Rush Limbaugh says cancer has shown progression in the 'wrong direction'

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Rush Limbaugh says he's had a setback in his fight against advanced lung cancer.

Limbaugh said that he had been reluctant to speak too much about his illness on air, in part because"I'm not the only one that’s going through hardships, challenging times."

"I want to stress here that I know countless numbers of you are experiencing the same thing. If it isn't lung cancer, it’s some kind of cancer. If it isn't you, it’s somebody really close to you. If it isn't an illness, it's something," he said Monday. Limbaugh said that prior to the recent scans that showed some progression,"the scans had shown that we had rendered the cancer dormant."

"So we have to tweak the treatment plan, which we did, and the chemotherapy drugs in hopes of keeping additional progression at bay for as long as possible," Limbaugh said."The idea now is to keep it where it is or maybe have it reduce again. We’ve shown that that is possible."


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It’s one of the worst miserable deaths in long time suffering in agony. My grandmother had it. She raised me. I saw it first hand as a teenager. It’s grilling.

RealRLimbaugh that’s what we call instant Karma MOFO

It is appointed to man once to die and then to face judgement. Hebrews 9:27 From an Evangelical non-Trump supporter.

In my country Nigeria they will shoot peaceful protesters to death using the Army. Dungeon

RushLimbaughWho ?

No comment

Gullible people listening to and believing the lies, hate and divisiveness spewed by Rush Limbaugh for the last 30+ years was the worst thing that ever happened to this country. If only one person could be held responsible for the deep divide in this country, it's Rush.

Get ready to meet your maker ...Or NOT!!!SoSadSorryNotSorry

The hot air is about to go cold☠️😷🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇨🇦

You are going to be in hell soon

Thank you Lord

Thoughts n prayers, next....

Rush Limbaugh, it's time to pay your dues for all the innocent lives that you have destroyed with your lies. PayBack time!

As melania would say I don't care, do you?

He lived on hate and deceit?

Some good people get that horrible desease, A guy like rush, shouldn’t get a emphaty fromanyone, guys like him deserve to get it.

Its hard to feel bad for a person who made millions spewing hate fear and lies his whole life. He would say anything. Didnt matter how untrue or disgusting it was just to get an audience.

I really don’t care, do u?

Bye 👋 Rush. You will not be missed.

I wish you well. Keep your head up through these difficult times


Harbinger of hate & division has cancer. We’re should have sympathy for him? Nope. I have sympathy for those who are currently: 1. Mourning loved ones lost due to pandemic (from Covid or due to quarantine never got a proper goodby) 2.Unemployed due to pandemic. 3. Everyone else

I'm related news, the cancer in Rush Limbaugh's body is doing great!

My thoughts and prayers are with the cancer.

Have to say...lying and racism might give you some shiny days and even a fake award from your racist Republican cohorts but God has its own plan and will catch you one day.

O well, Maybe he can get 1 of his conspiracy theorist to 'wish' it away?

Wake me when it's TIME to CRY 😉👌🏾👌🏾

Praying 🙏🏻 for Rush

He must have few days left.

That sucks.

MrTAchilles You reap what you sow 👇🏼

Karma gods

Evil people always wither 😇

Imma try to hold onto account 5, gotta go.

I am sure NBC is celebrating!

Maybe god is finally pissed

If U smoked U are the result of a Liberal Conspiracy to deny smokers their smokes Oh, yeah. The Liberals said it has caused lung cancer Macho example Rush kept smoking And Bob's Ur Uncle

This is last weeks news- but I can see NBCs great pleasure of reposting so they can re read all the hateful comments.

Can we hurry this up along already

Hey, Rush, I'm enjoying my Sunday morning coffee.

well, one man’s setback is another’s dream come true. eat shit Rush.

No one cares


What’s taking so long 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️




Ironic considering how hard Rushbo has fought progress his whole life. RushLimbaugh Hateiscancer

I’m very sorry to hear this, Mr. Limbaugh. 🙁 Perhaps you could use your influence to ask our President to finally create a healthcare platform. (Aside from getting the very best care for his *own* COVID... care that us regular folk couldn’t even hope to receive, btw.)

Who cares I don't

RealRLimbaugh this is good news. Such a vile individual deserves what’s coming...

Sorry not sorry

Terrible news but this should remind everyone of karma! As you sow, so shall you reap! All the money that he's gained by dividing people and by spewing hate is not going to help him cure the disease.

As he reflects back on his life I pray he experiences extreme angst related to the hate he has spouted for years. If he’s a Christian (?) he may suffer extreme anxiety as he looks forward to his future very hot climate.

Can he vamoose already and take his poison with him?

Was it the Cigar smoking Rush?

I wouldn’t wish this on anyone after seeing my dad suffer. Have to say though this dude is one horrible C**T so I get why people are not very sympathetic.

Can't Trump help him?

Good riddance

RealRLimbaugh realDonaldTrump

Sad sad news. Limbaugh has been such a strong voice for the right.

'I can't breathe' seems to be the words for this year.

Setback for who?

One of America’s greatest spreaders of lies and hate.

not progressing fast enough

Well darn!

In other news, The Rays won in the bottom of the ninth last night.

He’s “rounding the corner”.


I simply have no Fucks to give for this guy. I am all out.


What’s the bad news?

Evil gets evil

It is what it is

The nearly 50 years of spewing racist bile all over the country, is coming back to claim him.

Hey fake news media Check out real news G news dot org G TV dit org Do some reporting for the people

Thoughts, but no prayers.

You’d think a person near death would be a bit more remorseful in his last days, but Rush Limbaugh doubles down and has learned nothing.


I just hope he has not voted yet

Why is this posted every day ? There is plenty of other new news !!maybe look up Hunter Biden see what you find.

Well, it is what it is.

Why do you keep posting this? He's gonna die from something he sold to others, he's a horrible person. Don't really care, do you?

Sending my worthless thoughts and prayers.

Please report worthy news.


Who cares

Does anyone really give a shit?

Karma calling … it's for you!

He told millions that smoking doesn't cause lung cancer....they believed him. How many people will also die because of him.

As his time comes near, we should try and look at the the positive things he has done for society........ Oh look, a buttery

Disgusting comments on this thread! Perfect example of where our politics are!

Disagree with just about everything Rush says, stands for, but I hope and pray for his recovery! God loves him

Do we really care ? He is as been Unamerican throughout his life

I hear bleach works? Maybe he can try that? sarcasm

Good bye

I'm kind of indifferent to this honestly.

Gosh, what a monumental loss for humanity.

Get your healthcare treatment now before your buddy Trump takes it away.

Like setback in the filthy hole he crawled out of?

All those lies......

Cancer on Cancer.

Who cares

Hope he gets the same treatment and reaction he gave everyone else....

Don't care, limburger has damaged America with his hate-filled racist rants. He's partly responsible for the mess this country is in. Rip that Medal off of him, he never deserved it!

Think this will get your boy some votes medal 🏅 boy? Think again.


Take some more OxyContin and call me in the morning. Actually forget calling me.

Not a fan.


Is he rounding the corner?

He has been attacking America for decades. Shame on him.

Es una enfermedad terrible que no respeta estatus social, político, edad, etc.

Thoughts and prayers

Posted ad nauseam. Fresh content, please!

Wow hard to even believe him he is cancer of them airwaves and I have no sympathy or him he has destroyed and divided our country like his homie Trump

He should have never got tested.

Hades calls it an advance, not a setback. He's waiting for Rush's arrival.

How is this news?



What’s your point 🧐 BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

Too bad his soul hasn’t... once evil, always evil

This story has been pushed for 4 days

Aww, all the vile energy that spilled from your mouth seeped into your body.

Was that human to begin with?

No sorry from me. What does around comes around sooner or later

People like him are the real Cancer to the American society and its diversity.

Thanks for a progressive lung cancer

Tick tock.


Not going to lose sleep over this traitor idiot con artist

Again i'll say, lets show him the same love he has shown all non whites his whole miserable existence.

I hope he lives long enough to see republicans lose the White House and senate. (This only happens if we vote. Do not trust the numbers do not trust the polls vote vote vote.)

In the ground he goes.

Sorry about that, May God help you through this stage

Be Best

Why is NBC posting old news. Rush announced this several days ago.

Finally some good 2020 news.

He’s created a whole generation of hateful bigots to follow in his footsteps.



The role model for the modern conservative - an objectively horrid person.

Much as I abhore his ideals, disgusting behavior and politics I could never wish the pain and suffering of cancer on anyone.

Dead Man Talking.

Thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and prayers And NOT good ones

Another Trump mouthpiece who deserves no sympathy from everyone he's insulted and lied about.


Grim reaper is knocking! You better answer!

Unfortunately, Karma has a voice 🤷🏼‍♀️

Fk Lush ChimpJaw


So sad and sick. Sucks that he has cancer, too.

The country will be a better place when he is gone. What a sad legacy.

Karma! God don’t like ugly! Pray for forgiveness and repent for everything you’ve said and done towards innocent human beings.

How many times are you going to post this. This is 9 days old.

I try to avoid this topic. I don't like him but mom had these issues too. I just can't.


Too bad it hasn't shut him up yet.

That sucks. We will miss you Rasputin

Good luck. Hope you will Improve and get well.


I like waking up to good news.

Look forward to the day that Rush is no longer able to spread his hatred and discord.

I do not like the man but I am sorry about his setback

Came 2 read all of the 'tolerant' 'caring' libs wish death on this man... they never fail.

Donald will take his place.

I’m sure Donald has a vaccine and a therapeutic capsule for you Rush. Give him a call in the morning.

It's ok.

Couldn’t happen to a worse piece of 💩.

Oh well

It is as it is

God don’t like ugly !!!

He is a zombie must be nailed back to his coffin for not to hearing him again

Can we please just drop this story because having it everyday is just glorifying this racist.

Nobody cares, stop repeating this headline every other day


He's probably faking so he can get more oxycontins.

It is what it is.

I don’t care, do U? 🤞🏼 Karma

I assure you, God is in control. That’s all I’ll say. 🤐

Cancer couldn't have found a more deserving host. Sayonara.

Maybe we are seeing karma before our eyes...

We, the People of the United States of America, want our Medal of Freedom back before you go.

IrenaVigar There's still time to repent of his sins of hate and incitement to violence.

Thoughts and prayers

Liberals really are the worst people on earth.... And the least tolerant of others....

Maybe this is the Almighty saying to him, 'you gotta go!'

While I'm not usually one to wish ill on another sentient being ... he's the 'godfather' of both Tea~Baggers AND MAGAts/Chump who brought unnecessary DEATH & DESTRUCTION on 🇺🇸, so I won't shed a fuxkin' TEAR for that LITERAL Fat Cat. Hope it's slooow & PAIN.FUL, RUSH! 🖕😒

At times like this, I really wish there was a hell.

People saying this is karma don’t know what karma is. This is called, “you reap what you sow”, or “what comes around, goes around”. Karma has to do with past lives or a reincarnated soul in a future life. He is a very bad man.

An evil man getting his due. May he suffer abominably. And let Satan take his dirty soul to hell.


Thoughts and Prayers...🙄

Well, he should be glad to die so that the economy can be restarted.

Got an issue, here’s a tissue… Hopefully it’s for ass-wiping because no one will shed tears over this guy🤷🏽‍♂️

Rush Limbaugh set America back with his selfish hateful bigoted vitriol. Here is a sampling of Rush Limbaugh’s most bigoted hateful quotes:

It is what it is.


In other news : Lisa Kudrow admits she hated being a celebrity!!!

Tots & Pears.

Hope he recovers

Heaven rn

Sorry, but 🤷

Hell is Waiting for Him! The Devil should take him Now!

Karma has come knocking.

Been trying to Scan myself lately! I cant get through ..Is it or is it not Stage!!!


ItIsWhatItIs oh, well.

Glad for u

How is this considered 'news'?

I wish him none of the ill will and vileness he has piled on others. He will face his judgement day soon enough.

He's a monster. The world will be a better and safer place without him.

Limbaugh has dedicated nearly the last 40 years of his life to spreading lies, conspiracy theories, hate, racism and bigotry. This is neither karma or justice. Real karma would be timely. This is a man at the end of his life who has spent the entirety of it spreading hate.

I don’t believe in god, but if I’m wrong, I have no doubt you’ll be greeted by Hitler.

What a shame this guy won’t get to yell at me anymore about Americans problems and his endorsement of MyPillowUSA

Please stop making the irrelevant relevant.

May he rot in hell.

What is the fascination with his death watch? Just let us know when the fucker is dead.


Why is it taking so long?

Its called Karma

Honestly, who cares.

Maybe they could inject him with bleach or shine some know, inside somehow. They should look into that.

We all die. I’m so glad I won’t be remembered as a racist, corrupt traitor to my country. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I pray for the victims who have lost their battle with Covid-19. I pray for those who continue to experience the aftermath of being infected with Covid-19. I pray for those who have list love one's due to Covid-19. As for Rush, it is what it is.

Good time to seek forgiveness and recant all the vile crap he has said over the decades.

tureseven Don’t rush Rush. Slow and painful does it 😎

It is a fake story like all his lies and conspiracy theories. He is in bed with his Antichrist Trump

Hate is cancer. It eats you up on the inside. Of course, there are many ways cancer forms. No hard feelings for viciously attack people like me. Hope for best outcome.😐

Trump said he’d cure cancer next term. Rush is in luck. It’ll be fine.

TV/Media/tech giants are fooling people by fake news thinking people are stupid and they don’t under true vs false. Court packing is not filling vacancies as per constitution. Smugglers are called Coyote in illegal border crossing. They will take away freedom. VoteForTrump

Hate loses



America's had a setback since Limbaugh convinced Republicans to go the Hate route.

It is what it is.

No great loss. AMF.

One of the greatest 9 and analysis baron of all time!

have fun wherever

Satan can have him

Couldn’t happen to more deserving guy

lung cancer couldn't happen to a more deserving SOB !

Lung cancer kills more people than breast, colon & prostate cancers combined. 80% of ppl recently diagnosed never smoked, or quit decades ago.

Gee, the spokesman for Satan complains

No Sympathy for the Devil. And certainly never Godspeed. I rebuke you Satan.

That special place in hell is calling. 🔥🔥🔥

I have no sympathy. Sorry.

I don't have anything good to say about Rush Limbaugh. Therefore, I'll leave him to his faith.

Tremendous thoughts and prayers!

Devil is waiting for this soul like..

what Redd Foxx said about not speaking ill of the (soon to be) dead; 'He's dead. Good.'

Advanced hate

Bless his black, black heart.


Boo. Hoo.

Rest assured he made the list. Wherever they bury him I am going to pee pee on the grave. You’re welcome Limbaugh’s

Karma always get you

Am I supposed to feel sorry for a guy who called Michelle Obama a gorilla in heels? Nah fresh out of sorrow. Or better yet, thoughts and prayers from an atheist.

Use your voice to spread lies, God takes your breath away.

I could give less than two fucks...

The devil is waiting for him, no place in heaven for such hate

I really don’t care.

Has he tried Hydroxychloroquine?

Who else thinks we should send Rush Limbaugh cigars?

So whats everyone having for lunch?

Never too late to stop being a douche.

Is it wrong of me to feel no pity for this man He has done nothing but spew vile racist rhetoric. The Catholic in me feels you reap what you sow. His garden has never been pretty!

All the money in the world can't save you and the devil will claim your soul.

This is a human being. One of our American citizens its nasty how because you dont agree with him you want him dead. I thought we were allowed to have free flowing ideas in america?

Human compassion compells one to express sympathy even for one who is the very definition of evil and has gleefully spread lies, insulting innuendo and purely evil commentary as far and wide as possible. Karma is a bitch and she will dispense just punishment.

God bless him, prayers of strength and courage

It is what it is. Evil person.

Please send his post card to trump he's the only one that cares.

eternal peace is on its way. The mouth that roared brought to a whisper.

There have been way better human beings who have passed away from some form of cancer.

Shame with all that going on ... he’s been consistently racist misogynistic, & a lying evil person.


Just remember he definitely didn’t get it from smoking



Thoughts and Prayers, Rush.

Time to pay the Devil his due, Rush. Your not the only one who has to pay. Mitch McConnell is part of the Republican deal signed in blood. Time is ticking for the President as well.

Best wishes for your health

I find wishing someone ill is so sad. You have an idea abt Rush because u heard it from someone and you spew hate. I have listened to him. I found none of the things said here true. You don’t like his politics. Your right. Life is short. And paybacks a bitch. Be careful

Well RealRLimbaugh it is what it is, thoughts and prayers.

Have another cigar, Russ.

Good, that’s it.

All of the hatred he spews has internalized!

Did he say that while smoking a cigar? 🚬🤔


Man I sadly ran out of thoughts and prayers. I've got some it is what it is left though.

Don’t ask for any socialized medicine. In fact pay it all out of your pocket. YOU HAVE Pre-existing condition you can’t use insurance.

Good. Hopefully he won't last much longer.

The hate you spewed throughout your life is ending your life. God don’t like ugly boo

You get what you give...

Who cares? I don’t

I have no opinion on that.

May God of mercy because I don't. No empathy for him he's part of the problem. People like him pour gas on important issues facing our country. Conspiracy theories have no place in a democracy.

Wait. He had lung cancer? Oh boy this is ironic. This is the same dude that didn’t believe tobacco caused lung cancer even when it was universally accepted.

Sorry to hear this Rush. Have you confessed to your maker yet all the lies and damage you have done? Or contact your boss (tRump) mabe he has a cure, better yet, you have rounded the curve according to him like COVID has.

ItIsWhatItIs 🤷‍♀️

Fight hard and stay alive Rush. You need to see Trump lose the election.

All that hot air has to go somewhere.

Finally some good news

Tick tock

He deserves to be shown the same sympathy and compassion that he has demonstrated over the years.

I’m making roasted chicken sandwiches for lunch with mixed fruit and kettle chips on the side.


Good, that means he has limited time left to spew his racist message. Hurry up!!! and go.

Racism and hate makes people sick, Rush is condemn to die. Love is the cure. He’s blindsided. That medal Donald gave him for nothing sealed his faith.

No sympathy’s called KARMA!

Karma cannot be stopped.

Sad .... 🤣

When you spew lies and hate from your lungs, it probably doesn’t help.

Lung cancer is no joke. Two family members lost to it already. I don't wish anything bad in him, but I was hoping the diagnosis would humble him a bit and he wouldn't be so hateful.


Number one cause of cancer deaths in the USA. Get that cough checked out!

I'd feel a lot more sympathetic if he didn't feel the need to sow as much hate and lies as he can with his every breath.

Lol owned

I don’t wish I’ll on anyone but Limbaugh is a POS snd karma is a bitch

Thanks for the update. So, what's everyone doing this weekend?

Hurry up and take this lying POS out.

Again? How many times have we heard that crock of shit.

Karma. 🤷🏻‍♀️✌🏻

Finally!!! Some good news!

So even biology has had enough of this dangerous windbag?

'Personal Freedom' has consequences. He could be offering PSAs on the danger of tobacco, but not Rush!

So sorry Rush my husband passed away last year from lung cancer. But....God has promised us eternity and in his house there are many mansions !

I don't have to say anything mean, but I surely won't say anything nice, either.

It’s quite interesting to read all the replies that denounce his history of alleged hatred filled with exactly the same! Hypocrites.

God bless you Rush, you are loved. we are better because of your boldness as you exercised your right to oppose the mainstream narrative.


Hate to say this.....KARMA AT IT’S VERY BEST. All those years of spitting out BULLSHIT LIES finally bites you in your Ass. Go in peace and may the fires be quick.

boo hoo cant feel bad for someone who is evil. Bye rush

no. NOT a 'setback'. it's gods plan.


It's might be related to all of his hate.

limbaugh gets what he deserves


Who cares I don't listen to him

Well that’s a damn shame now isn’t it F's given. Mean nasty man.

Have a foot long Cuban Cigar Rush You deserve it

Not sorry he has been part of the approaching 250k dead Americans I believe it’s called Karma

Night night Rush

It is what it is

Thoughts and prayers

One man’s setback is another man’s Great Leap Forward.

I could care less.

Pretty much sums it up! 😉

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Hope he gets the same amount of compassion he showed the Sandy Hook parents.

Praying for him.

Hell awaits

Sending positive vibes

I shed no tears over this news. A voice of hate silenced brightens the world.


I’d like to comment but I don’t want to get banned Twitter again.

Thoughts and prayers

Sending my thoughts and prayers to everyone he's ever belittled, attacked, racially abused or demeaned.

Can’t imagine the crazy shit he’ll spout once the brain Mets sets in.

Oh thoughts & prayers

Good. Thoughts and prayers asshole.

My mom taught me that when i have nothing nice to say to just 'scroll on by'

Fake news


Vile human being

He should pack up and relax in the Villages over in FL. They should be having some availability soon.

Don’t do drugs kids. Don’t be Rush. Hopefully the nurse will misplace his morphine.

Thanks for the bright spot in my day. Can the medal of freedom be stripped posthumously?

Would not wish it on him, but now it is what it is.

It is what it is...... 😂


It’s been difficult finding anything good about 2020, but here’s one.

Toxicity begets toxicity.

Womp womp

This man won’t be missed.

I someimes wonder are these people (eg Steve Jobs) really dying due to cancer progression or due to the failed cancer treatment methods?

There is no room for revisionist history- this person has devoted his life to dieting lies, hatred and in a real way paving the path for the fascism we are living in. Sorry for his diagnosis, not sorry for him.EndGOP TrumpVirus Fascists

Thoughts and Prayers

Wimp womp

He will be knocking on those big pearly gates. But they will not open. Fate can be a bitch.

“All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed anyone, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” Late civil rights lawyer Clarence Darrow.

Thoughts and prayers, D-bag


He reaped what he sowed- since all he sows is hate which in itself is a cancer I guess it is fitting that he himself is infested with it. Ain’t karma a bitch

That’s a shame.

Come on cancer finish him off


Tic tok tic tok tic tok .......

Hey, Flush- remember how you mocked people (like my grandfather) who had Parkinson’s Disease? Guess how much sympathy you get from me.

I am praying for Rush. The hatred of the leftists speaks to their depravity of thought. Rush has done a great service to America in exposing that hate.

Karma has a way of coming around and kicking ass

He won’t suffer enough tho. As a junkie he will likely put the arm on an undocumented employee to score dope for him, just like before.

I don’t have anything nice to say. 🤐

It's nice to know alot of people hate this guy because he is trumps number one foot washer!! This guy makes me sick anyways I really don't care do you?

He now has time to reflect have his words been honest to his listeners!

👹Holding your spot, sir.

This one tests my faith. I do not wish ill on anyone and I don't wish ill on Limbaugh, but it is difficult to have sympathy for someone who seemed to delight in making other people's lives miserable often for no more reason than he could.

Rush is a hateful man

Hope it’s painful.

This is when as an Atheist you wish there was a hell, but there isn't. Rush certainly wished hell on earth on others with his hate speech. He doesn't seem to be having a come to Jesus moment with his impending death. Oh well.

Who thinks Bitcoin is going to get a huge weekend Pump? All the nerds 🤓 are getting 💰 rich and telling their buddies 'I told you so!!!' The PayPal adoption is cranking it. GO BITCOIN!!

He said that three months ago

Let’s hope he is haunted by all his evil and nastiness. Good riddance. He enjoyed the pleasures of the tobacco whilst spewing his hate now enjoy the pain. No sympathy from me. Sorry. The lord is watching


Let’s hope he is haunted by all his evil and nastiness. Good riddance. He enjoyed the pleasures of the tobacco whilst spewing his hate now enjoy the pain. No sympathy from me. Sorry

Thoughts and pr....nah can't do it.


I don’t wish him anything. Let him eat his karma cake.

He doesnt have cancer, just like what he was saying about covid, its a hoax, he just wants sympathy. He will be fine.


Why is this news

I don't care, do you?

So the toxic diatribes will end soon? His memory will be an embarrassment for years. Prodigious windbag of hate..

Who the fuck cares? He’s an awful human being. Karma has kicked him in the nuts! It is what it is. Does that sound familiar Rush?

OHHHHH REALLYYYYY isn't it the same person that's calling for the abolition of the ACA

One small step for cancer, one giant leap for mankind.


Cancer is as cancer does. Like attracts like. Him getting cancer was inevitable since he’s been a cancer on America for decades. No one deserves cancer, but Limbaugh....?


Hope he has a miraculous recovery , becomes a liberal and won’t give Trump his medal back.

The air that fills his words is poisoned. This is karma.

Awwwwwww you don’t like to see that 😁

He'll be taking a dirt nap very soon and the world will be better off when he does!!!

His Medal of Freedom should be taken away. He has been spewing harmful disinformation for decades.

I really don’t care. Do you?

As a cancer patient, I know what he’s going through and I wish him the strength to get through it. However, the damage he has inflicted on our country will take generations to repair and for that, his Maker will judge him.

He’s evil and vile, so no empathy here ...


Good, good, good

To be honest, I thought he already died and there was at least one bright spot in 2020.

Rush: Barack 'HUSSAIN' Obama.

Apparently it didn't set back his mouth !

Wow I bet he’s thankful he has Obamacare,if he didn’t the cancer of the airwaves would be dead

Thoughts and prayers, Rush

Waiting for the “Drop the mic 🎤 “ moment to come.....

Why does NBC post this ? Gains comfort from all the Death wishes that follows. What a Grand Corporation.

Are we supposed to feel bad for him? After all the hate he’s spewed during his career?

He’s “rounding the turn.”

joetrader6 His master is getting ready to call him home...

Oh well

Maybe he should try spewing less hatred and lies. Sadly long after he is gone, there are literally millions of recordings they will be able to play for decades. He's done a tremendous amount of damage to our world and nation.

For decades he’s been fear mongering & spewing propaganda at people with the attention spans of gnats who need their “information” spoon fed to them so they can parrot hateful catchphrases on command. That’s why he got the Medal of Freedom from a big fat hateful lying charlatan

Good riddance

God don’t like ugly

Oh no! Poor cancer!

Rush. Cancer. Death. It is what it is.


Prayers of strength and that he doesn't suffer

Oh boohoo. Well he won't be missed by many. No sympathy here. His lying and hate filled rants have caused much of the division in this country. Let the hateful windbag die.

I don’t really care do you?

Call your buddy for sympathy, none here.


His soul is full of hatred, he’s rotting away.

May God give him peace

For sure realDonaldTrump Can advice him medical care 🤷🏻‍♀️

No simpatizo!

Thoughts and prayers

Thoughts and.......

Is he still on OxyContin?

God’s will be done!

Ummm I guess he’ll spew lies until he draws his last breath. There is some irony.


Rush out did Rush.

Sweet peach 🍑 bitcoin is hovering just under 13k... All the technical analysts think we are going to get a weekend pump to 14k!!! Invest, my friends! After the PayPal/Venmo adaptation, media buzz 🐝, BITCOIN is a rocket 🚀!!!

That is a real shame. Maybe try hydroxy chloroquine?

RealRLimbaugh realDonaldTrump

🥊Beat the cancer Rush.

Finally God stepping in....

Ohhhh what a petty........ Another Trump alley gone soon. This time not to jail.

Prayers for Rush

The world will be a better place when all of the Rush Limbaughs are dead and gone.

Die B Die

Sweet lady Bitcoin! She is kill-ing-it! I love the Bitcoin supporters too. 'Sophisticated intellectuals' and 'Futurists' were two of my favorite descriptions! Let's go BITCOIN! 🔥

Who the hell cares. He us the most vile man on this planet.

My mother died if lung cancer and it is horrible. That said, no man is more deserving of this and I don't feel an iota of sympathy for him.

I was brought up better but, this is an evil man with an evil past and he shall answer for it.

Who cares.


Boo fuckin who

Maybe he will be cured if they just remove Rush’s voice box.

We reap our karmas

Prayers for him and his family

Bye! No sympathy for this liar!

Rush... progressive?

A slow painful death. That’s allI asked God. Thank you

Didn’t Rush Limbaugh, slam crucify Kamala Harris’s character on the air, & used some of the dirtiest misogynist words about her in History, after she got selected as VP nominee for the DNC kamalaharris

And the irony of it is his name is Rush

May he be treated with the same love and respect as he treated others. 😒

And I hear an audible sigh of relief from the country.

We are Americans. Even if we dont agree with his views we should still pray for him. Some of these comments are appalling.

What goes around comes around.

The smile on my face when I read the title. I’m truly happy for this man.

He’s faking it to get more pain killers.

Which side should I root for?

Most venomous man who hates America and it's diversity.

Keep fighting RealRLimbaugh


RealRLimbaugh No radio stations afterwards.Time to pray genuinely is not by keeping politics out. Bible says wide is the road that leads to hell and narrow is the way that leads to heaven.With your rhetoric and hate, where do you think you will go? The time for redemption is now

I dont really care. Do you? It is what it is.

RealRLimbaugh Now is the time for you to seek forgiveness from God, repent from your evil ways and start the process of restitution with the people especially minorities that you have tormented by helping to carve out bad policies against because of your platform and fan base.

Is/was he a smoker?

Hope he has health insurance




He should be asking Doctor Trump for remedies. That may take him out of his misery and prompt his demise.

Much love and many prayers to RealRLimbaugh

Good! God punished him for his vial language and lies that hurt innocent people.

RealRLimbaugh I hope you get well and pain free 🙏🏼 .I pray you realize race, hate, color all are meaningless in life and after life Humanist stayhuman

How could they expect anything less? This person revels in spreading hate, racism and misogyny, and willingly supports criminals like realDonaldTrump There’s no room for healing and light when you choose to fill yourself with hatred and darkness

Why don’t I feel a thing ? I should as I consider myself a good person. I feel for his family.

There’s a special place for you in hell !!

Not to wish bad on anyone, but isn't Rush suppose to be dead?

I don't really care.


Has he tried cigarettes? It couldn't hurt him now, right?

The Halloween ghouls have shown up early


Eat shh & dyy mdr fkr!

Karma always collects 😉

Rush is an action not a name

Gee that’s too bad

Yah, we'll miss ya. Not.

Shit happens, it is what it is.

If there is a Hell, Rush Limbaugh is spending eternity in it.....

He was a miserable bastard, such vile thoughts in his head, he probably brought on himself.

Praying For Your Healing Sir, Jesus Loves You Like Crazy, Reach Out To Him, He's Really Awesome And Able To Heal You.

'No sympathy for the devil

Amazing news!!! Yay

It is what it is

Karma is a bitch

Do I care? No! No compassionate response for Rush Limbaugh.


Trump must find him absurdly weak.

Why don’t I feel sorry for you?

Tots and players.


I guess praying hasn’t worked

The democrats probably gave him cancer right?

Giving him about as much pity as he gives for the underprivileged of this country......

I hate Rush Limbaugh as much as anyone that does. But if you wish any man to die of cancer you deserve it yourself. Cancer is never something you should cheer for.

Rush Limbaugh: 'Responding to a caller who said black people should have a greater voice on issues: 'They are 12 percent of the population. Who the hell cares?'

god see everything

That’s amazing


Is he getting access to free medical care?


I don't believe him


I am not gonna say it...

I wonder if all the hate you spewed and pain you caused will flash before your eyes when the end comes.


Thoughts and prayers

Jfc get on with it already

He has his participation trophy Medal of Freedom at least.

Guess he should have thoughts and prayers harder.

No one cares! RushLimbaughIsStupid

It is what it is

Khankendi (Stepanakert) is the centre of conflict, Armenian government uses civilians as a guard there. HRW please, call on Armenian gvrmnt not to use civilians for occupational interests if you want to protect human rights HumanRightsMatter HRWcorrupted ViolatedHumanRights

His nicotine stained fingers paint a clear outcome. He has said that line on his radio show when I first listened to his bullshit 13 years ago. Smoking kills. I offer zero sympathy, because Rush lacks the capacity for such an emotion. Actions have consequences. Fuck you, Rush.

Well Rush, it is what it is. And at this point I wish for you a return on all the compassion you have dealt out all these years. (

Sorry Rush

Just as a thought experiment: if Hitler had been dying of cancer, would we expect the whole world to suddenly be all cool with his ideas, out of sympathy for his suffering? Yeah, didn't think so. Carry on.

Have a great weekend everyone.

He still here ?

I'll show him as much compassion for his suffering as he's shown for the children separated from their families and kept in cages.


So what?

That's a fuck*ng shame

Growing up there were three Americans that he admired John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and you. He would always listen to your radio show and 20 years later I started listening. Thank you for your service, you are a true patriot and an example of what to be godspeed my friend.


Dance with the Devil, you pay the Devil’s price! Wear something cool Rush, eternity at 300°F is a big price to pay fora life of lies & hate.

Meanwhile there are over 80 k new Covid cases today 10/23. 856 souls lost their fight on Thursday.

who gives a crap about this guy

I'm as liberal as they come and I wish no harm on anyone. I wish him all the best and pray for his recovery.

Oh no.... anyway, how are you guys doing?

Really? I had the most spectacular poo today. It was like giving birth.

Yeah, it was probably a liberal biopsy.

Does he smoke?

Ugh finally some good news in 2020.

Huh...tomorrow I'm thinking about going hiking tomorrow. What are the rest of you doing?

So... Is he going to try to square-up with God before he goes?

'I wouldn't wish it upon my greatest enemies' said someone with no great enemies

thoughts and prayers.

Please report important news.

He’s in for one of the worst deaths imaginable. I watched up close a loved one die an excruciating, prolonged, literally breathtaking death from lung cancer. The only mercy I see? He has no kids to watch him endure his slow motion suffocation. I’m sorry for those who do love him.

While I don't generally wish anybody any ill, in his case, after the way he's put people in danger and done and said anything to get attention, it's pay back.

It is what it is.

Thinking about how Rush will not get to see all the amazing changes to take place in America in the next decade or two…

Remember when Liberals claim the moral high ground, just show them this thread.

My condolences to him.


I honestly don’t think he would offer any good will to any democrat suffering the same fate. Sad.

It is what it is.


who cares


Better people are worthy of concern. Bye Rush.

It is what it is

Womp womp? Or, too soon?

Oh sh*t! I just ran out of Doritos.

I hope he is shown the compassion that he shows to others.

I don’t care do you!

“I really don’t care, do you?”


If only he listened to his doctor to stop smoking. Oh wait. He’s a Republican. They want no one to tell them what to do as they think they’re always right until it’s too late.



You are going to face the Truth in the Afterlife. MaggieAnnsPsychicWorld

Meh, it is what it is.


never thought I'd be rooting for the cancer but here we are go cancer go

gee, Im shattered. It is what it is. He should not let it rule his life, he just needs to dominate it..

I don’t wish the misery and pain of cancer on anyone or their families. Still, Limbaugh is a disease on the Nation.

He should never have gotten tested....big mistake.

Aw that sucks

God don’t like ugly.


Hated his words. Love the human being and wish him well.



After the vast body of horrible things this man has said over the last 30 years, the best I can do is summon enough compassion to say I hope he's not in any pain. I can't really say I'm going to miss him, though.

Noooooo! I ve got Mitch over you in our Office Death Pool! Come on, hang in there for a few weeks, he'll kick off soon. Then you can go.

Awww , to such a nice guy and all.

Has he tried any of Trump's proven cures like Hydoxyclorocaine, or maybe asked Trump to save him by shining a really big light up his butt? It is not to late for Trump to save him!!!

Tick tock...

I really don’t like Rush. But I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy

I am deeply saddened for the the soon to be major lose in the realm of intellectual radio politcal discourse. Said noone.

Maybe he should try Obama Care

I feel for his family. Cancer impacts everyone involved. I don't like Rush at all, but I hope he recovers.

Lush Rimbaugh

I don’t wish I’ll on anyone. But I will send as much well wishes to this as he has shown to others. Zip

hang in there Rush we love ya God Bless you our prayers are with you sir

Only the good die young.


Trump just said today at his hate rally that Rush is doing great


I Really Don't Care, Do U?

... Okay...

May he receive equal sympathy he gave out in kind over the last 30 years. (Narrator: uh oh...)

Adiós RealRLimbaugh. Here’s one for the road 🖕🏽

So, what is the bad news ?

Is RushLimbaugh in hospice, yet?


damn it’s like his years of being an insufferable wretch on society have finally caught up to him


My sympathy scale for Rush Limbaugh is registering zero.

Almost time.


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