Ryan Reynolds Says He and Blake Lively Will Always be 'Unreservedly Sorry' for Their Plantation Wedding

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'Shame works in weird ways.'

, meaning photos of Lively and Reynolds' fête itself are no longer on the photo-sharing platform. That made headlines.that he and Lively are dedicated to making up for that decision by being better. The shame will stay with them, but they are motivated to continually do the work now to be anti-racist.


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I know I know, his next superhero should be Woke Joke!

Should be canceled forever. How dare them.

Bullshit! You knew what it was when you reserved it for your wedding! Don’t backtrack now lying ass hypocrite!

So now they should divorce

Enjoy the lovely wedding and move on with your life. You and everyone can’t erase yesteryear nice pictures by the way love life

Screw these ppl who ever thought this was a good idea. Where are they having their anniversary party? Auschwitz?

Dumbest apology yet!

No she doesn't. Shes the worst.

They should be able to have their wedding WHEREVER they like with NO APOLOGY! Career whiners job to harass others life since they don't have one!

honestly I do not think they're sorry and I as a black person I do not except their apology I think that it's a bad time to be a racist and they're sorry that they got caught being disgusting people

Enough is enough!!! No apologies are necessary. This has gone beyond what it should have gone.

No words that this is even a topic of conversation


Oops, can't visit anywhere that was involved in Slavery...can't visit any major city in the south, trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras CANCELLED Visit the Pyramids in Giza, built on the backs of slaves?

And i apologize for patronizing any of the work these 2 produce or are a part of. Total superficial blm and industry kiss asses

Sorry. Y’all are millionaires, if they knew it was a plantation, they had the power to marry somewhere else. Sorry Ryan and Blake I can’t accept this apology

Totally get what this place signifies but do you really think that they saw the venue and thought “ oh, I would love to have my wedding here where all this slavery, rape, beatings and even murders took place “, I think not. The venue I’m sure is well kept, gorgeous.

So, just asking... should we tear down all of the surviving plantation houses now? If we can’t use them anymore, who will pay for their upkeep? Since when did brick and mortar sin? Why are we punishing BUILDINGS for wrongs commited in the past by the humans who owned them?

They're not sorry for shitt... they're only 'acting' sorry because people are complaining FAKE HOLLYWOOD

Okay, but Blake Lively actively wore redface in a bunch of l'oreal commercials, further marginalizing Indigenous folks. Where is THAT apology?

He ended racism in a 15 mile radius around the plantation.

Laughable. Neither has any talent or brains.

Give me a break. Another couple of phonies.

Vote for a change millennials, your future depends on it BIDEN

It’s the most pathetic case of pandering I’ve ever seen! Did he have slaves working his wedding? “I’m SO sorry, I DEEPLY regret getting married at a beautiful location! Please don’t hate me! If I flagellate myself, will you please watch my movies & drink my gin?”

no one cares about this they are just trying to be in the news take this off internet

They're idiots. It used to be a slavery plantation. Now it's just a house. My ancestors were slaves, but now I'm just a free One-Drop-Rule N***ger bitch. I'm over it. You f'ed up people get over it. Most Blacks have. Feigned White guilt drama ain't impressing nobody. Get a life.

Lol!!! Assholes.. begging for apologies.. bye 👋

DONT CARE but the virtual Signaling is OP


I would not have given it a thought. I’m sure it was picked for its beauty

Who cares?

It was your wedding. Don’t let others shame you.

Fuck them both. People were critical 8 years ago and they brushed it off. They are only apologizing now in the political climate. It’s like getting married in a concentration camp. They ain’t shit.

So we are expected to believe that they chose their wedding venue from a picture on Pinterest and didn’t do ANY research on the location? Riiiight.

That's a horrible way to feel and I am sorry they have been made to feel that way, when a decision they made was likely because of the beauty of the property. Next you'll hear all these 'sinless-accusatory' people expect the buildings to be 'dismantled '.


Did they also have Black People acting as Slaves? AskingForAFriend

Cancel culture is funny. Idiots for apologizing.

Screw them who cares . Your not important

Well, let’s just wipe South Carolina off the map & be done with it, why don’t we? This is so f’ing ridiculous!

People care about this bullshit? I could give two shits how, where, when some celebrities got married.

Ridiculous! None of us lived the and we can’t change the past. We can embrace the collateral beauty.

Now wedding locations are racist. So stupid. RyanReynolds BlakeLively

How can Blake Lively ever respect her husband as long as he's so pathetic?

You just lost a big fan! Ignorance. I see you are also Pandering!

I don't get what part of people being raped and raped of their labor that was so attractive to them. Seriously, they don't know any history.

Disgusting for apologizing

Eight years ago in 2012. 2012. They chose the marry on a known site of torture, rape, and violent human rights abuse and economic exploitation ....in 2012

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Who fricking cares what it was way back when. It’s not that now. Things change. Move on. Nothing to apologize for here.


Honestly I don’t give a damn where they got married. Why in the hell are you apologizing for getting married at a plantation. You wouldn’t be apologizing if the world wasn’t turned upside down now.. this is stupid and the most ridiculous thing I have heard.

PresidentIal Emancipation Proclomation🇺🇸🤷🏻‍♂️

Another reason this beautiful b*stard is such a glorious , wonderful future husband. I love ❤️RyanReynolds for being aware that those horrendous prisons caped in the architecture built by slaves forced to labor for free are prime examples of America’s original sin. BLM

Patronizing and obtuse.

Finally! They sure we're defending this 'decision' for SEVERAL years.

This looks like another humiliation ritual.

forgive one but not the other...


🙄 Plantation- forced labor, rape , violence , death.

Hmm...maybe they shouldn’t have ‘reservedly’ had a wedding on a plantation. But you know white privilege is so blinding...when you’re in love...and one of you is from Canada...

What should be done with old plantations in the US?

Mt. Vernon was a slave plantation. Every castle had people who worked for slave wages. Do we need to burn Mt. Vernon and every other place where slaves lived, white or black?

Question: is slave ownership in their lineage? RyanReynolds

Blake's Livelies.

We know TimJDillon 's position on this. Put them in jail.

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Ryan Reynolds Says He and Blake Lively Will Always be 'Unreservedly Sorry' for Their Plantation Wedding'Shame works in weird ways.' “Unreservedly”.......... Thanks for new vocabulary!! Give me a break - did he personally own slaves, did slaves help decorate for their wedding, he has nothing to apologize for - he did nothing wrong.
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