if he's not the Dem POTUS in 2020, he's still an outstanding human being. ImpeachDonaldTrumpNOW 25thAmendmentNow KFC

Holy crap did I just agree with Bernie ?

Shouldn’t be giving them nothing anyway. That should be Germany & Italy’s debt. The US owes the descendants of slavery, start out by putting those billions for Israel to work fixing Flint’s water systems.

Listen here, dummy. The day our country stops supporting Israel, will be the day GOD stops supporting and blessing America. Is that what you want?

The US can us the saved money to continue not building the wall.

qué zurdo del orto... I mean, what a pitifull leftie

If members of Congress want to visit Israel. Travelling with 78 members of Congress in a united front may have been cool.

Although not a Bernie supporter, I agree with him here. You can't take our cash and then say our Congresspeople can't visit the country! That's horsecrap!

The Palestinian Authority’s ban on all LGBTQ activities in the West Bank should be a point of contention that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib need to reconcile. But they won’t. Mainstream media will bury the story and nobody will ask them how they feel.

Uh Bernie. Tlieb wants to destroy Israel. Why in the hell should they welcome her on her little junket aimed at creating false propaganda. You wouldn't make much of a president if you wouldn't do the same for us.

Maybe you can do something useful with your life Bernie, and not try to control the lives of others. This man is an idiot.

Whatever. Political stunt old timer, and you fell for it.

How many Americans would invite enemies to dinner or someone who absolutely hate you? Any of you ?

Why should Israel allow for politicians into their country that are seeking its destruction and isolation? That would be suicide !

They barred all liberal socialist too Bernie. Sorry.

Self hating

shueshiegirl Absolutely I don’t appreciate my tax dollars supporting his oppressive agenda.

Bar Netanyahu from coming into the USA

Why the hell are we giving them money?

msnbc = Fake News


This was such an embarrassing moment for Israel. I am a Zionist, a Jew, and an American & this makes me sad.

👏👏👏👏 why do we give them so much money? Never understood.


Rashida had her chance , she proved she really didn't give a shit about going. Sorry not sorry

Explain to me again why the US gives Israel a shit-ton of $$$ every year? 'cause they get better health care and education than we do!

These guys are just looking for an excuse to turn Israel into one of our enemies.

Time we took another look at the money we are sending Israel...if Trump is cutting back on aid to countries that really need it.. maybe we should rethink sending money to those countries who really don't

I can understand Israel's election to let congresspeople visit their country, but I think they would do better to let them come and offset their speeches with positive responses.

Somebody tell Bernie, the money doesn’t go to Netanyahu. It’s not like he lost a primary but is still asking for donations.

You tell em Bernie. Israel is a wealthy country.

Backward logic as usual.

Would Sen. Sanders welcome someone — say, a member of the Politburo or North Korean government — to the US who advocates the destruction of America’s economy by boycotts, divestment of companies that employ Americans, and imposition of “sanctions,” whatever that may mean?

Has anyone seen Joe Biden?

Yes. I agree

Menelaus 👇 BernieSanders SenSanders And not the Greek one. netanyahu IsraeliPM


why does the USA give billions to Israel, lets use that money for our veterans.


They were barred because they were going to just stir the pot ! They had a chance to go with the rest of congressional committee but no they wanted to go on their own at our expense! Check out their there travel plans! It was made public!

Millionaires and billionaires...oops....just billionaires.

No shit.

Or you can just cut him off.

Nope they made the right call

lucasgsdav Oh my god, bernie i love u Bernie2020

Monte36453510 BernieSanders I think your memory is a bad as Joe's. Obama blocked the entry into the US of an Israeli Knesset member in 2012.

Maybe both teams can lose here.

We AGREE with Israel's decision. We don't want those two here, either.

Hey imbecilic Bernie! Netanyahu is not banning members of our Congress. He and Israel are denying entry to two women that are not acting in the capacity of Congresswomen. They are racist prejudiced anti Semitic agitators Who’s sole objective was to cause turmoil and anarchy!

Yes shut the money down! It was said we will take care of America first and not be helping countries, who don't try to take of themselves..! Why all this sudden interest in Israel, Will a hotel be built with tax payer funds!

I totally agree!

shaunking Should of been stopped.

Oh please. You know these 2 wish Israel didn’t exist

mortgageconsult I'm not a Bernie fan, but damn if he didn't hit the nail on the head!

Maybe the billions saved could finance a gun buy back?

Feel the burn !!!

✌🏻❤️🔥 MedicareForAll GreenNewDeal NoMoreWar EndStudentDebt ERA NotMeUS FeelTheBern StillSanders Bernie2020

Maybe Bernie should go to Israel


mehdirhasan The truth should be told!

mehdirhasan Works for me!

Right you are sir

Yes please

Come on Bernie, they openly support the BDS movement against Israel and had no plans to visit Israel in good faith but just push their own anti- Israel agendas. Bernie this was predicable.

He's not going to win any presidential seat & don't forget the countless Jews paying into that fund & my personal work that saved trillions of dollars & countless lives & MUCH MORE & I support Israel; in no way will institute Hitler's MO through BDS or any other means & cannot!

Time to cut off aid to one of the richest countries on earth! One of America's biggest jokes.

Whatever. I appreciate Netanyahu saying no and saving the U.S. taxpayers however much that pointless 'congressional' trip would have cost us.

mehdirhasan ✅

Bernie is ignorant. The USA should support Israel. They have every right to refuse hostile visitors to their country just like any other place on Earth. Bernie is a clown.

shaunking I don't care about the representatives bulshit. But I never understood why we send money to other countries it's our tax dollars it should stay in the United States

KimWill007 Israel gets military aid not economic aid, and they spend nearly 75% of U.S. aid in the U.S. to purchase military equipment.

I wish Bernie had more support. I know he seems like a ranting old man, but if you truly watch him, you see his genius shining through like a beacon of light.

hell yea Bernie

Thank you Senator Sanders. Since the $3.8 billion dollars per year they receive is off the backs of hardworking Americans, I think respect for our Congress is the least we deserve. BDS.

Hey Bernard... are you ever NOT miserable? You must be a boatload of laughs, at a party.

Why are we, American tax payers, giving our wealth away? Someone tell me why. America FIRST! Tax payers of America need a say in this 'freeloading' world. POTUS SenSchumer ewarren SpeakerPelosi voteredtosaveamericafromdemise realDonaldTrump DonaldJTrumpJr FoxNews CNN

Israel is Americas eyes and ears in the middle east ( worth every dime )and they at the forefront of the war against terrorism..why would they even think about letting people in that are openly supporting what the world considers as terrorist organisations..

shaunking 💥 👌🏻

mehdirhasan That would be the day.

shaunking I thought they allowed Rashida in and she refused?

Or maybe we can stop fucking offering!

My President!

shaunking EXACTLY! Preach Bernie!

shaunking 👀👀👀👀👀

shaunking Agreed!

robertwaldmann America shouldn’t be giving any foreign country money.

Exactly... Trump threatens NATO all the time.. How about Congress when they come back look into holding back some of the aid we send to Israel...

I agree. Those billions of dollars could go to homeless veterans, like a home instead of a street corner. Or our crumbling infrastructure.

Bernie if I may add. Any Country whom doesn't welcome, respect or Thank any American whom is bringing any more US Funds benefiting Country of visit. Needs to file with State Department a grievance as a Consumer of Tourism / such shall begin consideration to revoke Forgein Aid

mehdirhasan PREACH!!!!!!!!!

mehdirhasan sorry, you dont remember

And the USA can use that money 💰 fixing our roads & bridges & helping with healthcare etcetera

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated: “Israeli law prohibits the entry into Israel of those who call for and work to impose boycotts on Israel, as do other democracies that prohibit the entry of people who seek to harm the country.”

If that's the case then SenSanders should step down... Because America doesn't want Sanders to run for Potus... And he & his wife can pay there taxes as well...

Bibi's apartheid government deserves nothing. Until Israel stops the bs they shouldn't get 1 penny from us

Maybe those LIBERALS shouldn’t be anti Semitic racists?

mehdirhasan Hes right and he should say it.

The dnc writes the script for msnbc.

Why are my taxes even spent supporting Israel at this point? They have a fine economy.

lala land

He's a patriot protecting his country.

If this is the best the Democrats can offer, then Trump is definitely going to win reelection...I don't want Trump to win...FIND BETTER CANDIDATES!!! Surely there are some party switching disgruntled Republicans you can run against him.


When someone makes this much sense, it's interesting to read so many nonsense responses to the post.

Netanyahu doesn't want low-life libs who vote against aid to Israel to contaminate his country.


please stop legitimizing this russian active measure pretending to run for potus to get trump re-elected sanders, trump, bibi and the congresswomen are all on the same side stop spreading this russian active measure provocation bullsht

the smartest thing I have ever heard him say

F them , cut their billions of our $$ 😠

Maybe Bernie would be a happy camper if members of congress went to Russia like he did on his honeymoon.

How did these two slug Representatives vote on Israel’s aid package, Einstein?

This would not have happened but (you know who) stuck his big nose in to what was going on you know who should have stayed out of it he is the worlds troublemaker justsaying

He doesn’t want enemies of Israel

Sander out of Israel!!!

So you did not recognize the set up the two idiots were involved in. There was a reason they didn’t want to travel to Israel with the Democratic cactus. You should watch Fox to get informed.

Who were the original sponsors of their trip? Why didn’t they join an American delegation? What does this signify about our outrage. Do more research. Do due diligence.

you sound so stupid Bernie. if she was on government business why is she visiting her grandma? not on my dime. A visit for personal is against the law.

Preach it!

Maybe no Company will ever advertise on a Fake News Media!

When will Americans get health care and college like Israelis? Until then, Bibi can just leave my tax money here.

I'm at a loss as to why Israelis are 'right' and Palestinians are 'wrong'.

Netanyahoo is going to ban you next senator!

Absolutely don’t give them a dime

The Democrat party has become White vs. Left and has become a Bullhorn for AntiSemitism TrumpDerangementSyndrome is going to destroy a whole lot of stuff; better wake up.

You give the billions because of US interests. It's not a favor.

He doesn’t want antisemitics in his country. Neither do we. They should expelled from Congress.

Shut up being in the Senate definitively know that the Jewish people all over the world know that the two congresswomen not allowed in ISRAEL hate the Jewish people! Just because you want to be President does not go be you the right to lie! Open your eyes !

I do not want omar anywhere near me either !

SenSanders doesn’t give anything to Israel, personally. Career politicians are parasites, at best.

The narrative and cover for the squad takes over the MSM.. they granted her permission to see her grandmother, she turned it down.. she used her grandma has a prop.

Sanders is no friend of Israel.

How totally... Trumpian.

It is the case actually! But, politics does not work like that BernieSanders. — Netanyahu

You tell ‘em SenSanders! We need more of your sensibility and ethical leadership...

U give ur book money to the people first.. Be social with ur $$$ Sir ..

It is really amusing that Head of two powerful country , Donald Trump and Nitenyahu are scared of two lady representative !.

I have to agree with him on that one.

why DO we give them so much money? Where's trumps America First regarding Israel?

Really, did you NOT see where they wanted to visit? Anti Semitic groups that are so against Israel and Jewish people!!!

If Israel doesn't want people that want to commit genocide against them and that want to throw LGBTQ community members off the roof... Well why should they accept them on?

Damn! Say that!

Sanders chooses to forget some 70 members of Congress have visited Israel recently or about to do so.

Are you kidding me Bernie Sanders have you forget what has been said

This guy isn't aware of the 1979 peace deal apparently

And there we have it, folks. Bernie is a self-hating Jew. This, from a Jewish Democrat!


The hate and racist anti-democratic act of Israel failing to reach out to Tlaib in order to talk to her and understand her as a human being, it the same prejudgment of hate that Neo-Nazi Germany visited upon Israel during the Holocaust. HOW SOON WE FORGET! Sad!

Alrighty then!

Congress needs to withdraw that money until they show the United States respect.



I agree why send them that kind of money give it to our Vets!

Woah! Feeling the bern

The billions of dollars to go to inter structure & healthcare instead

Can someone tell me why we care so much about Israel? I do not recall seeing a single Israeli soldier fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. What have they done for Americans besides take our money.

You don’t give them billions. The American tax payers do. And the approval rating for these two reps is below 10%. So they are not representative of the Americans. Plus why would we want one term Reps hurt our relationship with the only democracy in the Middle East.

Trump supporters are willing to pay for Israelis to have healthcare yet are too stupid to vote for healthcare for their own families

Can anyone tell we what Israel has done for Americans over the past 2 years? I'll wait

What a racist

Absolutely! and he should remember the house holds the Purse

until the veil of bias is taking from your eyes so you see past those jokers in your party's front line. My good old pal go to bed!!!

Israel doesn't need Anti Israel Congress Socialist Democrats there period.

That’s what’s up. tellembernie berniesgangsta

decline you say?!!!! How the heck do you expect to maintain serious presence in the middle east by taking Isreal out it the equation?

I love that Senator Sanders went there!! I did not love BeBe coming to Congress to go against President Obama! We should have cut back aid to them after that stunt!!

Don't wait for netanyahu to send our money back...all money that goes there has to go through Congress guess what Democrats control the house.... Stop all funds and all weapons from going to Israel.....


Daughter of NeoCon/NWO Mind Control Guru Zbigniew Brzezinski Read his 'The Grandchessboard' Totally lost his humanity To the elite games in his mind Made her papa proud

They just don't want Omar & Tlaib

Right on, Bernie!

And that will just cause more hostility and they Republicans are the dumb ones it turns out the leftists are

he didnt say netenyahoo

Israel is a terrorist state it has destroyed the lives of millions of people and causes nothing but problems with the rest of the world!!! Of course we shouldn’t give them billions of dollars in aid are we crazy and how come this is allowed to continue?

Not just any mem’s, anti-semite mem’s Luke you.

Nice way to grandstand and make political points while knowing that if elected, he would continue military support for Israel because it's American strategic policy. One reason I love Bernie is that he actually loves Israel and Israelis, just not Netanyahu. Bernie2020

Hey Bernie, you are lying ... again. You're saying Netanyahu's decision to bar Tlaib and Omar from entering their country was based on their membership in Congress ... when you know very well it was based on their hatred for Israel and the certainly they would incite violence.

Why would Netanyahu want to allow any American who supports or talk down to his people? You Democrats are all alike hate everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Thank the good Lord Sanders will never see the Oval Office he would end America as we know it.

Oh no you dit int!

So using Bernie logic Israel should let our domestic tertorists into their country? So should we welcome Isis into our country


Like your going to stop anything, I think not...

Why are we supporting a belligerent Israel with so much aid - they have nukes, space program, free health care, free education and my people here in US are struggling - must STOP


But Israel did exactly what the American authorities ask them to do, Your President was the one that ordered that they shouldn't be allowed to visit Israel. I dont agree with him nor my state decision but... let's not be that dump.

No problem you are right, we will be better without it

Wow it is sick how the Democrats support anti-Semitic females spewing their hate for Israel and then when a SOVEREIGN NATION REFUSES THEM for their hate they attack that Israel..Is this REALLY THE PARTY ALL WANT TO BE IN POWER OF OUR GOV'T. They speak War talk against our Ally.

BWAHAHAHAH .... says the guy who is all about giving away money. FuckingClown

Or maybe senator you can keep your Congress people in line and ask them to not put bills in place to boycott Israel, Just a thought.


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