San Francisco firefighter wears 'Lets go Brandon' shirt while on duty

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United States Headlines News

United States Latest News,United States Headlines

A San Francisco firefighter wore a shirt with the conservative phrase “Lets Go Brandon” written across the back while on duty Saturday morning.

A San Francisco firefighter wore a shirt with the conservative phrase "Lets Go Brandon" written across the back while on duty Saturday morning.

The phrase has become conservative code for something far more vulgar: "F—- Joe Biden." It’s all the rage among Republicans wanting to prove their conservative credentials, a not-so-secret handshake that signals they’re in sync with the party’s base.


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Well first I would have to ask was he on duty. If not, then that is his right to wear. Second I would want to know does he know what it means. Taking action without knowing information means it could be unfair action.

Gotta love it 👍👏👏👏

Nothing wrong with the FJB shirt.

What about a Jesus Saves shirt? Anything that is against goodness is your motto. They wear rainbow attire. But that's okay. Hypocrites.

He is being paid by taxpayers to wear a uniform. This shirt is not part of his uniform

The back of my wheelchair.

Freedom of expression. I am all for that and I agree with the fireman and wonder why the people like what they voted in. I can't seem to find a real good reason that made my day. So did you feel Lucky Punks!!

Let’s go brandon!!!!!

You know you can only take so much crap until you can’t!! and who knows maybe his name is Brandon

We stand beside you!get a life folks, our president is a traitor!

Where can I get a shirt like that

Who's Brandon? Where is he going? It's a stupid childish saying, ignore it.

so what? ?


That's awesome!

IamJohnBurnett In San Franshithole, that’s considered a bigger crime than shoplifting or defecating on the sidewalk

Kill the Witch!!! Kill the Witch!!! - How you sound right now



Fire him.

Suspend him

Got to love fakenews pissed at what they created. 😂

Slow news day? Someone wears a CONSERVATIVE t-shirt, gasp 🙀! Call in the fashion police! Give me a freakin break.

Good for him!

Who cares!?

Maybe he was trying to put out a fire in a conservative part of town and wanted to fit in?

Hell yeah 👍

Ok for govt run school teachers to express their political views but not firefighters - perhaps a lawsuit can settle this

Maybe his uncle was running a 5k and name is Brandon🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. FJB

Ok cool

Timcast Fascists don't allow criticism of their King,

ScottP3416 Fire him. IntegrityMatters

Thank you Firefighter for your service!

Thank you Firefighter for your service!

You got nothing better to project on your liberal channel so you go out and target a firefighter because of his political views you are the problem not the solution leave our heroes alone. firefighters lovenothate AmericaFirst supportTheBlue supportourfirstresponders

Can’t blame the guy…the freakin Fire 🔥 Truck is basically a LGBTQ flag on wheels!!🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♂️


He should add a 2nd line beneath that: 'and those who voted for him!'


SO ?

Aw man he's totally in the wrong city for that.

Do you call yourself a news agency?

Ahhh the lib press lap dogs didn't miss a thing!!!

Are we surprised? Most of them are 🗑

Jimenez415 You scumbags deserve to live in a crumbling city full of criminals and addicts.

Are you guys OK? Do you have a safe place to go?

OH NOES!!! Surely the fascists of the Leftwaffen will have to SWAT his house with the FBI M4's held at the ready pointed at he and his children.

This is subterfuge so people can get into their fake liberal talking points and forget about that controlled demolition of San Francisco

Let’s go Brandon


Democrats are Bolsheviks. We must resist their leftist fascism.

Timcast So what, Biden said he agreed…

Freedom of speech

MrsBisMe Now it's... 'WAAAAAAAAAAH because he wore a t-shirt!!!'

Oh no! He's wearing a white hat, me may be a white supremacist too. 🙄

My pearls are literally clutched.

Keep eating sugar folks

You go firefighter man! 👏👏👏👏👏👏


You job can not require you to give up your constitutional of freedom speech or any other. This has been proven in court.


Give that man a pay raise


He's cheering Joe on- to Delaware.

What a cool guy!

Firefighter Journos

Oh the humanity! Do you need a safe space? Are you ok?🤡🤡




All trump fans end up here


Oh my God! If he ran into a building on fire and threw me over his shoulder to run through flames I would tell him to set me down immediately. The nerve of that A/whole.

Hell Ya 🤣


Good job firefighter

Timcast Small, heroic efforts matter. 👍


AWESOME.....and give this man a raise!


Who cares what his shirt says. Every President in History has been disliked by a lot of people. Get over it.


Very unprofessional for a first responder to where that shirt while on duty. He should be reprimanded or given a couple days on the beach. Doesn’t SF firefighters have a city dress code. And if it were the other guy on his shirt I’d feel the same way. So unprofessional.

If on duty he should be written up.

We do still allow Freedom of Speech.

Ok Karen

What’s the problem? The 1st word of the phrase is a stand in for the word fuck. Do you think he could’ve gotten away with wearing a shirt that said fuck in Italian or German or French? Why should he get away with wearing one that says it in English, except with a different word?

That disgusts me.

That's awesome!

I see those shirts everywhere and….it’s a shirt - do you even hear how this sounds like a child tattling as if this guy did something wrong - what’s wrong with you?

LET'S GO BRANDON! I love to see Liberal's Meltdown

I mean, this guy is getting audited by the IRS this year amirite

'To the gallows!!!'

Timcast Gangsta🤣

Not appropriate while on duty AND in uniform. He knows better. It’s made quite clear from his superiors, our superiors across the board. On your own time? Sure. On duty? No.

I don’t care which side you are on but this is disrespectful to the office of the POTUS

Glad to see him supporting his nephew Brandon in the big game this weekend.

Damn, this is literally worse than Pearl Harbor right!? 🤡

sawyjay30 So what - deal with it.

He has just as much right to express his opinion as this fat ugly trolls on the view. Stop demonizing those that don’t align with your warped opinions!!

He must a terrorist! Omg not in San Francisco

Because he is based and has a brain.

Cool story bro.



how does anyone know he is not just a fan of the car driver?

Bravo for the Firefighters!!!!!


Love it.

Awesome I wear mine every were I go



Good! 1A


This should fix your toilet of a city.

Finally, a decent uniform.

Good, as he should

My kind of civil servant! It should become the new national symbol.

EdTarzanaCoin As should every firefighter.

We must crush him!! 🧌


Your point?

So what get over it snowflakes grow a spine

I’m sure he has a son named Brandon😉



Oh no how are their feelings doing? Are they hurt?

that took ballz. thanks



So much for the city that used to embody freedom of expression. Let your freak flag fly ...somewhere else?


Free speech

KellyStreeper GOOD

I would say the majority of people support him and his personal beliefs.

San Fransico has become a third world city thanks to the democrats & their lapdogs in the media! Firing an essential worker for a T-shirt while ignoring, homeless people, mental health, crime and defunding police shows the democrat's priorities! Boycott SF if you like free speech

Wait - I thought that was a cheer for a NASCAR driver.


You are literally this meme…

How many pictures and whiny hinies reported the FF's wearing BLM shirts

With all the nightmare BS going on in San Francisco you actually thought a shirt was newsworthy? 🤡

Kudos to him

He has a disabled son named Brandon. You people are evil.

Wokesters want to control all free speech guaranteed by the constitution!!

So what? Most first responders are not Biden fanatics. Get used to it, snowflakes. Gonna try fire him now, cowards?

Don't you have massive piles of human feces to clean up in the hellhole known as San Francisco? Save your outrage for relevant issues.

Oh the horror. How about reporting on your dump of a city.

I seem to recall teachers with Black Lives Matter flags in the class room and the libs were okay with itZ

Good! All of them plus the police should have it on there uniforms.

So what. 1st Amendment issue.

who cares, we all know our president sucks

good for him, We are more than the dumb people, but dems are violent so a lot of us still in the closet

This guy is a hero and what a real American looks like. S T F U

OMG!! Is he one of those 'MAGA Republicans?' If he is, then he is a threat to our democracy!

Timcast Maybe his son is Brandon you fn thought police. Now what, have the great FBI pretend they’re not the fascists?

As we all feel ..

Omg send the FBI!

Let's go Brandon! Let's go Brandon!

Why is this newsworthy?

Good for him.

'Oh no! This person who risks his life saving others stated a political opinion I don't share! Fire him!'

I’m sorry this is happening to you.

melissadittohed And? I think everyone is about sick and tired of the politically correct bullshit. It's called freedom of speech and they are trying their damndest to take that away. I applaud this firefighter!

Where's this guy at? I want to shake his hand while wearing this shirt, he's my hero 😂

Dudes probably tired to doing cpr on heroin junkies on feces covered streets in GavinNewsom ‘s Ca.

This is news?


Hell yes. Next shirt should be WTF Brandon.

I bet the “Don’t politicize the workplace” crowd and the “Here take this CRT/LBGTQ*¥£€$ training and call me by my imaginary pronouns, bigot!” Crowd are the same crowd.

Liberals all over crying right now

so what

Would that little bitch that tagged the Mayor have done the same if the T-shirt said : FUCK TRUMP ? I doubt it.

Thats awesome. Hope they fire him and he sues for millions. He probably knows someone named Brandon that is in sports and he is supporting him.

Do firefighters have the same rights as teachers?

Thoughts and Prayers

Oh, that's a bad thing?

This is news?

If he wore a shirt with 'Orange man bad', would you have reported on it?

'Let's Go Brandon, I Agree.' -Joe Biden

A San Francisco station tried to make a story out of a firefighter not voting how they liked.

Could have been on the Front. Fall's Junpin' Baby! 15% Off Hoodies and more! UltraMAGa maga fjb LetsGoBrandon KAG maga ultramaga TRUMP2024 Trump2024ToSaveAmerica FJBLGBMAGA fallsale MAGARepublicans MAGARepublican


That’s awesome

You should go into some of SF’s public schools and see the kind of political messaging on staff clothing and classroom walls. This is a huge double standard. If he was wearing a shirt with a more left wing message would this even be an issue?

Good for him. Using his First Amendment Right and all.

pissing liberals because they can’t do shit lolll

I'm sure if you were in a burning building you wouldn't be complaining.

Why is this news? Hasn't anything of actual importance happened today?

Personal freedom. Ain't it great.

Journalists llolololo no license needed. Just a BS job

Turns out, his son is named Brandon.

Hey KTVU reporters, the next time one of your houses might be on fire and you need the FD, be sure to screen the guys who show up to save your life & property just in case they have an ideology that's counter to yours before you let them help.

Good for him.

it's hilarious that this even makes the news

If he had an Anti-Trump or Anti Republican T-shirt it wouldn't even make the news. But since he disagrees with the western left and their new religion, it is somehow news. And western left is fine with this Sovietization. Scary.

The firefighter has the same rights as people who can't decide which bathroom to use.

Call the FBI his house will be raided before night fall.

It's called freedom of speech. There's nothing vulgar on that shirt. Stop 😭

Oh no!!! Did anyone die


And why is this news?

👍…we are all thinking in and feeling it…”Let’s Go Brandon”!

So what?

See the responses in favor of firing this guy is a really good way to identify the liberal bots on this platform.


Oh no! Someone has a different political view than you do and wears a certain shirt, let's alert the media and try to get him canceled! The left is certainly very tolerant, right?

Good for him. I support his choice of clothing.

Good for him

But BLM is ok 🤯

This tells us everything we need to know about this firefighter. He has terrible judgment and is seriously lacking in critical thinking skills. SFFDPIO

Free speech

Since when did a t-shirt become newsworthy?


No political statements while on duty / in uniform.

Wow, this is clearly amazing journalism. Guess what? This will blow your minds. The vast majority of civil service workers across the country despise Sleepy Joe and are *gasp* conservatives & libertarians. Even even Commifornia.


Last time I checked it's a free country would have been better if he had a shirt that said black lives matter?

And the news only report things that get their ratings up. Wow how about also reporting on all issues.

Brandon Jones is a great driver!

Brandon's at a 49% approval rating. 👏 Letsgooooo POTUS 🇺🇲

Way to go for this brave fireman. He’s saving lives and dealing with unnecessary bs. Go find a real story, maybe about all the money being funneled to Ukraine by Brandon

I need to be more of a proactive Karen... should have taken photos of every city employee who felt free to wear anti-Trump or anti-police political slogans. Would be easy to prove the bias. Also, this reporter isn't a journalist. Needs to go back to school.


So f'ng what? Did he do his job, YES!!! You people are such the crybaby hypocrites. It's just a t-shirt and it didn't interfere w/him doing his job. I'm sure if your home were on fire you wouldn't care what they were wearing as long as they put out that fire.

If it was “black lives matter” or “DEI”, you would have written a piece about this?

'And since I'm a petty partisan and not a journalist, I'm going to put him on blast for the 'crime' of wearing a shirt, so a bunch of other petty people will call for him to be fired. That will teach him to think differently than me.' You guys are great little fascists.

About time

So what's your point

I'm sorry this is happening to you.

Good…. They all should



Let's go Brandon!




Timcast Slow news day there in SF?

he don't have a penis so it's ok

And still did his job, The same for everyone, Regardless of political, religious beliefs or Race. Too bad Democrats cant do that.

And you fragile sadistic cowards want to cost him his job.

Get him out of there

Poor poor people. How will any of you survive words?

So fucking what? You live in a pigsty, hell-scape of a city and this is what concerns you? Bwahahaah

That’s awesome !

'Oh, that's innocent and means nothing'. How about a black teacher wearing a 'MAGAts are fascist'? It's equivalent. If you are paid with tax dollars, you don't have that right while on duty. Ask the teachers in red states. You people want rights when it's convenient for you.


Good for him. If you people on the left think it's okay for government employees to be able to proudly display their BLM or LGBT attire, then I'm sure you won't have a problem with this gentleman and his 'Let's Go Brandon' shirt.

This is NEWS?


Such 'stunning' and 'brave' reporting KTVU!

Sounds like a smart firefighter. We need more like him!

This man is a first responder living and working in San Francisco you should be kissing his ass.

And in other headlines...the majority of the population AGREES and really DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT!! SRY!!🤷‍♂️ LetsGoBrandon FJB FJBiden BidenIsADisgrace BidenCrimeFamilly DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica JournalismIsDead


Timcast Why is this a problem?

The person who took the picture is part of the problem of voting Blue. SF is going to hell

Where did he get that, I want one?🤣


Let me guess... he's been fired.

LetsGoBrandon BidenWorstPresidentInHistory

What's it like going though life as an utter and complete tool?

Good for him!

You are why people loathe journalists and distrust the media. You know this right?

You attack free speech and you hide behind the 1st amendment. So you if you attack firefighters and the next big earthquake comes and it will, you fire all your firefighters because they don't agree with POTUS decisions SF will burn to ground like they did in 1910.

And? We cancelling people due to their political party now?

Good for him!! FJB

Hmmmm...I wonder how it would go over if I was Firefighter and had 'F*CK TRUMP' on the back of my shirt?

Easy decision: Suspend him.

Timcast You said duty. Huh Huh

Good for him.

Love to see it

And if it said 'fuck Trump', y'all would be jerking off on each other's faces over it and loving it.

That's a NASCAR support shirt! Quit projecting! You have no idea what he means by it.

Maybe his kid's name is Brandon. The phrase must not be uttered now because some journalist 'misheard' a chant?

good. San Francisco has been destroyed by Democrats and Communists

Hopefully they all wear the same shirt.

Timcast So? Maybe he is a race fan.

Oh no, did anyone survive?

This sparks outrage but teachers can educate on fisting without reprisal?

They are just supporting Brandon. I see nothing wrong.

When your city is a democrat dumpster fire and the shirt fits...

It’s a Tshirt, lighten up dude.

Good for him

Now do all the drug and homeless crap 💩 going on in your pos city

Also happening, San Francisco is a shithole because of privileged liberal elites and their mindless policies. This story is pretty big too though. Good job.

It’s pathetic that all the Democrats have is this kind of garbage because they’re progressive policies suck!

So teachers should keep politics to themselves as well ?

Are short words the same as mouth words ? Are teachers payed by tax dollars? If he can’t wear the shirt and only fight fires ? Teachers should only teach .



The woke tolerant left at it again.

Do you need a therapy dog?

Smart man.

Maybe his name is Brandon

So is this a complaint about the 1st Amendment?

So what? Leave the man alone.

Is there a policy against political expression on duty? I have to say that it seems like his right to express his political opinions, even (and especially) if I disagree with them.

Everyone of the firemen should be wearing that t-shirt.

First bit of good news I’ve seen in a while.


So he's a racing fan.

In 2008, then San Fran Mayor Gavin Newsom announced a plan to end the homeless problem in 10 years. 14 years later there are far more homeless then 2008. But this is the story you chose to run with? Well played indeed….NOT!

No SFFD have ever worn anything pride or BLM? Gimme a break. This childish propensity to attempt to destroy someone's life for disagreeing needs to stop, it's f'ing embarrassing. Grow up, seriously people.


Give him a raise

Most civil servants have a dress code to abide by. I bet this turd is gonna catch the “find out” part now that he fucked around.

So, he's a NASCAR fan? Particularly of driver Brandon Brown?

Maybe he really likes Brandon ... Why is this a problem 😂

Patriot. Let's go Brandon!!

What a good man!


Land of the free. Let’s go Brandon

Good job

So what? Media doesn't decide what phrases people can wear on T-shirts.

He`s not supposed to say that! It should say 'FUCK JOE BIDEN'!

Let's spend a little less time criticizing the folks that would run into a fire to save our family's lives, eh?


You have more important things to worry about

Conservative phrase? And you wonder why the public hates and does not trust legacy media.

It's good to know at least ONE person in SF still has a brain. The last time I visited, it broke my heart. SF used to be my favorite city in America. Now, it's just trashed and you smell pot everywhere you go. Portland is the same way. Y'all have lost your way. letsgobrandon

Good for him! Our current _resident is a senile pedophile, in case yall didn't know!

A true hero in every sense of the word.

Ya everyone except the garbage news outlets feel the same .

Timcast Free speech.

He needs a promotion!

Good for him. I’m sure the hate filled angry left will make sure he loses his job

Let’s Go Brandon!


Give him a promotion

Timcast If you're wondering where the double standard is, look no further. People can wear all the dem supporting things they want, but of someone wears something 'conservative' then it's national news?

Based 💯

Oh the humanity! A firefighter has his own opinions.

Firing him is a little harsh. I’m a retired Firefighter and wearing a political shirt like that on duty was forbidden.

Oh no!!! The horror…

San Francisco is a drug infested/homeless shit hole…and you’re crying about a shirt…

He can't like Nascar. Liberals are so prejudice.

Good for him

Those type shirts can only be worn for repubs.

I sure hope someone in the Republican party named Brandon runs for president.

Did he really? Good for him! It's high time those with a brain started putting you fascists on notice! Sad that freedom of speech is now considered a Conservative cause.


What’s your point? Do you tweet out T shirt slogans as a routine ?🙄

Surprised he wasn’t fired. Brave move.

barbcast60 FkkkDonaldTrump

The Horror!

Promotion pending. LetsGoBrandon

Yeah, so? Isn’t free expression protected under the constitution? How the hell is this even a news story?

1st amendment rights!

Go Brandon


Maybe he's just rooting for someone named Brandon...

The fact that this is a news story is pathetic.

And this is a news story. May focus on realproblems the people of San Francisco have

You know let's pay more attention to this than people literally sh!tting on the sidewalk, rampant drug use, a homeless crisis, ungodly expensive everything. Typical liberal lack of journalism.

All the problems in San Fran, crime, homelessness, drug addiction, etc.. the problems in the world war, Iran protests, Puerto Rico, etc... and you guys are right on top of what really matters... supporting the sick leftist politics of hate & division while wearing a DNC t-shirt.

Small-minded reporters breaking unimportant stories, seems like a 'journalist' trend. Have you changed the world yet? Did anyone mention that they didn't need you to do it?

God Bless him.

Tell that to the President of the United States and his administration…something about calling 70mil voters semi-fascists?


Journalism is the new gender studies degree.

Tell that to the President of the United States and his administration…


Boohoo. Bunch of crybabies


Freedom of Speech I believe....

They'll probably fire him out of blind wokeness and he'll sue them for millions and win.

I honestly don’t care but people are more mad about inconsistency. Sure no political shirts but then they go against their own message if it’s the ‘right’ political view… like come on. At least don’t be a hypocrite

Ok and fuckijg what?

he's a fan of NASCAR whats the prob?

Don’t you have real problems? This is stupid

So what!


Let’s go Brando “FJB”


Now the “tolerant” left will do everything in their power to destroy him and his entire family.

Your entire city is literally covered in shit yet you think a t-shirt is the issue🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

It is called free speech

K? And you're trying to ruin his life for not agreeing with you?


If they fire him GovRonDeSantis will help find him a job

Love it

Well, they’d fire him, but they can’t find a liberal that can perform his job. So…

If he was wearing an anti trump shirt it wouldn’t even had made the news. Stop protecting the old man.

Nice to see that even these folks in this bastion of liberalism have had enough of lyin' Biden.

Haha that’s awesome

Good for the SanFranFireFighter At least he knows what's going on!


Democrats are opposed to free speech.



Can you admit you were hoping for outrage, this fire fighter’s dismissal, and public humiliation? Think you’d care if it were an anti-Trump shirt? Journalism!

Sooooooooooo this is news? People need to stop being so sensitive!

And? I don't understand what the point of this is? People wear shirts. Shirts sometime say things. Why is everyone so miserable? It's exhausting.

Timcast LGB!

so slogans hurt now?

Next time there is a fire in SF, before the firefighters work on it, let’s review their social media and have them fill out a questionnaire to make sure they are appropriately liberal. After it gets reviewed by an appropriately diverse committee, only then can he turn on water.

SF doesn’t prosecute theft and when people break into other cars. SF is a disgrace


A true American. FJB

Just wait until you see how many people have BLM and trans flags decorating their workplace 😳

So what?

San fran is a toilet for junkies. Get your priorities right.

With your city in the dumps with all the drugs, crime, etc., THIS is what you complain about? You ALL need help.. seriously.

He is obviously routing on his favorite race car driver!

I prefer FJB myself, but that will suffice.

So? If it said 'F**K TRUMP' would you care?



Why does most of America hate msm?

Good I want to be his friend

But if a Milwaukee firefighter sent him this shirt as a brotherhood gift, and he wore it the same way none of this would happen.

Incredibly based


Oh dare he lol..let's go Brandon

Cornish1969 NOPE, NOPE… NFW!!! He should be reprimanded!

Your city is shit… maybe report about that 🤡

Promote to Captain.

And his fire truck is Red and White!

To be honest I can't believe he still lives in California and works for the fire Dept. You people should feel lucky he has not fled like everybody else.

Fibd something worthwhile to report on you corrupt, talentless hacks.

Give this man the key to the city FJB


Triggered much?


This is what I'm wearing when I go to vote November 8th

You deserve relentless mockery for eternity🤡🖕

If he was wearing a BLM shirt, this wouldn’t be a story. With all the numerous problems in SF, outdoor drug markets, public insane asylum, feces on the sidewalks, businesses fleeing, this is what you choose to focus on?

What is your point?

You’re still ok with him running into your burning house to save your life, right? Or would you send him home first to change?

So what about these political statements?

Okay. 🤷‍♀️

I'm so sorry this happened to you

So what? Is this news? How about reporting on the corruption in the district attorneys office. Or the crime rate spiraling out of control.

Why is this newsworthy?

Good to see your tackling the tough issues facing SF.

Ain't no way that the media was having such a slow news day to be posting something as unimportant as this. Lmao

Freedom of speech. Are you an actual journalist?

Good I hope the whole Dept wears them on duty FJB

How is that news?

Doesn’t San Fran have more important issues to worry about? It’s a total shit hole and they want to talk about a shirt. 😂

Y'all are big mad! It doesn't matter how much money the media takes to boost this failure of an illegitimate treason potato, we know he isn't our real president and we HATE him. LET'S GO BRANDON!!! 🇺🇸

Much of the issue with this country is another examples of how TheDemocrats and GOP are the same sheep in wolves clothing with slightly different shades of corruption...the base of neither party demonstrates any respect for the OFFICE of President of the United States.

Freedom is an illusion.

Just one of the dog-faced pony soldiers.


Good 👍

Not a political statement, firefighter is supporting some guy named Brandon , who possibly has Alzheimer’s

Show us on your own shirt where it hurts




Gasp!! OMG!!

I’m sorry this happened to you.

Are you going to be okay?

Oh, the horror!

San Francisco has much bigger problems than a T-shirt 🤦‍♂️

Where can I buy one?

Timcast And? Should he have some bullshit left wing shirt? Metoo? BLM? My body my choice? Ukraine Like why does it matter?

I suspect at least 95% of Americans feel the same way. The problem is the media have the bullhorn spewing the propaganda of this corrupt gov't!

Oh no! What a tragic event! Call the National Guard on him immediately!!!

Cry more

So? If teachers can dress in drag and flash their private’s to kids in a classroom, who cares if this firefighter who risks his life for others, also has an opinion. ThisIsDumb GrowUp SpeakUp

Oh heavens to Betsy!!!!

Good for him 👍✝️🇺🇸

This news chanel sucks .

AND!? If he had a strap-on or a pair of giant prosthetic breasts, while on duty, he would be proclaimed as heroic. Report the crap that is slowly over taking your community.

lol News is gay too now. Tweet about why.

Though I agree with the sentiment, I do not condone the wearing of the shirt while on duty. While on calls, in public, our personal views should not be displayed. I am disappointed that the captain did not deal with this beforehand.

Nascar fan?

Awesome! Need more people like him in that shithole of a city.

How many people have worn Agenda 2030 or rainbow logos whilst on duty. Politics is either banned or it isn't.

I don’t see anything wrong. You see people wear BLM or pride flags all throughout SF while they work.

Timcast Let’s go Brandon

Love it

Good for him

So is the local news trying to hold all govement institutions with one political mindset? “Pro establishment”


Good for him 👍👍

It’s OK for this…. The liberals crack me up

Out here in the real world, LOTS of people hate Biden.

I’m so sorry this is happening to you lefties. It’s not fair that some working class firefighter should be allowed to not like the current President!

This is fascism.

Better call in the SWAT Team.

To this media source explain now how this phrase is offensive and how in any way it pertains to politics or you can't because you are just paid to say whatever.

Who cares... but if it was a dress he would be a hero. Hypocrites

Ok……is there a story here? Did it not match his belt and socks or something?

Love it. Let’s go Brandon.

Freedom of Speech. Let’s Go Brandon

Oh my god how dare he! Did this really make your news? Bet if it was BLM or tax the rich no one would blink an eye. Thought this was a joke at first


Maybe his name is Brandon?

You are trying to get the only person who would save your life in an emergency fired...because of a t-shirt he wore?!?! Why don't you want him to support Brandon? Is Brandon above criticism?!?

You just love to see it. LetsGoBrandon


So what you clowns🤡

White supremacy is alive and well. Seems time to root out the problem and fire this son of a bitch.

if he's a good firefighter, no one should care. it's just more phone-rebel fake outrage. besides, it's preferable vastly to a creepy smarmy 'LGBQ, ee-aye-ee-aye-oh' rainbow.



I understand why this is news, it really should have said - shower time Ashley - (Pedopete)

Awsome, I wonder where he got that amazing shirt 🤔

'with the conservative phrase' Drink less Koolaid on the job, reporter. Dislike for folks such as Biden and Trump are not strictly partisan views. If you really believe only the right feels Biden sucks at his job, you suck as a reporter.


He'll take off that shirt as soon as you get pedophile teachers out of our classrooms.

Who cares? Are people no longer allowed to express an opinion? Pathetic the people so offended they felt the need to send a pic to the SF Fire Dept. Smh.

How many govt employees have worn 'BLM', indisputably a progressive/Dem mantra, on their clothing in the past 5 years? Did it merit you writing a news article about it?

Do people still 💩 on the sidewalks and streets in your city?

Lol perfect!!!

Lol, who cares, recently some douche at a party wouldn’t drink a shot because it said a name, Trump, people are so fragile

Freedom of Speech

Good for him


Politics do not belong at the workplace unless you are a politician!

Let's Go Brandon started because of Reporter directly lying to the public The NASCAR crowd was shouting F*** JOE BIDEN And the reporter said Let's go Brandon. It started because of the obvious lies told to us by you and your colleagues

Who cares

who gives a rats ass

Leftie 'journalists' can and do have far left wing political bias, which they shove down our throats daily, but firefighters can't. That's the world conservatives live in.

Good for him! Ppl waking up!!

I don’t see the problem here, I mean look at what a disaster that city is under Democrat leadership.

He has the right to wear whatever he wants especially with free speech.

Maybe he has a son named Brandon.

Imagine thinking this is newsworthy. If it said 'Fuck trump', Y'all would be cheering for it.

ktvu hardest hit

So far all Americans regardless of their political views say Let's Go Brandon and tired of Biden running this country.

Well done to him!

Poor guy will probably get fired !!


So, no crime in San Francisco...fake news losers

Give that man a promotion!!!

there is hope for Sodom after all

Wow Pulitzer material right here

When parody becomes reality.

So what?


So, what does that have to do anything.

He's a San Francisco Giants fan, & he's supporting Brandon Crawford, try & prove otherwise. SF firefighter who supports the Giants, who knew. You have nothing better to report, although you do try & get people fired, hence you're nothing but absolutist dictatorial fascists.

OMG.....better let Newsome know ! If it was a 🌈 would that make you feel better?

Give him a promotion, a bonus, and a raise.

A brave man 👍❤

Good for him!


The horror!

How is this “news”? You can’t find corruption in your city to report in?


Give that man a pay rise

'Let's go Brandon' is no longer a conservative phrase, it has become a National slogan.

Oh no! The end of the world is coming! He’s wearing a “ let’s go Brandon” shirt. What are we going to do? We should have the same non political references in the work place. Same for teachers! There ya go!

Oh he should be fired right now. Says the left

Are you okay?

Who’s Brandon?


Yes most people hate JoeBiden

Well, take a look around your city and see what Democrats have done to it. Everyone should be wearing them.

This is pretty big news

If there’s no dress code against it, good for him. LGB FJB

I find it interesting that the “Brandon supporting” comments are all made by people who don’t live here… mostly live in red states.

It's not a 'conservative phrase'.

Who cares and good for him, he don't work for the government. Every fire fighter should wear a let's go Brandon tee shirt.

Don't look at the sidewalk circus that has people injecting heroin, smoking crack, and shitting themselves. Look at the firefighter wearing a shirt I don't like. A shirt with no vulgarity referencing some 'unknown' old segregationist w/Dementia. Great story...


I love it


Yawn! Meanwhile in other news....


Your agenda is showing

Just ask him to not wear it at work. He apologies. Case close.

Who cares....

Thoughts and prayers during yeore difficult time.

He must be a racing fan.

🌎 freedom of speech will not be denied 🌖

Saying what most people feel.

Maybe it was for the memory of Brandon Lee?

Good. And?

It says a lot more about him than it does of the president.

Ooooh, the horror. It's a free Country and people can wear whatever they like. If you don't like it tough💩 Just like many have to ignore the 💩 on your sidewalks, just ignore the shirt. Don't you have more important things to report?

I saw PLENTY of people wearing 'Fuck Trump' t shirts. And that's 100 times worse. Quit your whinging.


Report real news

Fearless shilling from the DNC party activists at KTVU.

“This is completely disrespectful to the office of the president“, says man in Fuck Trump tshirt

So what.


I wonder if the next person he rushes into a burning house to save will check his shirt first then demand to speak to his manager.

San fran bay is contaminated with human feces and the papers are focused on a tee shirt lol

So what? If he's willing to drag my ass out of a burning building and he doesn't even know me he can wear whatever the fk he wants. This isn't news

This is why the mainstream media has lost all credibility, there are more serious problems than this to report on in San Fran.

What’s the problem?


Thoughts and prayers.


Good for him!! We need more of this

Hey who gives a fuck? This isn't news.


So what!!! Biden is a fraud and an imposter

Well done sir...


Good for him!!

OMG - THE WORLD JUST ENDED! HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED? Hey, you guys have your schools open yet and how many murderers did you let out on no bond deals? (asking for a friend)

Why is that news?

Kudos to this Fire Fighter!!

Show me on the doll where he hurt you

No problem here. Leftist wear gay flags and we suck it

Do you ask the guy whos risking his life quenching fires ' hey joe , whats that say on your T.'?

Well its pretty obvious that that firefighter has had it with putting out all those fires that the liberals light during their “peaceful protests “.

Bravo!! Free freaking speech

What? He's a fan of Brandon

said by someone who never saves lives.

Oh Emmmm Geeeeee! Next you'll be telling me it has a divisive symbol like the flag or something on it.

And? My buddy wore one that says 'I'm not a gynecologist, but I'll take a look.' I guess we're making news out of funny-slogan shirts now.

Obviously he has a friend or loved one named Brandon that he’s showing positive reinforcement and it cheering them on.

Just maybe he doesn’t give a flying fuck if he gets fired.And just maybe he’s fixing to leave that shit hole state!

What's wrong with that ?



So freedom of speech isn’t a thing for leftists anymore?

🌊🛁🌊🌊I saw this and immediately began to shake. I am still crying over this shirt and I hope they are punished. I am terrified there are people who would do this… in San Francisco of all places. I’m shocked. I’m sad! I’ve lost my butt plug, dang it. Hugs and cookies

Im writing him in as Governor.

So? Would Leftists have any problem with a fireman wearing a 'pride' T shirt? Of course not. The sanctimony of the Left is always situational.

okay, moving on to news stories that actually matter

Hw should be given a raise and a promotion.

OMG! Kill him! Kill him! Right California? You certainly can't allow anyone to think and use their own heads correct?

So what! Bunch of pansies getting their panties in a bunch over this, get over it. It’s a shirt.

The horror!

This has to be breaking news. The most important of breaking news. 🤦‍♂️🙄

Liberals wear liberal slogans all the time. What's the issue here?

Lol. Lmao even.


Congrats on breaking this huge story. 👉🏼🤡

Yes let’s report about this and not the ramped homeless, drugs and feces everywhere and out of control crime in your democrat run city. Priorities priorities 🤦‍♂️🤡

Would it be a problem if it said let's go Mary?

OMG! There is one among us who does not worship The Most Democratically-Elected President Evar On High! How dare he DEFY our Wonderful Dear Leader! Let us write a News Report about it to warn others!

thats cool

Good for him. Freedom of speech. :) especially when you are paid by taxes.

Are you ok ?

Anyone who cares? Anyone? Bueller?

Let’s Go Brandon

It was okay for Kaepernick

Ohh noes. He doesnt approve of the establishment. The horror.

He could’ve been smashing windows, assaulting ppl, shooting heroin, looting stores, but he chose to wear a shirt instead. What a horrible guy.🤡

Nothing wrong with that


Good. He thinks the same thing that more than 90% of the world thinks. This is not news.

It's not a Conservative phrase. It's an American phrase.


When you're not very smart and you have no real talents, and you can't get by on your looks because, well, you're ugly, what do you do? You go work for MSM in a liberal city & find things to get you upset while you ignore real crimes/violence because those are done by 'your' ppl

“Let’s go Brandon” isn’t a conservative phrase It’s a bipartisan one

Do we really care? I mean is anyone whose house is burning to the ground...with potentially lived ones inside....going to care about someone's politics?

If he was wearing heels and assless chaps their would be no story at all.

Well...Brandon...let's go

Is that what LGB stands for now?


Promote that man

Truly headline worthy news

If I'm to be rescued from a burning fireball, I sure as hell don't want a MAGA patriarchy upholding, white priviliged cishet who won't respect my pronouns climbing up a ladder to me If its not a 2Spirit FirstNation disabled transwoman ENBY don't expect me to suffer the indignity

Thats cause he can see the destruction that the Bideen administration is causing America with their radical socialist agenda and pampering to the woke left.he deserves credit for caring about his country something which the Democrats despise

Meanwhile, a man dressed as a stripper shakes his anus in a child’s face and it’s not even reported.

Of course if this firefighter was shooting up with heroin and sh*tting on the sidewalk instead, London Breed would be ok with it

Imagine the calls he goes on in that god-forsaken city…he has every right to wear it!

So very cool

So what🤷‍♀️

My hero

Wow how a shirt changed how they see him is astonishing. He can still save people from fires. Also would you have a problem if it was a BLM shirt. Hmmm. I bet not


What a legend

Freedom of speech bitchez!

Cornish1969 So, he chooses the fires he stokes and those he extinguishes. Real fine people

It's scarry when people you depend on might not help you because of your views right? ... like those docs that turned down the unvaccinated for needed surgeries? That's politics I guess.

How is this news?

Oh no!!!

Let's go Brandon

Why don't you like humans named Brandon? I cheer on all of the world's Brandon's. Let's Go Brandon!

Oh, the horror

Wow...slow news day?


Promote that man!!!!

Much ado about nothing.

Cool, whatever dude. Normalize distrust in politicians. 👍

FJB would be more appropriate. Give him a raise. Joe Biden is decrepit, corrupt, and illegitimate POTUS.

There is no difference anymore between China's state media and America's. It exists purely to hunt down people whose views stray from the official edicts and publicly destroy them.


That’s a no go. I don’t care which side of the fence…

I think he's actually a huge AFL geelong cats fan. Brandan parfitt kicked a goal in the grand final as the medical sub. He made a typo but that's ok, fix it in the reprint.

Human shit covers San Francisco ..... Learn to journalism.

Don't you people have better things to worry about? Like the drug dealers and homeless?

Mom2S_J Let's go haircuts too.

Turns out his son's name is Brandon

He like Biden so what is the problem. Dark Braden is a thing.

He is my hero!

He’s a civil servant. That tshirt is disrespectful and should not be worn on duty. Period. He should be written up and warned if he does it again, he’ll be suspended.

So WHAT!?! Does work required him to wear uniform? If not he can wear whatever he wants and that his TOTALLY RIGHTS!

Did he do his job properly? Cool. Next.

All SF firemen should be issued LGBFJB tee shirts to wear on duty!🇺🇸

FJB chants started when Biden, Dems, Fauci, and pro-lockdown politicians lost their minds over college football games with fans were allowed again. They were chanting for freedom. It wasn’t a conservative thing.

Maybe he's a Nascar fan


They have uniforms they’re required to wear while working correct? Isn’t that what is required when you sign up to become a firefighter, police officer, etc. What he wears on his off time is his business. He should be disciplined

Maybe focus on the dumpster fire of an economy, inflation, homelessness, drug riddled addicts, and unanswered brazen daytime store robberies? But no, let's get worked up over a shirt You absolute clowns, it's your blatant defense of garbage politicians that creates this.

* he's now in Gitmo awaiting execution.

I 1,000% agree with him, but shame on him for being a public servant while wearing a political divisive shirt. No place for this in public service.

Good for him! Let's go Brandon!!!

This is an actual news story? 😂 can’t be.

Maybe his son is named Brandon..💩

Hell yeah Rebel

Some say the very sight of it caused passers by to shit themselves. Others say the two are unrelated.

Show me on this doll where this firefighter hurt you.

Yes and?

If you needed any more evidence that firefighters are heroes. LetsGoBrandon

Give him a raise!

Let's go Brandon

Violating groupthink?

Doesn't let's go Brandon mean f Joe Biden I'm not a Republican and I used to be a Democrat but now I go for whichever party has my interest at heart currently I don't agree with either but this man has every right to express his opinion you don't agree with the president it's ok

I think Inspector Callahan would approve !! 🇺🇸



Let me guess? It triggered people?

So there's at least one sane city employee in SF. Good to know.

Wait so cops can openly promote the lgbtq / blm flag but a fireman guy can’t wear a “conservative” T?

How in fuc is this news

Good for him! Freedom of Speech!


Can I buy him a beer

If they punish him for this, I hope they do the same if anyone is caught wearing a shirt with a Leftist slogan like “Black Lives Matter.”

sasyecat Not a conservative phrase, just saying.

Good for him!

Look around. In a city like yours, how does this register as even remotely being an issue?

It's a shirt that goes under his gear. Big deal... It's not profane. Stop this cancelling everything you may not agree with or don't like.

Who cares

Brave firefighter.

So Maybe his son’s name is Brandon and is on a sports team!

Oh know! He has political views that go against the narrative!

the left has lost their shit over a phrase that is very positive in nature..everyone is ready to go to the party, except brandon....hence, let's go brandon.


brimmy03 Breaking: A leftist news outlet clutches pearls when people don’t toe the approved line.

It's called free speech and I embrace it as should you


Not all heroes wear capes.

Why is this even news? It's reporting like this that further gets people riled up. It's a shirt that says Let's Go Brandon. It doesn't directly say anything about anything. Who cares?!

Cool beans. It’s SF, they s**t in the sidewalks there.


LetsGoBrandon LetsGoBrandon LetsGoBrandon LetsGoBrandon LetsGoBrandon LetsGoBrandon

Maybe his name is Brandon and he likes the supportive nature of the shirt? You never know


I see nothing wrong with that

I see nothing wrong with cheering on Brandon.

HERO! Fire him and tax payers will be paying backpay government employees have freedom of speech on many issues Know Your Constitution.

Of all the problems San Francisco has this is hardly a major problem but it will become a big thing. The mayor will make a statement, the BOS will discuss whether or not this firefighter should be fired or suspended. Just watch

I love it





Good for him.

Oh no.

New Rules

He couldn’t see.

San Franciscans getting the vapors is awesome.

Let's go Brandon.

Hey , your string is hanging.

Good man!

good man, hero!

What? He is a Nascar fan? So what...

He’s not wrong!

Give that man a raise.

'No such thing as cancel culture', revisited.

Why is this news? LetsGoBrandon PedoHitler

way more accurate - especially for the reporter..


Awesome, Firefighters are heroes.



If it violates his departments “SOP” for uniforms then he can take a hit. I’m assuming it will be in violation.

Give that man a promotion!

So what?

What are the other people wearing? This is BIG NEWS!!

FakeNews media creating false realities to propagandize their readers and viewers! That’s youre job over there at right? Ever heard of journalism?

Would you say the same thing if he was wearing a BLM shirt. Doubt it.

Slow news day?

Participation in doxing is a criminal offence! Great job Communist KTVU!

Good for him

What a monster! Be sure to ruin his life scvmbags.

Good For You.

Are you complaining and crying or praising and congratulating?

mamagriz07 THANKS KIM

Its how everyone feels.

Let's go, Brandon!!!

Sooooo? This 'IS' America still, ain't it? 🤔🤔🤔

What? He is a NASCAR fan. So what?

Let’s go Brandon!



God Bless that guy. 🇺🇲

Well since democrats have embraced that name (Dark Brandon), what’s the issue?

Free speech right?

More power to him.

Cry more.

SmellyCat2Sunny Good for him!

Good for him

Thank you for this hard hitting piece of journalism

His company officer should be disciplined as well. No way he or she didn’t see that before going out in public.

Imagine being so damn pathetic you think this is news or something to get mad about. In other new there is air in the atmosphere.

Who cares

What of he meant DarkBrandon ?

Scream some more

Will they fire him?

Pathetic But do like a t- shirt though!

But elected officials can applaud blm looting, rioting, and aggravated arson. I’d say the shirt is quite harmless.

Have you tried calming down about it?

Last time I looked we live in a free country so what!

But if it said LGBT it'd be fine right?

You people are amazing. If thats all you have to worry about you must be from another planet!

Good for him!!! fjb

I'll take him on duty any day, no matter what shirt he wears... Unlike the bias news media, firefighters are essential.

Heather56034921 FULLY SUPPORT his right. People have political messages like: BLM, rainbow flags, Dump Trump ... prolifically. So, his right is protected.

😍❤️🚒🇺🇸💪 Love it!!! Way to go!! 💪

First shot fired was issued by Corporate/Legacy Media, you absolute spoon. Your post is literally evidence that Corporate/Legacy Media are the single greatest threat to Liberty in my lifetime.


So What!?!?

Are your feelings hurt ? Sure seems like it Too bad. Cry me a river

Now do one on government employees in the resist trump movement that you drooled over. . . . What’s good for the democrat is also good for the republicans, so don’t be a hypocrite.

I heard bums shit on the street

Good for him. I prefer FJB but it's a matter of choice.

And in California, that's the news.



So what?

So 🤷

Why is this worth reporting?

Yeah, but does he put out fires?

F Joe Biden. Garbage puppet administration.

And? As you watch the price of everything sky rocket and your retirement tank, you have the right to say, “eff the pres”

San Francisco is a cesspool and this is what your worried about 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡

Good for him.



Tell us where it hurts

Dude is awesome!

He's being encouraging to anyone named Brandon ;)


And? Riddle me this, if you’re trapped in a burning building and your life depended upon this guy getting you to safety, would you refuse his help? Would you CARE what kind of shirt he was wearing?

If the entire fire house did not have the same views he would not have been allowed to ware the shirt. LGB

KTVU leads the charge down the drain. Local TV news operations have drifted into negative territory with regard to their value to the communities they serve.

So, you don’t have anything better to report on so you “tattle” to his boss and try to ruin his life or get him fired. Despicable !

Wow when I’m cooking and he tries to save my life I’m turning him down. No way I’m being saved by white supremacy

Oh well. Guess this is the hint for the left to go destroy his life.

So what!

Good for him. Officers have 'in god we trust' on their vehicles too

And your parents raw dogged... at least once. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

Did it cause 'unimaginable mental trauma' to the woke snowflake punks? If so, absolutely amazing.

Almost ALL firefighters, cops, etc are conservative. Some just have the balls to be open about it

San Francisco has real problems, and this isn’t one of them. If this is your biggest concern, maybe you’re out of touch.

If a BM wore a BLM shirt to work, the tunes pricing this guy would be different.

So there's hope for San Fran after all ☺️👍

Who cares what he wears?!? It’s no different than a Pride shirt


Not a story of what someone has on their fucking shirt. Guaranteed he’s going to risk his life for yours.

First amendment. Let’s go Brandon

This is like telling the teacher that little Johnny is wearing a Shirt that’s got a dirty word on it & you want him suspended from school. This isn’t relevant to anything except your twisted cancel culture ass. Maybe he just doesn’t like the way the president is running shit.

If your house was on fire or your loved one was dying…you wouldn’t give a shit what was in his shirt…Grow Up!


But they were ok with MLB Marxist grifting?

Why is this being allowed


Correction, 'American' Phrase. It is written in English.

Ok, and?



Hopefully everyone survived. Thoughts and prayers.


Find a safe spot.


So what. What does it really mean?

So funny how THIS offends people (NOT OPEN THRIVING DRUG MARKET, HUMAN FECES, OUT OF CONTROL VIOLENT CRIMES, RAPE, SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN, NORMALIZE PEDOS ,sorry you want them called MAPs(minor attracted people)so they feel inclusive 2, but THIS aggression will not stand


You guys are gonna be more outraged over this than 50 immigrants dying in a trailer or an 18 year old being murdered for being a Republican. 'Good guy' priorities.


He likes nascar? What about it 😂🐸

Seriously? This report is filled with opinion. WGAF? Take your opinions and put them back in editorials, like they used to be. Sad.

Nothin' else going on in San Francisco, huh?

Imagine living in a shithole and this being news.


Give him a raise.


So? This is news?


Who gives a shit? Stop being a Karen

Cornish1969 I bet it’s the last time he wears it on the job.

Not exactly news.

So all others issue in SF must be solved to focus on this “gotcha” of wrong think

Gheruben And I bet some people now want the guy fired.

Give that man a raise!

I agree with him


Oh my god!!


Had he worn a BLM shirt, you'd be celebrating his bravery.


Meanwhile, the open-air drug market at Civic is on full display LondonBreed. You all so pathetic.

Good for him... the president called me a terrorist for being a Trump supporter... so... LET'S GO BRANDON!

Hard hitting journalism here.

They should make him Mayor

Wow. Can’t wait for more breaking news from you.

This is actual news

So the fuck what?

and the point is what? He could have a brother named Brandon?


Their city is literally turning into a cess pool but this is important to them.

So what. Cry more


Why does a supposed “news” organization hate free speech?

Lol, and?

If only he’s just wore one that said Fuck Biden..🤷🏻‍♀️

Hard hitting journalism! 😵‍💫 You should focus on the 1000s of issues your progressive policies have caused.


Trying to get a firefighter fired becuase you don’t like his shirt is not journalism.

Omg! Do you need a safe space? Is there a safe space for you to go now? Do you feel there is an immediate threat to your life? I can't imagine the trauma this has caused your fragile heart. Will send out prayer request immediately.

Let’s go Brandon!!!!

How dare he openly reveal his sexuality to kids. Oh wait...

Good for him. Now all the crazies put there will proceed to destroy his livelihood. They wouldn't even touch him if it were an LGBTKLTTG shirt or BLM or something approving family friendly drag shows during Sunday brunch.

jjauthor So?

Guessing if he had a Biden/Harris t-shirt on it would not be a news story.

So what


Yeah, so?

Let’s go Dark Brandon ok though?!

Good for him! 👏 I don’t see any problem here whatsoever. Let’s Go Brandon!

Lmao. 🔥🔥🔥‼️


This shouldn't even be news. Do better.

Yeah, why is it news?

'Firefighter wearing 'LetsGoBrandon' shirt...' Whoever wrote this piece (I'm not giving you the click, loser):

God bless him

“Brandon” is doing rather well- -America again has the world’s respect -Crime is being investigated -TOC is under assault -and Infrastructure is being rebuilt. Let’s keep going with ‘Brandon’

Leftists are fascists.

Maybe he’s protesting against Brandon turning the US into satan’s realm in record time.


Indeed. Let's go Brandon.


So what


Proof at least one person in San Francisco still has a brain. LetsGoBrandon

Oh no! Call the cops immediately!!!


Oh my god, why are you so fragile and delicate?

It's called freedom of speech. Last I checked San Fran was still part of the US.

Maybe it would have been better if he would have just worn a shirt that said, 'F*** Joe Biden'. That way all the sensitive people have something to gripe about.

Freedom of speech Bay Bay

the least of anyones problems. lol

If there’s an employee policy against wearing political gear, as there should be, then that’s an issue.

Then buy and launder full uniforms for these civil servants to wear

Let's go Brandon!



Free thinker

So what. I'd rather see all Firemen shirtless myself.


Timcast No one cares. He is allowed to wear what he wants. Stop being a 'Karen'

Out of the two EMS agencies I’ve worked for and the FD’s I’ve worked around, if liberals knew how many have conservative values, they would flip their wigs. I know some who’s political views changed from liberal to conservative after being in for awhile. Many are not white either


Oh the humanity!!! In SF, this is news....

SF is going down the tubes and this is what you guys are writing about?

Good for him

biscuit2121 Good for him I'm sure he'll be fired for it

With all of the troubles in California, this is considered important news? The entire state is just one big punch line.

Who is Brandon, and why should he go? Where would he be going?

So what?

He should wear his Firefighter shirt at work

Good. Freedom of speech and expression

This is great! Joe Biden is the worst.

Good for him!

Namara18Mc The horror!

So, dude's a Brandon Brown fan... who cares? 🤣 LetsGoBrandon

How’s this any different that flying a rainbow flag?


They're you guys go, fanning the flames


NeilWMcCabe2 No one cares.

Timcast The slogan came to be when a NBC reporter lied to her viewers reporting 'let's go Brandon' instead of 'F Joe Biden' It has much to do with media bias as politics. It's used when reporters deliberately manipulate a story for political reasons. Like this story.

Leave the fireman alone! Geez!

Who cares? 🙄

Awesome 👏🏻

News? Let's Go Brandon!

Oh my god!!

Why is this news?

OMG where's the FBI

Most jobs have a dress code. How about make your political statement on your own time. Even then companies & orgs. can Frown up on off duty behavior. Nothing new.


Thoughts and prayers

Have you tried just dealing with it?

HEADLINE: Triggerd By T-Shirt. Calls firefighter a domestic terrorist. Film at 11.

SINNER!!!!! 🙄

A true American hero , LGB

Free speech

Looking at how crazy the left is acting, i wouldn't be shocked to find out they tried to get him fired as a 'insurrectionist'. 😂 Their so ridiculous.

If he had a I love Biden or a BLM shirt or a Pro-Choice shirt or any other far left/progressive/democrat shirt it wouldn't matter, right....

Big news. Wow, thanks. MSMsucks

2 million Illegals have crossed the border under Biden. Record inflation, Recession, and not to mention The Hunter Biden Laptop is real. Do real news. Stop attacking the 1st Amendment. Free speech!

Maybe he is just a NASCAR fan, leave him alone

Timcast So? Its still America,right?

Is Karen upset?

Never mind the piles of human shit on the streets, the used drug needles everywhere, and even the violent, drug addicted and mentally ill homeless population, lets focus on the stuff that really matters like this guy’s shirt

Timcast 😱

Did you make it to your fainting couch in time?

Freedom of speech!!!

Good for him! Exercising his right to free speech.

Are you okay?

Goòd for him it means he supports POTUS!


Would prefer he wear a 'Fuck Joe Biden' shirt, but that'll do.

The comments give me hope.


Hell yeah!

So? I mean we all know you wouldn't care if it was for the other side so why exactly is this an issue to you?

Such a smart firefighter .

Are you going to be okay?

GOOD ! Too bad it's not a required uniform piece !

Grow up


Does he have any mean tweets though


This is why nobody respects journalists and/or news-people. They're all just DNC operatives.

San Fransiscans are such cry babies. Can’t stand looking at a shirt, but will literally step over piles of shit on the sidewalk and not bat an eye. Leftist love feces more than common sense.

that_denver Have you been wearing a shirt that said black lives matter would this be a story? Is it only a story because there's a city employee who is not a democrat?

'Oh nooo...not a republican!!' 🤣

Why they making this a big deal? Should we start reporting on all the folks that come to work in masks? They are being political at this point.

He is a hero

Good for him!

that_denver I'm going to guess that his is one vote Nancy doesn't have a lock on.

Oh no! Sound the alarm!! Make sure this is on the news! You people are pathetic.

And we praise him for it! Keep it going.

He gets paid to do his job. Not to spread his hate. Hope they do something about it.

We are waiting for Brandon to start building back better. Let’s go Brandon!

Ha ha ha… get over it snowflakes


Your city is literally covered in human feces, but this is more important? Personal attire worn under turnout gear is not regulated, so FRO

Yeah and? God forbid somebody doesn't kowtow to the left like a good little comrade you gotta take their ability to earn a living away from them? The man risks his life to save the lives of others and you still hate him because he doesn't vote the way you think he should? Insane

he thought it was for the Brandons of the sfgiants LOL

There actually are people still named Brandon out there. It’s insane to me that this has become so controversial.

I thought it was a compliment

This is the news?

KTVU just doxxed a Fire-fighter for wearing a shirt that offends them. I say we all wear our ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shirts to work tomorrow. And our MAGA hats too!

Your point?

....and? You wouldn't bat an eye, if it were a BLM shirt, right?

OMG! smh Slow news day out there?

The horror

Oh, the humanity. Smh 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂 😂😂



Distraction away from the shitty city.

This is protected free speech lol get over it already

lmfao who cares?

Who cares

But his sons name is Brandon!

pedohitler FJB

Good for him.


who cares, you have homeless drug addicts shitting all over the streets and breaking into cars.

nobody would say anything if the shirt said BLM!

Quick, someone bring out the fainting couches, distribute the pearls for clutching, and distribute the hemorrhoid pillows, there's going to be a lot of fainting and butthurt as a result of this.

Love it..



I have a Texas Chainsaw Massacre t-shirt on right now, In case you wanted to report on that too.

I’m sorry this is happening to you

San Francisco is a third world sh**thole city And it’s got nothing to do with this T Shirt 😉

R u gonna be alright?

Thank you for this ground-breaking journalism.

Lock that shirt up.

Hopefully SF created a firefighter shortage and the fun can really start.

And? Did he put out the fires safely?


Awesome! LetsGoBrandon

Ok Karen’s

Yaw'll gonna make it?




It’s a t shirt people relax

[Makes liberal sounds]

Good for him.

Joe knows

*snivelling baby* And then. And then. And then I read his shirt and it said “Let’s go Brandon!”

alexpigeon Omg. Ffs. Unclutch your pearls.

G.O.A.T move.



Who cares?


Funny how rare it is to see a pro-Biden shirt or cap. Poor babies can't deal with opposing views.


You’re reporting on a shirt😂 Your streets are lined with human 💩 and drug needles. LiberalismIsAMentalDisease

Why is this news?


Good for him! Anybody with an IQ above 12 feels the same way LetsGoBrandon

Smart guy

King move.

Shouldn't be worn on duty in the workplace...

That guy stank up the fire Dep. Didn't he?

It reminds me of that firefighter that took a dump on the bed of a woman firefighter. Fire and police are something else. Not local.

People getting their panties in a bunch! I think he can wear whatever shirt he damn well pleases. How about he saves lives and puts his life on the line for all y’all.

Why is this being reported like it’s news?

What bullshit.

Brandon Crawford or Brandon Belt? Go Giants!



Media fuel for the woke? Aren’t the car prowls, violence towards Asians & rolling blackouts more serious topics for everyday San Franciscans? NewsPriorities

OK. And?

All the shit going on and you make a story out this

👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 LETS GO SFFD!



Good for that man!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

What’s the problem?

I'm so sorry this is happening to you

Who’s brandon 🙃

So what

FrankFrank408 Fire him and get someone in who can leave politics at home

Uh oh he’s cancelled. Of course if it said F*** Trump he’d be getting medal.

Haha oh what a bunch of hypocritical head cases. A harmless phrase compared to the straight up bizarre behavior and criminality the left promotes but oh no this “signals the base” haha, you all need therapists for real.

Good for him!

Not a news story that a Karen was offended!

He wanted to be famous now he is, just wear your department shirts. If you don't like the City then get another job. Picture or video says it all

So what FJB


Okay and?

Free speech 😂

The current president sucks so who tf cares everyone can have there own opinion it’s effen shirt it’s not like he’s at work talking about politics Jez

He may be violating a union/SFFD policy … but … what ‘bout Freedom of Speech? As l’m not a Republican, l had no idea what it meant. Thanks to your tweet, l know now. It doesn’t upset me at all. Those that find fault should direct their energy toward something positive. ✌️🤟💕🙏

if it was a blm or rainbow flag, you wouldn't say a damn thing.

I love it

Doesn’t KTVU have anything else better to do than write and story on a fire fighter wearing a shirt saying let’s go Brandon? How about publicizing in your daily reporting the crime and the homelessness, to say the least. How to solve this. You do realize SF has become a cesspool?

Do you know how i can get one?

So what?

Brainwashed, and he advertises it.

Seriously? This is what you consider news? Wow.. no wonder I haven’t watched you in 5 years. How the mighty have fallen, in line

But if he were wearing a rainbow flag, all would be good in SF

As he should

Can you show us exactly on the doll where it is that his shirt slogan hurts you?

Oh no guess he should be fired now right KTVU? Why the f happened to my city

I'm sorry this happened to you

So what?



This should be fatal to his career. There is no room for nazi’s in public service positions. He might as well sport a swastica tattoo on his forehead.

Not acceptable if he is on duty

A firefighter being disrespectful to our President. I am sure if someone wore a F**k Trump shirt, there would be an uproar. Politics at work… never good.

Good man

I work for a “Government” agency. I can tell you we can not wear anything politicl or anything that can be considered an endorsement for a company. So wearing a “Pepsi” T-shirt is not allowed. Rules like this seem harsh and over the top but they are made for a reason.

C’mon man!

No one would care if his shirt said 'Let's go Brandon', 'Black Lives Matter' or any other political message while he's saving your life or the life of a loved one...get over it

So what? A big nothing burger!

Oh no...dids someones git their feelers hurt? 😅😅😅😅😅

Love the shirt

Nobody care

He needs to be suspended!

What’s wrong with supporting Brandon?

Yet fine for the garbage teachers at SFUSD to cover their public classroom with Leftwing slogans and flags

“Breaking news”

Clearly the biggest problem facing San Francisco.

What’s the difference in this guy wearing a shirt and your local politicians talking bad about another person. Politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS as much as your local Police Fire & EMS. You people are PATHETIC. Butt hurt just like your Governor. SAVEAMERICA

Good for him. He can't be fired because that's likely illegal. The dirty leftists are the problem they claim their morally superior opposition is.

You're reporting on what shirt a firefighter is wearing. Get a real job.

Guess you guys missed this?

The really sad part being the phrase isn’t even clever.

Oh no, how we ever recover as a nation?

Perfectly fine, but that doesn’t excuse him from the consequences of public opinion and ridicule. They too have their rights to give him crap for it if they are so inclined.

But it's ok for Biden to call half the country semi-fascists.

Imagine reporting on this while ignoring absurd rates of homelessness, human shit on the sidewalks, and drug addicts littering the city. 'JoUrNaLiSm'

KTVU & local media always tryin to stir it up. I guess it wouldn't be news if he was wearing something to support the left.

While crime still on the rise and homelessness rampant and your headlines is this? Why don't you guys talk about the real struggle of a human being like inflation, crime, housing, gas prices, education....not a freaking T SHIRT. ...geeez get a life

Desired effect achieved

lol Who gives a shit?

Wow I guess AFAB this whole fucking time

Liberals and the emotions hahahaha

He needs a raise

No matter your politics, not appropriate for the work especially for a civil servant.

Really that what your worried about not the drug addicts and crazy taking over the city ! “It’s the rage for conservatives credentials,not so secret handshake” what it’s called funny it’s call modern day political satire if it was a Obama shirt it would have been fine right ?🤡🤡

good for him

Really that’s what your worried about if it was a Obama shirt it would have been fine right! Like reporter is so distraught that they it’s a right wing

WTF. Why is he even in SF then? Sheesh.

Why is this news? If he wore an anti trump shirt, the media wouldn't care.

Give him a raise, FJB

Cry more.

Pulitzer level investigative reporting.


Good for him! Now piss off and leave him alone…

Let's go murderer? On a firefighter's Tshirt while on duty and people wonder why we're upset? Those people are what's wrong with America. 🙄 BTW, what's up with the charges against Brandon's stupid ass mother?

Who cares


Way to focus on the important things. 🙄

Unprofessional, absolutely. But it’s telling that the guy who chose this kind of career (you know, the one where you go into burning buildings to save people) is judged by a t-shirt. Tell him to knock it off and move on. Y’all are a bunch of babies.

So what? Report on the horrendous homeless population or something of actual importance.

Btw a Biden supporter ran over and killed a republican supporter and yet this is what you run No you’re not unbiased at all! 🤔

I’m liberal, but it’s a dbl edge sword. He’s expressing his freedom, as much as the next fireman who would express lgbtq colors. Personally I rolled my eyes at the shirt, cuz it’s supporting all things bad about trump. IMO

And? San Francisco is literally a shithole and ur worried about a t shirt

Lol “conservative phrases”

The way firemen (and police) were treated by Brandon and his ilk and you're surprised?

Good riddance.

I wonder if these firefighters would be allowed to have a gay pride flag logo on their shirt or a BLM logo? If so, then fair game.


Personally, I don’t care what he believes but if it’s not related to your job, don’t promote it. Pretty sure I’d get sent home for political attire.

Who cares

Freedom even in liberal SF

So? He has a right to feel like pedo Pete is a piece of crap just like everyone else

Thankfully nothing will happen. He has a right under the 1st Amendment. SFFD doesnt want a lawsuit.

So what? What happened to freedom of speech?

Why are you reporting this? This isn't news.

And this is a problem, why..?

Isn't freedom of speech beautiful! Good for him and Let's go Brandon!

He would know

Massive bcraw35 fan myself... Issue?

Time and place... Hopefully, he's got better judgment doing his job...because his immaturity is showing

😂😂😂 LGB!

I call Collin Kaepernick rule.

Who’s Brandon

Breaking: People who talk about burning buildings attempt to destroy a man who runs into them.

Why are not all of them wearing one?

Clutch those pearls harder, 🙄


alllocalpolitic And after that stunt, does he still have a job ?

Not all heroes wear capes

If the shirt fits….

At the very least let's change our shirt.


His neck appears a bit red in the article photo. I am sure others with the red neck tinge thinks it’s great. A petty bunch of loons.

Another person lost to the cult of Trump. We should have compassion.

Democrats are horrible, evil, vicious, ruthless, merciless, intolerant fascists, and the calls for this guy to be fired only further prove that to be true.

Why is this even a story? Trying to stir the political pot ?

This is what liberals don’t get mad about.

Good they have the freedom of speech. If you don’t like move to Iran.


So And.


Clutch those pearls!!!

SF Liberals being angry over this shirt but not the army of Honduran drug dealers, human feces, discarded drug needles, encampment fires, rampant theft and violence, graffiti, addicts paid with taxpayer money passed out or dying anywhere and everywhere tells you all need to know.


Maybe he's a NASCAR fan.

Give this firefighter a raise

Good for him freedom still exists I hope


So? Why is this news?

Free Speech. Deal with it.

Achtung my spermy throated furor

That's a Giants chant too

So what


So what?

Imagine thinking this is news

Now let’s do “firefighter wearing a fuck Trump shirt” story and imagine the endless praise by liberals. He would be on the View tmr


Oh, well that's it. Fire him, dismantle the entire department, sell all the equipment, and send him and his family to jail for 35 years.


Lets go Brandon

Put this firefighter behind bars. I stand with the American Government who killed thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan. And many more. JulianAssange showed us the truth so let’s get rid of him too. Please show the American Government some respect!

False, it is nascar slogan.

He’s literally a hero and y’all wanna fire him for his opinion? 🤢

Just tell him he can’t wear the shirt while on duty and move on. Simple.


Y’all know damn well this wouldn’t be on the news if it was a BLM or Fuck Trump shirt. Leave him alone, everyone has their opinions and his opinions don’t reflect his job at all.

Maybe his name is Brandon? What’s the big deal?

Let’s go Brandon!

This is about the race care driver- how is that controversial? Lol

And? Brandon Belt will resign with the Giants.

Ahh, so?

So what?

Give that firefighter a raise. 👏👍

They working on firing him, not for what the shirt said say does violate the department rules. I hope he thought it was worth it was worth it worth his $120,000 job.

Why is this a news story? Firefighters tend to be more conservative. Are firefighters not allowed to express their opinions? What about all the people who wore F-Trump shirts from 2016-20? I'll bet there are ZERO news stories about how inappropriate those were.

Is this news?

I love it!! Good for him. Haters gonna hate and Brandon supporters cry. Myself along with many Americans are going to cheer him on!

We all have become too sensitive. It's just a person expressing his own inclination. This is what's America about - freedom.

Call the federal bureau of uncompensated

What’s your point?

3 month paid leave in Mar-a-Lago

If he gets fired or disciplined, he should call me. Easy case.

LetsGoBrandon fjb

Guess he didn’t get the memo that Politics is a NoNo at the job🫢

This is newsworthy 👌🏼

Some cry baby named took a photo and sent it to the Mayor and SFFD asking if that was the new uniform. Obviously if it was derogatory towards Republicans it would be ok not for just the crybaby but the city

wow - thanks KTVU for that important breaking news.

If he wore a rainbow flag or blm shirt this wouldn’t be a story

Someone with no life made an issue of it.

Give him a raise

Good for him

Promote him.

Oh no. That’s almost as bad as the senseless execution of CaylerEllingson, right? Piss off.

Needs to move where that shit is cool

So what?!?! NFL still wears Black Lives Matter on their helmets

I bet he makes a statement saying he put on the wrong shirt early this morning and didn’t realize it. Of corse none of his coworkers did either. Straight from trumps playbook. 🙄

Asatahj suspend him violated the law


Salty cult members of the orange chosen one live in SF too. Let em wear what they want. 🤡👌🏼

Maybe he thinks the inflation caused by excessive stimulus and gov spending really sucks.

Where can I get one? I’m sure the person taking the photo would have thought it was cute if he was wearing an F Trump shirt.


BlueWingEagle Did he hurt some feelings?

Stay classy SFFDPIO

It’s not uniform but there is a time and place for it people. Work is not one of those times. •Now for my vulgar response:Some people say f Biden and are proud to wear it but when other people say f trump you all get mad at them for saying it too. CHOOSE WHICH BRAINCELL TO USE

I thought SF supported diversity & inclusion? Biggest hypocrites in this country….

Thanks rEPUBLICANS! ☝🏿🧐🇺🇸

Y'all gonna defund the fire departments now 🤷🏽‍♀️ Will be quite interesting watching this whole dm place burn tf down!

My hero!

So stupid. Schoolyard insults adults outgrow.

Time is a time and place for that…work is not it people 🙅🏻‍♀️

Who cares!!!!

Oh my god how are we ever going to cope with this? One thing you can do is to check to make sure it isn’t him coming to help you if your house is on fire.

This guys my Hero ❤️

So what?

Did he violate a department policy? Have others wearing other 'politically' charged attire been fired or disciplined? People on Twitter have no problem ruining someone's career because their feelings are hurt, the real world does not work that way! Zero politics at work is best

Of course he did…look at him



Not a big deal

If you don’t like it just let your house burn down.

As much as it douche … then ban the rainbow shirts , the blm shirts , the blue line shirts … freedom isn’t always pc

Who is Brandon?


I’m not seeing a problem here.


I mean, I have no interest whatsoever in associating with him, but did he put the fire out?

So. Maybe he is Nascar fan

Nope, not at work.

Most of the firefighters I know lean conservative, you can’t be undisciplined weak people in that line of work.

So some dooshy guy wore a dooshy tee. And all the news orgs were instantly all over it. Meanwhile people post unreal, utterly wild, unearthly, astonishing videos of destruction and death on our streets, and nary a peep. Crickets. Something is distorted in your priorities.

Good for him. Betting Progressives, Liberals, and the other Looney Leftist got their feelings hurt. Seems he is just telling it like it is.

Let them wear whatever they want

I seen a bunch wear the BLM shirts as well

Good for him. California is a 3rd world country

Keep your political views out of the workplace

Brainwashed loser

So? We can’t go around stopping and banning everything we disagree with

Whoop de do.

🫢 for shame. Please replace this with a rainbow 🌈 shirt.

He should be fired. He can wear that on his day off.

Slow news day huh. 🤡🤡

Who the hell cares let the kids play

Way to read the room 🤦‍♂️



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